Important Virus Update


Jun 4, 2018
Fauci is a satanist and evil. In case you haven't figured it out yet!

The media has portrayed Fauci as some kind of paragon of virtue, a saint in their religion of "science."

And yet the reality of the situation is that he was funding the very bioweapon the world has been struggling with.

And now it comes out that he's an animal abuser too.

Make no mistake, President Trump purposely put him out in front for a reason.

He knew all about Fauci's corruption.

He knew the media would lift Fauci up as this untouchable figure.

President Trump is a master at manipulating the media.

And once again they fell for it hook, line and sinker.

The fake news media's credibility continues to sink along with their corrupt and evil manufactured icon.



Coincidence ? .....I think not

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The odds are INFINITELY higher that Trump will be found guilty of something than Dr. Fauci and then punished accordingly!!
The odds are INFINITELY higher that Trump will be found guilty of something than Dr. Fauci and then punished accordingly!!

Speaking of being found guilty . Your other man crush Killer Cuomo is much closer to being found guilty of something than your left wing delusional dreams of Trump spending time behind bars before the ‘24 election .

Nov 11, 2007

The fraud is real.

It's massive.



The fraud is real.

It's massive.



My God you are worse than Trump and an even a bigger whining cry baby!!

Give it up as you are simply wasting your time.

It is almost one yer since the Election, and Biden was LEGITIMATELY elected and will remain as POTUS until Inauguration Day, 2025, and there is NOTHING neither

you nor anyone else can do to change that!!!
Aug 17, 2019
Speaking of being found guilty . Your other man crush Killer Cuomo is much closer to being found guilty of something than your left wing delusional dreams of Trump spending time behind bars before the ‘24 election .

Cuomo has already been dealt with.

Everything else is optics to bring it into public view.


Nov 11, 2007

TRANSLATION: There is ZERO doubt that Durham & Co. are going for the whole ball-of-wax.

Ain't it grand?

I am curious-ate they going to going to somehow "bring back to life" Hillary and Bill Clinton from the dead so that they can get their just punishment

in all this??? lol

Nov 11, 2007
Libtards need to stop with the "why is Trump pushing the vax" nonsense.



> Can Trump remove the vaccine from those who have already taken it? NO.

> Are there any people out there who are still undecided? VERY FEW.

> Is anybody listening to Donald Trump for vaccine advice? NO.

> Did Trump have to warp speed the vaccine to save the world from inevitable collapse and worldwide vaccine mandates due to a 5+ year lockdown planned by the DS? YES.

> Did Trump make these vaccines? NO.

> Would Trump gain anything from coming out NOW against the vaccines he used to save the world? NO.

> Would the fake news media absolutely destroy him for it? YES.

> Are the vaccines and big pharma being massively exposed regardless of what Trump says about them? YES.

> Are we fighting even harder to expose everything because we feel like it's up to 'We The People' to save our country? YES.

> Is it truly up to us, 'The People' to save the country? YES.

> Are we exposing every damn traitor in this country who supports this communist nonsense? YES.

> Has Trump always maintained that the vaccines can never be mandated and that its important everyone has the right to their own free-will choice? YES.

> Did Trump reopen our country and save our economy after the initial attack? YES

> Did Trump stockpile tens of millions of doses of HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic? YES.

> Did Trump call out Pfizer's booster as a money making scam? YES.

> Is the military required to always have an antidote in the works in the event that we are attacked by a bio-weapon? YES. [Documents below]

> Could we have an antidote to the harmful effects of the vaccine already waiting? POSSIBLY. [Yes we do]

> Did Donald Trump save the world? YES.

Remember, "The cure cannot be worse than the disease."

The "cure" was mandated vaccines which would lead us to vaccine passports, to the Great Reset, to hell on Earth and full control by Globalists.

This was always the plan of the DS.

Half of the world is rising up against this madness.

We grow in size every single day.

We are closer to God than ever before.

This tidal wave cannot be stopped.


