Let's hear some of your favorite casino stories.....


Oct 29, 2005
All you can do is make the most of it then.

Will be at 4W Friday and Sat.
we were locked in for the 4 winds.....had to do a u turn around...

I will say, it's better than sitting at home...hahaha

by the way love 4w......

Sep 21, 2004
I am a degenerate craps player when I play. I don't play often, but when I do, I go for the throat. RX Bash 2010, viking611 and I were playing craps at Wild Bill's Gambling Saloon. This time for once, I was just chilling and drinking some free drinks, and had no interest in big gambling. We were at the table where you make your bets on a computer in front of you, and the bets are paid on the computer, even though it's a real craps table. I don't know how long I held the dice for, and the game went much faster than normal, but I rolled 80 rolls without sevening out. Probably a good hour and a half roll, over halfway to the longest roll in history of 4 hours, 15 minutes, which had 154 rolls.

And I was betting $5 on the pass line and made $300.

Would probably make 100K if that happened today, but I'll never see another roll like that for as long as I live. It was the sickest feeling ever, I literally would have preferred to lose a lot of money than to do that.

Mar 2, 2006
I am a degenerate craps player when I play. I don't play often, but when I do, I go for the throat. RX Bash 2010, viking611 and I were playing craps at Wild Bill's Gambling Saloon. This time for once, I was just chilling and drinking some free drinks, and had no interest in big gambling. We were at the table where you make your bets on a computer in front of you, and the bets are paid on the computer, even though it's a real craps table. I don't know how long I held the dice for, and the game went much faster than normal, but I rolled 80 rolls without sevening out. Probably a good hour and a half roll, over halfway to the longest roll in history of 4 hours, 15 minutes, which had 154 rolls.

And I was betting $5 on the pass line and made $300.

Would probably make 100K if that happened today, but I'll never see another roll like that for as long as I live. It was the sickest feeling ever, I literally would have preferred to lose a lot of money than to do that.

Damn. That's probably how you rolled 80 times. It seems when you just let them fly, you can roll a long time. But when you need it, bad things happen. That probably sums up gambling in general.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Friday the 13th, 1994 in Reno at the Cal Neva..think it was April or May if I remember.. was really fucked up..was playing $.25 video poker...I had 3 parts of a Royal Flush... got the other 2 cards on the draw...hit the Royal for close to $1900..." all right I hit a Royal" I shout out...guy next to me says yeah you also have them in sequential order.....I said "so " he then pointed to the progressive jackpot where a separate progressive sequential jackpot of $9500 was flashing.... " You're fucking kidding me is what I think came out next....

RX Dream Team
Oct 12, 2007
Think I was at the Monte Carlo last summer playing 3 card poker after winning a good bit on baseball and NBA finals game 1. Can't remember if it was early early morning or afternoon because I couldn't sleep either way from about 15 vodka redbulls I had that day. Anyway, I'm just playing to kill time for a while and the dealer says "you should just max bet and play blindly for a few hands. I guarantee you will win." I was in that drunk hammered but awake state so I couldn't tell if he was fucking with me or not but I played along. Betting $50/$100 a hand blindly and I shit you not I won 14 out of 15 hands. Unreal. I hit the bonus a few times as well, think it was pocket aces and pocket queens. Dealer was laughing the whole time, not sure if he was surprised or because his prediction was spot on. I tipped him a good bit and walked away with a chunk of change.

He also told me a story about the day/night before when he was dealing at the high-roller table. Some guy in there bought in for $10k ran it up to $250k pretty quick. Dealer said you should probably walk away the cards will get cold. Sure enough he said the cards turned to shit for him and he lost his whole stack. Guy is on tilt and goes ballistic then security escorts him out.

There was another story about cocaine and strippers but I'm a little foggy on that one would have to get the boys back together to piece that one together.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
We have casino's just outside Omaha Nebraska and I go maybe once every couple years (just not the same as vegas). Rolled the dice for probably 45 minutes once and myself and my 2 buddies each walked out with between 8 and 10k. Each started with around $400, the whole table made a shitload. Not a huge pull for Vegas but for a local casino, they didn't want us to leave after that roll.

Had a friend who played TE for the Huskers hit the Royal Flush for $152,000 on Caribbean. He did the "slow slide peak" after the first 4 cards where KQJ10 of hearts, last card Ace of hearts. We didn't even know it until they turned over the cards. He gave each of us a grand which I thought was cool (Omaha again).

