

We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time
Aug 9, 2006
Of course not - we make them work 24-7 for just pennies. :toast:

Rick Jman is promising a storm tomorrow

Is he planning on calling the authorities?

Crazy how low some people can stoop

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Is he planning on calling the authorities?

I'm sorry but that cracked me up bigtime.

Police officer: Hello 5th Precinct

Journeyman: I want to report a website.

Police Officer: what did it do?

Journeyman: It was mean to me.

Police Officer: How mean?

Journeyman: They made me quit my job and and stiff a bunch of bookmakers.

Police Officer: Pay your debts you friggin stiff and that kind of thing would not happen to you.


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
WOW , I'm shocked !

I don't know what to say, finally got to read thru this long thread ( saw it hours ago), but have not read any of the EOG stuff, yet.

I think I'm pretty cool with J-man ? He definetely is a knowledgeable sports fan, starts a lot of good threads, and a few clunkers, he must be close to #1 in all-time posts ( not that is really a good thing.).

He seems OK, like when he bought pizza a few times( presumably at his expense) for personal contests he thought up.

I personally avoid getting into private bets and deals with guys I don't know well. I had that opportunity with Calvin over a prize with just us two left( think it was $1500), we could have split it ( private deal), but all or nothing is OK too. I'm sure he would have paid. ( He won by attendance on a late game being odd or even), and I'd have paid him also.

I violate it on occasion. I used to split referrals with Sean1, that worked fine, but we just let it slide long-term until close enough to even to call it a wash, so no checks were ever needed to be exchanged.

I bought something from Baseballguy by sending him payment first, he delivered.

I played a $1,000 BJ hand for a poster Mick J or something like that with a Rolling Stones connection) two years ago at IP Bash,( by his request), sent him his 90% ( I think it was).

I never have made an actual bet with a poster, but I might bet $100 with a guy I knew really well (via Internet) like a Sherwood or old prolific poster Sherman, somebody that I communicate with privately frequently.

I generally avoid it, don't know what J did, Shit just bet with a book, or a bookie, if its real money, I don't need to make bets with posters !

I can see why Wil discourages it !


I trust poster Calvinty, seems like a real good guy. I'd have split it with him no problem ... however he's deaf, the deal would have needed to be discussed over phone first, then RX is out of it, but he went to Aug Bash, while I went to Sept...time was a factor, we just wished each other luck !

How do I talk it over with a deaf dude, in time ? Given all that, I said NO to any deals, He won the coinflip, so be it. That stuff tends to get messy, so I avoid it.

Like I stated, I've never directly bet a poster, and only would for small.

We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time
Aug 9, 2006
I'm sorry but that cracked me up bigtime.

Police officer: Hello 5th Precinct

Journeyman: I want to report a website.

Police Officer: what did it do?

Journeyman: It was mean to me.

Police Officer: How mean?

Journeyman: They made me quit my job and and stiff a bunch of bookmakers.

Police Officer: Pay your debts you friggin stiff and that kind of thing would not happen to you.


Wil i think "Jman the asshole" has been privy to lots of personal information like big gamblers info that could lead to having players looked into, just saying if someone is up to no good they can find a way to cause trouble
Sep 21, 2004
Now what are we going to call the Journeyman Pick 4 contest?

How about the Illini Pick 4? Seems appropriate, they've been stiffing all the people that bet on them the last couple years.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
Now what are we going to call the Journeyman Pick 4 contest?

How about the Illini Pick 4? Seems appropriate, they've been stiffing all the people that bet on them the last couple years.

Hey how about those Iowa Hawkeyes ILLINI.... :missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte
Sep 21, 2004
Hey how about those Iowa Hawkeyes ILLINI.... :missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte
I love it. And I love the fact that we are no longer shitty. In fact, we're pretty damn solid, and I think it's going to continue. Cheers, bro. :toast:

And congrats to your Cubbies. I've got a lot of friends that are Cubs fans, so I'll be pulling for them.

Rx. Junior
Dec 31, 2006
I love it. And I love the fact that we are no longer shitty. In fact, we're pretty damn solid, and I think it's going to continue. Cheers, bro. :toast:

And congrats to your Cubbies. I've got a lot of friends that are Cubs fans, so I'll be pulling for them.

