Long time looker first time poster

Jan 11, 2008
It was my opinion and i called you no names. You disagree with my opinion so you go off name calling? Sound familiar? Sound like what you blame others of doing? Keep convincing yourself that you are an angel. I have better things to do.

Savage has had issues every where he has been. He tries to come off innocent in everything he says and he is never wrong.
When you disagree with him, he will name call and question what right you have to question him.
I post very little any where anymore but I had over 10,000 posts at BC when Savage was there and he was always in controversy there as well. He goes to CM and there is controversy. He comes here and there is already controversy.
Like the saying goes - if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would bet it is a duck.

What are the odds that he blasts me now and makes it look like everyone is picking on him ? Lol !!

Nov 11, 2007
Savage has had issues every where he has been. He tries to come off innocent in everything he says and he is never wrong.
When you disagree with him, he will name call and question what right you have to question him.
I post very little any where anymore but I had over 10,000 posts at BC when Savage was there and he was always in controversy there as well. He goes to CM and there is controversy. He comes here and there is already controversy.
Like the saying goes - if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would bet it is a duck.

What are the odds that he blasts me now and makes it look like everyone is picking on him ? Lol !!

The odds are 100% that I am going to disagree with you.

Yes I am going to politely disagree and state that what you say is 100% FALSE.
It is Wayne who believes he is always 100% right and the one who always usesnamecalling and insults when I disagree with him-it is and has never been me first nor for that matter with anyone else.
I am a polite and nice person but will respond when personally attacked.
I suggest that anyone who disagrees with this simply go to Wayne' Red Sox Talk and my Sox Commentary Thread found last time I looked on page 1 in the forum section under baseball talk and my Sox Commentary Thread on page 7 or possibly 8.
Read the posts in post threads and decide who is more polite and expressed his thoughts as opinions only and/or who screams and yells and uses foul language not only in the thread but all over the Forum-hint it isn't me.
Also, it is interesting that this forum and the commentary before I came to this thread involved Wayne rather than me.
Although the comments were brief as compared to mine, they sure as Hell weren't complimentary as to how he "moderates" the Forum, which to any intelligent and objective person,is dictatorial and intimidating and why people have left there.
If he didn't have the "ban wand," he wouldn't dare insult and resort to name calling with me or the other people he has insulted and/or banned.
This all began when he started his power trip when Dr. J left early in the year to attend to his ill wife.
Re: the controversy, yes I am controversial because I think differently and looks at/evaluate matters and topics in a multi dimensional manner, many times with conclusions which differ from the herd mentality.
I don't expect everyone to agree with my point of view.
However that is no reason to be nasty and insulting toward me which has always been the way Wayne has treated me going back 17 or 18 years because he is not emotionally equipped to deal with someone like me who doesn't think like he does.
Since you came over here, why not be the first person to take a shot at the question about posts 623-625 in my thread, which resulted in a permanent ban.
The fact that no on so far tells me that they cannot find anything unacceptable or objectionable in them to warrant a permanent ban or for that matter any kind of deletions of the posts and my ENTIRE THREAD.
Do you think that is justified and becoming of a moderator and if so, why exactly?
Since you too the time to criticized me, how about commenting on the way Wayne has treated me and the way in which he moderates.
Do you think he is the ideal and perfect moderator, is completely fair and applies/enforces the rules equally and fairly to everyone including me?
Lets just say that someone whose name will remain anonymous and is a bit higher than a poster totally agrees with me that the rules ae NOT equally and forced by Wayne.
I would bet my last dollar and go out and max out on my credit cards that if every member of this forum whether they are active posters or not, were polled re: this, the vercit would be that Wayne is a totally unfair and biased moderator and especially so with folks like myself who dare to agree with him about any topic, in my case the Red Sox.
In conclusion, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to set the record straight here.
ps As I said earlier, step up to the plate and tell me why posts 623-625 warranted a permanent ban.

Nov 11, 2007
ps in previous post in fourth line from bottom, it should read "who dare to DISAGREE with him" etc.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Savage has had issues every where he has been. He tries to come off innocent in everything he says and he is never wrong.
When you disagree with him, he will name call and question what right you have to question him.
I post very little any where anymore but I had over 10,000 posts at BC when Savage was there and he was always in controversy there as well. He goes to CM and there is controversy. He comes here and there is already controversy.
Like the saying goes - if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would bet it is a duck.

What are the odds that he blasts me now and makes it look like everyone is picking on him ? Lol !!

