Memories Pizza in Indiana learns about tolerance


New member
Oct 29, 2010
What would you expect them to do? Turn the $ down?
Hell no man. I'm giving them a thumbs up. Then to trot around on the Fox News shows where all the sheep gather. Terrific move. I give them a lot of credit. If they come out tomorrow and say they won't cater an abortion party you can add another million on the total.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Haha, I used to be anti-gay... but over the years, these nutter conservatives beat the intolerance out of me. Gays are much less of a problem than conservatives.

Sep 21, 2004
Two points:

- People tend to get kind of pissed off when you go after their livelihood. The news network sought out the pizza shop so they could create the story, not the other way around.

- Got any examples of these "accusations and threats"?

Figures you flaming hypocrites would have no problem with the harassment and threats this poor reporter is taking simply for doing her job. Go to her Face Book Page if you REALLY care and check it out. But being the asshole you are, you'd just add to the harassment.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Figures you flaming hypocrites would have no problem with the harassment and threats this poor reporter is taking simply for doing her job. Go to her Face Book Page if you REALLY care and check it out. But being the asshole you are, you'd just add to the harassment.

WTF is the matter with you? Seriously?

I ask you for proof of what you're saying. You flip out and start calling me and the rest of the conservatives here hypocrites. It was the same story with your claim on Iran (off to a great start on that one, btw!).

G: The USA has stopped Iran's nuclear enrichment program!

JD: Really? Based on what?

G: Based BASTARD!!!

I did look at this bimbo's Twitter timeline and Facebook page. I saw nothing which qualifies as either an accusation or a threat...unless you count people suggesting she should lose her job, which should happen after doing this hit piece. Same for that other c*nt reporter in Virginia who accused these fund solicitors of fraud ($835k and counting, btw...and I know that irks you).

Sep 21, 2004
WTF is the matter with you? Seriously?

I ask you for proof of what you're saying. You flip out and start calling me and the rest of the conservatives here hypocrites. It was the same story with your claim on Iran (off to a great start on that one, btw!).

G: The USA has stopped Iran's nuclear enrichment program!

JD: Really? Based on what?

G: Based BASTARD!!!

I did look at this bimbo's Twitter timeline and Facebook page. I saw nothing which qualifies as either an accusation or a threat...unless you count people suggesting she should lose her job, which should happen after doing this hit piece. Same for that other c*nt reporter in Virginia who accused these fund solicitors of fraud ($835k and counting, btw...and I know that irks you).

Of course I gave you evidence that Iran has frozen their Nuclear BOMB program since the talks started.

Hit peice??? She asked businesses hypotheticals about what they might do under what WAS(thankfully) Indiana's legalizing discrimination law. That's a reporter doing her job. She is indeed receiving threats and harassment on her FB page. Of course, since you agree with those doing that, you don't see it as harassment and threats. That's why you are the pitiful hypocrite you are. I applauded the pursuit and punishment of those threatening the pizza shop on social media.

Irks me?? I called it, you idiot, when you were lamenting how these poor Religious bigots will be able to go on with their lives. Best Business decision they ever made, even if it was unintentional, and a model for those going forward in America that want to cry victimhood. The stupid, gullible wingnuts will support you with $$$$. Always.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Of course I gave you evidence that Iran has frozen their Nuclear BOMB program since the talks started.

Hit peice??? She asked businesses hypotheticals about what they might do under what WAS(thankfully) Indiana's legalizing discrimination law. That's a reporter doing her job. She is indeed receiving threats and harassment on her FB page. Of course, since you agree with those doing that, you don't see it as harassment and threats. That's why you are the pitiful hypocrite you are. I applauded the pursuit and punishment of those threatening the pizza shop on social media.

Irks me?? I called it, you idiot, when you were lamenting how these poor Religious bigots will be able to go on with their lives. Best Business decision they ever made, even if it was unintentional, and a model for those going forward in America that want to cry victimhood. The stupid, gullible wingnuts will support you with $$$$. Always.

1. Sure. Iran is completely trustworthy. Interesting relationship when a "partner" is openly praying for your destruction.

2. Show me some of the threats this reporter has received. This shouldn't be hard since you claim there are so many of them. Show me the money, old man!

