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New member
Jan 11, 2008
I don't read much in this section so whomever said whatever isn't anything I'd know or care about in reference to the clue someone dropped. (You think too highly of your work here)
As to you being Wayne or not doesn't make you any less of a nutcase and POS, pretending to be or baiting anyone into thinking you're Wayne makes you even and bigger pussy( if possible) and even more pathetic than originally thought.
No... I wouldn't fall out of my chair with who you are if you're not Wayne ..I could give a shit.

If you guys are convinced that I am wayne, I do think highly of myself and my work here is nothing short of brilliant!

Carry on douche bag :pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
I am willing to bet that is not his kitchen!

I have been in many hotel suite kitchens that look like that, some even better!

And if you look at the left it sure looks like a hotel phone.

I would think someone worth hundreds of millions would have a kitchen far bigger and more lavish than that and a phone system far more discreet and advanced than an “office” style phone sitting on his “kitchen bar”.

I’m also willing to bet he’s wearing nice anklet too!

Once again, you present laughable circumstantial evidence at best and then try to draw conclusions from it.

Again "Mr Attorney" I sure hope for your sake you don't argue this way in court.

If I was an opposing attorney and knew that you argued in this fashion, I would rightfully be celebrating victory with my client before the court proceedings

even began.

Lets just take a look at your "reasoning" and "logic" in this case.

Lets take Warren Buffett and just assume that he isn't one of the evil conspirators you believe he is.

I just did a search and found that even with the stock market plunge, he is still worth around 68 billion.

Using your "logic" why is this guy living in a comparative dump, which is worth about .003 of his net worthy-shouldn't he be living in lavish

home worth substantially more?

Or how about thus(and I can find the link if you want), why does this guy have breakfast each and every morning at McDonalds?

I think it is quite obvious for anyone with half a brain understands how this relates to what you said about Tom Hanks.

Better luck next time!

More importantly, Easter Sunday is now 15 hours old EDT with 9 hours to go for your visible to ALL predictions to come true !!

Here is the link to Warren Buffett:

Nov 11, 2007
Again I will be leaving this thread permanently at 12:00 AM Tuesday if sbd predictions don't come true, which imo no one in their right mind

who has read this entire thread would believe will occur at this point.

I am going to say that based on my 34 year professional career which involved and consisted of many times investigating possible and/or welfare

fraud,(which in turn involved intense and thorough gather of multiple facts,and basically leaving no stone unturned in arriving at a conclusions), I feel

verygood/confident as to how I have responded in this thread.

On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being easy and 10 the most difficult, this is how I would perceive both Psychic/WAYNE and sbd

in respect to cases I broke and cracked during my professional career:

Wayne-1 or 1 1/2 at best.

The fact that he "debates" with lies, name calling and insults are in itself an indication that he does not have much confidence in what he has to say in any event

in addition to his "see spot run" mentality at best to anything I have said in my posts-in short no challenge at all.

In all "fairness" I would give him a 10 for his ability to use his foul mouth and spew forth hatred,

Sbd-at the moment I would given him maybe a 5 because at least he has an ability to present material even though as I have pointed out

many time, it is filled with non sequiturs, circumstantial evidence,and most importantly POISONING THE WELL by trying to ram down

the gavel and present his contentions as fact rather than the opinions, half truths, hearsay and obvious right wing opinions, which in fact,

they are.

The rating would be lower except we have to wait until Tuesday morning at 12:00 AM for sure whether all of which he has predicted comes true.

If it does not, it will amount to "three strikes and your out," as it will mean that on all three separate occasions, the Spring Solstice,

April 4(numerology 4/4 meaning) and now Easter Sunday or Easter Monday, he will have whiffed.

If he does strike out, which I expect, the 5 rating will fall to a 3 and only that high because of the amount of effort and posts needed on my part

needed to rightfully discredit him.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
and it continues .........

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I am willing to bet that is not his kitchen!

I have been in many hotel suite kitchens that look like that, some even better!

And if you look at the left it sure looks like a hotel phone.

I would think someone worth hundreds of millions would have a kitchen far bigger and more lavish than that and a phone system far more discreet and advanced than an “office” style phone sitting on his “kitchen bar”.