It may look messy, even scary, but we are WINNING.

Keep rising up.

Keep standing in your integrity.

And don't give in.

Remember, GOD WINS.




I can't be bothered with this pile of unproven bullshit, delusions and lies, which we have heard over and over again.

Just let me know when Trump is dissolved/oops I mean devolved.reinstated to be POTUS so that I can play my day around the "Inauguration!" lol

Nov 11, 2007

The Bill of Rights from well over 300 yeara ago has no relevance in today's world where terrible and deadly killer viruses like Covid exist.

The POTUS and those elected officials have the RIGHT to do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens!!
Last edited:

Nov 11, 2007


China's economy is on the verge of collapse.

If China's economy collapses, it could be the event that changes the entire system.

A system that has financially enslaved humanity for over a century and desperately needs to be fixed.

Now consider the shipping crisis and what effect it will have on China.

Castle Rock?

"White hat" operation?

Why do you think Trump was the first President or US citizen to visit the Forbidden City?

In an age of facial recognition technology and wall to wall cameras, the Forbidden City is unique in that it relies on security guards only.

What did President's Trump and Xi discuss behind closed doors that nobody could hear?

Add in the Evergrande situation, Taiwan and the Three Gorges Dam and ALL eyes should be on China.

By the way, as stated at the onset and maintained throughout, President Xi is a major part of cleaning house within the CCP.

I can't be bothered with this pile of unproven bullshit, delusions and lies, which we have heard over and over again.

Just let me know when Trump is dissolved/oops I mean devolved.reinstated to be POTUS so that I can play my day around the "Inauguration!" lol

My response here is the same as the other one I just posted.

Also keep in mind that piling on with incredible amioungsRemember when the op at the onset of this thread made clear the separation of President Xi and the CCP?

Remember how President Trump always referred to "CHY-NA" but never said Xi?

The op pointed this out at the onset too.

Those who have actually paid attention to Xi's decisions instead of just assuming he is evil would know this.

But it's not just Trump and Xi, it's Putin too, as also stated at the onset by the op of this thread.

And North Korea's Kim Jong Un has a major role in this too.

They are all working together to take down the DS satanists, the most evil group on this planet.

George Soros has publicly attacked Xi, Putin and Trump in the past year.

Perhaps, you better understand why now.

In September Soros called Xi "the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world".

A week later China released a statement labeling Soros a global terrorist and claimed that he was "The son of Satan."

And they are right!

Soros is openly proud of being evil.

You are watching a battle between Trump, Xi, Putin, Kim Jong and many other world leaders against the DS puppet masters of Soros, Schwab, Fauci, Gates, Obama and many others.

Blaming Xi for China's atrocities is like blaming Trump for America's atrocities.

Xi has been President for only 8 years, not 80.

Every major country has a deep state and Xi is working against the CCP's Li Keqiang to clean house.

If you're curious what the end game is in China, they are re-writing the Constitution.

Remember when Bannon was "arrested" last year on the super yacht owned by Chinese billionaire Guo Wenguei?

What were Bannon and Guo speaking about in the international waters off the coast of the US last year?

Remember, not everything is what it seems. ["optics"]

In fact, its almost always the "opposite game".

So perhaps now you may understand why it's always "Russia, Russia, Russia".

Or why Soros called out Xi.

Or why so many rumors about Kim Jong Un's health or whereabouts.

But by now one thing, at minimum, should be clear and that is Biden is NOT in control of anything.

He is nothing more than one of the clowns in Soros' circus.

He is not even allowed near the White House.

This, because he and his administration are DS operatives and the enemy of The People.

The military is, and has been, in control since January 18th.

President Trump continues to be President and has shadowed fake Biden since.

They are using Biden to show the world the TRUTH of what the DS narrative is and their NWO endgame goal.

Again, this take down of the DS has been planned for decades and orchestrated to perfection.

But remember, it's a WAR, the biggest battle of our history, so there will be casualties.

