It’s debate night. What does that mean for the rest of the ticket?


Dec 15, 2017
Your takes in this thread are horrendous.

By the way, you realize Trump was already in office and the middle class wasn't punished, right?

Watching you 2 bozos pretend a 10% tariff is some sort of economic catastrophe while ignoring the inflation Biden inflicted on the lower and middle class is comical.
If Biden imposed the same tariff you would create 20 threads about how our country is going to end in the poly forum

It’s how you operate . No one cares

Dec 13, 2007
You can't bring yourself to blame Biden for the inflation. Everything you say is projection.
our economy is the healthiest in the world by comparison..I "blame" Joe for that.

Dec 13, 2007
our economy is the healthiest in the world by comparison..I "blame" Joe for that.
google whatever you want you won't find any one disputing that fact...all I do these days is tell people NO on taking new projects on anymore..demand is on fire, best it been in years ..if you're not participating you most likely don't have anything anyone wants or you're a hack and people know it.

Oh well...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Trump was winning in 2020. Because the economy was strong, real wages increased for the first time in decades, the border was more secure, energy policy created energy independence and low costs, better trade deals were bringing manufacturing jobs back to the states

Biden and the democrats

1) imposed energy policies that immediately terminated thousands of high paying jobs. The idiot told those oil pipe engineers they could get replayed by the renewable energy industry. The words of a clueless, out of touch, career politician. But I digress. He immediately drove up energy prices BY FUCKING DESIGN because the stupid fucks think they're saving the planet. This is the primary cause of our out of control inflation.

2) Democratic states ill advised lockdowns created stock shortages. The second primary reason for inflation created by and owned by Democratic polices. Not something Biden inherited from Trump like the LYING POS claims. None of their dire predictions about red states came to fruition.

3) Trump had illegal immigration decreasing, and he had Mexico and Guatemala paying for it by implementing policies to secure their southern borders. Biden told our neighbors to let those people through, and illegal immigration soared. Biden owns the border crisis he created

4) Biden's weal leadership enabled Putin to invade Ukraine without consequence and now has emboldened Iran and her proxies, Hamas & Hezbollah. Look at the idiocy we see on our very own streets

5) Biden, who promised to be a uniter, has done everything possible to divide us because the lying POS loser needs a divided country to survive. He's called people who disagree with him in the political arena white supremacists, domestic terrorists, the biggest problem with this country, a threat to democracy.... the father of a whore mongering crackhead is not a good man, he can rot in hell. He's the divisive man, not Trump, who never once attacked an American demographic. I challenge anyone to tell us anytime he did for the 1000th time, but I know nobody will

And I'm just scratching the surface........ happy to elaborate more

Stop letting your minds get molded by a disgraceful media. Learn something and think

Jul 14, 2018
A market correction will almost certainly happen during the next presidential term


If Biden is president, the correction is all his fault

If Trump is president, he will have nothing to do with it
That shit works both ways. Google "Trump Tariffs" and see how horrible they were, businesses are going down, people forced to pay billions more, the worst thing ever!!! Tariffs are soooooo bad! Trump is crazy!!!

Fast forward 6 years and Biden has left them alone. Our China trade deficit down because if it. Steel Unions demanded Biden keep them. The media? Shhhhh!
Then Trump says China selling us their cheap electric cars will create a bloodbath in our auto industry. Biden travels to Detroit and said "Trump said there will be bloodshed." After that Biden drops 100% tariffs on Chinese electric cars in an election year. Tariffs are OK now. HA!

Everything was Trump's fault. COVID hitting the US was Trump's fault. Nevermind Delta got in under Biden. Nevermind they knew Delta got by the vaccine. Nevermind two days after the UK announced 40% of hospitalized COVID (DELTA) patients were the fully vaccinated Joe said you will not get COVID if vaccinated.
Now Biden runs on "I am truth" and "Trump is lies".


