
Sep 21, 2003
I enjoyed chatting with Journeyman and exchanging ideas with him...enjoyed his countless MLB trivia threads and baseball info in general...but it is time for JMAN to put his toys away and get his life in order...seems to me he has serious issues and deamons to take care of and I really am rooting for him to get his act together and tackle his problems like a man...I.m sure we haven't heard the last of him and I look forward to chatting with him in the future...Life goes on for all of us, I've learned that all of us all expandable in our current situations if we are to have a mishap...It is how we rebound and try to make ourselves better from our mistakes that make us better human beings...Life is really short and I don't get cheated down here in Costa Rica living life each day as it comes..just my 2 cents....

You hit the nail on the head.Couldnt of been said any better.

New member
Aug 2, 2005
no-one trashes their former employer or betrays information provided confidentially over the internet when something doesnt go their way. thats extremely disloyal/unprofessional.

you have a disagreement with someone you think you would say it to them in this case over the phone not publicise it.

im sure some of what jman said is true re sponsor books as you can tell criticism is jumped on quickly. but you know what it is a business and everyone should realise that from the beginning.

its been said here so many times any transactions between posters is not in anyones best interest as more times than not it goes bad.

disappointed by alot of things in this whole saga. hopefully cooler heads prevail and Jman gets his issues sorted out.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
WC Bias

Regarding the Moonlight Grham Ghost, that was created way back when I was a junior mod working for Shrink in late 2003 and since then is has been used as a bump a thread poster when it was needed or a test poster for Rx Tech Support when the software is not working correctly. Just recently we had trouble getting Dant'e new mod powers to work after he was reinstated as a mod so Rx Tech Support used Moonlight Graham and gave him spuper moderator powers to see if the problem was in Dante's personal profile or a data base wide problem. He is still working on the problem. Dante can verify.

The user name Moonlight Graham has been used about 8 or 9 times since I became head moderator (June of 2005). Mostly to just encourage or bump a thread. The one contest it entered was because that contest was dieing on the vine so I bumped with an entry, I told Skybook about it and would have never accepted the prise if I won. I have never entered any contests or Bash drawings or any free giveaways here at The Rx at all since I have been a mod here almost four years now. I firmly believe that the contests are for the posters and especially not for the head moderator.

The Moonlight Grahmam Skybook entry contest had no winner and only a about 8 or 9 entries in three days when I bumped it back in early December of 2006. To be honest I don't hardly even remember doing it, I also know that the user name was common knowledge for use if we needed to test something by all Board Room members.

We used to use a ghost called Rx Adminstrator 200 (or something like that but it received to much ridicule) so back in 2003 when I created the ghost as a junior mod just hired by Shrink and made it known to everyone who I worked for at the time it bacame the test user name for various problems which were more aboudant back before we had VeBulletin which took over in Sept of 2004.

At that time MG received the new join date of Sep of 2004 like everyone else and I changed it to Sept of 2002 or something like that so it would not appear to be a newbie, which it wasn't.

The reason Journeyman even knew about it is becasue it was no secret, sometimes a site needs to have a tool like that to call out a real ghost or to simply bump a dead thread that has some importance (like a contest that is dying). I hate to always be bumping stuff with the thumbs up sign and nothing else.

However using a ghost like Warlord was a different story just look at the difference in the rhetoric they posted. Warlord was not common knowledge and only now has it become to light that the IPs are identical to Journeymans. Obviously some people suspected Warlord of being a ghost or it would not have come out over in the EOG thread.

The Warlord

Why he created AFL Hood I have no idea.

Last edited:

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
True, and any mod or other poster that even starts to believe this site will fade away if they depart is delusional.

A very large group of various personalities here and new stars come on board faster than seasoned veterans depart.

Thanks for finally giving me my shout out...

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Regarding the Moonlight Grham Ghost, that was created way back when I was a junior mod working for Shrink in late 2003 and since then is has been used as a bump a thread poster when it was needed or a test poster for Rx Tech Support when the software is not working correctly. Just recently we had trouble getting Dant'e new mod powers to work after he was reinstated as a mod so Rx Tech Support used Moonlight Graham and gave him spuper moderator powers to see if the problem was in Dante's personal profile or a data base wide problem. He is still working on the problem. Dante can verify.

The user name Moonlight Graham has been used about 8 or 9 times since I became head moderator (June of 2005). Mostly to just encourage or bump a thread. The one contest it entered was because that contest was dieing on the vine so I bumped with an entry, I told Skybook about it and would have never accepted the prise if I won. I have never entered any contests or Bash drawings or any free giveaways here at The Rx at all since I have been a mod here almost four years now. I firmly believe that the contests are for the posters and especially not for the head moderator.