There already have been many.

It's "game over" but there will still be some challenges ahead.

The remaining DS players know they lost and will try to create as much chaos on the way out.

The only weapon they really have left is the deadly shot.

This is why they remain so aggressive with their fake virus narrative.

And if you have been paying attention you have seen the "moves" and "countermoves".

Earlier this week was just another example in plain view.

Fauci was exposed for abusing dogs. ["move"]

The next day the FDA approves the deadly shot for children age 5+. ["countermove"]


The op of this thread has pointed out many examples of this along the way.

But some still refuse to see the truth.

But very soon they won't be able to avoid it.

Remember, it had to be this way.

Sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen.



China's economy is on the verge of collapse.

If China's economy collapses, it could be the event that changes the entire system.

A system that has financially enslaved humanity for over a century and desperately needs to be fixed.

Now consider the shipping crisis and what effect it will have on China.

Castle Rock?

"White hat" operation?

Why do you think Trump was the first President or US citizen to visit the Forbidden City?

In an age of facial recognition technology and wall to wall cameras, the Forbidden City is unique in that it relies on security guards only.

What did President's Trump and Xi discuss behind closed doors that nobody could hear?

Add in the Evergrande situation, Taiwan and the Three Gorges Dam and ALL eyes should be on China.

By the way, as stated at the onset and maintained throughout, President Xi is a major part of cleaning house within the CCP.

Remember when the op at the onset of this thread made clear the separation of President Xi and the CCP?

Remember how President Trump always referred to "CHY-NA" but never said Xi?

The op pointed this out at the onset too.

Those who have actually paid attention to Xi's decisions instead of just assuming he is evil would know this.

But it's not just Trump and Xi, it's Putin too, as also stated at the onset by the op of this thread.

And North Korea's Kim Jong Un has a major role in this too.

They are all working together to take down the DS satanists, the most evil group on this planet.

George Soros has publicly attacked Xi, Putin and Trump in the past year.

Perhaps, you better understand why now.

In September Soros called Xi "the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world".

A week later China released a statement labeling Soros a global terrorist and claimed that he was "The son of Satan."

And they are right!

Soros is openly proud of being evil.

You are watching a battle between Trump, Xi, Putin, Kim Jong and many other world leaders against the DS puppet masters of Soros, Schwab, Fauci, Gates, Obama and many others.

Blaming Xi for China's atrocities is like blaming Trump for America's atrocities.

Xi has been President for only 8 years, not 80.

Every major country has a deep state and Xi is working against the CCP's Li Keqiang to clean house.

If you're curious what the end game is in China, they are re-writing the Constitution.

Remember when Bannon was "arrested" last year on the super yacht owned by Chinese billionaire Guo Wenguei?

What were Bannon and Guo speaking about in the international waters off the coast of the US last year?

Remember, not everything is what it seems. ["optics"]

In fact, its almost always the "opposite game".

So perhaps now you may understand why it's always "Russia, Russia, Russia".

Or why Soros called out Xi.

Or why so many rumors about Kim Jong Un's health or whereabouts.

But by now one thing, at minimum, should be clear and that is Biden is NOT in control of anything.

He is nothing more than one of the clowns in Soros' circus.

He is not even allowed near the White House.

This, because he and his administration are DS operatives and the enemy of The People.

The military is, and has been, in control since January 18th.

President Trump continues to be President and has shadowed fake Biden since.

They are using Biden to show the world the TRUTH of what the DS narrative is and their NWO endgame goal.

Again, this take down of the DS has been planned for decades and orchestrated to perfection.

But remember, it's a WAR, the biggest battle of our history, so there will be casualties.

There already have been many.

It's "game over" but there will still be some challenges ahead.

The remaining DS players know they lost and will try to create as much chaos on the way out.

The only weapon they really have left is the deadly shot.

This is why they remain so aggressive with their fake virus narrative.

And if you have been paying attention you have seen the "moves" and "countermoves".

