Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Although imo the majority of people won't take the time to read this, I will leave it to the relative few to do to decide if it should simply

be dismissed as "fake news" as I am sure sbd would, or perhaps something with at least some merit.

What I find appalling about the POTUS is that he so arrogant, that he assumes no blame for anything which has led to the current

state of the Virus and its repercussions, and as was pointed out yesterday, blames 100% on everyone else.

A REAL POTUS at the very least would have admitted some of his shortcomings, apologized and said that he is as determined as possible

to whatever is needed moving forward to get things turned around in a positive direction.

Jan 13, 2019
Although imo the majority of people won't take the time to read this, I will leave it to the relative few to do to decide if it should simply

be dismissed as "fake news" as I am sure sbd would, or perhaps something with at least some merit.

What I find appalling about the POTUS is that he so arrogant, that he assumes no blame for anything which has led to the current

state of the Virus and its repercussions, and as was pointed out yesterday, blames 100% on everyone else.

A REAL POTUS at the very least would have admitted some of his shortcomings, apologized and said that he is as determined as possible

to whatever is needed moving forward to get things turned around in a positive direction.

Do you take any blame for being a mental, limp dick, internet troll that has forced your paid for 3rd world wife to find affection, dick and dirty sanchez's from Wayne and others.

Nov 11, 2007
I am wondering if sbd is going to post anything more between now and tomorrow, which is Easter, and/or he has decided to "rest his case"

and let the events unfold to show that he was/is 100% right.

I can hardly wait to turn my tv on tomorrow morning to see what has occurred to corroborate his "prophesies," although as usual

I will still be awake when the clock strikes 12:00 AM Sunday morning to mark the beginning of the day.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I can hardly wait to turn my tv on tomorrow morning to see what has occurred to corroborate his "prophesies," .

Talk about literally having no fucking life. Maybe when you wake up you should go to your wife’s bedroom and say good morning. Maybe get excited about anything in life that matters more than this thread.

You are such a scumbag
Aug 17, 2019
Nancy Pelosi Says Congress Will NOT Reopen In April, Warns Trump Not To Restart Economy

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi told Politico Friday that she is considering keeping the House of Representatives out of session longer than the April 20th return-from-recess date, and may not bring Congress back until well into May — and she’s warned President Donald Trump to keep the country under lockdown even longer.

Pelosi once again at the helm of the anti-Trump/anti-America campaign and makes a public threat to the President.

She will intentionally delay Congress' return to further hurt the the best economy America has ever seen and strengthen her "case" for mail-in voting WITHOUT I.D., paving the way for the Dems to attempt to hi-jack the election like they tried to do in 2016, but failed.

Stall tactics seem to be the only thing Pelosi is good at.

They have ZERO chance of getting their mail-in voting fraud scheme approved and they have ZERO chance of winning the election.

Wouldn't surprise me to see them pull Biden soon and replace him (Mike?).

Sep 20, 2017
Demoncrats want you scared and reliant on big daddy government. All the sheep are like "oppress me, daddy"

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Tom Hanks opened Sat Nite Live last night. Nice to see a wet bar and prison letting him do that
Aug 17, 2019
[h=1]Feinstein urges Trump to reverse plan to block Iran request for $5B in IMF aid, claims it is in ‘our national interest’[/h]“I am disappointed to see reports that your administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in humanitarian aid from the IMF to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” Feinstein wrote in a letter dated Thursday to President Trump. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.”

I think Feinstein means "in our Democratic Party's interest" and NOT "in our National Interest".

Iran has been a close ally of the Democratic Party and part of the evil agenda.

This is why Iran orchestrated the attack on the U.S. embassy in Iraq on 12/27/19.

And it's not coincidence this attack happened just after Trump's tweet about Crooked Hillary on 12/22 and conveniently ahead of the first "virus" case in Wuhan on 12/31/19. [see post #983]
Aug 17, 2019
Tom Hanks opened Sat Nite Live last night. Nice to see a wet bar and prison letting him do that

Are you certain it was his kitchen or just some random kitchen?

Are you certain it was "live" and not "pre-recorded"?

Do you think it's "odd" that since "returning home" he hasn't been seen or heard from and then just "magically" appears on Saturday Night "Live"?

And if it is his kitchen and was "live" have you considered the possibility that he might be wearing something, let's say a piece of "jewelry", around his ankle?

Just some random thoughts you might want to explore....
Aug 17, 2019
Demoncrats want you scared and reliant on big daddy government. All the sheep are like "oppress me, daddy"

The Dems were one election away from the final execution of their communist plan.

Trump knew it and it's why he chose to run!

And although many Americans were unaware of it, innately they knew something bad was about to happen and this is why they voted for Trump.

Don't underestimate the power of your intuition!

It's working for you even when you are unaware and don't understand.
Aug 17, 2019
Ephesians 6:10-6:20
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

If you want TRUTH and think you are ready for TRUTH watch this short documentary.