Another time we met up with a couple flight attendants (2 of us) and thought we were both going to bang one of them. After gambling and drinking went up to their room well my gal got sick. My friends gal then wants to bang both of us, I couldn't do it (didn't really want to see my friend naked) so after thinking it over, we both leave. We drove seperate so as we are driving home I turn around, back to her room and bang the snot out of her. Dick move yes but I don't regret it. :)

I really don't have any great Vegas stories

Oct 31, 2004
Money wise.
78K playing BJ with a $500 buyin.

Started at the $25 hand table then had to move to the high rollers table once my bets exceeded the table limits.

Fun wise was cashing in a WSOP event with over 700 players in New Orleans although that did not pay near what I won in BJ it was more fun.
Played against some well known players I saw on TV.

Oct 31, 2004
Most pissed of moment.

Another neat story that some of you will laugh at.

I was at Harrahs in New Orleans playing a small weekly poker tourney one Wednesday morning.
Only about 110 players.

Down to about 25 players.
Top 18 get paid.

They have TV's in the poker room and all of a sudden ESPN has a breaking story that Sean Payton got suspended for 1 year for the bounty BS.

You would not imagine how pissed everyone was at that tourney.
All of a sudden half the people in the tourney did not give a shit about the tourney(including me).

I was sick and pissed at Roger Goodell.

I wanted out of that place and fast.

I had a top 5 stack and could not care less.

All of a sudden I started going all in every hand just to get the hell out of there.

Jan 9, 2007
Me and my boy went to the Resorts about 15 or so years ago....we were early 20s . Now just a side note I owed my boy 1500 , I cant remember what it was for but def gambling related. Me and my friends use to lend each other money like they were worthless common baseball cards. Anyway...we both lost, I had lost about a dime, on the way out I had 2 green chips left ...we pass the roulette wheel, I put $50 on 00, I remember the reason behind it was for the two losers = 00.

Well it was excellent reasoning because it hit. Now my friend who I owed $1500 says give me $750 right now and I will let you out for half, ...... I said NOT YET I want to play a little and see if I can score. So I put another 5$0 on 00 for a total of $100.....next roll comes out, 00 winner again! I slide $750 over to him and he says fuck you mother fucker I want my $1500. So I gave it to him.

Now next roll comes out I forget to cap 00 because I already had a hundred on it and it comes out again! .....So far in three spins I got $1750,3500, and $3500 minus $1500 I gave back to my friend and about another dime playing back.

So I am like fuck it , I will cap it at $200 on 00....and the mother fucker comes out again! This time nailing it for 7000!!! I couldnt fuckin believe it. That mother fuckin 00 came out 4 times in a row....within 15 minutes I went from $50 to over 12K in my pocket plus the 1500 I gave back to my boy.

I take that and go to blackjack . Start playing nickle hands, I play 1 shoe and im even . So I was like fuck it Im going back home.

I wound up losing it over the next couple weeks, 2 dimes here -3 dimes there . The ride home from AC to Philly is a long one when youre broke.
But man that night was probably the best casino night I ever had. I had won over 20k before playing slots here in Philly but it wasnt as dramatic as this night. I was down to my last $50, on my way out...that roulette wheel was just CALLING for me....

Oct 31, 2004
We have casino's just outside Omaha Nebraska and I go maybe once every couple years (just not the same as vegas). Rolled the dice for probably 45 minutes once and myself and my 2 buddies each walked out with between 8 and 10k. Each started with around $400, the whole table made a shitload. Not a huge pull for Vegas but for a local casino, they didn't want us to leave after that roll.

Had a friend who played TE for the Huskers hit the Royal Flush for $152,000 on Caribbean. He did the "slow slide peak" after the first 4 cards where KQJ10 of hearts, last card Ace of hearts. We didn't even know it until they turned over the cards. He gave each of us a grand which I thought was cool (Omaha again).

Another time we met up with a couple flight attendants (2 of us) and thought we were both going to bang one of them. After gambling and drinking went up to their room well my gal got sick. My friends gal then wants to bang both of us, I couldn't do it (didn't really want to see my friend naked) so after thinking it over, we both leave. We drove seperate so as we are driving home I turn around, back to her room and bang the snot out of her. Dick move yes but I don't regret it. :)

I really don't have any great Vegas stories

I did the slow thing on Caribbean stud one time and got the first 4 of the royal.

The progressive was almost 100K.

It was clubs.

After getting the first 4 cards I could not stand it.

I did not look but I turned my card toward the dealer and asked her if my card was black or red.

She said its black.

I told her I have a 1 in 22 chance of winning the jackpot.
Then I asked her if it was a club or a spade.

My heart sunk when she said it was a spade.

I turn the card over and it was a complete blank.

Went from thinking I might win 6 figures to not winning jack shit.

