The People vote against these immoral Hollyweird perversions in OVERWHELMING numbers in state after state, yet the militant sodomite agenda marches forward usurping the People's rights every step along the way. If the ruling class refuse to listen and cave these witch hunts, if the courts refuse to abide by the rule of law...what then is the final course?
Eventually, civil disobedience which could snowball into a new American revolution, becomes the ONLY course.
You're dreaming of country comprised of
a large enough number of people "cut from the same cloth"
as the founders of this country to effectively rise up against a government as large, as wealthy and as powerful as this one. This is simply not going to happen.
The needed Tools are not present in this shed to construct the Revolution you describe. The Civil Disobedience you see today, mostly Social Media, is largely just kids (people 28 years of age or younger) & unemployed/retired or stay at home moms pretending to be Che Guevara and MLK, Cesar Chavez and Susan Anthony.
What good does it do to entertain such a fantasy?
"Revolution" in the USA. Would YOU wanna run this mess, steward this mass of whiny self-entitled cowards?
No, you wouldn't. If any
part of you even thinks "
yeah...I wouldn't mind giving it a try" you should fully realize along with that insane undertaking would come the absolute inescapable reality that (in your own words)
"what then is the final course"
where regards actually
succeeding in saving this sinking ship would require a "Final Solution" that humanity, historically has found to be barbaric beyond words. And they're right.
Morally, should not be a thing anyone would want to be a part of.
So whats the longterm (big picture) Fantasy that you see? That you'd have play out here? Let's say the completely impossible were to happen and The "Revolution" you babble about happened. What this "look like"....your New & Improved USA?
I'm not knocking you, although it may sound so. Its inherent in the Human to Hope. Without this we are lost. I'm just asking you to examine your dream and elaborate for me on what exactly it is and how realistic you, as a thinking human being consider it to be.
Might a more appropriate dream be to gather your family together and return to your ancestral homeland and construct you dream there? Rather than fighting a battle that cannot possibly be won against the massive tide of apathy and cowardice that makes up the character of the modern inhabitants of the "United" States of America?
Salvaging Kenya may also not be a real +EV undertaking.