IVU Thread/QAnon Dictionary and Meaning of Terms


Nov 11, 2007
As I said yesterday, when I had some time, I was going to state some definitions in the sbd/QAnon alternate world of fantasy

world of reality and delusion dictionary.

I decided that rather than to include these in one of the other two existing threads I started and update it, I thought that it would be easier

to access by having a separate thread.

Also, rather than try to state everything which comes to mind right away, which might be a bit overwhelming, it would be easier to

state these meanings in a more gradual manner.

That said, lets start with two terms which the Town Crier has used today-"delusional" and "low iq."

In the Town Crier's/QAnons dictionary, the world "delusional" is used to describe anyone who offers a point of view which differs

from that of the QAnons.

In our world of reality what it means is that when folks offer/have offered empirical evidence in his thread or mine which disproves something which the

town crier, who is the QAnon agent in this forum, it means that THEY(the folks calling out the crier for stating something false and/or

a false/failed prediction and/or unproven accusation/conspiratorial theory) are the ones who are delusional rather than the QAnons.

In lay terms this is know as projection on the part of the Town Crier/QAnons, ie trying to denigrate someone else when in fact it is he/the QAnons

who are the ones who are suffering from delusion.

The second term we are going to look at today is "low iq."

This term in actuality is very similar to the word "delusional," in that when historically our Town Crier has been backed into a corner

by any one of the folks who have exposed him for not delivering on a prediction or catching him in an outright lie, he simply calls

the person who has exposed him as being of low iq to try to disparage/discredit the person who has called him out.

In fact, it is just the opposite in that only people with relatively high iq's rather than low iq's are able to see through the lies, smokescreen

and overall deception and bs which define our Town Crier and the QAnons.

Thats it for now-ack again sometime soon when we will among other terms look at the QAnons definition of term "accountability."

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing I want to add for now but did not say directly in last post, although I did imply it.

Sbd has a bad habit of calling everyone who disagrees with him or rightfully puts him down because a time sensitive prediction of his

has failed to materialize(100% of the time) "delusional."

However he does not/ cannot state why he considers them delusional and especially so because as stated above, the person has provided documentation

that what snd predicted to happen on a specific date or by a specific date simply did not occur, and he did not admit the failure.

Thus he does what many other lowlifes.not very bright people do do when cornered, namely simply resort to name calling,

and in this instance, simply refer to the otherperson(s) what he in fact is, DELUSIONAL.

If and when sbd explains SPECIFICALLY why with empirical evidence why someone is delusional, I will and everyone should regard this term as

an inability/weak attempt on his part to confront his own shortcomings(too many to list).

Back tomorrow with the Town Crier/QAnon definitions of the words "accountability" and "brain washed sheep."

Nov 11, 2007
As promised yesterday, here are two more definitions in the sbd/QAnon Lexicon, "accountability" and "brain washed sheep."

Lets take a look at the easier one, namely "accountability."

First of all, the way I understand the meaning in our own society, part of the definition involves one's admitting an error on his part in anything

he says or done rather than not admitting or pretending that whatever he said or did never happened in the first place.

From what I have seen of sbd and the QAnons, whom he represents, the word apparently does not exist in the dictionary in heir alternate world

of reality because they are "always right" and "Never say or do anything which isn't spot-on."

If one needs proof of this, all one has to do is to read the too many to count unproven and false accusation theories and time driven predictions spewed

forth which have failed to materialize(99.9 %-I say 99.9% rather than 100% because maybe I missed one along the way which did come true).

NOT ONCE/NEVER has the Town Crier admitted any of these failings.

Rather he has just moved onto the next one, and when that fails, well as we all know, just move the goalposts out some more predictions which

will fail?

Get the picture?

As I have some unexpected errands to run, I will leave you with that for now and talk about the "brain washed sheep" definition and meaning later on.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-I am back with the QAnon definition of "brainwashed sheep."

In the real world of reality, brainwashed is defined as follows:

to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling him or her that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching him or her.

Thus the implication in this case is that anyone who believes and accepts everything they are told by by the government, the media, etc. has

to be true, and is thus a sheep.

By the sbd/ QAnon definition of the term anyone who doesn't agree with him them, in such matters that there is a deep state,

that there are evil democrats who not only traffick children, but who also drink the blood of babies and even eat them,

that the Coronavirus is a complete 100% hoax, that the infections and deaths stated are fake, that Trump is God's chosen

person to carry out his will on Earth, that Trump won all 50 states and got 90% of popular vote, etc is a brainwashed sheep.

