Vit doesn't get it and he never will. He thinks Benghazi "never reached Obama's desk." What a joke. He turned his back and left it to others just like always. He probably didn't even pack his own bag for that trip to Vegas the next day. I think he was playing cards the whole time. Obama is to blame same as the Lib's are trying to stick Christie. At least Christie stepped up accepted responsibility and took action. He should have blamed a video that nobody ever saw and that would have been that. lol Obama pinned the tail on the video and missed by a mile. How can any Lib justify that knowing that was an out right lie. It used to all be Bush's fault, now it is Fox's fault. As Scott points out this is not about differing political views, this is about getting to the truth.
What a joke.
CBS 60 Minutes too busy focusing on A-Fraud right now, rather than the biggest liar and fraud in history.