"we got him this time... we got him this time"

"We have him this time," yeah just like you have had me for the 99.9% of the time I have DOCUMENTED YOUR FAILED PREDICTIONS SND EVERYTHING ELSE!! lol
Hey Lenny- your need a "Lenbotomy" LenBLOW:
I asked sportsm60 to comment on whether you believe Bill Clinton was actually executed at GITMO according to fpp/sbd yet who has been seen doing a number
of interviews of late.
He refused to answer this question because obviously he doesn't want commit himself, which by so doing might hurt precious fpp/sbd's feelinss! lol
What about you-do believe Bill was executed or is it a case as fpp/sbd keeps saying what we see and hear is Clinton's "body doubles,"
"holographs" or just plain optics.
Lets see if unlike sportsm60, you have the balls to tell us tour feelings.
If you don't respond to this by 4:00 PM this afternoon, it will just confirm what I already confirmed about sportsm60!!