RX Dream Team
Oct 12, 2007
Me and my boy went to the Resorts about 15 or so years ago....we were early 20s . Now just a side note I owed my boy 1500 , I cant remember what it was for but def gambling related. Me and my friends use to lend each other money like they were worthless common baseball cards. Anyway...we both lost, I had lost about a dime, on the way out I had 2 green chips left ...we pass the roulette wheel, I put $50 on 00, I remember the reason behind it was for the two losers = 00.

Well it was excellent reasoning because it hit. Now my friend who I owed $1500 says give me $750 right now and I will let you out for half, ...... I said NOT YET I want to play a little and see if I can score. So I put another 5$0 on 00 for a total of $100.....next roll comes out, 00 winner again! I slide $750 over to him and he says fuck you mother fucker I want my $1500. So I gave it to him.

Now next roll comes out I forget to cap 00 because I already had a hundred on it and it comes out again! .....So far in three spins I got $1750,3500, and $3500 minus $1500 I gave back to my friend and about another dime playing back.

So I am like fuck it , I will cap it at $200 on 00....and the mother fucker comes out again! This time nailing it for 7000!!! I couldnt fuckin believe it. That mother fuckin 00 came out 4 times in a row....within 15 minutes I went from $50 to over 12K in my pocket plus the 1500 I gave back to my boy.

I take that and go to blackjack . Start playing nickle hands, I play 1 shoe and im even . So I was like fuck it Im going back home.

I wound up losing it over the next couple weeks, 2 dimes here -3 dimes there . The ride home from AC to Philly is a long one when youre broke.
But man that night was probably the best casino night I ever had. I had won over 20k before playing slots here in Philly but it wasnt as dramatic as this night. I was down to my last $50, on my way out...that roulette wheel was just CALLING for me....

Wow unreal.
Dec 21, 2008
5 years ago... early 2010 I was living with a fellow poker player, he was staking me as I was working for Jazz sports making pennies, I decide to quit one week I cashed $1200 or so in 2 or 3 MTT's, paid some debts and paid him, he said DONT PLAY CASH GAMES MOFO and if you play, play $0.25-$0.50 stakes... well we invited some chicks over and we are bragging about living of of poker and sure enough I start playing $2-$4 in front of an ex I wanted to impress... real soon I get QQ on the button and raise to $14... BB raises to $50 and I put it all in (villain stats were that of a maniac)... he had pocketrockets... I lose $800, girl not impressed, my roommate mad at me lol. Next day he says, I'm going to give you $500 so you play SNGs and MTTs ONLY, no cash games (I'm a degenerate when playing cash btw)... 2 days after I hit 5th place on 5k+ players MTT for $1500... pay him back and go to the local casino to play a satellite (2nd of 3) for the Poker Hispano tour in Panama ($10 - $50 - $200 where the buy ins of the satties)... I qualify. At this time, super hot girl moves in with us, old friend of my roomie... we hit it off, he hits it off with her friend so we decide to go to a relaxing trip to San Carlos hotel El Tucano (thermal waters and what not)... we buy lots of weed, some x and 6-7 acid hits and off we go to the jacuzzi on our 1st night. Acid hit so hard, employees were fucking scared of us, I was just walking around the hotel with my leather jacket no shirt, whiskey bottle on my hand tripping outta my mind. Stayed for 4 nights more or less, I had to leave before them to play the last satellite (package worth $2500, $1500 buy in, $500 hotel and $500 expenses)... I do, and win, call them and they can't believe it. I tell the girl, hey why don't you go with me to Panama, we'll have a blast (very bad idea).

