duder you are up in the night. iran poses a threat to israel, the country you are so pissed about.
the threat iran poses compared to the cold war threat with the USSR is minimal. the cold war was the scariest time in the countries history, period.
iran might one day get a nuke is our worry and then they will use it on israel and all hell will break loose.
the USSR was prepared to wipe US AMERICA off of the map and we talked and positioned our way out of it without putting boots on the ground.
no where in there does he say IRAN IS NOT A THREAT... hell almost everyone in the middle east is a threat but they are not the thread the soviet union was.
no ifs ands or buts about it.
Iran is a tiny threat... Obama said it. It was a dumb ignorant thing to say. He was trying to play down Iran because Mcain says they ARE a big threat... It was a dumb thing to say.
He was politically incorrect, just like Geraldine Ferraro was, only about different issues.