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Nov 11, 2007
Nancy Pelosi Says Congress Will NOT Reopen In April, Warns Trump Not To Restart Economy

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told Politico Friday that she is considering keeping the House of Representatives out of session longer than the April 20th return-from-recess date, and may not bring Congress back until well into May — and she’s warned President Donald Trump to keep the country under lockdown even longer.

Pelosi once again at the helm of the anti-Trump/anti-America campaign and makes a public threat to the President.

She will intentionally delay Congress' return to further hurt the the best economy America has ever seen and strengthen her "case" for mail-in voting WITHOUT I.D., paving the way for the Dems to attempt to hi-jack the election like they tried to do in 2016, but failed.

Stall tactics seem to be the only thing Pelosi is good at.

They have ZERO chance of getting their mail-in voting fraud scheme approved and they have ZERO chance of winning the election.

Wouldn't surprise me to see them pull Biden soon and replace him (Mike?).

Why worry-according to your contentions, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Dr. Fauci, Governor Cuomo,

and lots of other "evil" democrats all of whom have conspired for their own self-serving needs, are supposed to be for lack of a better

term surgically removed by God by end of Easter. lol
Aug 17, 2019
Why worry-according to your contentions, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Dr. Fauci, Governor Cuomo,

and lots of other "evil" democrats all of whom have conspired for their own self-serving needs, are supposed to be for lack of a better

term surgically removed by God by end of Easter. lol

Who's worried?

I'm not!

I already know the outcome.

Nov 11, 2007

Did you watch this documentary?

Be honest...

No I did not and why should I spend an hr and 18 minutes doing so?

It is YOU and only YOU, who made the predictions you did in post 52, with whom/which I am concerned.

And before you say how can I say what I am saying without watching it, I remind you that you did not comment

on post 826 about Trumps' documented racism assuming you read it, and that's just for starters.

If you care to summarize what was said in the documentary, go ahead and I will read and consider it.

Nov 11, 2007
Who's worried?

I'm not!

I already know the outcome.

The end of EASTER(no later) and what happens if anything between now and then will in my eyes and imo the eyes of the overwhelming number

of fair-minded and objective people who have followed this thread, will tell the story here one way or the other!
Aug 17, 2019
No I did not and why should I spend an hr and 18 minutes doing so?

It is YOU and only YOU, who made the predictions you did in post 52, with whom/which I am concerned.

And before you say how can I say what I am saying without watching it, I remind you that you did not comment

on post 826 about Trumps' documented racism assuming you read it, and that's just for starters.

If you care to summarize what was said in the documentary, go ahead and I will read and consider it.

Exactly as I suspected.

And this is why you will NEVER see the truth even though it's right in front of you.


And this is also why I can't take you or your comments seriously and will never reply.

They are nothing but quick reactions based on your "head in the sand" outdated beliefs, opinions and political bias.

Nov 11, 2007
Exactly as I suspected.

And this is why you will NEVER see the truth even though it's right in front of you.


And this is also why I can't take you or your comments seriously and will never reply.

They are nothing but quick reactions based on your "head in the sand" outdated beliefs, opinions and political bias.

"One must only look to see"

Kindly define what you mean by this and the other bs statement "its right in front of you?"

Where should I look-under the bed, tv, internet, listen to radio, etc. and/or probably just take some hallucinatory drug which will allow me to see

until proven otherwise, your world of delusion, fiction, fantasies,and yes HATRED and possibly even envy/jealousy for those who have

achieved more than you have in life!!

You say you will you "never reply" (to me).

You said the same thing I am guessing around three hundred posts or so ago and still are-how come?

This is of course assuming that you don't believe that I am making this up and that you never said such a thing.

Your last sentence is typical of your modus operandi of trying to poison the well and says NOTHING about YOUR FAILED PREDICTIONS, at least

at this juncture.

Nov 11, 2007
I was going to say it later but have changed my mind and have decided to say it now.

If nothing in the way of your predictions come true between now and 12:00 AM Tuesday Morning, which will mark the end of Easter

no matter what time frame you use, shortly after that(meaning sometime this week), I will vanish from this thread permanently

as my Mission will have been completed.