Earlier this week was just another example in plain view.

Fauci was exposed for abusing dogs. ["move"]

The next day the FDA approves the deadly shot for children age 5+. ["countermove"]


The op of this thread has pointed out many examples of this along the way.

But some still refuse to see the truth.

But very soon they won't be able to avoid it.

Remember, it had to be this way.

Sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen.


My response here is the same as the other one I just posted..

Piling up a never-ending pile of lies, delusions and paranoia WEAKENS you case rather than strengthens it, and most importantly as stated there is nothing you

can do to change things other than to vote in folks who represent your way of thinking.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The Bill of Rights from well over 300 yeara ago has no relevance in today's world where terrible and deadly killer viruses like Covid exist.

The POTUS and those elected officials have the RIGHT to do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens!!

Like instituting unenforceable mandates . This senile puppet in office is lucky he can dress himself .

Nov 11, 2007
I would bet money that despite all of your hot air, you have been vaccinated!!

And yes from now on I am going to respond to you when you say something worth responding to, which is FAR from every one of your posts!!

I still think that if you find a mate, it might help things and allow you to focus on that person rather than your 24/7/365 obsession with Trump, Biden

the vaccine and the Election not necessarily in that order.

Nov 11, 2007
Just think, folks, the anniversary of the 2020 Election is just a few days away, Biden has been FULLY in charge since January 20, and yet there are crazy crackot

fools like fpp/sbd who still don't accept that, and that even at this late date, somehow the results of the Election are still somehow going to be overturned

and Trump declared the winner, or that some kind of coup/devolution aided by the military is going to take place, which will also result in Biden's being

toppled and Trump being reinstated.

The words "imagination," "delusion," and "fantasy" don't do justice to what afflicts fpp/sbd, and it would take YEARS of professional treatment

to deal with his overall psychosis!!

Jan 13, 2019
I can't be bothered with this pile of unproven bullshit, delusions and lies, which we have heard over and over again.

Just let me know when Trump is dissolved/oops I mean devolved.reinstated to be POTUS so that I can play my day around the "Inauguration!" lol
And the rest of us are tired of your piles of Bullshit, delusions, lies and idiot libtard mentality!

Nov 11, 2007
Be as tired as you want of my DOCUMENTING AND EXPOSING fpp/sbd for who and what he is-that is what I do best and will continue to do so.

While we are at it, again how about commenting whether you believe Bill Clinton was just executed at GITMO?

If you do, please tell us whether you agree with fpp/sbd's contention that his public appearances and tv interviews of late are not being done with Bill

but rather with one of his body doubles or some kind of optics??

Reviewing to answer this question as has been the case before will just indicate that you don't agree with him and/or that you have no balls and don't want to

publicly admit that you believe he is full of shit when it comes to stuff like this!!

Nov 11, 2007
Delusional. Brainwashed. Mind-controlled.

About to go full psychosis.


A typical response on your part which doesn't address and never has address anything that I and the others have documented about your lies, failed

predictions, etc.

You are ao chicken shit to respond directly that you PRETEND to me and the others on ignore to weakly try to wash your hands and absolve

yourself from responding to what we have to say, namely because you have NO responses which will fly other than with fellow wackos!!

Nov 11, 2007

The People keep waking up!

Lions, not sheep.

We are the majority!


Once again the FACT that you don't spell out what is "coming," means that you don't have the courage of your "convictions," and/or you don't want to

define what you mean and commit yourself so as that later one you can define the term any way in which you want to fit your narrative at a

given moment!!
Aug 17, 2019

How did your week go without me brother?

Remember, even though I live in your head that voice you are hearing isn't me.

It's Satan.

And Satan has led you into his den.

You are not doing God's work, you are doing Satan's.

Have you accepted yet that you have been on the wrong side of this narrative the entire time?

You better hurry and accept it because very soon you will force-fed the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Have a great day brother!

I'm still praying for your soul.


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