Looks Like James Is The Next Jordan


Jul 14, 2007
You got to learn to ignore the Lebron defenders. These guys rush to defend him like hes their best buddy. Lebron acts like he is the man and is the king but has never won anything yet his followers think hes better than jordan

Honestly, my main goal is to figure out who is going to win the game and break it down that way. I don't really get into the whole who hates who and who isn't likeable thing. However, some of the stuff willie said was laughable, thats all.

First superstar ever to seekout 2 other stars to win a ring? Umm ok. I guess he should've stayed in Cleveland from a basketball standpoint? Gimme a break.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Honestly, my main goal is to figure out who is going to win the game and break it down that way. I don't really get into the whole who hates who and who isn't likeable thing. However, some of the stuff willie said was laughable, thats all.

First superstar ever to seekout 2 other stars to win a ring? Umm ok. I guess he should've stayed in Cleveland from a basketball standpoint? Gimme a break.

straw man, never said that, thus your argument is laughable. Creating straw man arguments is extraordinarily weak, but it is an internet phenomenon.

what I did say is "what the three Heat players did is unprecedented in American sports", do you really not know the difference?

do people really not know the difference between how the C's and how the Heat were put together? do they not know the difference in player involvement?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The C's
Paul Pierce was under contract already
KG was traded for, the C's gave up 5 players, a 1st round pick, returned a conditional 1st round pick and cash
Ray was traded for, the C's gave up a couple of players and a 1st round pick
the players did not get together and shop their services to different teams. Danny Ainge, their GM, put it all together

The Heat

All three players were free agents. They got together themselves and shopped themselves as a package to several different organizations. They chose the Heat, the GM's only needed to have enough cap money.

What did the Cavs get for James?

What did the Raptors get for Bosh?

while trades for stars are common, and a star free agent signing with another loaded team is also common, three star free agents shopping their services in a package deal is unprecedented.

if people still don't know the difference, they never will

the educational portion of your day is now over, you may resume to your normal routines of misrepresenting something on the internet

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Former NBA players criticized his decision to not stay with Cleveland and continuing to try to win a championship as "the guy".[102] Michael Jordan stated that he would not have contacted his rivals from other teams like Magic Johnson and Larry Bird to play on one team together, as "I wanted to defeat those guys." Jordan added that "...things are different [now]. I can't say that's a bad thing. It's an opportunity these kids have today."[103] Johnson echoed Jordan's sentiments on teaming with rivals.[104]
On September 29, 2010, asked by Soledad O'Brien of CNN if race was a factor in the fallout from The Decision, James said, "I think so, at times. There's always – you know, a race factor."[105] James had previously stayed clear of racial issues.[106][107] When the earlier controversy over his cover on Vogue became a national debate, James had no comment.[107] Mike Freeman of CBSSports.com, said James suddenly bringing up race in this instance was "laughable."[107] Jason Whitlock of Foxsports.com said James' usage of the race card was "an excuse to avoid dealing with his own bad (The) Decision."[108] Adande, however, said James "didn't claim to be a victim of racial persecution" and "caused us to examine the bias that's always lurking".[106]


I enjoy hating on James on the basketball court. If that bothers somebody, that's your issue, not mine.

I would suggest those people need to "get over it already".

Jul 14, 2007
OK, why I hate (I liked him in Cleveland)

1) the decision, extreme narcissism
2) destroyed Cleveland with the way he made the announcement
3) blamed the backlash on racism (how can any man who has what he has blame racism? did people suddenly become racist?)
4) shopped for a team with two other stars to try and buy a championship, totally unprecedented
5) boasted about winning 7 or more championships, before he won one
6) flops all over the place every-time he's touched (at least vs the C's)
7) complains non-stop to the officials, literally about every call in the game
8) mocks Dirk's illness

I'm sorry, I just don't see James or Wade as being classy people on the court, two guys I used to like and now dislike very much. I still like Bosh

If James always played the game the way he played Game 6 vs the C's, I would respect him a lot more. No crying, no flopping, no talking to the refs, just totally focused and he was sensational. Unfortunately for him, he can't be that guy every game. MJ was

I have heard he's respectful and grounded in his personal life, very close to his loved ones. I respect him a lot for being like that.

But I'll hate him on the court, and I enjoy hating him on the court.

I am confused, what did you never say? You said he shopped to go to a team with 2 other stars which was unprecedented. I never said that wasn't unprecedented. Keep in mind though, free agency is relatively new, as is the type of player movement we now see in the NBA.

What I was saying was that many of the great players in NBA history were already on great teams, thus wouldn't have to leave their team to go to another team (Magic, Bird, MJ, Shaq, Kobe, etc) Not sure what I misrepresented? I was making the point LeBron was smart go leave Cleveland and go to Miami (as you can see in these finals, he needs all the help he can get with the Thunder) At the time he left Cleveland, Boston and LAL were really strong. Last year Dallas was really strong and the Thunder are probably going to be really strong for a long time. Why wouldn't him and presumably the 2 other best FAs all play together when they had all been on pretty much 1 man teams the past 4 years?

I don't know what that I said was strawman or anything. Also I think you got me confused with what some other dude said about the C's.

Jul 14, 2007
Also as far as the C's go...KG would of never went to the C's if they didn't do the Ray Allen deal first. So in a sense, he also chose to play to come together with 2 all stars. Celts would've never been able to trade for him if they didn't get Ray Allen first. What is wrong with wanting to play with other great players? In James or KGs case? I don't get it....

