In your opinion, who is worse, Joe Paterno or Bill Cosby?


Jan 19, 2005
Interesting footnote to the Aaron Fisher situation

According to Ziegler, basically all of his friends know he lied for the money

here is one

The whole case is a joke.
Dec 21, 2008
Most of Bill Cosby's crimes have gone beyond the statue of limitations. He'll pay dearly in civil court.

He actually got it pretty easy... 30+ years raping and collecting for being famous and all girls shunned and silenced... even if he gets life is getting easy, as he wont live more than 10 years...

He allegedly raped over 10 women... a penalty for rape shouldnt be lower than 5-10yrs... 10 times 10... he got off easy

Dec 12, 2006
He actually got it pretty easy... 30+ years raping and collecting for being famous and all girls shunned and silenced... even if he gets life is getting easy, as he wont live more than 10 years...

He allegedly raped over 10 women... a penalty for rape shouldnt be lower than 5-10yrs... 10 times 10... he got off easy

It's over 50 now.

May 16, 2007

Jan 19, 2005
Who says Paterno was even an enabler?

FOOLS , Thats who .

Series Trailer
[FONT=&quot]With the Benefit of Hindsight...[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The true story of corruption, greed and self interest that destroyed Penn State, its iconic coach Joe Paterno and the alleged monster, Jerry Sandusky[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Listen on Apple Podcasts:[/FONT]

[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_light]‎With the Benefit of Hindsight...: Series Trailer on Apple Podcasts[/FONT]
[FONT=wf_segoe-ui_normal]‎Show With the Benefit of Hindsight..., Ep Series Trailer - Apr 7, 2021[/FONT]


Dec 15, 2017
You are POS for even promoting the idea that Jerry Sandusky is an "alleged monster."

Sandusky is sub-human and should be put to death. The fact that he is alive is disgraceful.

And the fact that you are in Sandusky's corner on this is utterly shameful. You must have an awful life.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Hey there an easy to read summary of why you think he is innocent anywhere.

Like a bullet point list with brief explanations

Jan 19, 2005
The podcast is 19 episodes, each one over an hour long, and some of the best investigative journalism I have ever seen . Your jaw will drop if you takle the time to listen

This case is very unique , there has never been anything like it . You would think though that after all this time has passed, more people would understand how once the media sets the narrative by jumping to a conclusion with no facts, it's very hard to change public perception

Yes I realize there was a trail, but it was the Salam witch trial . Once Penn State fired Joe Paterno, and the media firestorm began, there was no shot at a fair trial

All that said, let me try to summarize, then throw some one-line facts anyone can review

1 /There is no evidence , none .

2/ Jerry was Physically unable to do what's alleged , and old straight man with extremely low sex drive and testosterone .

3/ As luck would have it , as Louis Freeh ( the hired gun ) was conducting his 'independent ' investigation , So was the US Government . Graham Spanier ( Penn States President, ) just so happened to have the highest national security clearance issued , and that clearance was immediately pulled once the story broke . After a real investigation by Agent John Snedden, his security clearance was returned, as Snedden determined, there was no sex scandal at Penn State Federal Agent: No Sex Scandal At PSU; Just A 'Political Hit Job' | Big Trial | Philadelphia Trial BlogHow come NO ONE in the media wanted, or wants to interview Snedden ?

According to the story we are led to believe, he just gave the clearance back to pedophile enabler who was just sentenced to jail time ! Thats not a story ?

4/ None of the 'victims ' are gay

5/ This may be the only case of pedophilia that involvedno drugs, no alcohol , no pornography( except on the prosecutions computer that is)
Frank Fina, prosecutor ensnared in Porngate, leaves Phila. D.A.'s Office (

6/ In order for you to believe some of the stories, you must believe that the 'victims ' suffered from repressed memory .

Even though almost all of them intially defended Jerry , once they lawyered up and met with a therapist, they suddenly realiized they were assualted by Jerry but couldnt remember it Mark Pendergrast: Why Jerry Sandusky may be innocent - VTDigger

Here is the proof that immediately after Penn State fired Paterno that every lawyer in the state knew that free money was to be had.

I believe they paid over 120 million dollars . One settlement for over 20 million .

