Important Virus Update


New member
Aug 7, 2015
Wayne...Not only are you mental and wasting your time with me but your replies are pretty thin (stupid) don't make a ton of sense and further support a view that you're just a sad pissed off dude who stole a bunch of money from contest players on your almost dead Cappersmall.

Is this true? I heard something about that but if true, I am surprised that the site is still viable. If this guy stole the cash, I am surprised he has the balls to harass posters on this site. Also surprised that this site allows it to happen

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Is this true? I heard something about that but if true, I am surprised that the site is still viable. If this guy stole the cash, I am surprised he has the balls to harass posters on this site. Also surprised that this site allows it to happen

Bozzie is a clueless dumb fuck. Don’t let his stupidity rub off on you. It is catchy like Coronavirus

Nov 11, 2007
A quick ot

I sure hope that a least of few of you folks out there who enjoy concerts and especially those who have some religious/spiritual

sense, watched Jesus Christ Superstar in Concert tonight(assuming that you didn't see on tv in Easter of 2018).

For me it was spectacular and as totally well done and as riveting a production as I have seen in a long time.

It took while to get to accustomed to seeing John Legend play Jesus, as this is not the way the traditional way in which Jesus is depicted,

but he did a great job.

For me he is a dead ringer for Ozzie Smith.

It was also lets say "interesting" to see Alice Cooper in his blinding orange garb play King Herod.

That's it-imo it is well worth watching if you are so inclined to this kind of production and to watch it if you find in On Demand, Netflix, etc.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
A quick ot

I sure hope that a least of few of you folks out there who enjoy concerts and especially those who have some religious/spiritual

sense, watched Jesus Christ Superstar in Concert tonight(assuming that you didn't see on tv in Easter of 2018).

For me it was spectacular and as totally well done and as riveting a production as I have seen in a long time.

It took while to get to accustomed to seeing John Legend play Jesus, as this is not the way the traditional way in which Jesus is depicted,

but he did a great job.

For me he is a dead ringer for Ozzie Smith.

It was also lets say "interesting" to see Alice Cooper in his blinding orange garb play King Herod.

That's it-imo it is well worth watching if you are so inclined to this kind of production and to watch it if you find in On Demand, Netflix, etc.

Your wife enjoys John Legends cock

Nov 11, 2007
This will be relatively brief.

It is now Monday, April 13 and Easter Sunday has come and gone, and with zilch of what was predicted by sbd to have happened by that date has occurred

re: the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the exposure and punishment of the "alleged" people(all high ranking democrats and some with lots of money)

involved in "conspiracies."

Also I didn't hear or see of any massive blackouts all over the world of tv, radio, internet, phones and all other forms of communication

as predicted by our resident guru.

However as stated, the actual deadline for all of this to occur was extended to the end of April Monday, which is 24 hours from now, meaning there is still

a "chance" that sbd's predictions will occur.

If not, as stated previously, I will be gonzo from this thread 31 hours from right now or 1:00 Pm EDT on Tuesday.

Not only will I have fulfilled my mission here as being one reason, but just as importantly, I strongly believe that if I did remain, that this Biblical proverb

might happen to me:

Proverbs 26:4 New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]4 [/SUP]Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

or you yourself will be just like him.
Aug 17, 2019
The virus is a genetically modified A.I.

There is a bigger picture agenda in play and it's becoming more and more clear if you are watching closely... follow the white rabbit.

The timing is by design, ahead of tomorrow's Spring Equinox.

[POST #831]

Rudy W. Giuliani

It is now clear it will be the self-described VIRTUAL candidate, SLEEPY JOE, running from his basement, against a REAL candidate and the man who is out there 24/7 working to lead us through our most catastrophic biological attack!

12:25 PM · Apr 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

[POST #419]

President Trump on USNS Comfort

"As we gather today, our country is at war with an invisible enemy. We are marshaling the full power of American nation's economy, scientific, medical and military to vanquish the virus..."

Comfort's main mission, Trump said, will be to take care of the New Yorkers who aren't infected with COVID-19 but still require urgent care.

"So the people with the virus will not be on ship," he reassured. "The ship will be used for people having operations and other things."

More than 15million have been diagnosed with influenza this season and more than 16,000 have died which is actually at the lower end of the historic range.
And yet doctors send patients home with Tylenol and tell them to drink plenty of fluids and get plenty of rest and the President does nothing and we all continue to live life.