"The silent war"

"The invisible enemy"

"Red Pill"

This documentary lifts the mask on how MSM and Hollywood manipulate the masses.

Shocking truths backed by verbal and tangible evidence.

It also validates much of what I have stated and provided along the way.

If you haven't watched this documentary yet, you should!

Of course, unless you are afraid of TRUTH.

The timing of its release was orchestrated to perfection.
Aug 17, 2019
Happy Easter Sunday...

Remember the significance of this day... the "resurrection".




Nov 11, 2007
Happy Easter, everyone!

According to sbd, the day has arrived, where everything predicted in post 52 is supposed to pass(See ost at end).

In short all of the conspiracy theories and democrats he has pointed out behind all of these alleged are supposed to be revealed by God on this day

which is made up and quoting sbd accompanied of "Truth," "Freedom," and "Justice."

My understanding is that all of these high ranking "evil" democratic folks are supposed to be zapped on this day for all to see before their very own eyes.

In addition on this Easter Day, the world is supposed to be transferred into this new Utopian Society where there is Universal Love and all war

and all of the afflictions just go poof and my understanding is that we have one wonderful world.

Well it sure would be nice if all of this came to pass, but so far nothing has occurred.

After I awakened this morning, I looked outside and didn't see anything different from the way it looked yesterday.

I then turned on CNN and Fox and didn't hear of anything remarkable in the news.

And yes I did find it a bit interesting that Tom Hanks somehow hosted Saturday Night Live Show last night in view of his alleged incarceration.

I will let you all decide what they thought of sbd's response to this when a poster pointed this out to him-no need to point to state my response

as it is obvious.

However to be fair, as I write this, it is 9:00 AM EDT meaning that there are still 15 more hours for sbd's predictions to come true

or 39 if we give him the benefit of the doubt and include Easter Monday.

If we use today for all of this pass and compare it to a baseball game, three innings have gone by and using tomorrow, even fewer innings.

Thus it is still too early to say for sure what I think about sbd and theories until the game is actually over or as the expression goes, "It ain't over

til the fat lady sings."

From post 52:

"Looking Glass"

As the end of the virus nears it will conclude with the rise of the TRUTH.

The truth will occur on a global stage.

There will be no room for question when it comes to the people.

No one will ever again question who's responsible for, coordinated, involved in, or ANYTHING that has happened or been considered a "conspiracy theory" EVER AGAIN!

This includes some of the most controversial topics like JFK, Oklahoma City, Whitewater, 9/11, ISIS, Mandalay Bay, Pizzagate and more.

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

A New Earth blossoms
Unity, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
We are spiritual beings having human experiences

The Age of Aquarius is the Golden Age of progress and prosperity based on spiritual values, honesty and truth.

Thus I am not going to a minute or hour by hour countdown on this during the day but of course will comment on anything sbd has to say in the way

of a reason, excuse or rationalization why his predictions have not yet come true on the PRECISE day he predicted.

Nov 11, 2007
Happy Easter Sunday...

Remember the significance of this day... the "resurrection".




Could you kindly state "WHERE" is-on tv, radio, internet and/or should we all take some LSD and.or some other hallucinatory drug to "see" it at this juncture?

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Nov 11, 2007
Are you certain it was his kitchen or just some random kitchen?

Are you certain it was "live" and not "pre-recorded"?

Do you think it's "odd" that since "returning home" he hasn't been seen or heard from and then just "magically" appears on Saturday Night "Live"?

And if it is his kitchen and was "live" have you considered the possibility that he might be wearing something, let's say a piece of "jewelry", around his ankle?

Just some random thoughts you might want to explore....

I said I wasn't going to comment on this but decided to do so.

Do you really think that any sane and objective person is going to buy your "response," which to be blunt is just bullshit and a failure to admit

that at least in this instance you are wrong and that you don't have the integrity/balls to admit it!!

I can hardly wait to see how you (to be kind) rationalize/ "explain" the rest of what you have predicted will happen today or tomorrow

if they don't come to pass.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

Nov 11, 2007
This documentary lifts the mask on how MSM and Hollywood manipulate the masses.

Shocking truths backed by verbal and tangible evidence.

It also validates much of what I have stated and provided along the way.

If you haven't watched this documentary yet, you should!

Of course, unless you are afraid of TRUTH.

The timing of its release was orchestrated to perfection.

As I stated in my other posts today, NOTHING/ZILCH/NADA has been validated, other than the fact that if by Tuesday morning at

12:00 AM at the latest, namely none of what you predicted has come to pass with empirical evidence, you will have been PROVEN to

be wrong as to what will transpire by EASTER SUNDAY OR MONDAY of this year-it is that simple!

The words I am using now will pale in comparison if this plays out as I expect by the end of Easter.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

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