If you are not sure what I mean by the word mission, in this case, it means that I will have exposed you for at best living in a world

of fantasy and delusion/being out of touch with reality and at worst a liar and/or just for psychological needs, posting anything(whether

deep down inside you really believe all of what you say or not) to get some responses, which in this case has been 95% me.

In any case, it will be time for me to move on as the conspiracy aspects, etc. as well as the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius as occurring by Easter

will have be PROVEN to be wrong.

Thus all that will remain will be your right wing agenda, which means pointing fingers at democrats for conspiracy theories and all

that is wrong with the world, etc.

As I stated earlier, there are other political threads in this forum to discuss/debate matters like this, none of which I have responded to because

no one is going to change anyone else's mind, so why waste time.

I will reappear once again in the Phil Steele/NC thread in August thread if there is football this year and/or in other threads when/if I see fit.

Again though and to be fair, Easter is not over yet, and you could still be right.

However the current Vegas odds are +50,000,000 that you are right and - 35 000,000 that you are not. lol

New member
Jan 11, 2008
It never ends with this fucktard .......

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Nov 11, 2007
ps Even though I will no longer be participating in this particular thread if things go as expected, I will continue to pray for the salvation

of the lost/pathetic souls in his thread who are not intelligent enough to respond to what I have to say other than by insults/name calling/lying.

Although on a conscious level they may not realize it, their responses to me are actually about THEMSELVES with terms of inferiority

complex, envy, jealousy and overall an inability to see/understand and deal with their own feelings about THEMSELVES being what

are relevant.
Aug 17, 2019
"One must only look to see"

Kindly define what you mean by this and the other bs statement "its right in front of you?"

Where should I look-under the bed, tv, internet, listen to radio, etc. and/or probably just take some hallucinatory drug which will allow me to see

until proven otherwise, your world of delusion, fiction, fantasies,and yes HATRED and possibly even envy/jealousy for those who have

achieved more than you have in life!!

You say you will you "never reply" (to me).

You said the same thing I am guessing around three hundred posts or so ago and still are-how come?

This is of course assuming that you don't believe that I am making this up and that you never said such a thing.

Your last sentence is typical of your modus operandi of trying to poison the well and says NOTHING about YOUR FAILED PREDICTIONS, at least

at this juncture.

Since the start of this thread I have put the truth in front of you.

Every link and every piece of data I have posted is truth or will lead you to truth.

Almost every prediction I have made so far has come true and those that haven't will very soon.

But, again, "one must only look to see".

You don't look so you don't see.

You just admitted this by admitting you didn't watch the documentary.

You spend all day clicking refresh and spraying gibberish but you don't have an hour to invest in seeing truth.

Enough said.

Nov 11, 2007
Since the start of this thread I have put the truth in front of you.

Every link and every piece of data I have posted is truth or will lead you to truth.

Almost every prediction I have made so far has come true and those that haven't will very soon.

But, again, "one must only look to see".

You don't look so you don't see.

You just admitted this by admitting you didn't watch the documentary.

You spend all day clicking refresh and spraying gibberish but you don't have an hour to invest in seeing truth.

Enough said.

The FACT is that for the zillionth time with this post epitomizing it, all you do is try to present your own views and dismiss what I say

in the way of questioning and presenting what I and my sources say as fiction.

You talk about my not watching/commenting on the documentary, but on the other hand you either did not read the documentary about Trumps's

racism in post 826 along with many other links I provided to you-lets tell the whole truth here.

And imo it is obvious to me and anyone else with a modicum of intelligence that virtually everyone of your posts POISONS the WELL

beyond belief.

If you are in fact an attorney as you claim, and which I have serious doubts about this point, in a court of law,

you have been/would be soundly thrashed by the overwhelming number of attorneys in the country if this is the modus operandi you use.

What is not surprising in your post is that NOT ONCE did you mention the dates for all of conspiracy theories to be revealed/ "evil" democrats to be brought

to Justice and of course the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

First it was the Spring Solstice around March 19, then it was the date 4/4 with its numerology meaning and then Easter.