Also along the same lines, anyone who doesn't believe in their accusation and conspiracy theories and time driven predictions

is also a brainwashed sheep.

The trouble with this is that when asked for proof/empirical evidence that they(the QAnons and specifically sbd) are right, they/he has

have/has not provided ANY as his IVU Thread is a testimonial to.

I already explained this in the previous posts in this thread as well as the multitude of people who have called him out with documentation

of his failed predictions in his thread.

Thus as I see it, no matter which dictionary one chooses to use, and using EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, the REAL "brainwashed sheep"

are QAnons)some now former QAnons) and others who originally bought into this stuff and followed sbd/QAnons

and gave them every chanceto make good on their predictions, the most noteworthy one being that Trump would be inaugurated

on Jan. 20 for a second term.

To cut to the chase and summarize, sbd and the QAnon folks who have made all of these accusation/conspiracy theories and

predictions which have failed to materialize because of lack of empirical evidence, are the REAL culprits here, and the folks who blindly followed them are the "brainwashed sheep."

As I stated previously, this kind of projection, transference, etc. is a common practice of sbd/the QAnons and an essential ingredient for their survival.


Nov 11, 2007
Here is a classic example of what I am talking about in post 1 and for that matter implied in the previous post.

This is what the Town Crier/Baron of Bullshit and Lies and Deception just posted in his IVU Thread.

It is all directed at Habsburger who has thoroughly exposed him and I mean THOROUGLY EXPOSED him with his posts since the Election.

Here you go:

"Fake fact checker time.

As predicted.

The truth is you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the facts presented in the documentary.

Very low IQ.

And delusional.

Terrible combination.

It's like you drew the 'short stick" in this lifetime.

Will pray for your soul!"

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for tonight and referring back to previous post.

Notice how he uses the term "pray for your soul." again.

This is a term that the Town Crier of Bullshit has used multiple times since he started the thread,

as a way of weakly trying to put down someone who has exposedhim with documentation that he has failed once again

in something he said or predicted previously.

Thus for me the expression of his "praying for your soul" is not actually something which can be found in the QAnon Dictionary, but rather it is something

out of the QAnon Playbook when sbd/the QAnons has/their back pinned up against the wall with no response by someone in order to try

to make it look like the other person is the one who is delusional and who thus needs to be prayed for rather than the other way around.

This goes right along with one of the most common expressions of sbd and the QAnons, "fake news," which we will look at in the next post.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with what "fake news" means in the sbd/QAnon Lexicon for those who don't know already.

Actually this is a term initially coined by Trump himself when he saw documented news or material which reflected badly upon him for which he

had no rebuttal which would fly with any reasonably intelligent person.

Thus he simply chose the all encompassing/vague and generalized term "fake news" hoping that it would resonate with folks other than his cult, which

as we all know accepts and never questions anything he says.

The QAnons and the Town Crier representative in this Forum adopted the term when they had their backs pinned up against the wall(which is most

of the time) when confronted in this forum and in general with no DIRECT response which can/counter counter what was said about them or Trump.

In a sense for me the term "fake news" is sort of like pleading the Fifth Amendment in that it is sort of an escapist attempt when folks want to protect

themselves from being incriminated, exposed or to be blunt, looking just stupid and clueless, which as we have seen, applies and has applied

to The Town Crier of Bullshit and Lies and who owns and operates the IVU Thread since he started it in March.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd has just hit another low by referring to the folks at CNN as having low iq's, when in fact they are some of the brightest and most perceptive people out there

whether one agrees with their views or not.

Anyone of above average intelligence(which doesn't include sbd) would realize that CNN folks the likes of Gloria Borger, Dana Bash, Wolf Blitzer, Don Lemon,

Chris Cuomo, John King, Laura Coates and Anderson Cooper didn't get to where they are in life by being of low iq.

Perhaps the Town Crier of Lies, Delusion, Deception and ENVY of folks like this should take steps to improve his own current sorry lot in life,

which sadly at the moment consists solely of residing in La La Land

As I see it, for all intents and purposes, he is nothing more than a figment of his own imagination!

Nov 11, 2007
I have only one entry today on Super Bowl Sunday, and actually this is a phrase, which applies to sbd's own version of terminology more than possibly

the QAnon Lexicon.

Anyways, his hackneyed phrased used over and over again since he started his thread is "Nothing can stop what is coming."

In the context he has used it, it means that some kind of "divine justice" is going to prevail and very soon, such as Trump being inaugurated

as the POTUS even though he lost, that "evil" people(ie noted democrats are about to be rounded up, arrested, convicted and punished

by death or life confinement at Gitmo, and all kinds of other shit most with actual dates for this to occur.

