

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
TTP, how soon you forget! You were loving EOG around 2 days ago

Old School
Nov 8, 2006
TTP, how soon you forget! You were loving EOG around 2 days ago

BO69. I got no problems with the people there at all. Will post there as well. This was to monumental of an occasion.

So I guess like the other 20,000 posters have told you over the years. Go guck yourself. :103631605

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
I don't get it.

If somebody was playing a joke by posting there, why would it go unnoticed for over 3 years? Wouldn't they have mentioned it by now, or is this a delayed punchline or something?

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Also, somebody register and view the profile when the last time he logged in. You can't view it unless you're registered.

If it's sometime late after that post, then I doubt it's a prankster. They wouldn't post that on a gay website and then keep logging in.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
One thing that suprises me is the limited phone contact over the years that mods have with all of the other mods. I always thought that you would be contact via phone with EVERY mod at least once a week, or actually more often than .

But then again, I am the type of guy who DOES NOT use IM's at all. I would just rather call someone on the phone. Everyone has free long distance these days

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
Last Activity: 02-18-2005 03:03 PM

it shows he has 4 total posts... but when searching only 2 show up and they are on the same date as the account registered..obviously someone playing a prank

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
Also, somebody register and view the profile when the last time he logged in. You can't view it unless you're registered.

If it's sometime late after that post, then I doubt it's a prankster. They wouldn't post that on a gay website and then keep logging in.

Last Activity: 02-18-2005 03:03 PM

Almost 3 months after the original "prank post" which didn't surface for 3 years (some joke) the prankster logs into the account again?

Yeah okay.

Not a big deal and I could care less, but the whole thing doesn't make much sense, especially if you've seen the Journeyman pictures. Not exactly the most heterosexual reprentation on earth.

Either way this thread should be about Journeyman being a rat, not a fagg.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
FWIW I had a 20 minute phone conversation with Journeman on Thursday nite to discuss his job description. The conversation was very amicable and when it ended he seemed fine with what we discussed.

I tried to make the job as easy as possible for him telling him to try to work from Noon to Midnight Eastern and wrok his contests whenever necessary. I also told him he could take days off when he cared ot - he was basically on his own schedule and only had to watch the site for spammers, new registrations, obscenity etc. and keep trying to start intresting threads if he could.

Go figure.


in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
FWIW I had a 20 minute phone conversation with Journemanon Thursday to discuss his job description. The conversation was very amicable and when it ended he seemed fine with what we discussed. I tried to make the job as easy as possible for him telling him to try to work from Noon to Midnight Eastern and wrok his contests whenever necessary. I also told him he could take days off when he cared ot - he was basically on his own schedule and only had to watch the site for spammers, new registrations, obscenity etc. and keep trying to start intresting threads if he could.

Go figure.


wil, you have to admit...this is one interesting thread.

Rx. Senior
May 20, 2001
FWIW I had a 20 minute phone conversation with Journeman on Thursday nite to discuss his job description. The conversation was very amicable and when it ended he seemed fine with what we discussed.

I tried to make the job as easy as possible for him telling him to try to work from Noon to Midnight Eastern and wrok his contests whenever necessary. I also told him he could take days off when he cared ot - he was basically on his own schedule and only had to watch the site for spammers, new registrations, obscenity etc. and keep trying to start intresting threads if he could.

Go figure.


What pronoun would you use when you talking about that conversation on Thursay. Would you use HE OR SHE in respect to Journeyman?

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Just wanted to say in my last post, "thanks for the memories", not all good, but mainly good....The past few months have not been fun, I always said "if I it wasn't fun any longer, I would quit" doing whatever it was I was doing...and this is no longer fun.

I had a free reign to do what I wanted here for years, that is no longer the case.... To all the Rx Mods who I consider my online friends, Wil, TT, SS, Rob, Xpanda and Dante , you guys do a great job and I wish you all the best...and thanks for always being there.

To the many many poster I have talked to over the years, you guys know who you are, thanks for sharing your thoughts with me over the past 5 + years.... It is no longer fun for me though...this was a great job, I was paid pretty nicely for doing what I did.

I would also like to thank The Shrink who gave me the chance about this time 5 years ago...without his generosity I would not have gotten to this point.

I won't get all too deep into why I am done posting... I guess when you are as visable as I have been here, people feel they can take shots at you and for the most part they can, and there's not much I can do about it....I don't need the headache anymore of the dealing with those types....being exploited because I am 'Journeyman' from The Rx ,but getting death threats, I take very seriously and when I complain to those who could make a difference and they look the other way, well, that is enough for me.

I had been considering leaving for the past month or so, but didn't have anything special written, so this will have to do.

I wish all my friends here the best and good luck in whatever you do.

Take care.:103631605
Death threats? Your scared little girl ass won't even leave the house. Your a hermit who should just stay in your cave.

New member
Jan 31, 2007

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Guys –We were taken of guard by this move as well.

There are obviously circumstances behind, but I do not believe airing it out in public is the right thing to do.

We wish Journeyman the best, but we are not going to let him come here and make personal attacks against poster and mods nor are we going to let him try to post personal information about posters.

Thank's for showing some class rick. You guy's are and run a great site that I tell alot of people about. Keep up the good work.


New member
Jan 31, 2007
<!-- google_ad_section_start -->You can't keep me silent over here Rick Allec.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

<HR style="COLOR: rgb(43,41,94)" SIZE=1><!-- google_ad_section_start -->The control freak clown that you are.

About a year ago the Rx brought this clown in , I still am not sure why...and I know longer care ...first the Mods lost 50% of their pay, and to man have complained to me privately and realize that Rick has taken that chunk for himself....because he is the big man with the line service everyobody will pay for I guess...okay whatever.

The control freak tells the Mods what they can and can't say...tells the Mods who to prop (which books) only problem is they are the iffy books not the great ones. he has the personality of a house plant, an artifical one....and I cannot deal with that.

He asked me to work for the Rx Odds product which i did and at first was glad to do so....I went out and bought $2,000 worth of equipment for the job, after about a month he tells me 'sorry we've decided we will need an office instead and you don't live in Las Vegas so you won't be needed'....this after I was told to go purchase the equipment....I had several disagreement with him over the past couple days and he will try and spin it. If I have to I will paste the Ims and emails where he said how much he didn't want me to leave...and how important I was...I left the Rx 99.9% because of this asshole....most of the other Mods, need the job and will cave to him, i don't need the job and he can kiss my ass...

Hiring him was the worst thing the Rx ever did, the Rx Board Room has become a complete dictatorship...morale remains low and the Mods realize he is the reason they are only paid 50% of what they were making, while he tries to push his new odds venture that everyone has now days.

I will have much more happy now Rick?
Hey journyman you wanted to leave so get out and shut your hole. This site does not need you or do they want you.

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