One of those lawyers is Eric Anderson of Pittsburgh, an expert witness who testified on behalf of the insurance carrier. Although he declined to talk about the case, Anderson wrote a report that was disclosed in court records, a report that ripped the university.

“It appears as though Penn State made little effort, if any, to verify the credibility of the claims of the individuals,” Anderson wrote on October 5, 2015. In his report, Anderson decried “the absence of documentation” in the claims, saying in many cases there was “no signed affidavit, statement or other means of personal verification of the information which I reviewed."

“I do not know why so many of the cases were settled for such high sums of money,” Anderson wrote.Easy Money At Penn State | Big Trial | Philadelphia Trial Blog

Here are some facts to consider

*In 1998 Sandusky was first accused of child molestation and the investigation found the allegations to not be credible. However, the records of that investigation were not entirely expunged within the mandatory one-year time frame. Years later during the 2008 investigation of a new accusation by Aaron Fisher, prosecutors discovered the old unexpunged records and drew the conclusion that they had a serial child molester in their sights. In the Spring of 2011, when their own investigation yielded similarly lackluster results, they leaked details of the grand jury investigation (which is supposed to be off-limits to the public) to a reporter to put out the call hoping some more credible victims would come forward.

*The family of Aaron Fisher (Victim #1) have a past history of accusing others of molestation. Fisher's stepfather was in prison for molesting Fisher's half-sister and Fisher's maternal uncle was also the victim of sexual abuse by a doctor who had drugged him. All of this suggests the mother, Dawn Fisher, must have been hypersensitive to signs of abuse. Nearly all the of the boys Sandusky knew throughThe Second Mile charity would have come from dysfunctional backgrounds.

*Allan Myers (shower room boy, AKA Victim #2) writes a letter to the AG and to a number of local newspapers (such as the Lockhaven Express) in May, 2011, saying nothing ever happened with him and Sandusky and described his questioning by the feds as them trying to put words in his mouth. In November he goes to Sandusky's lawyer and tells him that he is the shower room boy and that Sandusky did not molest him. After key figures at Penn State got thrown under the bus and the smell of money got into the water, Sandusky's lawyer got a call from Myers's lawyer stating that Myers was a victim. The letters Myers had written are no longer available on the newspapers' websites. Here is copy stored on Johns siteallanmyerslettertoeditor.pdf (

Purported shower-witness assistant coach Mike McQueary's story of what happened in the shower changed over time. Before being sought and questioned by the feds during their Aaron Fisher investigation he had characterized the event as inappropriate. Afterwards, his account became sexualized. His date for the event changed over time and the actual event probably happened a month and a half (December, 2000) before he ever told Joe Paterno anything, placing the urgency of what he saw into doubt. When the DA distorts McQueary's account even further, McQueary protests.

*Andrew Shubin, lawyer to Myers, eventually represented a total of 9 alleged victims. When an investigator approached Shubin and posed as another victim, the ensuing sting operation revealed the extent to which Shubin engaged in fitting stories to what prosecutors wanted to hear. Also, the therapist he sent his clients to was never interested in vetting their accounts for authenticity. Both Shubin and the therapist each assumed the other of the two were in charge of vetting for genuine victims. When the investigator posing as a victim decided to tell Shubin that he no longer believed himself to have been molested by Sandusky, Shubin told him that that was because of the trauma of molestation.

A janitor went to the authorities claiming another janitor at Penn State, James Calhoun, had witnessed an older man giving a teen a blow job in the showers. However, Calhoun insisted that the man he saw wasnot Jerry Sandusky. Instead of going by what Calhoun had said, prosecutors relied on the other janitor's hearsay testimony of what Calhoun had told him as testimony against Sandusky under the pretense that Calhoun was suffering from dementia.

*With no pornography found on Sandusky's computer, the prosecution spun Sandusky's possession of perfectly normal framed photos of his boys as "images" of victims.

*All but one alleged victim (Fisher) had never shared their accusations with any family or friends before going to the police as adults.

*Medical records contemporary to the timeframe of the accusations show that Jerry Sandusky literally has no testicles, ( and extremely low testosterone ) which went unmentioned by any alleged victim. Considering that Fisher's accusation of having had over 100 sexual encounters with Sandusky, including fellatio, suggests he should have noticed this detail at some point but didn't.

