IVU Thread/QAnon Dictionary and Meaning of Terms


Nov 11, 2007
We have one new entry today as sbd just used this phrase for the umpteenth millionth time, and not even one time has it come true.

"It's going to be BIBLICAL!"

This is a phrase that sbd has used too many times to count along with similar terms like "mic drop," to try to draw attention and put emphasis that something big

is about happen.

For people like who have been following this thread since it started, the use of "biblical," and similar terms draw a collective yawn for the simple reason

that nothing has materialized previously with terms like this, and thus why should we expect it to be different this time around.

I was thinking of comparing this to the fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," by decided not to because the inference there is that when something did happen

to justify the urgency, people would no longer pay attention because of the failure in the past.

In contrast, I really don't believe that at this point that there is even a remote policy that the use of "biblical" will ever

apply except of course in his and the QUACKAnons alternate/fictional world of reality, where delusional hopes and desires translate

in their demented minds into "reality."


Nov 11, 2007
I alluded to this in my Call for Sbd Prediction Thread a few minutes ago:

To summarize, in the sbd/QAnon dictionary, the word "fact" means something is true simply because they so, meaning no documentation is needed.

The word "opinion" thus does not exist in their lexicon at least as it applies to them because after they are "infallible."

It follows that their definition of the words "fact" and "opinion" as they exist in the dictionary in the world in which WE REAL HUMAN BEINGS

reside in this time and spaceare rendered meaningless and worthless unless of course whatever is being talked about, discussed and debated

is in 100% agreement of what sbd and QAnons believe about the issue at hand.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a word for those of you who don't know found in the Yiddish Dictionary which describes sbd:


1. adjective Crazy, foolish, idiotic, or senseless. From Yiddish meshuge. Spelled in a variety of ways in English, including "meshuganah," "mashugana," or "mashuganah."I've made no secret about the fact that I think he's meshuggeneh!You want to try to smuggle that stuff past airport security? What are you, meshuggeneh?
2. noun A crazy, foolish, idiotic, or senseless person.I try not to have business dealings with a meshuggeneh like him.What do you think I am, a meshuggeneh? Of course I'll be careful!

Nov 11, 2007
I have one new entry today, which is actually my own definition of a word of what in reality their definition of sbd/QAnons definition of a word

is although they won't admit it.

Confused? lol

Well here you go:

The entry today is GOD.

God has different meanings to different people dependent on their own personal and religious views.

Generally speaking, some of the concepts which come to mind are love, goodness, all knowing, etc.

As I see it and based on what I have seen posted by sbd, which I assume represents the QAnon point of view also, is that in reality God is a tool/a card

so to speak, something to use to promulgate sbd/QAnon's point of view when things have not in accordance with what they predicted/wanted to happen.

One glaring and obvious example of this are reflected in all of sbs's FAILED and multiple predictions right after the Election that Trump would be reinstated

on SPECIFIC dates all culminating with Trump's inauguration on Jan. 20.

When that didn't occur, the date was moved to March 4, which is during this coming week.

Using today as an example of what I am talking about, you will see in his IVU Thread a number of allusions to Biden's failed Presidency already even though

allegedly Trump is still the POTUS, which makes no sense in itself.

In addition and more importantly, notice how sbd mentions GOD and the Divine Plan as an attempt to cover all up all of these failures(including

the zillion made prior to the Election).

What in essence he is trying to do is to use the concept of God moving forward to try to get people to forget how own failures and to concentrate on

the future, inferring that God will win or as he states it, has actually already "Won."

One of the many problems with that is that using/promoting God in this fashion leaves a lot of unanswered questions, such as why did God allow Biden

to be elected in the first place-was God on vacation when the votes were counted? lol

Also, if sbd is in tune with God as much as he implies, then why have all of his predictions failed to come?

Are we/he simply supposed to accept the notion that failures like this are all part of the Divine Plan?

Conversely it seems that when something positive in the eyes of sbd/the QAnons does occur, it is obvious evidence that God

does want us to see this as positive proof that HE is in charge.

In short and to conclude, as I see it, God in the eyes of sbd and the QAnons is simply a self serving, convenient and nebulous term to

toss out to fit his/their needs at a given moment to fit their agenda and promote their cause.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a new one, actually a phrase from sbd's lexicon, which somehow made it this far without being mentioned.

Sbd did use the phrase today to describe his feelings re: the SC rejecting Boog Powell's/oops I mean Bitch Powell's attempt(honk your horn if you are old

enough to remember this slugger for the Orioles from yesteryear), to get them to look at her claim of ALLEGED election fraud in the Election.

The phrase is "They are in for a VERY rude awakening."

Like such expressions as "fake news," this is one which sbd uses and has used in the past when he is pissed off/frustrated that something for Trump didn't

go the way he expected it and has no rational way to explain why things didn't turn out the way he wanted.

He never does or has defined what the "rude awakening" is or will be, but simply means that something bad is going to happen to those who were

responsible for letting this negativity occur.

