IVU Thread/QAnon Dictionary and Meaning of Terms


Nov 11, 2007
The only entry for today is the word "logic."

In reality I am not sure that the word actually exists in sbd's dictionary or at least in his understanding of the meaning.

All one has to do is read his posts, where ZERO logic exists and/or read my posts with clear examples pointing it out including today

in my Sbd call out thread.

Nov 11, 2007
Reposted from the Call on SBD to Explain Thread yesterday as sbd LOVES the word "return" as it relates to Trump's alleged return:

Every time I hear sbd predict Trump's return, it brings back memories of this song recorded by the Kingston Trio about a man who never did in fact


Imo and as I have stated before and as it applies to Trump, the one and only "return" Trump will have is to "return" to face the music in the courts

for misdemeanors and felonies for crimes committed he though he could get away with.

ps if you remember this song when it was recorded in 1959, you are getting up there in years like me.

(1) The Kingston Trio - M.T.A. - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
Just one new entry today="confirmed" or as used today by sbd "confirmed by multiple insiders!"

In the real world meaning of this term as it applies to sbd, it means something he has stated has been "confirmed" by someone who is is never identified

or by someone who you have never heard of.

Thus in reality and as used by sbd, the word "confirmed" is either a lie or worse, something fabricated in his own mind that whatever he said was

confirmed so as to then be able to pass it off to readers that it was confirmed.

The overall conclusion which has already been CONFIRMED too many time to count is that sbd is NOT a person you want to listen to when it come to facts

and/or if you want to hear a logical, consistent argument with no loose ends to tie up.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I notice that sbd is getting slammed yet again by someone who doesn't post all that much at least in sbd's thread, but who sure as hell

realizes what a truly pathetic prognosticator sbd has proven to be over the last 12 months.

As usual sbd has no defense for what has been pointed out and documented, and thus simply resorts to the same lies, hackneyed and vague

cliches and ovrall bullshit he always has with his response when pinned against the ropes.

ps Later on I will comment on post 9072 in the IVU Thread in my other thread.

Nov 11, 2007
If you want to see lots of examples of words and terms in the sbd/QAnon Dictionary pointed out in this thread and perhaps some new candidates,

simply read post 9116 in his thread.

It goes without saying that the one word which isn't included in sbd's dictionary but which is included in the real world's dictionary and the RX

Dictionary is the word "bullshit," with a footnote pointing to anything which RX Forum poster sbd says as a prime example of the definition/

meaning of the word!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is an expression sbd just dragged out of his "arsenal" after many months in abeyance:

"Soon you and your libtard friends will be in full fetal position crying for your mommies."

The last time I recall he used this term was sometime last summer when the polling data and events across the country looked very bad for Trump.

When some of us commented on this and stated that this didn't augur well for Trump's re-election, sbd in his typical style, used this phrase

instead of doing what he should have done, namely acknowledging that Trump and his Campaign Staff had work to do, but that he was

confident that there was plenty of time for things to turn around, and that Trump would prevail in the Election.

Nov 11, 2007
No new terms today but rather a repeat of one today by sbd when he is pinned against the ropes and getting the living shit

kicked out of him and can't counter it other than to say that the poster has a "low iq."

Nov 11, 2007
Just one repeated phrase today from sb/D-erepict:

"You are watching a movie.

Bad actors!"

This is a "pretty long "movie" which has been going on since sbd started his thread 13 months ago and which is, has been and will always be a flop at

the box office; this is the case with any movie and for that matter anything which reeks so badly of bullshit and lies,

that one has to wear a mask not to protect oneself from Covid but rather from the putrid odor and stench

which emanates in the movie theater or any person viewing in on tv.

Nov 11, 2007
Just one new entry today, and it is in the form of a phrase used today by sbd:

"The war has already been won."

First of all he needs to specify EXACTLY who the combatants are in this war, what they are fighting over, and objective, empirical ,,proof/evidence that

his side has won.

For me the real "war" is that which is playing out in his head between the delusional one, which feasts on fantasy, imagination, paranoia, hopes and desires

and the real one which does or at least should know that what he has stated for the last 13 months is a figment of his imagination at best and downright lies

at worst to try to get people to believe in his documented bullshit.

Needless to say, the delusional one is in full control at the moment.

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting post #38 for those who missed it, because it is so revealing as to the scandalous manner in which sbd operates in order in his mind

anyways if no one else, to have the ball 100% of the time in his court:

Here you go:

My definition of sbd's definition of "narrative" is a constant story which changes every day to fit the events of the day so as to put

them in Trump's and the QAnons favor, and which also selects, distorts and twists the actual facts in any way he sees fit so as to create some

kind of lie, illusion or smokescreen to attempt to further these ends.

Nov 11, 2007
I am not going to come down to the level of what sbd posted today to comment upon because as usual it is all delusional bs born out of desperation

because all of his/the QAnons predictions and conspiracy theories have failed to come true, meaning that they are going about things in a little

different manner in order to try to get people to believe what they say other than of course their fringe following.

The only thing which has any merit of truth is drinking too much soda and Coke.

For me all that matter is that Biden and Harris are in charge until the Election in 2024 and that the one and only thing Trump supporters,

QAnon supporters can do to change things around will be in the Elections in 2022 to try to take control of the House of Representatives

and then of course 2024.

