Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Speaking of post 777 and biblical numbers, perhaps there is a reason it was allotted to me-we will know if it anything it means according to sbd

by this by Sunday and/or how it applies to me.

Unlike our political and conspiracy beliefs and opinions,sbd and I do agree upon the importance of paying attention to

biblical numerology when certain numbers like this appear and that they are not just coincidence.
Aug 17, 2019

Keep buying the lamestream media fear narrative.

You have yet to share one credible link that wasn't part of the lamestream media with most of them from only one source, MSN, who is one of the worst.

Meanwhile, I have given links directly to sources like the Department of Justice, actual court documents, etc. and even this morning an actual letter to the President.

And yet you ask me what "cult" I belong to.

I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who has been brainwashed by the MSM and is blinded by his own political views.

Good luck with that.

Nov 11, 2007
Keep buying the lamestream media fear narrative.

You have yet to share one credible link that wasn't part of the lamestream media with most of them from only one source, MSN, who is one of the worst.

Meanwhile, I have given links directly to sources like the Department of Justice, actual court documents, etc. and even this morning an actual letter to the President.

And yet you ask me what "cult" I belong to.

I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who has been brainwashed by the MSM and is blinded by his own political views.

Good luck with that.

Naturally as usual you dish my sources and claim your AGENDA filled ones are the as good old scamdicapper Ron Bash used to say "The one(s)

to turn to."

And along the same lines we are supposed to belief the likes of Laura Igraham, Sean Hannity, "dead man walking" Rush Limbaugh, Neil Cavuto, Tucker Carlson and other notables from Fox as having the God given gift to know everything as opposed ot the likes of Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Erin Burnett, etc. from CNN as well as MSN.

Ok, Johnny Most if you say so.

Most importantly though, we have only four days to find out who is right WITH A REVELATION FROM GOD Which will let the world know for

sure that you ad your RIGHT WING conspiratorial sources and their theories are correct.

Tick tock, tick tock.

What does a letter to the President mean and why should we believe him rather than dr. Fauci and other respected people

who disagree?

Jan 13, 2019
Awesome news for the world yesterday.

Trump says World Health Organization 'really blew it' on coronavirus, seeks funding freeze

'They called it wrong. They really missed the call,' Trump said.

President Trump said the United States would consider putting a freeze on taxpayer funds going to the World Health Organization (WHO), saying Tuesday that the organization misled Americans about the threat posed by the coronavirus.

"We will look at ending funding," Trump said at a daily White House coronavirus task force briefing. "We give a majority of the money that they get. They really called it wrong. They called it wrong. They really missed the call. They could have called it months earlier, they would have known. They should have known, and they probably did know. So we'll be looking into that very carefully, and we're going to put a hold on money spent to the WHO. We're going to put a very powerful hold, and we're going to see. It's a great thing if it works. But when they call every shot wrong, that's no good."

I am sure some will say he's just "pointing fingers", perhaps even saying it's "politics" but it is neither.

Trump works in a way that allows truth to show itself and then takes appropriate action to hold them accountable while protecting America and its citizens.

The W.H.O supports global depopulation.

The W.H.O. is responsible for the harmful chemtrails being sprayed in our skies for the last 20 years, designed to overload the immune system with toxic metals, keeping us sick and dependent on Big Pharma, even killing many.

Keeping people sick takes away their power and makes them dependent of the system. This is one way they have enslaved humans.

Trump has been doing a great job of getting the globalist scums out of our lives. I am sure that getting away from the WHO has been part of his agenda for a while, but he finally has a good reason to defund them, despite the hell the demoscums will raise about it.

Nov 11, 2007
Sorry for the formatting problem in previous post and the typo for ""ad instead of "and"-the five minute limitation ran out before I" could fix it.
Aug 17, 2019
What does a letter to the President mean and why should we believe him rather than dr. Fauci and other respected people

who disagree?

First, he actually understands how the immune system works unlike Fauci and others.

Next, he gave YOU the CURE for the virus.

Lastly, he gave you the NATURAL cure and not some bogus harmful vaccine.