Any objective person who has followed all of the failed zillion lawsuits brought about Trump pathetic legal team including previous

ones submitted to the SC, would simply conclude at that this point, four months after the Election and after one failed

attempt after another, that the Court regards folks like BITCH Powell as simply an irritating gnat or mosquito which needs to be

swatted away.

The gnat/mosquito comparison is actually being polite.

As I have said before, the SC response like the one yesterday to get them to do anything about "Election fraud," if translated to what they

really meant is a message which says "Stop fucking bothering us with this baseless shit.

"We have told you folks before you have no evidence and just unproven allegations, and we are not going to change our minds no matter

how many times you try to do so.

You need to concern yourself with other legal matters which have some merit."

Nov 11, 2007
One more late entry to the sbd/QAnon Dictionary.

The word is "coincidence?'

This is a word which sbd has used quite a few times including today using one or more events to draw or infer a conclusion about what he

deems to be a bigger and more important matter.

He usually attaches a "?" after the use of the word to try to sway you to in a subtle type of way that what he is inferring/implying is 100% true.

However, as I and the other folks have documented in my and his thread, his inferences are unproven and/or don't come to pass, and are based on insane

non sequiturs, illogic and other false and/or unproven premises.

Then again, this is the kind of stuff we have all come to expect from The Town Crier and Baron of Lies and Bullshit!

Nov 11, 2007
One more phrase for today, which was used today by sb/DELUSIONAL/DIPSHIT:

The phrase is "You will soon understand."

This is a concluding phrase which has been used by our friend to try to emphasize that what he stated and predicted in the first part of his

post and which may not be apparent to most folks, will be, and its meaning obvious sometime in the undefined "near term."

Like everything else he has proclaimed, whatever he was referring to never became obvious and understood.

What did become understood and what folks will "understand" in time (ie those few who don't know already), is

that sb/DELUSIONAL/DIPSHOT is a fraud, a liar who has never/not even once admitted a failed prediction on his part(99.9% of them),

and person who thinks he has the ability to blow smoke up people's ass and get away it, but as he has painfully found it, cannot get away with it!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I almost didn't buy this product, because its name reminds me of QAnon.

However I decided to try it, and all I can say is that if you suffer any kind of leg cramps or leg spasms especially when you sleep,

which does happen to older folks like me, let me tell you that it really works.

The name of the product is Qunol( I use extra strength) and you can probably find it at your local CVS, Walgreen, Walmart or certainly on line,

where I bought mine.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I almost didn't buy this product, because its name reminds me of QAnon.

However I decided to try it, and all I can say is that if you suffer any kind of leg cramps or leg spasms especially when you sleep,

which does happen to older folks like me, let me tell you that it really works.

The name of the product is Qunol( I use extra strength) and you can probably find it at your local CVS, Walgreen, Walmart or certainly on line,

where I bought mine.

This should read Qunol Extra Strength Turmeric.

Nov 11, 2007
Just one small entry today from sb/DELUSIONAL/DIPSHIT'S vocabulary which was used today:

"If you don't understand this by now I feel sorry for you."

His intent is to say that if you don't believe everything he has said in the particular post in question, then he is saying that he feels sorry that you don' t believe

and/or get what he stated.

In the real world and our dictionary in which nothing he has stated in the post is true, his quote should be turned around to be politically correct

to read that "I(sbd) feel sorry for myself and am pissed off that no one has come forth to agree with me about anything I see no matter how

I hard I try to pull the wool over their eyes with my usual lies and bullshit!"

Nov 11, 2007
Just one entry today from sbd's lexicon, and it was used today:


This is a phrase that sb/D-elusional/D-ipshit uses and has used in the past as a closing sentence in a post to try to give added emphasis to whatever

he said previously with the hopes that by invoking God's name, it will resonate with folks and put GOD's stamp of approval of what he said.

To be politically correct however, what he means is that God is supposed to "bless" the "chosen ones,", who are in effect the QAnons,

to deliver HIS message even if it means resorting to violence in overthrowing the US Government to establish Trump, racism and anti-Semitiism,

which the group openly preaches.

Lets just say kindly in short that the God in whom I believe is not the same one in which sbd and his QAnons believe it, which/who imo

has a fixation on Eternal Fiery Flames!!


Nov 11, 2007
Since sb/doormat used the word "coincidence" again today several times to drive home a point, I refer you again to a previous post as to

what his use of the word means in the real world:

One more late entry to the sbd/QAnon Dictionary.

The word is "coincidence?'

This is a word which sbd has used quite a few times including today using one or more events to draw or infer a conclusion about what he

deems to be a bigger and more important matter.

He usually attaches a "?" after the use of the word to try to sway you in a subtle type of way that what he is inferring/implying is 100% true.

However, as I and the other folks have documented in my and his thread, his inferences are unproven and/or don't come to pass, and are based on insane

non sequiturs, illogic and other false and/or unproven premises.