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Trump was winning in 2020. Because the economy was strong, real wages increased for the first time in decades, the border was more secure, energy policy created energy independence and low costs, better trade deals were bringing manufacturing jobs back to the states

Biden and the democrats

1) imposed energy policies that immediately terminated thousands of high paying jobs. The idiot told those oil pipe engineers they could get replayed by the renewable energy industry. The words of a clueless, out of touch, career politician. But I digress. He immediately drove up energy prices BY FUCKING DESIGN because the stupid fucks think they're saving the planet. This is the primary cause of our out of control inflation.

2) Democratic states ill advised lockdowns created stock shortages. The second primary reason for inflation created by and owned by Democratic polices. Not something Biden inherited from Trump like the LYING POS claims. None of their dire predictions about red states came to fruition.

3) Trump had illegal immigration decreasing, and he had Mexico and Guatemala paying for it by implementing policies to secure their southern borders. Biden told our neighbors to let those people through, and illegal immigration soared. Biden owns the border crisis he created

4) Biden's weal leadership enabled Putin to invade Ukraine without consequence and now has emboldened Iran and her proxies, Hamas & Hezbollah. Look at the idiocy we see on our very own streets

5) Biden, who promised to be a uniter, has done everything possible to divide us because the lying POS loser needs a divided country to survive. He's called people who disagree with him in the political arena white supremacists, domestic terrorists, the biggest problem with this country, a threat to democracy.... the father of a whore mongering crackhead is not a good man, he can rot in hell. He's the divisive man, not Trump, who never once attacked an American demographic. I challenge anyone to tell us anytime he did for the 1000th time, but I know nobody will

And I'm just scratching the surface........ happy to elaborate more

Stop letting your minds get molded by a disgraceful media. Learn something and think
Well said Willie. The attack on energy in this country from day 1 has been the single most reason for higher prices in almost every sector. Biden did this by design.
Oct 30, 2006

Jul 14, 2018
Trump was winning in 2020. Because the economy was strong, real wages increased for the first time in decades, the border was more secure, energy policy created energy independence and low costs, better trade deals were bringing manufacturing jobs back to the states

Biden and the democrats

1) imposed energy policies that immediately terminated thousands of high paying jobs. The idiot told those oil pipe engineers they could get replayed by the renewable energy industry. The words of a clueless, out of touch, career politician. But I digress. He immediately drove up energy prices BY FUCKING DESIGN because the stupid fucks think they're saving the planet. This is the primary cause of our out of control inflation.

2) Democratic states ill advised lockdowns created stock shortages. The second primary reason for inflation created by and owned by Democratic polices. Not something Biden inherited from Trump like the LYING POS claims. None of their dire predictions about red states came to fruition.

3) Trump had illegal immigration decreasing, and he had Mexico and Guatemala paying for it by implementing policies to secure their southern borders. Biden told our neighbors to let those people through, and illegal immigration soared. Biden owns the border crisis he created

4) Biden's weal leadership enabled Putin to invade Ukraine without consequence and now has emboldened Iran and her proxies, Hamas & Hezbollah. Look at the idiocy we see on our very own streets

5) Biden, who promised to be a uniter, has done everything possible to divide us because the lying POS loser needs a divided country to survive. He's called people who disagree with him in the political arena white supremacists, domestic terrorists, the biggest problem with this country, a threat to democracy.... the father of a whore mongering crackhead is not a good man, he can rot in hell. He's the divisive man, not Trump, who never once attacked an American demographic. I challenge anyone to tell us anytime he did for the 1000th time, but I know nobody will

And I'm just scratching the surface........ happy to elaborate more

Stop letting your minds get molded by a disgraceful media. Learn something and think
That truely is just scratching the surface.

Trump withheld aid to Yeman as they allowed Houthis to thrive.
Trump withheld aid to UNRWA as they are infiltrated by HAMAS, two watchdog groups confirmed this to Congress in March of 2021,
Trump refused to release billions to Iran as they promote terror.

Biden reversed it ALL, funded Yeman, UNRWA, IRAN. Oh what happened in Israel??? Why are ships under attack??? Just bad luck for Joe they say.