If you can't understand these three things in the letter then I feel sorry for you.
Aug 17, 2019

"Pizza arrangement" = child trafficking

"Hot dogs" = boys

Nov 11, 2007
First, he actually understands how the immune system works unlike Fauci and others.

Next, he gave YOU the CURE for the virus.

Lastly, he gave you the NATURAL cure and not some bogus harmful vaccine.

If you can't understand these three things in the letter then I feel sorry for you.

To play Devils Advocate once again, even IF Dr. Ayyadurai's cookbook solution works, no matter how much you try to say so, it doesn't

follow that the likes of Dr. Fauci and highly respected immunologists also really know of this treatment but are NOT revealing it because they are also

part of one of you UNPROVEN/paranoid right wing conspiracy theories and/or that these folks have sinister financial motives or otherwise for not doing so.

Until Sunday, until we know "for sure," I consider everything you have stated in all of your posts kindly as UNPROVEN opinion ONLY!

Also, you bash a number of folks but curiously you defend Trump every step of the way or ignore it.

I didn't see anything from you today about what I posted about Dr. Navarro and how Trump ignored him and/or lied about not being

aware of his memo -how come?

How come he gets a pass with the disgusting and repulsive insulting manner he deals with people who dare to criticize him and/or ask

legitimate questions at his press conference-is that ok?

But wait-you indirectly answered that yesterday by stating his infidelity and having sex wit the like of Stormy Daniels is ok

and that you have done so yourself and that so has "everyone else."

If you feel sorry for me, well fine-in turn I feel sorry for you and your hypocrisy and to the best of my knowledge for never criticizing

Trump even once for anything he did wrong or better, never criticizing because he is a "perfect angel/human being" and has NEVER done anything


Along the same line, perhaps you should check online at Amazon or eBay and find a special for large brooms, large ones because

that is what is needed for you to sweep all of the tons of negative stuff which you have not already, under the rug.

You might even consider buying more than one broom because just one won't last very long just based on the lies your hero spews forth

every day.

But wait though-GOD HIMSELF will answer all of my concerns and questions THIS COMING EASTER SUNDAY!!
Aug 17, 2019
"Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten. Our Economy will BOOM, perhaps like never before!!!" - President Trump, 12 minutes ago on his Twitter

SOONER = Easter Monday?
the horror of the invisible enemy = the public disclosure of who they are what they did?
must be quickly forgotten = it's so horrific these people are not worth mourning over?
Our economy will BOOM = because knowing truth is liberating?

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
To play Devils Advocate once again, even IF Dr. Ayyadurai's cookbook solution works, no matter how much you try to say so, it doesn't

follow that the likes of Dr. Fauci and highly respected immunologists also really know of this treatment but are NOT revealing it because they are also

part of one of you UNPROVEN/paranoid right wing conspiracy theories and/or that these folks have sinister financial motives or otherwise for not doing so.

Until Sunday, until we know "for sure," I consider everything you have stated in all of your posts kindly as UNPROVEN opinion ONLY!

Also, you bash a number of folks but curiously you defend Trump every step of the way or ignore it.

I didn't see anything from you today about what I posted about Dr. Navarro and how Trump ignored him and/or lied about not being

aware of his memo -how come?

How come he gets a pass with the disgusting and repulsive insulting manner he deals with people who dare to criticize him and/or ask

legitimate questions at his press conference-is that ok?

But wait-you indirectly answered that yesterday by stating his infidelity and having sex wit the like of Stormy Daniels is ok

and that you have done so yourself and that so has "everyone else."

If you feel sorry for me, well fine-in turn I feel sorry for you and your hypocrisy and to the best of my knowledge for never criticizing

Trump even once for anything he did wrong or better, never criticizing because he is a "perfect angel/human being" and has NEVER done anything


Along the same line, perhaps you should check online at Amazon or eBay and find a special for large brooms, large ones because

that is what is needed for you to sweep all of the tons of negative stuff which you have not already, under the rug.

You might even consider buying more than one broom because just one won't last very long just based on the lies your hero spews forth

every day.

But wait though-GOD HIMSELF will answer all of my concerns and questions THIS COMING EASTER SUNDAY!!