The Moonlight Grahmam Skybook entry contest had no winner and only a about 8 or 9 entries in three days when I bumped it back in early December of 2006. To be honest I don't hardly even remember doing it, I also know that the user name was common knowledge for use if we needed to test something by all Board Room members.

We used to use a ghost called Rx Adminstrator 200 (or something like that but it received to much ridicule) so back in 2003 when I created the ghost as a junior mod just hired by Shrink and made it known to everyone who I worked for at the time it bacame the test user name for various problems which were more aboudant back before we had VeBulletin which took over in Sept of 2004.

At that time MG received the new join date of Sep of 2004 like everyone else and I changed it to Sept of 2002 or something like that so it would not appear to be a newbie, which it wasn't.

The reason Journeyman even knew about it is becasue it was no secret, sometimes a site needs to have a tool like that to call out a real ghost or to simply bump a dead thread that has some importance (like a contest that is dying). I hate to always be bumping stuff with the thumbs up sign and nothing else.

However using a ghost like Warlord was a different story just look at the difference in the rhetoric they posted. Warlord was not common knowledge and only now has it become to light that the IPs are identical to Journeymans. Obviously some people suspected Warlord of being a ghost or it would not have come out over in the EOG thread.

The Warlord

Why he created AFL Hood I have no idea.


So Wil, are you willing to make a statement that:

1) No Mod here has a ghost that currently posts.

2) Ace-Ace is not a paid poster (this has been stated before).

3) Ace-Ace has no ghosts, and others ghosts are not bumping his thread.

4) There are no paid posters at the Rx (I though the Rx boardroom discussion posted across the street regarding roxygirl was a downright riot)

Feel free to answer, abstain, or tell me to F-off. I have my own beliefs, I may be wrong, but I think I clarified how I really feel in my previous response...I get that its a businesss and I'm pro business. I want the Rx to succeed.

I bring up the Ace-Ace issue because I personally feel that if true, then the site is purposely misleading some who follow blindly. To me that is no different than a sponsored tout service. I think we all agree, there are places for that to occur, and Ace-Ace should not be posting threads and having thousands of ghost "views" and replies in the NFL Thread, it should be in the tout thread.

Quite frankly I've been trying to create my own ghost for years, but only so I can bash myself.

New member
Jan 10, 2005
An amazing read....

I feel bad for JMan...really do. But EOG's handling of this is even more reprehensible. The guy is calling the "authorities" and everyone laughs it off and keeps asking him questions?

I know it is a business, and the rx has its' problems and issues that get swept under the rug, but that place makes me feel creepy.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
I can back up what Wil has said about the Moonlight Graham ghost (as other people who run forums can attest). When a thread gets "lost in the shuffle" (especially here where there is A TON of threads), it is VERY COMMON for a Mod to use a ghost to bump a thread so posters don't miss out on a contest, or something else that the forum wants people to know about


New member
Jan 20, 2000
Who is posting the board room stuff? Is that a ghost of a former mod?

New member
Sep 21, 2003
the stuff being posted from the BR is all OLD stuff, I havent seen anything recent....

maybe its a former mod, or someone who at somepoint had access.

They had to create a new GHOST to do it, so obviously it is someone that we know

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah SS, I read that thread you posted, and I remember it from back in the day (when Bucs went to EOG). That's what turned me off to the whole J Man "character", the way he stuck the knife in Bucs' back in post #9 (btw, most of that post is PURE BS)

It surprised me at the time that Journeyman would try to bury Bucs in that manner, but doesn't surprise me at all now, obviously considering all the crap he's talking at EOG. And the sad part about it, Journeyman is over at EOG trying to be Bucs friend again

Unlike Journeyman, Bucs is a stand up guy and one of my best friends in "Real Life". Bucs DOES work a full-time job (no secret there), is a damn good worker, and most of all, a DAMN GOOD GUY who has GOTTEN ON A PLANE (even though he don't like flying) and has went to the Bash in Vegas

Journeyman has ZERO CREDIBILITY ABOUT ANYTHING in my book, and most of you guys probably feel the same way now that all the shite has hit the fan

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
I'm sure the old BR stuff is something J Man or someone else who had access to the BR back in the day has saved for future use once Shrink decided to wave a few dollar bills in their face

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I met bucs at the BASH and I beleive he is a good guy.

I do beleive he got manipulated a bit, but I completely understand why he did what he did. He had to look out for number one.

I am also thrilled he did what he did because it opened the door for me to become the contest and promotions manager at the RX, a role which would have never opened up if he hadnt left.

Still, I want someone at EOG to start a thread with the same title, so that ken can be reminded of the things that Jman has said about him.

New member
May 15, 2007
i wouldn't be surprised if it's him just because he's shown that he's not very bright throughout this whole ordeal.

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