There is ZERO chance of the evil controller's communist Great Reset plan completing itself.
Political stability will be restored in the coming weeks [by end of year].
Truth of everything will be shown to the world [covid and vaxx scam, election fraud, child trafficking, etc.].
Not one person will be exempt from seeing it.
The economy will be restored over the next year or two.
New systems will replace the old [political, financial, medical, educational, religious, etc.].
Antidotes will be made available for the vaxxed.
It doesn't reverse the effects of the shot but it will give them a chance to live longer than currently expected.
There will still be a lot of challenges and fallout still ahead of us but there is a light at the end of tunnel.
Remember, it had to be this way.
Everything you have seen since January 20th has been part of a controlled narrative with the assistance of benevolent beings.
It was part of the disclosure plan.
People needed to be experience the "scare" event.
They needed to wake up and see the truth.
Sometimes you have to show The People.
Only then can real change occur.
Your continued actions are necessary.
Do not get complacent.
Stay vigilant in your pursuit of truth.
Keep taking a stand against tyranny.
Keep protecting your kids against the deadly shot.
We are almost there.
There is ZERO chance of the evil controller's communist Great Reset plan completing itself.
Political stability will be restored in the coming weeks [by end of year].
Truth of everything will be shown to the world [covid and vaxx scam, election fraud, child trafficking, etc.].
Not one person will be exempt from seeing it.
The economy will be restored over the next year or two.
New systems will replace the old [political, financial, medical, educational, religious, etc.].
Antidotes will be made available for the vaxxed.
It doesn't reverse the effects of the shot but it will give them a chance to live longer than currently expected.
There will still be a lot of challenges and fallout still ahead of us but there is a light at the end of tunnel.
Remember, it had to be this way.
Everything you have seen since January 20th has been part of a controlled narrative with the assistance of benevolent beings.
It was part of the disclosure plan.
People needed to be experience the "scare" event.
They needed to wake up and see the truth.
Sometimes you have to show The People.
Only then can real change occur.
Your continued actions are necessary.
Do not get complacent.
Stay vigilant in your pursuit of truth.
Keep taking a stand against tyranny.
Keep protecting your kids against the deadly shot.
We are almost there.