In 2019 in a democratic debate Biden said "Immigrants should surge the border!" Well, son of a bitch, they did. They even wore t-shirts with Biden's name on them. How many former Pres. can claim that?
Biden first said "Border is secure", then "nothing I can do", and then an executive order that he just claimed in the debate has slowed the border crossings during the slower hot summer months.
And now we hear the border has always been open, just more bad luck for Joe.
Dec 11, 2006
Nobody whines and complains more than Trump and a lot of his supporters

Before the debate everyone here already saying it was unfair , a “charade” even

Now suddenly cuz Biden sucked it’s the most legitimate debate in presidential history and is going to tilt the election

Can’t make this stuff up
The assumption was that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were going to grossly tip the debate scales in favor of Biden. It's easy to do in several ways. Both were clearly by the record of their own past clearly "Never Trumpers".

But they didn't. In fact I thought they did a job that was fair to both candidates. An exemplary job really.

That was not expected by either Republicans or Democrats.

But demented Joe's performance, or lack thereof, was predictable no matter what the questions and who the questioners were. The man is past gone. He is clearly deep into the dementia whirlpool. He should not be running the country now, much less for the next four years while he continues to deteriorate.

For his part, Trump was very reserved and clearly in control of the conversation. He needed to be that to draw independents to his side.

Biden shed votes. Trump gained votes. How many? I don't know.

Dec 15, 2017
Trump was winning in 2020. Because the economy was strong, real wages increased for the first time in decades, the border was more secure, energy policy created energy independence and low costs, better trade deals were bringing manufacturing jobs back to the states

Biden and the democrats

1) imposed energy policies that immediately terminated thousands of high paying jobs. The idiot told those oil pipe engineers they could get replayed by the renewable energy industry. The words of a clueless, out of touch, career politician. But I digress. He immediately drove up energy prices BY FUCKING DESIGN because the stupid fucks think they're saving the planet. This is the primary cause of our out of control inflation.

The notion that our country was becoming "energy independent" is one of the biggest lies of the Trump administration. Oil imports from Russia for example rose year over year in 2018, 2019, 2020. They increased nearly 30% from 2018 to 2019 alone. And part of that is a direct result from sanctions Trump himself placed on other countries (Venezuela for example)

I don't fully agree with Biden's energy policies and think they have been over aggressive -- notion that oil engineers would be able to thrive immediately in a "greener" economy is naive. But renewable energy is 100% the way that the country (and world) is going to move in over the next decades, no matter who is in charge. It's an inevitability, and not really a choice. Trying to deny that is just going to worsen the issue.

There is no stopping the move to renewable energy. There is no magical policy that will do that. It's happening

2) Democratic states ill advised lockdowns created stock shortages. The second primary reason for inflation created by and owned by Democratic polices. Not something Biden inherited from Trump like the LYING POS claims. None of their dire predictions about red states came to fruition.

Supply chain issues were the biggest cause, but impossible to blame on Biden specifically given he wasn't in charge in 2020. Shortages weren't simply the result of lock downs. A lot more factors than that

What predictions about the red states are you talking about?

3) Trump had illegal immigration decreasing, and he had Mexico and Guatemala paying for it by implementing policies to secure their southern borders. Biden told our neighbors to let those people through, and illegal immigration soared. Biden owns the border crisis he created

Illegal immigration increased under Trump compared to Obama. That is a fact.

It's been exacerbated by Biden though

4) Biden's weal leadership enabled Putin to invade Ukraine without consequence and now has emboldened Iran and her proxies, Hamas & Hezbollah. Look at the idiocy we see on our very own streets

Kind of selective amnesia here. Not sure how you can mention Biden's "weak leadership" when Trump was a kiss-ass to Putin. Trump can spew bullshit about "this wouldn't have happened under me" but not sure how anyone knows that, especially given Trump's relationship with him.

Both presidents have badly mishandled the Middle East. Both fucked up in Yemen. Both have fucked up with Iran. Both have fucked up with Israel.