We arrive 1st night is the welcome party at the Radisson hotel, rock show, dinner, we get wasted... next day tourney starts (we managed to get the girl a photography gig for the tourney sponsored by UB/AP) so she was taking pictures, fellow players hitting on her and what not, it was a bit of a distraction but I managed to close the day with 40k chips and qualify for day 2 (busted WSOP bracelet winner Brandon Cantu, KK vs AK)... day 2, my girl has an old girlfriend that lives in Panama City, she is our contact for drugs, she arrivers with her baby around noon, we hit the pool and I tell them, listen, I need and ounce of weed and 10grms of blow by 6pm (tournament break), weed for stress and blow in case I'm tired (and to celebrate if I qualify for day 3 which if you do, its the final table), I start the tourney at 2pm... girls tell me drugs will arrive at 4... ok cool... well its 6pm, break time, I'm super anxious, 120k chips (top 15) with 30 players left out of 150+ (18 players cashed)... I go to our room, place is trashed, lots of empty beers, evidence of blow used on the glass table, room smells like Jamaica. I am pissed as I'm thinking, these bitches went off with my $200 (coke was like $10 a gram, real cheap) and they are partying with the fucking dealer and my drugs. It was a distraction but I'm focused on qualifying, at 8pm following hand occurs... I get QQ on the button... asshole Venezuelan piece of shit talks smack on the BB and goes all in... I insta call, he had about 80k... he had KQ... 9 5 J - 10 - 5... I crumble, punch the table... and go on rage tilt mode... proceed to bluff out my chips to Severino (Panama champ) on a 8 3 3 board, I had AJ he had A3... I was in serial killer mode and as I enter the elevator guess who is there? Fucking chick wasted... door closes and she says "you lost didnt you?" FUCK YEAH I LOST... not a word until we hit the room. She gives me the drugs and I empty 5grms on the table and tell her, you better leave, you dont want to be here when I'm coked out and pissed at you, surely she bails... I go on crazy mode... full of hate... and say fuck it, I'm gonna suck out on someone playing cash games... played $1-$2 NLHE for 2 hours coked out of my mind... then I get A2 on the cutoff... min raise to $6, BB Panama loudmouth (who actually had the nerve to ask me about my girl, cause he wanted to hit that) raises to $30 with AK... A 2 8 ... we bet, K on the turn, 2 on the river, I stick it to him for $600... move to the Omaha PL $1-$3 table and hit another $800.. go back upstairs with a Colombian chick (hottest girl I have ever seen, prostitute)... Im fucking her blind and leave the door unlocked, other girl arrives and see us, I tell her "you lost didnt you?" and continue fucking the other chick, that was the end of that relationship lol.

I bubbled that tourney, out in 22nd place. But good story.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
Me and my boy went to the Resorts about 15 or so years ago....we were early 20s . Now just a side note I owed my boy 1500 , I cant remember what it was for but def gambling related. Me and my friends use to lend each other money like they were worthless common baseball cards. Anyway...we both lost, I had lost about a dime, on the way out I had 2 green chips left ...we pass the roulette wheel, I put $50 on 00, I remember the reason behind it was for the two losers = 00.

Well it was excellent reasoning because it hit. Now my friend who I owed $1500 says give me $750 right now and I will let you out for half, ...... I said NOT YET I want to play a little and see if I can score. So I put another 5$0 on 00 for a total of $100.....next roll comes out, 00 winner again! I slide $750 over to him and he says fuck you mother fucker I want my $1500. So I gave it to him.

Now next roll comes out I forget to cap 00 because I already had a hundred on it and it comes out again! .....So far in three spins I got $1750,3500, and $3500 minus $1500 I gave back to my friend and about another dime playing back.

So I am like fuck it , I will cap it at $200 on 00....and the mother fucker comes out again! This time nailing it for 7000!!! I couldnt fuckin believe it. That mother fuckin 00 came out 4 times in a row....within 15 minutes I went from $50 to over 12K in my pocket plus the 1500 I gave back to my boy.

I take that and go to blackjack . Start playing nickle hands, I play 1 shoe and im even . So I was like fuck it Im going back home.

I wound up losing it over the next couple weeks, 2 dimes here -3 dimes there . The ride home from AC to Philly is a long one when youre broke.
But man that night was probably the best casino night I ever had. I had won over 20k before playing slots here in Philly but it wasnt as dramatic as this night. I was down to my last $50, on my way out...that roulette wheel was just CALLING for me....

that is fucking amazing...absolutely fucking amazing

Sep 20, 2004
Had a big video poker night playing $1, $2, and occassional $5 denomination. Was wearing cargo shorts with deep pockets. Played for about 8 hours, had a pocket full of w-2's and cash when I got home around 4 am. Cleared my pockets, rolled all the cash in a rubber band and went to bed. A few days later i did laundry and left for the night. In the morning I go to get the clothes out of the washer to put in the dryer. the washer is just wallpapered with $100 bills. Apparently, That night I came home in the middle of the night, I missed a pocket with a wad of bills. There was a cool 2 grand or more plastered all over the washer. That was a good fucking morning !

Mar 2, 2006
Why don't they allow gambling in the African Continent?

Because of all the cheetah's

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
About 20 yrs ago, late nite @ Palace Station, on the BJ table. In walks this raggedy ass broad, wearing cutoffs & T, not too bad looking, maybe an 8. Scruffy tho, had about 10 bucks, gets down to her last 2 & proceeds to W about 2K. Pretty good player actually. Leaves, comes back almost broke. Don't know how. Anyway starts playing again & wins another 2 G. We all told her to quit, of course she doesn't and loses it all. We chipped in & gave 50 if she'd leave. She did, I wonder?? Talk about addiction!

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