Then again, this is the kind of stuff we have all come to expect from The Town Crier and Baron of Lies and Bullshit!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a word you will NOT find in the sbd/QAnon Dictionary simply because there is no need to as it is an inborn trait at the time of birth for

ALL QAnons, meaning that if it was listed, it would imply that it is not a given at time of birth.

The word is "honesty," and in this very Forum sb/D-ingbat, as a practicing member of the the QAnons, has shown "100% of the time" with his own

"honesty," that he is truly emblematic and an exemplary model of the QAnon Group, and why we should all look up to him as a model to guide
our own lives looking forward!:):)

Nov 11, 2007
I could have put what I am going to say in any of the three threads I run, but decided to put it in this word because it relates to a term which sbd

used earlier today:

"Humans bash/hate what they don’t know or understand for fear it will threaten everything hey believe or have been taught as “truth”."

Anyways as a single sentence existing in a vacuum, lots of folks including myself are sometimes hesitant to accept new beliefs and/or change ones which

they have held for a long time.

However as we all know, beliefs and concepts do not exist in a vacuum, and we hold them based on our factual past experiences, which justify those beliefs.

Thus as uncomfortable as it may be to change these existing views, we need to see based on new empirical evidence why we need to/should change them.

In the case of sbd and the QAnons, neither one of them have presented any documented evidence to change our existing beliefs.

In fact, if anything, our current beliefs have been strengthened by the fact that 99.9% of sbd and the QAnons predictions, which would alter our ideas and

opinions, have failed with documentation over the last 12 months since he started his thread.

If the truth be told, in actuality at this point it should be sbd and the QAnons based on their empirical failures including Trumps re-election rather than us

who need to come to grips with what reality is and has proven to be rather than what they want and hope it to be.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't know if the word "probability" exists in the sbd/QAnon Dictionary as I am not sure it applies in the make believe world.

If it does, the word equates to 100% probability of occurring because as we all know they are "right" everything.

In the dictionary in the real world in which we mortals exist, the word "probability" as it applies to sbd and the QAnons equates to ZERO percent

using documented historical data as the basis.

In our world, next to the word and definition of "probability" above as it applies to sbd/QAnons, there will be a *, which when one checks to see

what symbol means, it will say see "bullshit" and "lie" definition for synonymous meanings. lol

Nov 11, 2007
A new word was introduced by sb/D-oofus.

It is the word "stage" and as used today, stage 5.

The implied but obviously not stated meaning of this word is that is a term used to buy time/ string along suckers for as long as possible with whatever prediction

he has made.

In actuality the word "stage" has no limit as far as finality goes, unless of course you want to use the expression "stage to infinity/eternity" as to

when the "stage" will "end."

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another one which the Pied Piper of Bullshit and Lies who operates his IVU Thread says when he tries to weakly make a point about

Trump's returning as POTUS "very soon."

"The ending won’t be for everyone"

Actually the "ending" has already occurred , and it resulted in Biden being elected POTUS until the next Election in 2024.

And I agree the ending wasn't for everyone, including most notably sbd and his whacko QAnons who still don't recognize that Biden won by over 7 million popular

votes as well as handily in the Electoral College, and who continue by any means to try to overturn the results.

Their ENDING will be if they continue this shit, ie violence, and end up with their corpses lying on the ground with their "souls" en route to the Deep Bowels

of the Eternal Flames of Hell where Satan will be "welcoming them" with open arms!!


Nov 11, 2007
Only one entry for today:

My definition of sbd's definition of "narrative" is a constant story which changes every day to fit the events of the day so as to put

them in Trump's and the QAnons favor, and which also selects, distorts and twists the actual facts in any way he sees fit so as to create some

kind of lie, illusion or smokescreen to attempt to further these ends.

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast today.

The real world's definition/tranlsation of sbd's this or that is "coming very soon or soon" means that it will NEVER come unless ones wants to include

the term "infinity."

If you don't believe me, pick out a few days at random over the last 12 months since his thread was opened, read the predictions for that day and see

how many of them actually came true.

Hint-the four letter word begins with a Z and ends with a an O-the the two middle letters are E and R.

If you don't want to bother to figure that out, the word is ZERO!!

Nov 11, 2007
Notice how many times after sbd goes on discourse replete with QAnon bullshit, lies and just plain material which would be lucky to be accepted

into the Twilight Zone, he finishes the post with the words "Do you understand(yet)?"

In reality this statement does nothing more than to expressing sbd's lack of confidence in what he said leading up to the question as well

as an obvious feeling of insecurity about his own being.

I have read many articles on many different topics over the years attempting to make a persuasive case to their point f view.

Suffice it to say that no matter how convincing or unconvincing their case is, the best written ones NEVER weakly conclude as sbd does by poisoning the

well and/or slamming down the gavel with questions such as "Do you understand?"

But then again and in a all fairness, as I have documented for the last 12 months, sbd is a TERRIBLE "debater," and

I use the word loosely, as he has no ideas to put together a cohesive/flowing and convincing argument

without the illogic, inconsistences, contradictions and paradoxes which are found in everything he posts.

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