I’m also willing to bet he’s wearing nice anklet too!

nope , commercial heavy duty range gives it away , doubt a ankle also

thats just absurd

but you are still more sane than goofy ass Savage
Aug 17, 2019
Once again, you present laughable circumstantial evidence at best and then try to draw conclusions from it.

Again "Mr Attorney" I sure hope for your sake you don't argue this way in court.

If I was an opposing attorney and knew that you argued in this fashion, I would rightfully be celebrating victory with my client before the court proceedings

even began.

Lets just take a look at your "reasoning" and "logic" in this case.

Lets take Warren Buffett and just assume that he isn't one of the evil conspirators you believe he is.

I just did a search and found that even with the stock market plunge, he is still worth around 68 billion.

Using your "logic" why is this guy living in a comparative dump, which is worth about .003 of his net worthy-shouldn't he be living in lavish

home worth substantially more?

Or how about thus(and I can find the link if you want), why does this guy have breakfast each and every morning at McDonalds?

I think it is quite obvious for anyone with half a brain understands how this relates to what you said about Tom Hanks.

Better luck next time!

More importantly, Easter Sunday is now 15 hours old EDT with 9 hours to go for your visible to ALL predictions to come true !!

Here is the link to Warren Buffett:

If I was your opposing attorney I would be laughing right now saying, “this guy doesn’t even know the difference between an opinion and circumstantial evidence, nor does he understand the man he cited (Buffet) is evil”.

I would also laugh knowing my opposing attorney doesn’t even read the evidence submitted!

Then I would ask myself, “how on earth did this guy even get out of law school, let alone pass the bar?”.

Then I would start celebrating my victory knowing the guy has no chance in hell against me!
Aug 17, 2019
nope , commercial heavy duty range gives it away , doubt a ankle also

thats just absurd

but you are still more sane than goofy ass Savage

No offense intended but have you ever been in a high-end suite at a high-end place?

That stove is consistent to what you would see.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
No offense intended but have you ever been in a high-end suite at a high-end place?

That stove is consistent to what you would see.

Lol. I will not even answer that.

Nice of the “govt” to test him special in a nice high end place. Lol

have a feeling by weeks end this thread will be abandoned faster than a Dafinch thread
Aug 17, 2019
Lol. I will not even answer that.

Nice of the “govt” to test him special in a nice high end place. Lol

have a feeling by weeks end this thread will be abandoned faster than a Dafinch thread

You subscribe to the idea that he actually returned home from Australia.

I don’t subscribe to that story and for good reason.

Nov 11, 2007
If I was your opposing attorney I would be laughing right now saying, “this guy doesn’t even know the difference between an opinion and circumstantial evidence, nor does he understand the man he cited (Buffet) is evil”.

I would also laugh knowing my opposing attorney doesn’t even read the evidence submitted!

Then I would ask myself, “how on earth did this guy even get out of law school, let alone pass the bar?”.

Then I would start celebrating my victory knowing the guy has no chance in hell against me!

The fact that you say Buffett is evil because you say so is all that one has to know about your unfortunate modus operandi.

Most importantly, it doesn't answer the comparison I made using Buffett to your laughable unsubstantiated bs you offered about Tom Hanks.

I guess that is beyond either your comprehension and/or that you are pinned against the rope and realize that you can't rebut

my analogy.

As I said before your so called "evidence" is in fact not evidence at all but rather one way/slanted material much of which is opinion only

and is no better or worse than the "evidence" I have supplied from other sources which I deem to be credible.

At best I would say the same about you and more likely, how did he even make it through college.

The most important UNDENIBLE FACT/EVIDENCE so far seven hours to go until Easter Sunday ends(with Easter Monday to go) is that none of what

you said in post 52 has come true on this day or the other two dates you cited previously which failed.

Any denial of this on your part constitutes LYING; there is no way to get around it (other than of course your flimsy, laughable, cryptic bullshit

that everything that you said in post 52 and many other posts re:the exposure of the likes of the conspiracy theories and the "evil" noted

democrats as well as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, has come true.