Most importantly imo your personal lives, your physical health and that of your family as well as your financial situation and your overall happiness

is all that should matter.

The chances are and have always been slim that whoever is POTUS is going to impact your own lives no matter how much fear and paranoia sbd and QAnon

followers try to stir up.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a term which I don't believe I have mentioned in this thread yet and why I just commented up in the the Sbd Failed Prediction Thread.

The term is "that there is a lot going on behind the scenes."

Sbd has used this vague term a number of times including today to indicate that Trump and his cohorts are planning action which they are about to

do very shortly in order to return Trump to power as well as sending Biden and other "evil" democrats and members of the DS to GITMO and/or

execution for treason.

Needless to say over the last year and as I stated in the other thread, none of has happened yet, not is there any indication of what is allegedly

going on behind the scenes to bring "justice."

In some sense it is sort of like the term "fake news" when sbd and the QAnons are confronted with facts for which they have no legitimate

response which will fly other than with other QAnons.

As I see it, "going on behind the scenes" is in actuality nothing more than a weak and desperate attempt to string

folks along because they have nothing else to offer to try to get people to believe them.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't think I have mentioned the word "control" before in sbd's/QAnon lexicon.

Anyways in the real world, it is simply another imaginary term of sbd and he QAnons to try to convince people that Trump is

and has always been in "control" right along, even though all of the empirical evidence of our senses of sight

and hearing as the criterion, suggests 100% the opposite, namely that Biden/Harris are in control, have been

in control since he was inaugurated on January 20 and will be in control until at least Inauguration Day in 2025

depending on who wins the 2024 Election.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one which hasn't been mentioned before:

"Get ready!"

Sbd has used this term many times in the past to try to prepare people for something "good" to happen shortly, ie from his and/or

the QAnons point of view.

In actuality though what the term has come to mean 99.9% of the time is "get ready" for yet another classic FAILED prediction or baseless accusation

or conspiracy theory-FACT NOT OPINION!!


Nov 11, 2007
Here is a very important and applicable entry, which uses "God's" name: Trump Card.

Anyone who has played cards know what it means.

In this instance it means that the people who believe that Biden is Potus, has been since his Inauguration and will continue to be until at least Inauguration

Day in January 2025, are the ones holding it.

Folks like QAnons who believe otherwise, have not presented one shred of evidence to the contrary, and sorry vague, baseless and insane

predictions about Trump's return from sbd are not evidence, but rather are nothing more than his own projection,

hopes and desires, which are about as real as those of his boss, the "Q"uizard of Oz!

Nov 11, 2007
One new entry today, actually one coined by Trump and used by sbd.

"We have it all."

I don't know what it means actually but the implication seems to be that sbd thinks that ot means that they have enough for Trump to return

and overthrow the Election Results six months later and reinstate Trump.

My response to this is 1) it isn't happening and 2) We meaning the Biden Administration "has it all"/ has the means to vaporize any QAnon, thug or anyone else who

tries to overthrow the results of the Election as voted by the People!!

Nov 11, 2007
We have a new entry by sbd today:

"It won't be long before the dominoes fall."

This refers once again to election audits, which will somehow return Trump to the Presidency "very soon." lol

In the real world which you and I reside, what the term means is that once again another of the sbd forecasts will crumble,

nothing will come of it, and sbd will just move those goalposts once again out a bit further and/or with some new prediction.

ps I wonder how many more moves those goalposts can take before they need to replaced.

I mean uprooting them as many times as sbd has does take its toll! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a new one to think about and just posted by sbd:

"Getting word that now close to 950,000 ballots are illegal, almost all are for Biden."

In the reality we all live in, the word "illegal" as used here means they are :illegal" because the votes cast were for Biden

rather than for "GOD"/Trump!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a term which is NOT found in he sbd/QAnon Dictionary but is found in the REAL world dictionary and certainly applies to the former

as all he/the QAnons do is make future predictions and promises which never have nor ever will come true, and then run away and hide when they don't.

Thus our entry for today as it applies especially to sbd and his world is "Shit or get off the pot!"

Nov 11, 2007
I will let you decide whether sbd qualifies as an internet troll based on this definition:

<cite style="color: rgb(0, 102, 33); font-style: normal; overflow-wrap: break-word;">https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Internet Troll</cite>
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

My own opinion is a qualified "yes" but with an asterisk.

The asterisk is that while it is true that what he posts every day with his tabloid material is to seek personal attention, which for unknown personal reasons he

craves and needs so badly, I also believe that he really believes most of what he posts and is trying to get others to share his beliefs.

To conclude, imo he is an internet troll of sorts, but unlike many trolls who just say anything to stir things up and to respond, sbd has some deep seeded psychological and/or emotional

problems which have led him to take on the alternative world beliefs of the QAnon, which in some sense allow him not to confront the REAL personal problems he cannot and/or refuses

to deal with.

As I see it, by trying to convince others that what he espouses is true(even though and others have destroyed him and documented how flawed and failed his beliefs and predictions

are and have been), he is getting or at least getting some feeling of self-importance or worth by for a lack of a better term trying to attain some kind of martyr status.

Unfortunately though that is a skin deep solution, which in no way addresses the deeper unresolved problems which are buried inside his being, and if anything,

just pushes them further away rather than bringing them to the forefront, where hopefully he would recognize and deal with them.

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