Yes and everybody sees it but him. Now expect a 400 word response with him in disagreement. The guy is a blowhard and he has proven it everywhere. Banned at 2 forums and being a dick already at a 3rd. Well said dave.

Nov 11, 2007
Yes and everybody sees it but him. Now expect a 400 word response with him in disagreement. The guy is a blowhard and he has proven it everywhere. Banned at 2 forums and being a dick already at a 3rd. Well said dave.

And all of this coming from a clueless person who by his on admission isn't really all that familiar with what has occurred between Wayne and me at CM.
And then you say has "proven it everywhere."
Proven by whom exactly, perhaps Wayne in the way he "rightfully" deleted my posts and threads posted here and then banned me for the reasons initially early in the jail "I can't stand listening to him anymore" and in the permanent ban, with "no reason given"(obviously because he has nothing specific he can use to support his case and hopes that will fly with folks other than those who worship him and/or are scared to let hum have it as I have in the fear of being banned.
You just resorted to name calling again.
Based on what I have seen of your mentality, you strike me as a person who would believe that the world is going to end in a few weeks because someone on the internet said so without caring who the person who uttered it is.
Dopes with pea brains brains like you are a dime a dozen, and actually, I should tie both hands behind my back to even things up a bit and give you at least a fighting chance against me.
Just remember, pal, earlier I said that if you were polite and respectful to me, I would respond in the same way.
It appears you have chosen not to do so-thus if you want to try trade insults and name calling, lets have at it-I am prepared and ready to go!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am not your pal, so stop thinking you have one.
Are you so dumb so as to not know that the pal reference was said/meant sarcastically?
Also are you capable of any kind of independent thought, or is it a case of just parroting back what others say.
If you want to day that I am wrong in my assessment, why not stay on topic and tell me and anyone else reading why you think the deletions of the posts and thread and the ban were justified in terms of the posts 623,624 and 625.
Lets be real here-I came to this Forum to state my case in view of above, and so far no one has been able to come forward and justify what Wayne did.
It would certainly be a shock if you turned out to be the one to do so.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Keep treating everyone like they are below you. You do an excellent job of that. You make the mods over there look better and better with every post you make.

Nov 11, 2007
Keep treating everyone like they are below you. You do an excellent job of that. You make the mods over there look better and better with every post you make.
Excuse me "friend" but I am simply defending myself when folks like you come around to attack me FIRST with no reason, belittle my wife, resort to name calling and insults FIRST and don't offer any facts to support any of this.
Sorry "buddy" but making evaluations and judgments about anyone, in this case me, with no personal first hand knowledge of what transpired at CM and by YOUR OWN ADMISSION NOT WANTING TO KNOW, tells me a lot about yourself and it isn't pretty.
Perhaps if you went back and spent a few hours at CM reading Wayne's Sox thread as well as mine as well as looking at how Wayne "moderates" in general, you might have a better understanding and basis to offer an opinion.
And if you want to say that I "treat everyone like they are below you," then once again I suggest you go to the Sox threads at CM mentioned and objectively determine who sounds like an arrogant and know-it-all condescending snob, me or him with no respect, me or him!
Again you started this, and if that means using every bit of my GOD given intelligence to defend myself by responding in kind, you can bet your ass that I will do it each and every time when the situation arises!!

Nov 11, 2007
This will be my last post until mush later tonight as my wife and I are going out to dinner soon.
I may have said this in another way, but let me just say that it feels so good to be at a this forum, where unlike CM, I don't feel shackled and most importantly have an ability/right to express myself and explain my feelings re: the ban at CM as well as being allowed to defend myself when personally attacked, without being worried that Wayne 1218 will step in and either delete a post or warn me and/or try to control what I want to say with his "ban wand."
I am very grateful to all of the moderators for allowing me the freedom of speech granted by our Constitution without the fear of censorship which is so rampant with you know who at CM.
One thing I forgot to mention is that
The second one month ban of this year was issued on July 4th and later rescinded on July 13.
Prior to the ban, I sent both a PM and feedback to the site hoping that perhaps Dr. Jack might see it even though he was still on leave of absence.
Both in the PM and feedback, I stated that was abusing his position as a moderator both with me and others by trying to ram his own opinions down everyone's throat(in this case me) and/or trying to intimidate people either with the implied fear of censorship or ban.
Well to cut to the chase, the next day I was banned for one month(July 4) by Waynewith the reason being(hold on to your hats), "abusive feedback."
The obvious point here is that if one can't complain in a feedback section/be banned, then what the heck is the point of having a feedback section in the first place!!
Enjoy your evening, everyone!