The current number of COVID-19 cases, assuming they are real, shows more than 215,000 cases and over 5,100 deaths.
And yet doctors allegedly claim they are "overwhelmed" and "overcrowded" and the President shuts down borders and sends in the military.

At what point do people start to understand there is something MUCH BIGGER going on here?



Help has arrived, the timing perfect, the storm will end soon, the sun will shine brighter than ever.

It arrived on 3/20/20, the Spring Equinox


3/21/20 (7:53AM ET)
Remember, "follow the leader"...

CNN not good... FOX news good.

3/21/20 (10:53PM ET)

Notice the news channel that is airing it (see post #20)

"Follow the leader"... it's not about politics, beliefs or opinions.

Fox News suddenly stops participating in the MSM anti-Trump campaign and paves the way for POTUS and his team to get their message out with many short exclusive broadcasts. Their ratings sky-rocketed proving Americans do care about what POTUS has to say. It also further exposed the corruption inside MSM and their anti-Trump campaign.

4/3/20 "SUMMARY"
As we approach tomorrow 4/4/2020, or '444', here is a brief summary.

For many millennia the earth and humanity has been under the control of extremely unimaginable evil, dark and nefarious beings that have kept humanity enslaved, disempowered and spiritually asleep.

These beings have been able to get away with this because of their connections to the highest echelons of political, governmental and religious power around the world, making it impossible for victims to come forward to share what has happened to them as every part of the system was designed to protect the abusers and ignore the victims.

This group of beings is a Satanic group of elites who control every aspect of society from MSM to religion to politics to our educational system and healthcare. You may know them as the "illuminati" (cabal). There is absolutely no aspect of society this evil doesn't control.

JFK publicly called out this group and put them on notice and was assassinated days later. Following his assissination a global alliance was secretly formed with a mission to take back control of our planet, freeing humanity from enslavement and control.

This alliance is composed of former high ranking illuminati members who left them and high level military members who have access to the highest level of secret information that the cabal had on humanity. With this information they will liberate humanity from the control of this evil force. These evil forces have perpetually been creating evil plans to harm and enslave humanity. The alliance also consists of many world leaders and galactic beings including the Pleiadians who are our cosmic cousins and possess certain technologies that have made this possible.

The COVID-19 pandemic was originally created by evil illuminati fractions who wanted to harm humanity using extremely advanced biological warfare. Their nefarious plans were abruptly halted by the global alliance who possess a very advanced technology that allows them to see into the future. By seeing this before it happened it allowed them to masterfully utilize this time to execute their plan to take down the cabal ("overlay"), the operation you are witnessing through the military's involvement with the "virus".

The alliance has secretly been rounding up and arresting the most evil people on this planet. This is why you are seeing so many elites test "positive" for the virus and being "quarantined". They have also begun rescuing countless thousands of children who have secretly been kept in underground bunkers and used for on-planet and off-planet trafficking and satanic child sacrifice.

The USNS Comfort and USNS Mercy are in NYC and L.A. because these cities are main hubs for the cabal. Under these cities are a complex system of bunkers and tunnels where these children are kept and these vessels are already starting to fill up with those the military has saved. Some of these people they are saving are also adults who haven't seen daylight since their childhood and have endured much pain, suffering and trauma.

Remember, "as above so below". Where you see one world another always exists above it and below it. Also remember, the Administration made it very clear that Comfort and Mercy would be used for non-COVID-19 patients with serious conditions and other things. They are using military ships to protect them. It might also make sense to you why some crazed conductor intentionally derailed his train as an attempt to crash into the USNS Mercy. Clearly that was a "false flag" attempt to derail the operation that is underway.

The "earthquakes' in unsuspecting places are part of the operation where other underground bunkers and tunnel systems are located and are blown up after the children are rescued. Most are on the west coast because of the easy access to Mexico. This is the real reason why the Administration is building the wall, to PROTECT our children from evil.

The main control center for the cabal is in Europe, thus the real reason for the military "exercise" known as Defender 20 Europe, the largest (secret) deployment in over 25 years.

The COVID pandemic has proven to be highly effective for the global alliance whose #1 priority is to keep humans safe. They were able to use the "fear" narrative by the MSM to keep people home while the evil members are arrested.