3. I guess the difference between conservatives is they care enough to donate (proven to give more to charity than cheap ass dims). Dims either won't give or don't have the money to give. Which of those categories do you fall under?

Sep 21, 2004
1. Sure. Iran is completely trustworthy. Interesting relationship when a "partner" is openly praying for your destruction.

2. Show me some of the threats this reporter has received. This shouldn't be hard since you claim there are so many of them. Show me the money, old man!

3. I guess the difference between conservatives is they care enough to donate (proven to give more to charity than cheap ass dims). Dims either won't give or don't have the money to give. Which of those categories do you fall under?

1)Of course you shift the discussion to ANYTHING they say can't be trusted, even though there is Verifiable evidence that what they said since the talks started they have followed through with.

@alyssa_marino nice reporting on the nice pizza people…youll get yours girlfriend…what goes around comes around

— brent martini (@ChromeFox1000) April 2, 2015

Xine @xinemd Follow
Hi @ABC57News HACKS @alyssa_marino @taureansmall Slander and libel are crimes. Encouraging #MemoriesPizza to file charges against you both.

Trying to get this poor girl fired for doing her job. DESPICABLE. Some sicko Set up a Facebook page for it.

Erica Lampley You caused irreparable damage to their livelihood and reputations. You should be ashamed. AND SUED.

Shaynette Baxter Agreed! I'm not a fan of lawsuits, but this woman is very, very deserving of one. I hope they sue the crap out of her!

Tom Grunhard I hope every penny the owners make on gofundme goes toward suing this hack and her station right out of business.

Cliff Smith we Christians are not happy with this one sided treatment. WE act in a civil way. Beginning the first of the week, all sponsors at ABC 57 will be boycotted as long as Alyssa Marino is still working there. She can go work for the Gay bone sided news.

George Botich You are a pig! Ugly on the inside and even uglier on the outside, if that is possible! I hope you lose your pathetic little job! The waves of what is coming back at you haven't even started yet! Soon you will be back on that corner you came from, making a dollar at a time. You are evil and you are physically ugly as evil gets. How did this all work out for you? You tried to destroy a nice harmless couple and only destroyed yourself. The ones you tried to destroy are now millionaires. How does that make you feel stupid bitch!? They are wealthy and you are ugly penniless and hated! I love how this destroyed you, and not them!

Just a Very Small sample of the harrassment and threats this poor girl is getting just for doing her job. Boycott threats, lawsuits, open ended threats. It is beyond sad at what is happening in this country by this vile group of extremists. I hope the ones with the threatts are pursued and punished, like that idiot on twitter that threatened the Pizza Bigots.


Sep 21, 2004
Jim Summers Too bad you weren't shot Alyssa.

Ed Carter Did your daddy rape you again? You're so damaged.

Just nice tolerant folk on this reporters FB page commenting about a shooting story she had covered, and a trip she took back home, after the sickos hijacked her page because she's a reporter doing her job.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nothing you posted is even in the same stratosphere as someone saying they are going to come burn down their pizza shop or come and rob all the money donated to them. Or some other hack reporter knowingly making false claims of fraud against the donation collectors. You know it, I know it. So don't even pretend these are the same. Those examples I posted are all illegal. Nothing you posted above is illegal.

What exactly is wrong, for example, with suggesting the pizza shop owners examine legal action against the news station? How is that "threatening"? Considering Marino interviewed a bunch of establishments and chose to feature only ONE on the news report...a good case could be made for character defamation. The reporters (both the one in Indiana and also VA) set out to demonize the owners of the pizza shop and the fund solicitors (respectively), and now they're playing the role of helpless victim because people are pushing back and calling them out for it? Give me a fucking break. Cry me a river. "It's are coming after me because they don't, like, agree with my thoughts and stuff." (note the irony)

You're just as pathetic as the rest of these progressives. I hope both of these retards lose their jobs. You assholes really want to get dirty? Good. Two can play that game. Only difference is our side keeps it within the legal boundaries. Nothing wrong or illegal with taking the right legal actions to boycott the stations, contact their sponsors, etc. Come find me when someone says they'll burn down the TV stations...then we can compare.
Sep 24, 2009
I think it's funny that people think we are mad that the Pizza place is making money. I say kudos, maybe it's more of a national outcry, I have really only paid attention to Sports. I am coming up with some scheme though.,

Sep 21, 2004
Nothing you posted is even in the same stratosphere as someone saying they are going to come burn down their pizza shop or come and rob all the money donated to them. Or some other hack reporter knowingly making false claims of fraud against the donation collectors. You know it, I know it. So don't even pretend these are the same. Those examples I posted are all illegal. Nothing you posted above is illegal.

