I am not talking about defending your own land. If there are guards in front of the white house, or at the english royal palace, are they fighting terrorism?
My point is where are the Israeli troops in Iraq?
Terrorism is in the eyes of the beholder, remember that and be good little shabbas goys.
Read these and then read your comments over. You will see how wrong you are.
You fail to realize in many places of the world the uniform you wear is not stripes or camouflage but the color of your skin and wear you live.
Well, as long as you're going to address the points I raised and refrain from ad homenim attacks. I have no idea what a "Shobbos Goyim" is, but I'm assuming it's an insult.
Anyway, I don't care where you were born and I'm not about to do anyone's bidding. Just interested in the facts...
I was born in Israel. You have no clue what you're talking about and are opening Pandoras Box. You're quite the Shabbos Goyim. You're a wannabe Jew who does our bidding. The Ashkenazi Jews who came to Israel had no ties to Israel or Judea. It was the Sephardic who had been there for over 2000 years, and if you knew anything of genetics Arabs are also Semites, so quite your ignore spiell you schmuck, it is the same ole shit with you fools always. You pipe off what you hear in some class and continue it like a mocking bird.. CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP. Golda Meir was born in Wisconsin and she helped build up Israel damn near more than anyone.
Israel doesn't need have to get into war in Iraq because a single Jewish fingernail is worth more than 1000 Arab or Goyim lives.
Later Shabbos,
Coalition deaths by country
USA: 4,124
UK: 176
Italy: 33
Poland: 23
Ukraine: 18
Bulgaria: 13
Spain: 11
Denmark: 7
El Salvador: 5
Georgia: 5
Slovakia: 4
Latvia: 3
Romania: 3
Australia: 2
Estonia: 2
Netherlands: 2
Thailand: 2
Azerbaijan: 1
Czech Republic: 1
Hungary: 1
South Korea: 1
TOTAL: 4,438
Is there a specific reason why South Korea, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Thailand, Latvia, Georgia ( during their own war), El Salvador, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Poland have more troop deaths than Israel? Where are the Israeli troops ?
Is there a reason why Israeli troops aren't in Iraq? Too dangerous? Their own problems? Money issues? Don't care? Want other people to fight their battle for them? Would they fight Iran but not Iraq? What is the deal here?
Don't you think Israel has more to gain from a stable Iraq than say El Salvador? Saddam Hussein did shoot scud missles at Israel during Gulf War 1, yet Israel isn't helping out now? Saddam never shot missles at Thailand...
Any thoughts?
Not a very politically astute commentary.
Perhaps one can ask how many Americans of Jewish faith currently serve in Operation Enduring Freedom?
Or how many participated in the invasion of Iraq 2003 and or just plain serve in the armed forces of the U.S. of A.?
I'll give you a hint, you will only need one hand to count them.