

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Let me take these one at a time

1) No Mod here has a ghost that currently posts.

As far as I know they do not - Moonlight Graham was a common knowledge user name that was created back in the old regime for the very purpose stated. It was never meant to be nasty or out of line. Several people have used it over the years.

2) Ace-Ace is not a paid poster (this has been stated before).

If he is he is not on my budget for moderators or contest helpers (for example Jack of Hearts has been paid out of my budget to help with contests in the past - btw Journeyman is making less than half of what he is claiming at EOG.)

Ace-Ace has no ghosts, and others ghosts are not bumping his thread.

The IP for Ace Ace has absolutely no matches whatsoever. Does he have personal friends who might post in his threads as legitimate in their own right posters, that is possible. Just like WC Bias might have a friend of his from wherever he lives also post.

4) There are no paid posters at the Rx (I though the Rx boardroom discussion posted across the street regarding roxygirl was a downright riot)

The only paid posters that I ever actually knew about has left the site for personal reasons and he was a terrific poster who did not post picks but posted sports information and has some of the most popular and longest threads in the history of this forum. He was making litterally peanuts to be more of a writer than a paid poster.

though the Rx boardroom discussion posted across the street regarding roxygirl was a downright riot)

The Roxygurl thread is over two years old and was a idea by me to see if I could get her to actually speak on the phone and proove once and for all if she was a she. I wanted to get the appoval of the Board Room members first. My plan was to offer her a job if see if she would come forward and talk to me - she never did. I would have kept my word because back then I had some extra budget money to use for a paid poster. Instead I got RobFunk a raise.

[QUOTE I also thought this post by Moonlight was superior

That is a typical example of using a mod ghost to bump an important thread - notice Ego74's post a little further down:

"I can back up what Wil has said about the Moonlight Graham ghost (as other people who run forums can attest). When a thread gets "lost in the shuffle" (especially here where there is A TON of threads), it is VERY COMMON for a Mod to use a ghost to bump a thread so posters don't miss out on a contest, or something else that the forum wants people to know about".

The entire Moonlight Graham persona is benign and had no real effect on anything except to bump a post or call out a ghost on rare occasions. One time he exposed Budworth over the dead son issue.

Another time ghost Black Magic was called out who is notoriious scammer David1 from the Royal wars of a few years ago.

Hope that explains a little how things work.


<!-- / message -->

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
The Moonlight Graham thing looks as harmless as can be. If I had a message board, I would have a ton of ghosts, especially if traffic was slow to stimulate conversation, etc. Thats how boards get started. You dont run off and rat out every coworker on the planet you've ever had, post confident conversations in a public forum, and then point the finger at someone for having a few ghosts on their own message board and act self-righteous.

As long as I dont have to pay to use this message board, you mods do whatever the hell you have to do to keep business going and give us a place to interact. If that means a few sheep need to lose their money, so be it, because they were going to lose it one way or another. The gambling community is no place for sheep to hang out, and they were gonna learn the hard way at some point. If you want to tail a guys football picks that can't put together a coherent sentence, then you deserve to lose your money. If you follow a guys football picks that uses a Playstation to determine who he is gonna pick, you might as well flip a coin, get punched in the nuts, and then donate your money to a crack addict - if you arent one already.

Mods having ghosts is no big deal, and is hardly news.

I mean, let's not kid ourselves here. We arent on a Church Group message board. The more I am on this board, the more I am happy I never attended a bash because the more I realize the scam artists, thieves, stiffs, Oakland Raider fans, pimps and pedophiles we have in the gambling community. Having a ghost is like damn near praise-worthy. This is one of the reasons why gambling has a bad name. The people that are associated with it are running this cut-throat, dog eat dog world.

Just when you think there are a few good guys, Clip Joint gets wacked, Dubpoet's in the slammer, RoxyGurl is a he, oldmanTed is more cocky than Chad Johnson in the end zone, and Journeyman is Master Splinter.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
This is a classic thread in the rubber room:

not sure who created it.....

can one of you guys copy and paste it in a NEW thread at the other place? I think it deserves a new thread titled just as it is titled over here.

please someone, post this thread at EOG with the same title.....

I really beleive ken and general need to be reminded of what has been said, and what could be said in the future if they decide to hire Jman.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
they are NOT hiring Jman

Ken "shrink" whatever, might be a slimeball or whatever it is people call him, but he's still a sharp dude.

He's not dumb. And if they do hire him, it will be as a loner basis, where he gets paid, he starts threads, but he isnt allowed in any BR meetings or any of that kind of crap.

As Shrink said, Jman is more of a mystery now then when he initially hired him.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
please someone, post this thread at EOG with the same title.....

I really beleive ken and general need to be reminded of what has been said, and what could be said in the future if they decide to hire Jman.

Why do you care if they hire him? I don't see how it impacts you in the slightest.

New member
Dec 16, 2004
looks like the steam has worn off and he's changing his tune a bit over there

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
FREE REEL banned for callin jman a butt pirate

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
they've got a good football team :103631605

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
you can always change YOUR name to steak'n'tater, kinda like fish'n'chips or pork'n'beanie


powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
haha.......WOW eog HEATIN UP OVER THERE.......jman just started another 800 reply 10000 view thread lol

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
yeah, he may not get that gig with the "Japanese website' if they find out how big a racist he is:

BTW, This was a response he posted to Dsethi

Originally Posted by JMan
Do you think I care what you think?

I think you are a perveted sick fuck who actually gets off on the links he posts, other mods have also made the same statements about your warped way of doing things...go back to fucking Bagdad and shave your unibrow...fuck you wigger.

Wonder if he hates just brown people, or all foreigners

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
Steak I cant keep up with this shit.

Train wrecks like these are beautiful. Take shots at everyone and fly under the radar...:dancefool

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
yeah, he may not get that gig with the "Japanese website' if they find out how big a racist he is:

BTW, This was a response he posted to Dsethi

Originally Posted by JMan
Do you think I care what you think?

I think you are a perveted sick fuck who actually gets off on the links he posts, other mods have also made the same statements about your warped way of doing things...go back to fucking Bagdad and shave your unibrow...fuck you wigger.

Wonder if he hates just brown people, or all foreigners


powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Steak I cant keep up with this shit.

Train wrecks like these are beautiful. Take shots at everyone and fly under the radar...:dancefool
I SIT HERE All day at work do nuthin' this is way better than all my children or general hospital...............which by the way hasnt been the same since luke and laura heydays of the 80's

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
I am probably out of touch on this one but what does wigger mean?

Is it the N word with another meaning or like a skateboarding dude.

Thanks for anyhelp!

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
I am probably out of touch on this one but what does wigger mean?

Is it the N word with another meaning or like a skateboarding dude.

Thanks for anyhelp!
the manej is best i can do

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
I always understood it that the term "Wigger" is slang for White N-Word

A white person who "acts black'. Am I off base here??

I've got the slang dictionary bookmarked somewhere here, lemme look it up

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