5) Biden, who promised to be a uniter, has done everything possible to divide us because the lying POS loser needs a divided country to survive. He's called people who disagree with him in the political arena white supremacists, domestic terrorists, the biggest problem with this country, a threat to democracy.... the father of a whore mongering crackhead is not a good man, he can rot in hell. He's the divisive man, not Trump, who never once attacked an American demographic. I challenge anyone to tell us anytime he did for the 1000th time, but I know nobody will
Pretty disingenuous

Biden has attacked white supremacy and has labeled it as a legitimate form of terrorism, and one that Americans should take seriously. All valid, accurate statements.

He never says it's the biggest issue in our country. He doesn't call his political opponents those things. That's just a flat out lie. He sometimes points out Trump for emboldening them in Charlottesville....which is 100% accurate.

Trump is the one who mindlessly attacks anyone who disagrees with him, loses all sense of decency, attacks people on a personal level. He acts like a toddler.

Biden calls Trump a threat to democracy. You can agree or disagree with that statement. Maybe it's hyperbolic -- I think it is. But given what he did Jan 6, his refusal to own up to that atrocity, the claim is at least valid.

Who defends Hunter Biden? Also who cares about Hunter Biden? Does anyone try to say he's a good person? What does that have to with JOE Biden? Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted felon.

You can say he doesn't attack demographics. Well we've heard him call illegals "bad people, druggies, rapists" when most of them are just good people who over stayed their expired visas. He has called fallen soliders "losers" and "suckers". What kind of human being does that?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The notion that our country was becoming "energy independent" is one of the biggest lies of the Trump administration. Oil imports from Russia for example rose year over year in 2018, 2019, 2020. They increased nearly 30% from 2018 to 2019 alone. And part of that is a direct result from sanctions Trump himself placed on other countries (Venezuela for example)

I don't fully agree with Biden's energy policies and think they have been over aggressive -- notion that oil engineers would be able to thrive immediately in a "greener" economy is naive. But renewable energy is 100% the way that the country is going to move in over the next decades, no matter who is in charge. It's an inevitability, and not really a choice. Trying to deny that is just going to fuck future generations.

Supply chain issues were the biggest cause, but impossible to blame on Biden specifically given he wasn't in charge in 2020. Shortages weren't simply the result of lock downs

What predictions about the red states are you talking about?

Illegal immigration increased under Trump compared to Obama. That is a fact.

It's been exacerbated by Biden though

Kind of selective amnesia here. Not sure how you can mention Biden's "weak leadership" when Trump was a kiss-ass to Putin. Trump can spew bullshit about "this wouldn't have happened under me" but not sure how anyone knows that, especially given Trump's relationship with him.

Both presidents have badly mishandled the Middle East. Both fucked up in Yemen. Both have fucked up with Iran. Both have fucked up with Israel.

Pretty disingenuous

Biden has attacked white supremacy and has labeled it as a legitimate form of terrorism, and one that Americans should take seriously. All valid, accurate statements.

He never says it's the biggest issue in our country. He doesn't call his political opponents those things. That's just a flat out lie. He sometimes points out Trump for emboldening them in Charlottesville....which is 100% accurate.

Trump is the one who mindlessly attacks anyone who disagrees with him, loses all sense of decency, attacks people on a personal level. He acts like a toddler.

Biden calls Trump a threat to democracy. You can agree or disagree with that statement. Maybe it's hyperbolic -- I think it is. But given what he did Jan 6, his refusal to own up to that atrocity, the claim is at least valid.

Who defends Hunter Biden? Also who cares about Hunter Biden? Does anyone try to say he's a good person? What does that have to with Biden? Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted felon.

You can say he doesn't attack demographics. Well we've heard him call illegals "bad people, druggies, rapists" when most of them are just good people who over stayed their expired visas. He has called fallen soliders "losers" and "suckers". What kind of human being does that?
Good grief. I thought Schitmert was ate up with ignorance

Dec 15, 2017
Trump is the one who mindlessly attacks anyone who disagrees with him, loses all sense of decency, attacks people on a personal level. He acts like a toddler.