Nov 11, 2007
I want to bring something to the attention of every fair mided and objective person whp reads this to consider.
Yesterday in post 57 I copied and posted the key posts(623, 624 and 625) to which I have been referring in my Commentary from a Sox Old Times Thread(Page 7) and which are the basis of the lifetime ban imposed by Wayne.
A few minutes ago I went over and looked for the thread and it is no longer there, similar to the situation when the posts cited an the thread cited were deleted on July 4(before being restored a number of days later).
In this case until proven otherwise and assuming I am correct about the sudden disappearance of the thread(if someone is able to see my thread at CM, kindly tell me exactly where it can be found), I will conclude that either Wayne or someone in a position to do so at CM did so because of the fear that I might present other damning evidence from that thread in addition to what I already have, at RX to further my case about the totally unfair permanent ban based on the facts and circumstances which led to this action.
Jan 11, 2008
Savage, I am not going to get into a pissing match with you because you are "always right". No matter what is said you are always "superior" and smarter than everyone else. You have proven that everywhere you have been.
I would pat you on the back but your hands are in the way.
You point fingers at everyone else but never look in the mirror and that won't change.

Again I just say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck, and your track record everywhere speaks for itself - how you were at BC and at CM and now here.

This is a gambling forum and if I could get odds on the over/under, I would bet that within 6 months, the "duck" will quack again here !! By the way, I would bet under !!
The other bet I would make is the full page response I will get with you telling me and everyone else how superior and how much smarter you are than myself and everyone else on the internet.

Nov 11, 2007
Before I retire for the evening, lets just say that your remarks today and those of everyone else coming over here on the attack team have concentrated on me rather than on basis of my complaint of the unjustified ban itself including slandering my wife and other remarks
I have heard neither you nor anyone else mention Wayne in all of this and whether based on the facts and documentation I have provided regarding the removal of my posts and thread and then the permanent ban.
Thus I am going to ask you point blank two questions assuming you are a member of CM and have read enough posts of both of us relative to the ban:
1) Was Wayne justified to permanently ban me based on the merits an facts surrounding the present circumstances and if so, PRECISELY and SPECIFICALLY WHY?
2) Several folks including the person who started this thread have made negative comments about Wayne as a moderator.
Do you agree with those comments and if not, why not?
No response at all on your part will indicate to me that you have none in Wayne's defense and/or that imo like other folks, you simply don't want to get into hot water with Wayne by saying anything negative about him, although like many people including those in this forum besides me who have expressed their negativity.
Finally the superiority bit doesn't fly at all because in fact all I am doing/have done is using/used sound logic and reasoning to defend myself.
If you want to really be fair and objective, go look at some of Wayne's responses and foul language used directed toward Dave Dombrowski an me when I have expressed differing opinions on the Sox-if anyone ius a know-it-all when it comes to the Sox, it is he and not I-I always offer my opinions with an imo. How many times does Wayne do that!!
In fact if you want to be objective her, imo that in essence is why I have had posts and threads deleted of late as well as the REAL reason I have been banned.
If you believe that Wayne doesn't have a surly and arrogant attitude about him and a condescending attitude toward me, then imo you aren't seeing reality for what it is.
Banning someone for offering a different opinion as is evidenced here is not what is expected of a moderator, who definition is supposed to be fair rather than using his ban wand to threaten people like me who respectfully disagree with them.
If you disagree with that, well then there is no basis or further discussion,
iake your time if you care to respond as I am off to bed.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Nov 11, 2007
The bottom line here is that over the last few days regarding the permanent ban at Cappers Mall by moderator Wayne 1218, the former which is at issue here, I have presented thorough facts and documentation in a sequential manner to state why I believe that a member of that Forum for nine years, what was done to me was unfair, unjust, without any merit at all and was done simply because Wayne is unable emotionally able to deal with a person like me who has different opinions from him at times, and in this case regarding Dave Dombrowski and his role in the disappointing season so far for the Sox, the last few days not withstanding as the ban occurred prior to that time.
I am not going to comment on the people who started this thread because of their dissatisfaction of the manner in which Wayne moderates the Forum other than to say that they also have issues with him, in fact so big that they decided to come over to this forum.
I believe that there are many intelligent people at CM who read the posts and picks and commentary but who do hardly ever post anything for the fear of being banned if they should say anything negative against Wayne and the dictatorial and prevalent police state atmosphere at CM.
In fact I have been told this privately by several members of the Forum.
Anyways back to the ban.
As stated, I have stated irrefutable documentation in a time line manner which led to the initial removal of my posts and thread(including the last three which I posted here and which were immediately deleted by Wayne on July 4 and then the entire thread for a number of days before being restored.).
I invited people reading this discussion to read the posts as well as he facts I documented and to decide whether that constituted a reason for deletion and then a permanent ban.
So far no one has come forward to comment on them.
Instead those who have commented have personally commented on me with undocumented charges against me from the past and even lies about me with no supporting evidence to back up their allegations.
Worse I have been attacked personally with matters like I bought my wife because she happens to be from another country and other material along the same lines.
I might add that if one goes back to the Forum and reads some of the things that Wayne the "Moderator" has done, you would see that at times Wayne has led he charge with personal commentary re: matters like "buying my wife" which is just a complete lie and further proof that I believe and imo many more people believe, that he is totally unfit to act in the role of moderator.
As I said last night, my entire thread has been removed by Wayne and possibly with the approval of Dr. Jack, who I have left out of this discussion until now because of his wife's failing health and alleged absence until the last week when he has returned.
In short based on the facts I have presented as well as what I have evidence with others, I have concluded that the prevailing modus operandi of the forum is that "Might makes right" even if that mea

