It’s debate night. What does that mean for the rest of the ticket?


Dec 15, 2017
Best option in your case would be to write in a candidate. Biden is a traitor and a criminal. That's a vote against our country. Very simple
Why is that best option?

Either Biden or Trump is going to win

My vote doesn’t matter much I guess given my state but I’d rather vote for the guy who can beat him

Dec 15, 2017
This isn't about Obama, that traitor has enough issues of his own. The wall was helping, Biden could've finished itvand not reversed Trump's executive orders with the border.

Remain in fucking Mexico ! That was working.
It wasn’t “working” though

Nothing changed when Trump took office. Even more came in

And it’s not really an issue to start with IMO

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Did anyone wake up and think "Holy shit, how embarrassing is it that THESE 2 guys are our options?


There is ONLY 1 option.....only a TDS sufferer could realize otherwise.

The same haters gonna be praising the guy in a few years.......Trump is the Greatest President and CIC of our Lifetime, selected by the top Patriots in the Military to lead us (facts)

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
It doesnt matter what you think of Trump's personality

There is LITERALLY only 1 man on Gods green EARTH that is in a position to lead this country.

Im saying that objectively, any other candidate , no matter how much you may like him, does not have the fortitude or experience or the backing to do what is necessary.
They are ALL compromised in some way.

Some of You "smarter" TDS suffers TRULY need to do some research and stop parroting the fake news......Trump is respected WORLDWIDE (its not even about Trump, its that other leaders KNOW who backs him, Trump is simply the front man for the greatest Military Operation the world has ever seen)

Choose knowledge over ignorance....Nick Alvear was a J6 political prisoner and one of the BEST filmakers around when it comes to exposing the Cabal. Learn what Trump has done to free us from the to finish the job


Sep 21, 2004

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Democrats love to exploit minorities for votes

Republicans love to exploit minorities for cheap labor
No one here is supporting most of the Republicans . Quite a few are on the take also..

Trump has tried to stop the illegals from coming in. Unfortunately both parties have done their best to keep it going. The traitor on the other hand , pretty much is waving them in.

If the border or immigration isn't the issue, what is ? Trump is mean. WTF . Man, something must be really off with you.

Dec 15, 2017
"Joe got more attention" ..Trump has played the victim up the line for 4 years

View attachment 92214
Nobody whines and complains more than Trump and a lot of his supporters

Before the debate everyone here already saying it was unfair , a “charade” even

Now suddenly cuz Biden sucked it’s the most legitimate debate in presidential history and is going to tilt the election

Can’t make this stuff up

Dec 15, 2017
If any of the democratic candidates in the 2020 election moved the needle, then Joe would have never gotten involved. Remember, he wasnt in the early round of debates as he never threw his hat in the ring.

The pandemic and how Trump handled it (who knows how others would have handled it?) it was sunk Trump. I have more to say about your second statement but dont have the time right now to dig deeper.

I didnt mind these past 4 years. Not the best but certainly not the worst.

I just cant believe we currently have a Biden v Trump matchup again in 2024.
Trump was probably going to lose to Biden even without the pandemic

His mishandling of it is what put the nail in the coffin . Trump apologists use that as an excuse though along with the George Floyd, racism shit (even though most Americans were annoyed about all the riots and though they were largely terrible )

Well I’m talking about the apologists who at least acknowledge that Biden won in 2020. Obviously many have refused to accept that fact

Democrats just have played the game better recently. 2020 and 2022 showed this

But the pendulum will probably swing at some point

2024 will be a razor thin election IMO

And yes it’s crazy that it’s Biden/Trump again. It was pretty crazy in 2020 , let alone 2024

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
For the dubious/ lazy

Here is a detailed post I wrote (post #14 in that thread) about Trump and the Military Brass that asked him to run and who are backing and protecting him to this day.
If you find this post interesting then check out the entire thread, more facts and info there than your fake news Gods will tell you about

Choose knowledge over Ignorance.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Nobody whines and complains more than Trump and a lot of his supporters

Before the debate everyone here already saying it was unfair , a “charade” even

Now suddenly cuz Biden sucked it’s the most legitimate debate in presidential history and is going to tilt the election

Can’t make this stuff up
Actually your side is the one complaining about the debate and possibly kicking this fool to the curb after that pathetic performance. Correct ?
Most of us already have Trump winning long before the debate, all you have to do is point to the economy , inflation and the border in the last 3 years. Common sense people understand. The rest are hopeless haters.
Nov 8, 2012
Trump was probably going to lose to Biden even without the pandemic

His mishandling of it is what put the nail in the coffin . Trump apologists use that as an excuse though along with the George Floyd, racism shit (even though most Americans were annoyed about all the riots and though they were largely terrible )

Well I’m talking about the apologists who at least acknowledge that Biden won in 2020. Obviously many have refused to accept that fact

Democrats just have played the game better recently. 2020 and 2022 showed this

But the pendulum will probably swing at some point

2024 will be a razor thin election IMO

And yes it’s crazy that it’s Biden/Trump again. It was pretty crazy in 2020 , let alone 2024
Not sure about that one

I think Trump had it won in 2020 so the dems through a bunch of lame ducks to run as they didnt think they'd beat Trump in 2020. No DEM really moved the needle in a positive directions (i thought bloomburg has a shot).

Then the pandemic happened and thats when the call to the bullpen happened for Joe to step in.

Dec 15, 2017
Actually your side is the one complaining about the debate and possibly kicking this fool to the curb after that pathetic performance. Correct ?
Most of us already have Trump winning long before the debate, all you have to do is point to the economy , inflation and the border in the last 3 years. Common sense people understand. The rest are hopeless haters.
Before the debate everyone on here said how staged this was going to be against Trump. How illegitimate it was. How the CNN anchors were going to conspire against Trump

Suddenly the debate matters because Biden sucked — to the point where idiots are calling for him to leave the race

I think a very loud minority of people are overreacting to a debate that 99% of voters aren’t going to give a shit about in 4 months

Dec 13, 2007
Nobody whines and complains more than Trump and a lot of his supporters

Before the debate everyone here already saying it was unfair , a “charade” even

Now suddenly cuz Biden sucked it’s the most legitimate debate in presidential history and is going to tilt the election

Can’t make this stuff up
It is what it is my man....Trumps economic play will crush most of the guys on this site then they'll will blame Biden.

I'm having a conference call with my financial advisor next week about postponing in the future...I won't be a victim of the pending mess of a 10% tariff on imported goods..these guys here on fixed incomes are going to hit the Trump gas pipe hard..

sorta looking forward to the pain this guy is going to inflict on the middle class.

Dec 15, 2017
Not sure about that one

I think Trump had it won in 2020 so the dems through a bunch of lame ducks to run as they didnt think they'd beat Trump in 2020. No DEM really moved the needle in a positive directions (i thought bloomburg has a shot).

Then the pandemic happened and thats when the call to the bullpen happened for Joe to step in.
Probably may be strong, but Biden likely favored regardless

Trump was very unpopular before the pandemic started

Trump couldn’t deliver on his empty 2016 promises to vulnerable people in the Great Lakes (which got him elected)

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