How about addressing that and/or is it a case of trying to weasel out of it saying that your predictions have in fact occurred today or will by

Tuesday at 12:00 AM, and that if one cannot see it other than you and your delusional cult following, that the the former have "not yet

evolved to the point where they can see it).

On the other hand, the question is at this juncture why should anyone argue with anyone who believes that last night Tom Hanks did not

conduct the interview from his home.

Frankly I am surprised(unless I missed something)that you did not say that the person we saw on tv was not in fact Tom Hanks but perhaps a humanoid

with facial resemblance of Hanks concocted by Bill Gates to give the impression that we were seeing Hanks. lol

ps As it looks pretty obvious that I am going to walk away from this thread this week having completed my God

felt mission of exposing for you for what you are, I am probably going to miss it a bit, because I do enjoy "taking candy from a baby"a

s is the case here.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The fact that you say Buffett is evil because you say so is all that one has to know about your unfortunate modus operandi.

Most importantly, it doesn't answer the comparison I made using Buffett to your laughable unsubstantiated bs you offered about Tom Hanks.

I guess that is beyond either your comprehension and/or that you are pinned against the rope and realize that you can't rebut

my analogy.

As I said before your so called "evidence" is in fact not evidence at all but rather one way/slanted material much of which is opinion only

and is no better or worse than the "evidence" I have supplied from other sources which I deem to be credible.

At best I would say the same about you and more likely, how did he even make it through college.

The most important UNDENIBLE FACT/EVIDENCE so far seven hours to go until Easter Sunday ends(with Easter Monday to go) is that none of what

you said in post 52 has come true on this day or the other two dates you cited previously which failed.

Any denial of this on your part constitutes LYING; there is no way to get around it (other than of course your flimsy, laughable, cryptic bullshit

that everything that you said in post 52 and many other posts re:the exposure of the likes of the conspiracy theories and the "evil" noted

democrats as well as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, has come true.

How about addressing that and/or is it a case of trying to weasel out of it saying that your predictions have in fact occurred today or will by

Tuesday at 12:00 AM, and that if one cannot see it other than you and your delusional cult following, that the the former have "not yet

evolved to the point where they can see it).

On the other hand, the question is at this juncture why should anyone argue with anyone who believes that last night Tom Hanks did not

conduct the interview from his home.

Frankly I am surprised(unless I missed something)that you did not say that the person we saw on tv was not in fact Tom Hanks but perhaps a humanoid

with facial resemblance of Hanks concocted by Bill Gates to give the impression that we were seeing Hanks. lol

ps As it looks pretty obvious that I am going to walk away from this thread this week having completed my God

felt mission of exposing for you for what you are, I am probably going to miss it a bit, because I do enjoy "taking candy from a baby"a

s is the case here.

Buffet donkey punched your Fed Ex girl

Nov 11, 2007
For the record if nothing surfaces in the way of real EMPIRICAL PROOF which can be seen/heard by EVERYONE in world re: what sbd

has predicted will occur in post 52 as well as in many other posts by Tuesday morning at 12:00 AM, I will wait for any responses from sbd

"explaining" his error in judgment along with the other two failed date predictions; I will respond to them up until 12:00 Am Wednesday

morning and will be gone(earlier I said sometime this week).

At that point he will have the stage to himself as it regards me anyways;if he chooses, he can start it up all over again with probably a new date.

If anyone is dumb/stupid/naive enough to give him another chance after three failed predictions, then so be it-rest be assured it won't be me!
Aug 17, 2019
For the record if nothing surfaces in the way of real EMPIRICAL PROOF which can be seen/heard by EVERYONE in world re: what sbd

has predicted will occur in post 52 as well as in many other posts by Tuesday morning at 12:00 AM I will wait for any responses from sbd

"explaining" his error in judgment along with the other two failed date predictions and will respond to them up until 12:00 Am Wednesday

morning and will be gone(earlier I said sometime this week).

At that point he will have the stage to himself as it regards me anyways and if he chooses. start it up all over again with probably a new date.

If anyone is dumb/stupid/naive enough, to give him another chance after three failed predictions, then so be it-rest be assured it won't be me!