Here is a good list I pulled off Johns website,The Website of Record for Truth In the Sandusky Scandal | The Framing of Joe Paterno (

The "victim" in the "McQueary episode" (the most famous incident of alleged child molestation in American history) never testified and only ever said he wasn't abused.

Mike McQueary and the Attorney General's office got the date the month and the year of the episode

wrong and Jerry Sandusky almost immediately knew it after the grand jury presentment was released.

Neither Sandusky nor the "boy" even knew that McQueary was the witness.

Sandusky was somehow found not guilty on the McQueary charge which created the entire media firestorm.

There was an open WR job when the McQueary episode occurred and McQueary didn't get it until four years later. He is not claiming to have been part of a cover-up in his lawsuit against Penn State.

John Surma, the man who canceled Joe Paterno's final press conference and announced his firing, had asked Graham Spanier about firing Paterno well before the "scandal" and has a brother who blamed Paterno for the demise of his son (and who also once lived with Sandusky!).

Sandusky prosecutor Frank Fina has said on national television that Joe Paterno was not involved in a cover-up (so the prosecution believes the "cover-up" didn't include the only witness and the most powerful person on campus) and Governor Tom Corbett has said he should not have been fired.

Bob Costas changed his mind about Joe Paterno being involved in a cover up here and said so on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno agreeing. No one cared.

Louis Freeh never spoke to Jerry Sandusky, Dottie Sandusky, Mike McQueary, Allan Myers (Victim 2), Joe Paterno, Tim Curley, or Gary Schultz, and he barely mentioned his last-minute interview with Graham Spanier.

Graham Spanier had his top national security clearance re-confirmed by the Obama administration after his indictment.

Aaron Fisher's stepfather was recently arrested and charged, in two states, with over 100 counts

of child molestation including against his own child.

The prosecution stipulated at Sandusky's trial that Sarah Ganim, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her work on the story, had contacted the mother of victim six and told her that more victims were needed.

Three of the six original "arrest" victims were photographed along with Sandusky and "Victim 6" in
Jerry's book.

Despite the fact that much of the prosecutions case is based on the notion of Jerry wanted to get caught, (thus the name of his book "Touched" with photos of four the the six victims), Jerry has never confessed, even after all of his appeals were exhausted and after I used Jim Clemente's "guaranteed" formula for getting him to confess.

Dottie Sandusky and her five adopted children are all, against their own self

interest, positive that Jerry is innocent.

Matt Sandusky only ever testified under oath that he was NOT abused and fought
in court for his kids to be able to see Jerry after his arrest.

While tons of porn has been found in the course of the investigation of
Sandusky, not one shred of it was found connected in any way to him.

There was not one shred of physical evidence, evidence of attempted payoffs, or video/audio evidence introduced by the prosecution at Sandusky's trial, but there WAS a accidental tape of the lawyer of Victim 4 conspiring with

investigators to lie to him to finally say Sandusky engaged in sex acts with him.

Not one accuser prior to Jerry's arrest told a first version of their story which was anything close to what they said at trial and not one accuser of Sandusky told anyone contemporaneously of them being sexually abused by him.

At the time of his arrest, after a three year investigation, only two human beings where claiming they engaged in a clear sex act with Sandusky and both of them used the same therapist.

Within a week of Sandusky's arrest, Penn State had fired its two (by far) most prominent employees, held a massive candlelight vigil, and a high-profile prayer right before the next game for the "victims," none of whom had spoken/testified publicly or been crossed-examined yet (and neither had Mike McQueary).

Sandusky was convicted on 5 counts with no witness, no victim, no date and no contemporaneous report.

Sandusky has been convicted and had all of his appeals exhausted before the PSU administrators have come close to even going to trial.

Sandusky was offered the head coaching job at Virginia after his retirement at PSU and the job went to Virginia alum Al Groh at the last minute, not because of rumors about Sandusky, but because Groh lost his last 3 games with the Jets (forcing them to barely miss the playoffs) that year and thought he was going to get fired. The quarterback for the Jets was Vinny Testeverde, who famously threw five interceptions in the 1986 "national championship" game against a Penn State defense coached by Jerry Sandusky.


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