Military prison ships were secretly deployed to NYC and LA, amongst other places, to house those they arrest. Most will be sent to GITMO (remember the $200million renovations) where they will face trial and spend the their remaining days reflecting on their crimes against humanity and how they preyed on the most vulnerable beings in the universe, our children, who were stolen from their families or part of the foster care program. How they set up "charities" as a front to steal children from underprivileged territories like Haiti and Africa, sacrificing them during Satanic rituals. There are over 160,000 sealed indictments that will be unsealed soon. While some names will be obvious many will not. Expect the unexpected.

Shortly after the Epstein arrest the House voted to allow GITMO trials to be broadcasted online. This move was made as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The measure authorizes military judges at Guantanamo Bay “to order arrangements for remote public viewing of the proceedings via the internet”. The timing was not coincidence and would prove critical in serving undeniable truth to the world. Epstein was also the first major move of the operation by the global alliance, Weinstein second. Epstein Island was the main center for these Satanic sacrifice rituals.

COVID-19 is a biological weapon created by the evil fractions and was supposed to be the next "plague", used to depopulate humanity while further enslaving those who survived. Their plan has failed and their game is over.

The best part about this is it was us, HUMANITY, that paved the way for the alliance's masterful operation. In the last decade many humans began to "wake up" and start to demand truth and transparency. This has been acknowledged as "The Great Awakening" which is real and not some "spiritual fad" like the secret members of the cabal trying to trick you into believing through media and religious brainwashing. The elites understand consciousness more than anyone, they know an AWAKENED human is the most powerful human and their biggest threat. The more that awaken the harder it is for them to control you and survive. So while the global alliance prepared for this moment the collective of awakened souls did too by spending a great deal of time together in prayer and meditation focusing on a peaceful ending and a better world for all.

This is undoubtedly a horror movie you are watching but it has an incredibly happy ending. It has nothing to do with politics, religion or anything other belief systems that have kept us divided. It is truly about JUSTICE and FREEDOM FOR ALL across the globe.

You, or many people you know, may be experiencing fear due to the MSM narrative involving the virus. Please know, and let them know, that humanity is safe now.

Again, tomorrow is 4/4/2020 ("444") and is one of the most significant dates in our universe. While the global alliance enters their final stage of this operation myself, along with countless millions of people around the globe, will support them through nonstop meditation and prayer. Feel free to join the collective in your own mediation and prayers. Pray for the safety of POTUS, our troops and the safe return of our children. Also pray for all those on the front line like doctors, nurses and more.

We are collectively on the verge of a brand new world. Stand together in unity, peace, love, compassion and forgiveness. WE ARE ONE!

By sharing this, it is not my intention to violate any of your personal beliefs or opinions. My only intention is to help prepare those who read this for what's coming. Consider it the "sneak preview" for a major disclosure event (the "mic drop"), that will hopefully soften the blow as they say. I encourage you to only take what resonates with you and discard the rest. I also encourage you to do your own research, use discernment and trust your intuition more than ever.


COVID-19 Press conference at 7:01pm

Reporter: " it beyond narcotics? Are there other illicit activities?"

President: "There are the activities of human trafficking, and especially with respect to women... it's a horrible thing, horrible thing... this is all over the world but in this country they are coming mostly through the southern border (west coast) but we are hitting them very hard... they have tremendous illegal trafficking in women and children... it's illegal and it's horrible and it's disgraceful and I have seen things that are an absolute disgrace.. and we're trying to knock them out and we're knocking them out hard... and I really want to thank the President of Mexico because he has really stepped up to the plate... 27,000 soldiers."

[POST #831]

Rudy W. Giuliani

It is now clear it will be the self-described VIRTUAL candidate, SLEEPY JOE, running from his basement, against a REAL candidate and the man who is out there 24/7 working to lead us through our most catastrophic biological attack!

12:25 PM · Apr 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

[Post #832]
[Post #840]

Bill Gates IS part of the evil group.

He is the biggest advocate for global depopulation.

He already has the "vaccine" because he is the one responsible for COVID-19.

Remember how this works...

1. Create the problem (COVID-19)

2. Generate the fear (EVIL MSM)

3. Introduce the vaccine (MAJOR ROADBLOCK)

He was successful in #1 & #2 but it is going to be almost impossible to get his vaccine through the FDA and Trump Administration.