Nov 11, 2007
The five minute time constraint didnd't allow me to finish.
Thus to conclude,even if that mans censorship and infringing on one's freedom of speech.
Based on what I have stated here as opposed here, which amounts to ZERO, any fair minded panel of judges deciding on who has made the case would conclude unanimously that is hs been me.
The fact that my Sox Commentary Thread has been completely removed indicates that Wayne/Dr. Jack don't want people to see what I have said in the thread overall since it was started for the fear that people will realize that I have said ZERO in my posts which constitute a ban or the deletion of posts and removal of he thread which happened earlier this month.
Thanks to those who took the time to read this summary and commentary.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
One thing is clear, he won and you lost. He is still posting there and you are not. All you can do is sit across the street crying like you have. I'm sure nobody there is missing this crap.

Nov 11, 2007
One thing is clear, he won and you lost. He is still posting there and you are not. All you can do is sit across the street crying like you have. I'm sure nobody there is missing this crap.
If that is the kind of "logic" and "reasoning" to use to come up with a concluson without once even commenting on the merits of my arguments, and then worse state that I am complaining, letsjust say kindly and I mean kindly is that you have missed everything here.
Ths is not surprisingy in view of other irrevant comments and personal attacks.
If no one is missing this crap, then why did Ny Knight come over and post some negative commentary including stating that it was so nice at CM?
If in fact, he/CM doesn't miss me, why even bother to come over here in the first place-perhaps he and others do miss men in the sense that they and led by their ring leader
"moderator" Wayne no longer can abuse me in this forum where I can freely express my thoughts and ideas!!
Also, note the number of hits in this thread over the last few days.
Perhaps just perhaps whether the moderators in this forum agree with me or not, the fact is that from a business point of view they are getting lots of hits, and imo a lot more moving forward; until/if/when the prevailing police state/dictatorial attitude changes over there at CM change, imo even more folks from CM will migrate over here.
If that results I either Wayne changing his ways for the better or if nit, being replaced by someone more fair and with the right emotional makeup to moderate there, I will be satisfied that I have accomplished what I deem to be a God given mission!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing before lunch:
Before Wayne issued the ban the other day, in the commentary and donations page at CM where folks can exchange tweelike commentary, Wayne sarcastically wished me good luck at whatever forum(s) I went to .
In turn now I want to wish Wayne/Dr Jack and anyone else complicit I this turn,
Over time now that I have freedom to speak my mind, already you have an idea why my posting name is "savage(1)."
I am a gentle and respectful person by nature unlike Wayne, who is the opposite.
However when provoked without reason, which is the case here, the "savage" part of me emerges and I/it and will do whatever it takes to let my story be heard as it regards to Wayne and CM.
The roughly 18-19 year crusade against Phil Steele/NC with 100% documentation to justify what I have said about them will now become secondary even if I choose to bring it to this or another forum.
In short, CM/Wayne has have "caught a tiger by the tail" so to speak or pushed me beyond what I no longer can and will tolerate.
Wayne/CM nay have won the battle so to speak in banning me but over time I am quite confident that I will win the war, which is all that matters to me!

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