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RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Adam Kinzinger Knocks McCarthy for Opposing Cheney but Not QAnon Supporters (

This is the type of guy and thinking Republicans need badly if over time they wish to restore the values which got them as far as have and to

continue as such.

Trump and folks who think like him will eventually doom the GOP and send it the route of the dinosaurs unless some semblance of normalcy and

credibility are re-established!!

I would vote in a split second for Kinzinger if the Election was tomorrow and he was running against Biden!!!

Looks like Little Adam won’t even have a district to be running in for Congress let alone even daring to step in front of the Trump train for a ‘24 run .
Aug 17, 2019

Soon, they won't have any viewers because they will be bankrupt.


Nov 11, 2007
Truth ^^^^

They only post what's convenient to their fake narratives.

You should fucking talk!!

Tell us the LAST time if EVER that you ever responded to one of our comments about your DOCUMENTED 99.9% FAILED predictions,

most notably Trump's alleged REINSTATEMENT which you have predicted is imminent just about every day beginning the day after

the Election!!!

I guess you don't want to talk about that do you!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Do you have questions about what happened to JFK? If so, you might be a "conspiracy theorist".

So say the people who are REFUSING to release JFK files after 57 YEARS "because of COVID".


Could you tell us whether or not the rumor is true that you got raped in your sleep while fantasizing about "getting it on" with Trump??

One of your "credible" sources seems to think that aliens, demonic and other evils entities overpower us when we are sleeping and have sex with

us without our permission.

I am sure thet world would like to know if your are one of the victims or not!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
When even CNN can’t ignore this glassy eyed stuttering fool’s dumpster fire of a town hall

Keep in mind this was a soft toss invitation only town hall. :):)

Fact-checking Biden's CNN town hall in Baltimore

A college student asked Biden: "Given that it's nearly been a year into your campaign, why haven't you been to the southern border of our country?"

After Biden addressed another immigration question from the student but ignored that one, Cooper followed up. Biden then responded, "I've been there before, and I haven't -- I mean, I know it well.

Facts First: White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at her Friday briefing that "he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in 2008." It's not clear what Psaki meant by "through." Regardless, if this drive was what Biden was talking about when he said he had "been there before," he certainly could have been clearer about the fact that he was referring to a passing moment in a car rather than some sort of deliberate migration-related stop. (The Washington Post reported Friday that this 2008 drive took Biden on a route "that for a few minutes hugs the border."


Biden said, "When I first was elected, there were only 2 million people who had Covid shots in the United States of America -- had the vaccine. Now we got 190 million, because I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight, and it worked."

Facts First: Biden's "2 million people" assertion was inaccurate no matter which way you parse it -- slightly off if you decide to be charitable, way off if not. Also, Biden gave too much credit to his own administration's vaccine purchases. The Trump administration purchased enough vaccine doses to fully vaccinate at least a large percentage of the 190 million peoplewho have received two shots at present.


Biden said that "there are over 800,000 sites right now that exist in America where you can go get a vaccine."

Facts First: This is false; Biden added an extra zero. The White House official said Biden meant 80,000 vaccination sites, the number
he has used on multiple previous occasions.


Talking about right-wing television station Fox News, Biden asked, "Do you realize they mandate vaccinations?"

Facts First: This needs context. Fox Corp. does not actually require that employees get vaccinated. Rather, in a September memo, Fox Corp. announced that it would require unvaccinated employees to get tested daily.

Biden said, "We've created more jobs in the first eight months of my administration than any president in American history."

Facts First: This is true, but the circumstances of Biden's first eight months are so different from the circumstances that greeted every other newly elected modern president thatmeaningful direct comparison is effectively impossible

Sharp as a marble with no where to go but down hill for this mess .


Nov 11, 2007
How shocking that Lenny LenBLOW didn't respond to this (below).

As I stated in post, neither he nor sportsm60 because if they answered it TRUTHFULLY, 1) they would be regarded as living in LA LA Land/living

in a world of fantasy/delusion, just as is the case with lots of Republicans who are scared to offend Trump, these two lowlifes are afraid of getting

on the "wrong side" of fpp/sbd!!!

It is just so EASY to expose minor leaguers like these two folks!!!

"Hey Lenny- your need a "Lenbotomy" LenBLOW:

I asked sportsm60 to comment on whether you believe Bill Clinton was actually executed at GITMO according

to fpp/sbd yet who has been seen doing a number
of interviews of late.

He refused to answer this question because obviously he doesn't want commit himself, which by so doing might hurt precious fpp/sbd's feelings! lol

What about you-do believe Bill was executed or is it a case as fpp/sbd keeps saying what we see and hear is Clinton's "body doubles,"

"holographs" or just plain optics.

Lets see if unlike sportsm60, you have the balls to tell us your feelings.

If you don't respond to this by 4:00 PM this afternoon, it will just confirm about YOU what I already confirmed about sportsm60!!"

Sep 5, 2010
So glad I went hiking today in the 50 degree weather here in norther Illinois and didn't sit on a message board wasting another day of my life getting destroyed by Savage1.
You trump humpers are too ultra low iqanons to see it.


Nov 11, 2007
So glad I went hiking today in the 50 degree weather here in norther Illinois and didn't sit on a message board wasting another day of my life getting destroyed by Savage1.
You trump humpers are too ultra low iqanons to see it.

I had a great afternoon also watching some exciting football games and continuing to read Peril, a very long book but very

insightful, educational and engrossing!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004


Wow looky here . Another far right media outlet according to the media bias / fact check site that lightweight savage often refers to breaking another major story that his dog shit sources wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole .

Nov 11, 2007
]ow shocking that Lenny LenBLOW didn't respond to this (below).

As I stated in post, neither he nor sportsm60 because if they answered it TRUTHFULLY, 1) they would be regarded as living in LA LA Land/living

in a world of fantasy/delusion, just as is the case with lots of Republicans who are scared to offend Trump, these two lowlifes are afraid of getting

on the "wrong side" of fpp/sbd!!!

It is just so EASY to expose minor leaguers like these two folks!!!

"Hey Lenny- your need a "Lenbotomy" LenBLOW:

I asked sportsm60 to comment on whether you believe Bill Clinton was actually executed at GITMO according

to fpp/sbd yet who has been seen doing a number
of interviews of late.

He refused to answer this question because obviously he doesn't want commit himself, which by so doing might hurt precious fpp/sbd's feelings! lol

What about you-do believe Bill was executed or is it a case as fpp/sbd keeps saying what we see and hear is Clinton's "body doubles,"

"holographs" or just plain optics.

One last chance(see above) for Lenny to respond to this before I chalk up yet another W to hand from the rafters over

my incredible incompetent/weak adversaries in this thread!!
Aug 17, 2019

Why we have never see Biden on the front lawn of the White House doing an interview with media before boarding Marine One?

This was a regular weekly occurrence for every President until Biden.


Because he's NOT allowed near the White House and is not the President.

This is why and it's fact!


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