Thank you sir! Fuck yeah were solid, you know whats funny, I played against Juice in high school, he fuckin killed us

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Wil i think "Jman the asshole" has been privy to lots of personal information like big gamblers info that could lead to having players looked into, just saying if someone is up to no good they can find a way to cause trouble<!-- / message -->

As mods we don't know anything except user names that everyone can see and email addresses that can lead to anywhere if you remember them. They proove nothing. All these forums are just for discussions not real gambling, I haven't a clue in the world who you are or where you bet or even if you do bet. Journeyman can't proove anyone who posts here actually bets because he doesn't have any real names. What is he going to do report Sportsavant for betting Canadien League Football to the Baltimore police?


Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
That EOG very long thread will have to wait some time before I get around to reading it, I only read the 1st post.

I have other SHIT to deal with, like :

Should I try to install laminate flooring myself on staircases ?... I'm going to !

Do I accept the tile guy's bid, and lay the cement Hardiboard myself... that seems like a bitch in itself ! Everything I read says that shit is miserable to cut !

Do I let my wife get her eldest daughter ( about 25) a kitten , because she misses our cat whilst she babysat it for a week, while we were away ?.... she's going to get it anyway, girl should know her Mudder better than that !

Daughter ain't dumb... wife tried to leave litterbox there, while taking her cat... WTF ?

I still don't like leaving an animal that may live 15+ years upon someone, but that is likely to occur ! What can I do ?

Free Kittens
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2 Black and white Kittens with blues eyes Resemble Himalayans. Mother was killed they are 5 weeks old and they eat on there own.


* Location: Bristol
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Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Money makes peeps do funny things ! If I remember details correctly... poster Mick named me to play his $1,000 hand as proxy ( or whatever, the proper term is).

I have his $1,000 ($900) in hand(hand won), up to me to do the right thing (send him a good check), he has little recourse if I fail to do so. I'm honored to have been deemed worthy of that trust! :howdy:

May 22, 2005
I'm sorry but that cracked me up bigtime.

Police officer: Hello 5th Precinct

Journeyman: I want to report a website.

Police Officer: what did it do?

Journeyman: It was mean to me.

Police Officer: How mean?

Journeyman: They made me quit my job and and stiff a bunch of bookmakers.

Police Officer: Pay your debts you friggin stiff and that kind of thing would not happen to you.

funny stuff, It always seems to come down to money doesnt it.

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
J-Man I just am in shock shock shock by all of this..bad day to be away from the forums I guess.. this is troublesome for sure.

J-Man catch your breath...... Obvioulsy its been a hard day and past month from the sounds of it... Your legacy is safe here despite the way you left.. but keep you legecy in tact..maybe dont post for a couple days and relax and enjoy the sports on TV!! It was a pleasure playing in your contests and joining in so many of your threads.

Obviously if a "person" has seriously put a death threat on your life and family that you think is sincere and real then call all the authorities you can think of and tell them of that crime, you need to protect your life from potential murder! (Im not sure what some of these posters around here are smoking tonight??).

RX Mods and team you are A+ A+ A+ in all manners (including advertising for the books with banners!).

Im looking forward to the J MAN NFL contest Sunday for one...
trytrytry said it all for me in his post. Not much to add since that's what I would have said exactly. Journeyman, I hope only the best for you in the future & I hope that your situation will be defused sooner than later before the "shit hits the fan" (aw shucks, fucnluc already posted a picture of that, ha). In any case, Journeyman, it sounds like a trip to Ocean City at this time would do you a world of good away from all that ugliness going on. :103631605

Take care, J-man. You can reach me via the e-mail address you would have of me.

* CalvinTy

New member
May 15, 2007
all the forums are against him now. Heh, he might be joining Clip Joint soon.

New member
Jul 26, 2006
I only do not check in during football games days. Look what I missed, wow. Can't believe this. Hope Jman can calm down a little and let cooler heads prevail. Cigarman is a great guy and laid back.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I only do not check in during football games days. Look what I missed, wow. Can't believe this. Hope Jman can calm down a little and let cooler heads prevail. Cigarman is a great guy and laid back.
Thats because you couldnt read your monitor from my spraying Korbel in your face from all the celebrating we had to do the last few days. :toast:

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