They already know what's in the vaccine and IT'S NOT GOOD!

This is why Trump went on record and said "we can't let the cure be worse than the problem itself".

There is NOTHING good about Gates' vaccine.

This might explain why Gates is seen taking a "stroll in the park" with Fauci.

Fauci is his one and only chance.

Which side is Fauci on?

POTUS and his team already know... we will soon!

Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said his foundation will make billions of dollars available for manufacturing the most promising vaccines to combat the novel coronavirus.

The timing of this operation is not coincidence.

The evil side attempted the “end game” (Book of Revelation) with the virus and it failed.

By now, it should be very obvious who is a part of this evil group. Just watch the MSM headlines everyday.

Who’s always there?

And who’s always bashing Trump and his Administration?

Who’s always pumping up the fear?

Pelosi, Schumer, Crooked Hillary, Gates, and more...

Meanwhile, the good guys are using their failed attempt as an “overlay” to serve justice and restore freedom.

Any self-proclaimed Christian should recall the following:

The “pass over” of Jesus from torture, rejection, defection if His closest followers, temptation to despair, His passion and death that first Good Friday, to LIFE, LIGHT and VICTORY on Easter Sunday.

Trump repeatedly said “by Easter” despite criticism.

Evil is being removed as we speak... the signs and evidence are everywhere.

It is up to you to see it!



[Post #975]
Late Friday multiple DC Grand Jury subpoenas were issued on behalf of U.S. Attorney John Durham.



[Post #981]

Ephesians 6:10-6:20
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

If you want TRUTH and think you are ready for TRUTH watch this short documentary.

"The silent war"

"The invisible enemy"

"Red Pill"


On EASTER Sunday Satan shows itself in a new commercial with Bill Gates and Marina Abramovic. Abramovic is the Satanic High Priestess and one of the most evil people in the world. She is responsible for much of the evil that exists on this planet and caters to Hollywood and Politicians all around the world. The commercial is very demonic and disturbing. The commercial was created as a form of spirit cooking and is designed to enter the psyche of the mentally weak and vulnerable for the purpose of mind control (MK Ultra).


Remember, I have said repeatedly there is something bigger in play and that you are witnessing the Final Battle of Good and Evil.

Satan always shows itself in the final hours of the battle out of desperation.

Jan 8, 2015
44 pages of this drivel.....
Hey, do kids in your neigbourhood chase you and pelt you with rocks when you go outside?
Aug 17, 2019
Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Donald J. Trump

Sorry Fake News, it’s all on tape. I banned China long before people spoke up. Thank you @OANN

Quote Tweet


DeAnna Lorraine
@DeAnna4Congress · <time datetime="2020-04-12T22:02:21.000Z">14h</time>

Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could've saved more lives.

Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large.

Time to #FireFauci...

6:51 PM · Apr 12, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Aug 17, 2019
Seeing a sector by sector return to work soon.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:05 PM PT — Sunday, April 12, 2020 (EASTER)

Texas Gov. Abbott to issue executive order on reopening businesses

The governor of Texas is looking to take action to help reopen the state’s economy amid the coronavirus pandemic. During a press conference Friday, Governor Greg Abbott announced he is planning to release an executive order next week, which will be aimed at safely allowing businesses to open again.

“We will focus on protecting lives, while protecting livelihoods,” he said. “We can do both.”

The governor also implied he intends to reopen businesses in stages, which he said will ease them into normalcy without putting Texans at risk.

The governor has been working closely with the Trump administration to coordinate measures moving forward.

Nov 11, 2007
Remember, NONE of of this is about politics, opinions or beliefs.

Its' all about TRUTH, JUSTICE and FREEDOM!

In essence all sbd has done so far today is post the "lowlights"of his right wing conspiracy theories with ZERO proof that any of this

is true .

It is no coincidence that he did not repost #52 and lots of other posts which claimed that all of

this delusional garbage would be revealed with 100% CERTAINTY to be true first by the Spring Solstice around March 19, then by the

numerological date of April 4(4/4) and then Easter Sunday and then Easter Monday, apparently to allow God one extra day to punish all

of the all the "evil" Democrats and unnamed folks who sbd alleges are the perpetrators of these ALLEGED conspiracies.