What exactly is wrong, for example, with suggesting the pizza shop owners examine legal action against the news station? How is that "threatening"? Considering Marino interviewed a bunch of establishments and chose to feature only ONE on the news report...a good case could be made for character defamation. The reporters (both the one in Indiana and also VA) set out to demonize the owners of the pizza shop and the fund solicitors (respectively), and now they're playing the role of helpless victim because people are pushing back and calling them out for it? Give me a fucking break. Cry me a river. "It's are coming after me because they don't, like, agree with my thoughts and stuff." (note the irony)

You're just as pathetic as the rest of these progressives. I hope both of these retards lose their jobs. You assholes really want to get dirty? Good. Two can play that game. Only difference is our side keeps it within the legal boundaries. Nothing wrong or illegal with taking the right legal actions to boycott the stations, contact their sponsors, etc. Come find me when someone says they'll burn down the TV stations...then we can compare.

Of course, as usual, you're Full of Shit, and a blatant hypocrite, and won't recognize harassment and threats from your demented side of the fence. Then, it's just nice folk giving their opinion.
People are threatening her job. That's beyond disgusting.
Making an open ended threat that "what goes around comes around and you'll get yours" is indeed a threat, just as much as the nutcase who said "who's with me in going to Indiana, etc." The difference. One side pays for such remarks with punishment, as she should. The other gets praised by sickos like J Deuce.
The VA reporter did no story as a reporter, and did not make a claim of fraud, as a reporter, yet her livelihood is being threatened by the sickos.

Dec 7, 2013
Haha, I used to be anti-gay... but over the years, these nutter conservatives beat the intolerance out of me. Gays are much less of a problem than conservatives.

So you have now focused your bigotry towards a group with whom you disagree politically?

More telling about your bigotry is your comment stating "gays are much less of a problem than conservatives". This statement tells us that you till have a problem with gays but not as much as conservatives...your words, not mine.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
842K from 29,000+ in two days!

Wow! That is phenomenal!

The Memories Pizza Family Is Back!

George Baily's America is alive and well.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Bigotry, the Bible and the Lessons of Indiana[/h] APRIL 3, 2015

Frank Bruni

THE drama in Indiana last week and the larger debate over so-called religious freedom laws in other states portray homosexuality and devout Christianity as forces in fierce collision.
They’re not — at least not in several prominent denominations, which have come to a new understanding of what the Bible does and doesn’t decree, of what people can and cannot divine in regard to God’s will.
And homosexuality and Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere.
That many Christians regard them as incompatible is understandable, an example not so much of hatred’s pull as of tradition’s sway. Beliefs ossified over centuries aren’t easily shaken.
But in the end, the continued view of gays, lesbians and bisexuals as sinners is a decision. It’s a choice. It prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.

It disregards the degree to which all writings reflect the biases and blind spots of their authors, cultures and eras.

It ignores the extent to which interpretation is subjective, debatable.
And it elevates unthinking obeisance above intelligent observance, above the evidence in front of you, because to look honestly at gay, lesbian and bisexual people is to see that we’re the same magnificent riddles as everyone else: no more or less flawed, no more or less dignified.
Most parents of gay children realize this. So do most children of gay parents. It’s a truth less ambiguous than any Scripture, less complicated than any creed.
So our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn’t cling to and can indeed jettison, much as they’ve jettisoned other aspects of their faith’s history, rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity.

