It takes an iron stomach to hold it though. And if you're really unfortunate, you'll buy it at a level that it will never return to.
i.e. ME
LMAO. I have decided that I am riding this storm out, got to go with my intuition. If it goes low enough that a reverse split takes place, so be it. Call me stubborn, but I feel that I have history on my side, we will test and possibly even break through the previous lows, and when that happens I should be able to unload this with a much better price than $9. Yesterday was the start, just hope we don't have too many 50% rebounds on the way down. Appreciate the advice, and nice trade today. That is how these things are supposed to be played.
this market may rally today, so be careful.... im seeing nothing that indicates a big selloff yet and if we break over 850.00, we could run to 860 rather easily..
I was just looking at 30 minute SPX chart and it looks like we might have the right shoulder on Head/shoulders forming. Left shoulder peaked on 4/13 with a high of 864, head peaked on 4/17 at 876, and it appears that right shoulder in process of being formed. As long as Fridays high is not breached, should see a downtrend. These technical patterns have not panned out well as of late, but food for thought. Take a look and share your thoughts.