The FACT is that you have now used three separate dates for your predictions and "Truth," Justice" and Freedom to be revealed to 7.6 billion

people on Earth.

The FACT is that none of it has been revealed so far (except perhaps to you and YOUR RIGHT WING CULT FOLLOWING).


Perhaps the rest of us should check on Amazon and eBay to see whether the "Truth" Glasses you use are available to purchase for everyone.

How about an explanation as to so far that nothing that you have been predicted has transpired and/or are you too arrogant to admit it!!

As I said previously, I will vanish sometime THIS WEEK after 12:00 AM Tuesday Morning if the current scenario of your predictions remains the same.

I have too much dignity, pride and self-esteem to continue with you at that point and and more relevant matters with which to concern myself.

In short you will be left with perhaps a few folks who will come forth occasionally with bashing democrats but virtually no one to agree

with what will then be deemed as delusion and fantasy regarding your Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, because you have failed on three separate

dates already for this to come true.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
You spend all day clicking refresh and spraying gibberish but you don't have an hour to invest in seeing truth.

Enough said.

I'm sure the whore is so excited about this. She is married to a 75 year old man that cares more about banging refresh in a chat forum than banging her. Probably a good thing for her, and i'm sure she is really happy in that marriage.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
It never ends with this fucktard .......

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Nov 11, 2007
I feel sorry for the likes of The Psychic, who is in fact in reality beyond a shadow of a doubt with numerous examples pointed out by me

why this is true.

I feel sorry because this depraved lost soul will have to find something else to do than bash and insult me along with lies which would

make Pinocchio jealous.

Considering that his life revolves 99.9% arpund sports gambling-check the CM thread(not counting bashing me) and related activities

(can you say "compulsive gambler" who is badly in need of help?) and there has not been any for a while, other than resorting to name calling and insulting,

he must be literally pulling his hair out without it in the same way as a drug addict does without daily drugs.

It sure doesn't help his cause either that he does not have a magic ban wand at RX as he does at CM so that he can stifle my thoughts!

Dec 13, 2007
And there is nothing wrong with a dude who does nothing but chase another guy around the internet. Knows where the guy posts his personal history and then takes the time to track said individual. No.. nothing wrong with that.

fucking hilarious, a waste of time and the move of a total pussy "who hides behind another user name"

Dude you have anger issues, hopefully your heart doesn't pop before you can get out of the house and make others as miserable in person as you attempt to do here. ..uffff that's right you're heartless.. choke on a dick maybe? Oh shit.. that's right you are the dick...

Carry on douce bag.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
And there is nothing wrong with a dude who does nothing but chase another guy around the internet. Knows where the guy posts his personal history and then takes the time to track said individual. No.. nothing wrong with that.

fucking hilarious, a waste of time and the move of a total pussy "who hides behind another user name"

Dude you have anger issues, hopefully your heart doesn't pop before you can get out of the house and make others as miserable in person. ..uffff that's right you're heartless.

Carry on douce bag.

Great Story!!

Carry on douche bag! :pointer:

Dec 13, 2007
hahaha replies in 1 min..get a life Wayne.
You just sit here waiting ..pathetic.

do something constructive..give it a try you might be less of a cocksucker...but I doubt it.

Nov 11, 2007
And there is nothing wrong with a dude who does nothing but chase another guy around the internet. Knows where the guy posts his personal history and then takes the time to track said individual. No.. nothing wrong with that.

fucking hilarious, a waste of time and the move of a total pussy "who hides behind another user name"

Dude you have anger issues, hopefully your heart doesn't pop before you can get out of the house and make others as miserable in person as you attempt to do here. ..uffff that's right you're heartless.. choke on a dick maybe? Oh shit.. that's right you are the dick...

Carry on douce bag.

Needless to say, there are hundreds if not thousands who agree with your and my assessment of Psychic/WAYNE.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Bozzie talks a lot about dicks. Most guys who talk about dicks also love inhaling them

carry on douche bag! :pointer:

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