Take an hour of your time and watch the documentary.

Only then you will understand anything I am talking about and only then will stop reacting from a place of ignorance, stop spewing gibberish, and stop embarrassing yourself.

You will also understand it's setting the stage for the "mic drop".

Nov 11, 2007
Take an hour of your time and watch the documentary.

Only then you will understand anything I am talking about and only then will stop reacting from a place of ignorance, stop spewing gibberish, and stop embarrassing yourself.

You will also understand it's setting the stage for the "mic drop".

Five hours and 55 minutes to go EDT until the end of Easter Sunday.

The stage for the "mic drop" is at this time or Tuesday at 12:00 AM at the latest.

It was YOU who made the two failed date predictions, none of which came true and now on the verge of number three.

Thus the issue is about YOU and your predictions and "infallible" FAILED dates and NOT about any documentary.

Perhaps next time if there is one, you should gather all your "evidence" before foaming at the mouth with your alleged prediction dates.

In the future, I suggest that you "don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk."

Why worry though, as it appears right now that there are just around 54 hours until I am outta here (this thread) for good!

At that point I would rather watch/listen to late night tv snake oil salesmen than you!
Aug 17, 2019
Five hours and 55 minutes to go EDT until the end of Easter Sunday.

The stage for the "mic drop" is at this time or Tuesday at 12:00 AM at the latest.

It was YOU who made the two failed date predictions, none of which came true and now on the verge of number three.

Thus the issue is about YOU and your predictions and "infallible" FAILED dates and NOT about any documentary.

Perhaps next time if there is one, you should gather all your "evidence" before foaming at the mouth with your alleged prediction dates.

In the future, I suggest that you "don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk."

Why worry though, as it appears right now that there are just around 54 hours until I am outta here (this thread) for good!

At that point I would rather watch/listen to late night tv snake oil salesmen than you!

I haven’t made any date predictions, although I have made references to two days and both, including today, have happened.

But, again, you don’t see it and choose not to even though it’s right in front of you!

Nov 11, 2007
I haven’t made any date predictions, although I have made references to two days and both, including today, have happened.

But, again, you don’t see it and choose not to even though it’s right in front of you!

Bullshit-in lots of posts you first PREDICTED(I don't buy into the word now are using "referenced" to try to weasel out of it-it reminds me of what you tried to do

with the word "trump" as opposed to real word "trumped" as used in song "End of World in 1987, namely try to change what you said/strongly implied)

And now as predicted, you try to say that your predictions have come true and as predicted, try to avoid your failed predictions by saying it is right

in frontof me.


Hmm-lets see:

Where is the proof that the likes of Bill Gates, Obama, the Clintons, Bill Gates, etc. have been brought to justice?

Where is the proof of the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius and and of the Universal Love, etc, which goes with it?

Is that what you deem to "be right in front of you(me)?"

Are my ears and eyes and those of 7,655,000,000 minus you and a few others who agree with you deceiving me(us) on this day,

and that only you and your cult can see all of this?

How about explaining this strange phenomena?

Nov 11, 2007
I just changed my mind re: my exit date from 12:00 AM this coming Wednesday to 1:00 PM on Tuesday.

The reason is that final verdict for me as stated previously is the end of Easter Monday, which will be Tuesday morning at 1:00 AM.

In short if nothing has occurred by that time, you prediction will have once again failed.

Thus for me 1:00 PM on Tuesday allows sufficient time for you to summarize both your feelings and mine-I see no reason to extend

it any longer.

I have to go now as I want to watch the Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I just changed my mind re: my exit date from 12:00 AM this coming Wednesday to 1:00 PM on Tuesday.

The reason is that final verdict for me as stated previously is the end of Easter Monday, which will be Tuesday morning at 1:00 AM.

In short if nothing has occurred by that time, you prediction will have once again failed.

Thus for me 1:00 PM on Tuesday allows sufficient time for you to summarize both your feelings and mine-I see no reason to extend

it any longer.

I have to go now as I want to watch the Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert.

Nobody gives a fuck. You could exit now and make everyone happy for once in your miserable life

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