“Human understanding of what is sinful has changed over time,” said David Gushee, an evangelical Christian who teaches Christian ethics at Mercer University. He openly challenges his faith’s censure of same-sex relationships, to which he no longer subscribes.
For a very long time, he noted, “Many Christians thought slavery wasn’t sinful, until we finally concluded that it was. People thought contraception was sinful when it began to be developed, and now very few Protestants and not that many Catholics would say that.” They hold an evolved sense of right and wrong, even though, he added, “You could find scriptural support for the idea that all sex should be procreative.”
Christians have also moved far beyond Scripture when it comes to gender roles.
“In the United States, we have abandoned the idea that women are second-class, inferior and subordinate to men, but the Bible clearly teaches that,” said Jimmy Creech, a former United Methodist pastor who was removed from ministry in the church after he performed a same-sex marriage ceremony in 1999. “We have said: That’s a part of the culture and history of the Bible. That is not appropriate for us today.”
And we could say the same about the idea that men and women in loving same-sex relationships are doing something wrong. In fact the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have said that. So have most American Catholics, in defiance of their church’s teaching.
And it’s a vital message because of something that Indiana demonstrated anew: Religion is going to be the final holdout and most stubborn refuge for homophobia. It will give license to discrimination. It will cause gay and lesbian teenagers in fundamentalist households to agonize needlessly: Am I broken? Am I damned?
“Conservative Christian religion is the last bulwark against full acceptance of L.G.B.T. people,” Gushee said.
Polls back him up. A majority of Americans support marriage equality, including a majority of Catholics and most Jews. But a 2014 survey by the Public Religion Research Institute showed that while 62 percent of white mainline Protestants favor same-sex marriages, only 38 percent of black Protestants, 35 percent of Hispanic Protestants and 28 percent of white evangelical Protestants do.

And as I’ve written before, these evangelical Protestants wield considerable power in the Republican primaries, thus speaking in a loud voice on the political stage. It’s no accident that none of the most prominent Republicans believed to be contending for the presidency favor same-sex marriage and that none of them joined the broad chorus of outrage over Indiana’s discriminatory religious freedom law. They had the Iowa caucuses and the South Carolina primary to worry about.

Could this change? There’s a rapidly growing body of impressive, persuasive literature that looks at the very traditions and texts that inform many Christians’ denunciation of same-sex relationships and demonstrates how easily those points of reference can be understood in a different way.
Gushee’s take on the topic, “Changing Our Mind,” was published late last year. It joined Jeff Chu’s “Does Jesus Really Love Me?” published in 2013, and “Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church’s Debate on Same-Sex Relationships,” by James Brownson, which was published in 2013.
Then there’s the 2014 book “God and the Gay Christian,” by Matthew Vines, who has garnered significant attention and drawn large audiences for his eloquent take on what the New Testament — which is what evangelicals draw on and point to — really communicates.
Evaluating its sparse invocations of homosexuality, he notes that there wasn’t any awareness back then that same-sex attraction could be a fundamental part of a person’s identity, or that same-sex intimacy could be an expression of love within the context of a nurturing relationship.
“It was understood as a kind of excess, like drunkenness, that a person might engage in if they lost all control, not as a unique identity,” Vines told me, adding that Paul’s rejection of same-sex relations in Romans I was “akin to his rejection of drunkenness or his rejection of gluttony.”
And Vines said that the New Testament, like the Old Testament, outlines bad and good behaviors that almost everyone deems archaic and irrelevant today. Why deem the descriptions of homosexual behavior any differently?
Creech and Mitchell Gold, a prominent furniture maker and gay philanthropist, founded an advocacy group, Faith in America, which aims to mitigate the damage done to L.G.B.T. people by what it calls “religion-based bigotry.”
Gold told me that church leaders must be made “to take homosexuality off the sin list.”
His commandment is worthy — and warranted. All of us, no matter our religious traditions, should know better than to tell gay people that they’re an offense. And that’s precisely what the florists and bakers who want to turn them away are saying to them.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I think it's funny that people think we are mad that the Pizza place is making money. I say kudos, maybe it's more of a national outcry, I have really only paid attention to Sports. I am coming up with some scheme though.,
It is funny to watch conservatives here keep posting the running total. As if it's making us upset. That's how dumb these right wingers are. I admire how the pizza shop played this.....going on fox was brilliant strategy. They know the moron conservatives all follow their cable master. Job well done pizza guys. Could be the greatest money grab scheme of all time.
Sep 21, 2004
It is funny to watch conservatives here keep posting the running total. As if it's making us upset. That's how dumb these right wingers are. I admire how the pizza shop played this.....going on fox was brilliant strategy. They know the moron conservatives all follow their cable master. Job well done pizza guys. Could be the greatest money grab scheme of all time.

You claim it doesn't bug you, but you can't stop talking about it. We know you lie.

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