Stop talking and sit back like U said. Good grief you are annoying as hell
Aug 17, 2019
Let's not forget Bill Gates was sued for forcing staff to watch child rape and murder.

Very disturbing...

Nov 11, 2007
"Once we OPEN UP OUR GREAT COUNTRY, and it will be sooner rather than later, the horror of the Invisible Enemy, except for those that sadly lost a family member or friend, must be quickly forgotten. Our Economy will BOOM, perhaps like never before!!!" - President Trump, 12 minutes ago on his Twitter

SOONER = Easter Monday?
the horror of the invisible enemy = the public disclosure of who they are what they did?
must be quickly forgotten = it's so horrific these people are not worth mourning over?
Our economy will BOOM = because knowing truth is liberating?

Yeah it is too bad that your hero was/is so arrogant, pig headed, conceited and so "all knowing" that he didn't listen to such folks as Peter Navarro

earlier or prepare better for something like this in the three years he has been in office-if he had, "perhaps' the casualties would be a bit


You know one thing which hasn't been mentioned much if at all is that at least for me his statements re: the Virus reminds me of the the same

crap he pulled with his mouth with North Korea and the China Trade Agreement.

In both instances day after day for many weeks/ months leading up the agreements all we heard on many days were optimistic stuff

like "we are very close to a deal" and then a few days later negative stuff and implying that we are not near a deal and then

wash, rinse, repeat of the same scenario ad nauseam shortly afterwards.

Needless to say, these wild swings from optimism to pessimism/doubts had a huge impact on the stock market.

Talk about your conspiracy theories, imo there is at least the possibility that some of these fluctuating 180 degree statements were

made by Trump for the benefit of his rich buddies to whom he telegraphed these statements in advance of stating them publicly

for their financial benefit.

Unlike you, who believe that everything is gospel about the persons and sources you cite and using non sequiturs and poisoning the well to make your case,

I retain my beliefs as UNPROVEN opinions only until/if/when someone can in fact prove them.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Stop talking and sit back like U said. Good grief you are annoying as hell

This is all he does. One last thing, one more time, i'll sit back and wait ... blah, blah, blah, blah

Guy treats women like shit and that is confirmed by his trip to buy a whore. He is the biggest hypocrite on the internet and that shows in almost every conflicting post he makes

And he posts links from MSN, a news outlet on the MAJOR decline and losing viewers by the day.

Basically he is a piece of shit hypocrite

Nov 11, 2007

No one is forcing anyone to read what I have to say.

Someone just said that that I should just sit back and wait until Sunday and that he finds me posts annoying.

I said yesterday that I would sit back and wait until Sunday if sbd did the same, as he is the one who chose the date to begin with.

Should he also sit back and wait until Sunday and/or should he continue to post and spew forth each day yet more "overkill" information?

I mean if he is all that confident about what is going to happen on Sunday, what is the point of trying to convince people with even more

"pile on" daily posts that what he says is right-we get it already!!

Again in this instance as I see it, "for every action there is(and should be) an equal and opposite reaction" and that is all have

done and will continue to do until "SuperBowl" Easter Sunday when all will allegedly be revealed.

Jan 30, 2008
Printing money backed by nothing was how the old system worked.

This is no longer the case after the Federal Reserve was recently bankrupted and absorbed into the U.S. Treasury.

The cause of all wars and economic collapses over the last 100 years has been dissolved.

The President is now your new Fed. Chairman.

Soon we should see a new money system with the return of the gold standard.

China holds $1 Trillion worth of American debt. Why not get Stevie Mnuchin to write a check for that and tell China to piss off because apparently he's in the check writing business now. And get him to write another check for the $5 trillion to pay off the Chinese foreign investment in the U.S.

The big guy in Washington and American industry seem to complain a lot about China but they have no problem taking their money.

I laugh a lot about these super trade deals with China when the truth is China's got them by the balls.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage, No one is forcing you to respond either you dumb fuck. He started the thread and the views are his. If YOU don't like it, start your own. Fuckin piece of shit hypocrite.

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