Obviously none of this has come true if you read the papers, check internet and watch the news on all of the major networks.

In addition sbd said that sometime by now the world would have been blacked out of all communication to receive the news-you know no tv, no radio,

no internet, no phone, etc, I assume by the "Evil" Left Wing by some of the co-conspirators cited in an attempt to not let us know the "Truth."

Even worse as I have pointed out sbd doesn't have the slightest idea as to INTELLIGENTLY debate someone.

As I have shown time and time again including what he posted today as an example, that his means of trying to

make his case is based on presenting events which happen(some true and some hearsay), and then leaving it

at that and then immediately following with non sequiturs, circumstantial evidence at best and most importantly

poisoning the well by trying to ram down everyone's throat that all of his shaky one sided right wing agenda

makes what he says so.

I have posted numerous posts to counter/refutes some of his allegations, and like his hero, the POTUS, when he is unable

to respond to them/pinned against the ropes, he calls my sources as not credible or "fake news."

More importantly and changing the topic to sbd's spiritual thesis, he clearly used the three failed dates cited as the day that this so called

Dawning of the Age of Aquarius will begin, meaning that all hate, war, evil(meaning all democrats for sure), pestilence, famine, divorce

and all other afflictions will to use the terminology and immediately disappear and will be replaced on the spot

by Universal Love, "We are all one", One Loving, World Government and that EXACT/PRECISE DATE all of this occur,

whether it be the Spring Solstice, April 4(4/4) Easter Sunday or Easter Monday at the latest.

I will leave it to you folks to decide if sbd's prognostication has come to pass or not.

To change the subject, I have posted factual data, showing how his darling/"angelic" Donny failed to act

when he should have way back when he should have, which would have in effect lessened the current Virus disaster on hands at the moment.

This is not really surprising at all in view of the fact that trump considers himself an expert on everything including the Virus and does

what his advisers do ONLY if they agree with his own assessment.

The man has told a documented 15000 plus lies during his tenure, and I even posted a link at one time to indicate that I wasn't making

this stuff up.

Sbd never responded to this, and I am sure that if he had, he would have done what his hero does and has always done when confronted with

factual material which bothers him, namely to dismiss it as "fake news"

One need only look at his self serving long press conferences and see how he responds to questions to see what this man is all about.

If someone should dare to ask a question.criticize something which Trump believes might make him look bad even though it is true,

no problem just insult the reporter and move onto someone else.

Not once has he blamed himself for anything to do with this Virus which has led to current situation-in short everyone else is to blame


I have also pointed out his DOCUMENTED racism as pointed out in post 862, to which snd never responded to after several requests.

I could go on with this but why bother as the points are clear.

He says it's all about TRUTH, JUSTICE and FREEDOM.

Imo as those words apply to Sbd;

TRUTH-selective and one sided/slanted ones at best and total fabrications at worse.

Justice-My coming to this thread and rebutting what he has said when necessary as well as telling the other side of the story.

FREEDOM-well for me it will be the "freedom" of exiting this thread by 1:00 PM tomorrow barring any unforeseen circumstance where

God steps in at the last minute to show that sbd was right along.

I posted this quote last night and I stand by it as it regards myself and attitude toward sbd:

Proverbs 26:4 New International Version (NIV)

[SUP]4 [/SUP]Do not answer a fool according to his folly,

or you yourself will be just like him.

New member
Jan 11, 2008

I will be shocked if 1 person reads that gibberish

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Again I will be leaving this thread permanently at 12:00 AM Tuesday if sbd predictions don't come true

Since savage has a stiff dick for SBD and his time frames, we should note that savage, the crybaby hypocrite, will NOT stick to his own words either

ZERO chance this scumbag does as he says he will ... ZERO!

History is on my side

Dec 13, 2007
Is this true? I heard something about that but if true, I am surprised that the site is still viable. If this guy stole the cash, I am surprised he has the balls to harass posters on this site. Also surprised that this site allows it to happen

Yes, somewhere around 14 grand.
Balls? dude... all the balls are in this Aholes mouth.

Dec 13, 2007
You really want to get into who the pussy is? guy who hides behind yet another name? but has balls to harass someone undercover style?

I think you've made a good case here for owning your very own VAG.

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