As we all know, none of this stuff ever occurred.

Thus to be politically correct, the rightful definition/meaning/translation of phrase "Nothing can stop what is coming" should mean

is that Nothing can stop what is coming, ie nothing can stop sbd from continuing to issue more and more new predictions

to replace the ones which have failed(which is 99.9% of them) and continuing to delude himself and others

who read this totally baseless horseshit!!

Nov 11, 2007
Today so far there is only one addition to the sbd/QAnon Dictionary.

The word is "sting."

Sbd has used this word repeated to either predict that many of those "evil democrats" or members of "the deep state" are about to rounded up, arrested,

tried and convicted and either executed for treason or sent to GITMO for the rest of their lives..

In addition he has used it to convey that the above has already "secretly" occurred but that only he and his fellow QAnons know about it at this time

for undisclosed reasons. lol

Back later on in the next few days for the next definition/meaning of word or term which is a part of the sbd/QAnon Dictionary in their alternate

nonexistent world of "reality."

Nov 11, 2007
A new word is being added to the sbd/QAnon dictionary, and that is "very soon."

This word is being added because it looks like sbd and/or his ventriloquist(Simon says and Lin Woody and God who knows who else)have decided that the

time sensitive and specific dates which they have used for just about all of their predictions up until now, are not serving them well as one

prediction after another bites the dust.

Thus, in their minds it stands to reason that if they just just the term "very soon" instead, by so doing, it won't allow folks to put them down for failed

predictions, because the tern "very soon" has no clear cut definition of what the time frame is, meaning they can use it over again as they see fit in

the same manner and appropriately as a cheap and sick person can use the same piece of toilet paper to wipe his ass multiple times. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One new entry to the sbd/QAnon Dictionary, as the word was used today, and that is GITMO.

In the sbd/QAnon Dictionary this is a place where many evil Democrats will be sent and/or have been sent for high crimes against society.

The only problem despite all of the claims by sbd that these folks will be sent to GITMO including today with Governor Cuomo,

the FACT is that in the REAL WORLD there is no actual documentation of anyone being sent there and sure as Hell since

the Town Crier started his thread in March!!!

To use one of sbd's favorite terms, FAKE NEWS, which certainly applies to HIM as well as the too many count LIES he has told since the thread began.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one you can take to the bank:

Once Trump faces the courts as a civilian on both civilian and criminal charges, all of the shocking and documented evidence which is presented will

be simply dismissed by Trump, sbd and just about everyone else as the catchall term I defined earlier, "fake news."

In fact, WHEN he is found guilty, sbd and the QAnons will refer to the court proceedings as fake, and then we will hear of some new date

in the future at which time the verdict will be overturned and Trump found innocent of all charges.

In addition, it will be predicted that those jurors, judges, etc. who were complicit in the initial verdict will be sent to GITMO.

Sound familiar? lol

Jun 4, 2018
How does somebody go about joining Qanon ?

Jun 4, 2018
Flipping through channels came across the VICE channel ..... showing episodes of Qanon:the search for Q

Nov 11, 2007
Flipping through channels came across the VICE channel ..... showing episodes of Qanon:the search for Q

Perhaps they should send out an APB to try to find him/it assuming that the entity actually exists in our time and space. lol

Jun 4, 2018
I hate to admit this but I could easily be sucked down the rabbit hole :ohno: ...... hell , I know the word CONSPIRACY THEORIST was coined by the C.I.A

Nov 11, 2007
In addition to what I posted in #13, here is another prediction you can take to the bank:

IF sbd and/or the QAnons actually get lucky and one of their predictions does come true and especially in a timely manner, he/they will milk it to

the max with the hopes that folks will simply forget the other 99.9% predictions prior to that which failed.

This is similar to the horrible loser scamdicappers out there who do nothing but lose and lose and especially big plays but then

get lucky and win big play and/oreven do well overall with their plays over the short term and then try

to pretend that their overall horrible record prior to that never existed and that their little winning streak is the rule rather

than the exception.

I can think of no better example than LOSER Lang, who has documented has absolutely BURIED people over time with his picks, even though the obnoxious,

arrogant coc ksucker pretends to be some kind of guru when in fact over time he is one of the worst if not the worst out there!

Jun 4, 2018
There's been more than a few CONSPIRACY THEORIES that have been proven true over time .... just two here , D.U.M.B's ( deep underground military bases ) & AMERICAN SCIENTISTS HAVE MILITARIZED THE WEATHER . these ideas were scoffed/laughed at .... they ended up being true

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