100% TRUTH ^^^
Share far and wide.
Maybe Little Adam can make a Presidential run and get delusional lightweight savage’s vote .
Did you put any salt/pepper on Trump's dick today to make it a bit more tasty to suck on!!!
You are going to find out shortly that as much as you believe that only Biden and his folks are dishonest and commit crimes, that Trump and his co-conspirators
are not "exactly" angels and are going to get their just due!!!
Keep whacking it to CNN who covers Trump is is big trouble stories more than the senile fool in the WH .
Trump is gonna spend time behind bars . LMAO !
Keep the great bump material coming lightweight .
You are a delusional/demented AHOLE, who sadly once shockingly stated that you would like to see Biden fail at any cost no matter how many people
in the country were adversely affected and in some cases suffered disastrous consequences!!
You are one badly fucked up puppy!!!
You might want to see if your local supermarket has any snapper on sale because it is obvious that your lack of good food in your diet is affecting
your judgment!! lol
Remember the WAPO headline the day of his inauguration and what that pig Tlaib said when Dems took the House lightweight .
The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.
New House Democrat Rashida Tlaib: ‘We’re gonna impeach the motherf****r’
It’s like shooting fish in a barrel with you libtards . Lol !
Keep avoiding the question I asked and changing the subject, LOSER, and keep sucking on Trump's Dick as well as Elway's and vicariously living
your miserable and unfulfilling life through both of them!!!
Keep punching up lightweight . Eventually you’ll find the ignore button to avoid being beaten like a piñata like you were before .
And keep the Trump is in deep trouble this time articles coming from your far left sources for good laughs .
More sad news for lightweight’s other man crush .
Cuomo to be arrested, appear in court for forcible touching charge: Sheriff