The process by which the Bible was created is one of the greatest mysteries of the ages. The Bible contains 66 books, written by 44 inspired men, using 3 languages-- Hebrew, Aramic, and Greek-- over a period of 16 centuries.. No other book in history was ever written over an extended period of time. Thirty-five centuries ago Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Law, beginning with Genisis, which describes the creation of the Universe, including mankind.. over the next 1000yrs -- 34 books were written by a diverse group of men as they were inspired by God to record a series of histories, laws, poetry, and prophecy.. Finally a great man of God, Ezra rose to unite the jews into a renewed nation, followinr their return from seventy years of captiviy in Babylon.. In addition Ezra was inspired to collect together all of the 39 inspired books and to publish this as one collection called the Scriptures.. Finally at the end of the 1st century of the Christian era, the apostle John completed his astonishing prophecy, called the Revelation, which completed the canonof the New Testament. The Bible was written by men from widely different backgrounds including kings, shepherds, prophets, tax collectors, and fishermen.. Some were highly educated such as Luke the Physician and the brilliant teacher Paul. Other books were written by uneducated men, including the shepherd Amos and Peter, a fisherman. Despite the radically different backgrounds of the writers who composed the message of the Bible over a period of 1600yrs, the Scriptures speak with one voice in its presentation of God's progressive revelation of His plan to redeem us from the consequences of our sinful rebellion. There is no question that the Bible is the oldest book written. It is truly marvelous that this writing is read by hundreds of millions of people is also the most published book in the world with billions of copies in print, hundreds of millions of new bibles are also purchased throughout the world each year..the most brilliant men throughout history have acknowledged that this is the greatest literary peice ever written. Lastly the survival of the bible in the face of persecution and censorship over thousands of years is inexplicable unless God preserved this book as his inspired Gospel of Salvation throught the precious blood of Jesus Christ. The powerful, life changing spiritual impact of the bible on the lives of billions of readers is unprecedented in history..
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