Biden calls Trump a threat to democracy. You can agree or disagree with that statement. Maybe it's hyperbolic -- I think it is. But given what he did Jan 6, his refusal to own up to that atrocity, the claim is at least valid.
And on top of this

He doesn't even acknowledge that he lost the 2020 election. It's 2024. That's how much of a child he is. What a great guy.

He couldn't even engage in a peaceful transition of power -- something literally every president before him has done. What a great guy.

He knows he lost, yet spews bullshit conspiracy theories to ignite his extremely ignorant base. What a great guy.

He complains that the world is conspiring against him all the time since his legacy is mostly negative and he is an ego maniac. What a great guy.

Gee, I wonder why people don't want to vote for him!

Dec 15, 2017
Trump himself will never make a policy so great that it's going to dramatically change your daily life

Biden himself will never make a policy so bad that it's going to dramatically change your daily life

Policy doesn't work that way

Presidents should be decent people who care about the state of the country, are respected on the world stage by US allies, and uphold the Constitution. Biden fits that bill a hell of a lot more than Trump

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
The notion that our country was becoming "energy independent" is one of the biggest lies of the Trump administration. Oil imports from Russia for example rose year over year in 2018, 2019, 2020. They increased nearly 30% from 2018 to 2019 alone. And part of that is a direct result from sanctions Trump himself placed on other countries (Venezuela for example)

I don't fully agree with Biden's energy policies and think they have been over aggressive -- notion that oil engineers would be able to thrive immediately in a "greener" economy is naive. But renewable energy is 100% the way that the country (and world) is going to move in over the next decades, no matter who is in charge. It's an inevitability, and not really a choice. Trying to deny that is just going to worsen the issue.

There is no stopping the move to renewable energy. There is no magical policy that will do that. It's happening

Supply chain issues were the biggest cause, but impossible to blame on Biden specifically given he wasn't in charge in 2020. Shortages weren't simply the result of lock downs. A lot more factors than that

What predictions about the red states are you talking about?

Illegal immigration increased under Trump compared to Obama. That is a fact.

It's been exacerbated by Biden though

Kind of selective amnesia here. Not sure how you can mention Biden's "weak leadership" when Trump was a kiss-ass to Putin. Trump can spew bullshit about "this wouldn't have happened under me" but not sure how anyone knows that, especially given Trump's relationship with him.

Both presidents have badly mishandled the Middle East. Both fucked up in Yemen. Both have fucked up with Iran. Both have fucked up with Israel.

Pretty disingenuous

Biden has attacked white supremacy and has labeled it as a legitimate form of terrorism, and one that Americans should take seriously. All valid, accurate statements.

He never says it's the biggest issue in our country. He doesn't call his political opponents those things. That's just a flat out lie. He sometimes points out Trump for emboldening them in Charlottesville....which is 100% accurate.

Trump is the one who mindlessly attacks anyone who disagrees with him, loses all sense of decency, attacks people on a personal level. He acts like a toddler.

Biden calls Trump a threat to democracy. You can agree or disagree with that statement. Maybe it's hyperbolic -- I think it is. But given what he did Jan 6, his refusal to own up to that atrocity, the claim is at least valid.

Who defends Hunter Biden? Also who cares about Hunter Biden? Does anyone try to say he's a good person? What does that have to with JOE Biden? Meanwhile, Trump is a convicted felon.

You can say he doesn't attack demographics. Well we've heard him call illegals "bad people, druggies, rapists" when most of them are just good people who over stayed their expired visas. He has called fallen soliders "losers" and "suckers". What kind of human being does that?
AV, kinda like you in a strange way, could easily have a couple of beers with you, but my god you have no clue bro.

Dec 15, 2017
AV, kinda like you in a strange way, could easily have a couple of beers with you, but my god you have no clue bro.
I don’t?

I can acknowledge the 2020 election results that you still deny

Counter anything I said in my post if I have no clue. Should be easy

And yes happy to have some beers

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