Who cares what Bird, Magic or MJ says about the issue? They all played on really good teams, why would they of left? There also wasn't free agency in the 80s but if there was I'm sure you would of seen some stars teamup who weren't on great teams to begin with (I.e Ewing, Barkley, Nique to name a few)

New member
Oct 11, 2004
My point was more that he honored his contract, what's wrong with him leaving after that? I guess he couldve demanded a trade, i.e. Carmello, chris paul, dwight howard. I mean to me, that shows no class. Playing out your entire conract, actually 2 contracts and then leaving because your owner refuses to put anything around you isn't a lack of class in my book. its smart. As far as him having a ego or whatever, yeah ok, probably 99% of all stars have egos and Jordan definitely had a huge one as well.

Jul 14, 2007
My point was more that he honored his contract, what's wrong with him leaving after that? I guess he couldve demanded a trade, i.e. Carmello, chris paul, dwight howard. I mean to me, that shows no class. Playing out your entire conract, actually 2 contracts and then leaving because your owner refuses to put anything around you isn't a lack of class in my book. its smart. As far as him having a ego or whatever, yeah ok, probably 99% of all stars have egos and Jordan definitely had a huge one as well.

Obviously he did act like an idiot on his way out (decision, 8 rings pep rally) Willie and everyone else is right about that...

But he should've gone Miami, him/Wade/Bosh was a good idea. Beats playing with Jamison and Mo Williams the rest of your career thats for damn sure....

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Obviously he did act like an idiot on his way out (decision, 8 rings pep rally) Willie and everyone else is right about that...

But he should've gone Miami, him/Wade/Bosh was a good idea. Beats playing with Jamison and Mo Williams the rest of your career thats for damn sure....

Oh i agree, the decision thing was dumb and ill bet money even Lebron thinks so now. However at the time he was raising money for charity. i'm sure at the time he didnt think it was going to be as big of a deal as it was. As far as leaving cleveland, any reasonably smart person wouldve done that. why would you want to play your entire career surrounded by complete garbage of a supporting cast? seriously, the year after he left what did they win, like 15 games? Bringing up Jordan or Magic or Bird not leaving is just dumb. umm tey all had really good players around them, they never had to leave. Hell Kobe threatened to leave LA a few years ago cause they werent bringing in good enough players, and the players on that LA team were way better then anything dan gilbert was putting together in cleveland

New member
Jun 3, 2009
People say he was surrounded by garbage in Cleveland but the Cavs were more dominant than the Heat have been so far.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
People say he was surrounded by garbage in Cleveland but the Cavs were more dominant than the Heat have been so far.

You cant be serious. The heat have been to back to back NBA finals. since lebron left cleveland the cavs have gone 19-63 and 21-45. They have been awful since he left. why, cause the rest of the team is awful

New member
Jun 3, 2009
You cant be serious. The heat have been to back to back NBA finals. since lebron left cleveland the cavs have gone 19-63 and 21-45. They have been awful since he left. why, cause the rest of the team is awful

I understand but the Cavs had the best record the last few seasons LeBron was there, they just collapsed in the playoffs.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
lebron is going to have some monster stats when he retires, he could be #1 in points scored ( Kareem), easily top 3 there. He should eventually get a ring or two.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
I understand but the Cavs had the best record the last few seasons LeBron was there, they just collapsed in the playoffs.

ok but they had the best record because he was there not because of the players around him. When Jordan went to play baseball the Bulls made it to game 7 of the conference finals (without Jordan). Thats having players around him. When Lebron left the players that were left behind managed one of the worst record in the history of basketball. Thats because the rest of the team sucked. Lebron single handedly made Cleveland good. Not delonte west or mo williams or side show bob. How much have you heard about any of those players since lebron left

Sep 21, 2004
When Jordan went to play baseball the Bulls made it to game 7 of the conference finals (without Jordan)

That team just 3 peated..... Did the Cavs just 3 peat or ever win anything???
Complete Apples and Oranges. Bulls may have been better at Center with Will Perdue though.

Jul 14, 2007
I understand but the Cavs had the best record the last few seasons LeBron was there, they just collapsed in the playoffs.

The regular season was the aberration, the playoffs was back to reality. They didn't collapse, they lost to better teams because their 2nd best player was Mo Williams.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
That team just 3 peated..... Did the Cavs just 3 peat or ever win anything???
Complete Apples and Oranges. Bulls may have been better at Center with Will Perdue though.

the discussion was about players other then the star i.e. role players. well when Jordan didn't play with the bulls the bulls were still very good. when lebron didnt play with the cavs the cavs were the worst team in the NBA. how is that apples and oranges? It completely shows you that the cavs role players were trash and Jordans role players were still a very good team without him.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Bulls didn't make it to the conference finals when MJ left. They won one playoff series over the 6th seeded Cavs. They also retained their team and Phil Jackson has head coach.

The 2nd time he retired, they became the worst franchise in the NBA beginning the very next season

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
That team just 3 peated..... Did the Cavs just 3 peat or ever win anything???
Complete Apples and Oranges. Bulls may have been better at Center with Will Perdue though.

valid points

the Bulls went from 3peat to 2nd round exit, while retaining Phil Jackson

then went from 3peat to the worst record in basketball after the 2nd retirement

the Cavs went from 2nd round exit to the 2nd worst team in basketball, after firing their coach and being butt !@#*^%$ by a last second "decision"

New member
Oct 11, 2004
valid points

the Bulls went from 3peat to 2nd round exit, while retaining Phil Jackson

then went from 3peat to the worst record in basketball after the 2nd retirement

the Cavs went from 2nd round exit to the 2nd worst team in basketball, after firing their coach and being butt !@#*^%$ by a last second "decision"

Dont forget to point out that when Jordan retired the 2nd time the Bulls also lost Pippen, Rodman, Luc Longley, and steve Kerr.The best player left on that team was toni kukoc. Thats kind of a big deal. In Jordans last season before the 1st retirement the bulls went 57-25. The next season with the same cast except Jordan they went 55-27.

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