Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

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Sep 5, 2010
For Trump, the only other elected incumbent in nearly a hundred years to lose a re-election bid, the economy did not sink him. It was his floundering response to the COVID-19 pandemic that helped deep-six his campaign.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For Trump, the only other elected incumbent in nearly a hundred years to lose a re-election bid, the economy did not sink him. It was his floundering response to the COVID-19 pandemic that helped deep-six his campaign.

There are a few hard rules that significantly favor Biden so long as economic fundamentals don’t erode.

I would hate to see what eroding economic fundamental look like according to the author of your piece Witless .

Perhaps you and your fellow stooge can give an example or two of stable economic fundamentals . ?

Nov 11, 2007
Reposted from last night and is something for OBJECTIVE people to think about it when it comes to Trump and his electability:

It is pretty hard to win when one(Trump_ is about to be indicted in one or more ongoing investigations, has no morals, cheats on his wife

and tries to cover it up, is a pathological liar, is despised universally by women who don't like being perceived only as sexual

prey/like a piece of meat, independents and others who are turned off by folks like Trump who can't accept defeat and still

complain about it almost two and a half years after the Election, people who are turned off by fathers who screw their daughters as

young teenagers or even younger and who still openly lust after them even after they are grown and married adults with children,

Trump and people like him who believe they have the right to overturn an Election by any means at their disposal,

former Presidents/Trump who believe that can steal whatever they want from the White House after they are no longer

President and bring it home and use it/them in any manner they see fit, Trump(and people like him) who are arrogant to the nth

degree and believe that they are infallible and always blame someone other than themselves when things don't go as planned!!

I could go on but it is time to eat, and in any case, I don't want to spoil my appetite by thinking too much about and posting about

this totally despicable rogue!!
Sep 12, 2022

This thread dominates his life.

And is the first thing he thinks of when he wakes and last thing he thinks f when he goes to sleep.

The op lives rent-free in his head.

Next door to President Trump.

And across the hall from Elon Musk.

Whoever this savage person is, they sound mentally deranged. Someone get him to a good psychiatrist.

Mar 19, 2008
Whoever this savage person is, they sound mentally deranged. Someone get him to a good psychiatrist.
Here is a little background on Savage. Senility is real. The next time he mentions his intelligence and wealth, let it be known that he did 30+ years at the same desk job. His well to do parents had to pay for all his schooling. He didn't earn his wealth, it was a nice inheritance which is why he now has a wife. He never had a social life. If this thread was ever closed, he would be on suicide watch. Any sane person would not block people and constantly talk about them
Aug 17, 2019
Here is a little background on Savage. Senility is real. The next time he mentions his intelligence and wealth, let it be known that he did 30+ years at the same desk job. His well to do parents had to pay for all his schooling. He didn't earn his wealth, it was a nice inheritance which is why he now has a wife. He never had a social life. If this thread was ever closed, he would be on suicide watch. Any sane person would not block people and constantly talk about them

or block everyone and have a conversation with himself.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Another very good read.

No tweets or memes here.

"Dr Everett Piper, the ex-president of a Christian university, in November wrote an op-ed entitled 'It’s time for the GOP to say it: Donald Trump is hurting us, not helping us.' Piper wrote that in the 2022 midterms Trump 'hindered rather than helped the much-anticipated ‘red wave’,' said the report. "Likewise, the Iowa based president and CEO of the Family Leader Bob Vander Plaats, has tweeted about Trump that 'It’s time to turn the page. America must move on. Walk off the stage with class.'"

Walk off the stage with class!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Walk off the stage with class!!!


Mar 19, 2008
Another very good read.

No tweets or memes here.

"Dr Everett Piper, the ex-president of a Christian university, in November wrote an op-ed entitled 'It’s time for the GOP to say it: Donald Trump is hurting us, not helping us.' Piper wrote that in the 2022 midterms Trump 'hindered rather than helped the much-anticipated ‘red wave’,' said the report. "Likewise, the Iowa based president and CEO of the Family Leader Bob Vander Plaats, has tweeted about Trump that 'It’s time to turn the page. America must move on. Walk off the stage with class.'"

Walk off the stage with class!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Walk off the stage with class!!!

Nice article. I liked this part of it...'We’re going down a very evil path in this country,' he said. 'Our economy is being destroyed. It’s China, the deep state and globalists ... China interfered in our 2020 elections,” he added. “This is biblical what’s happening. This is a spiritual battle.’"
What did you think of that part?

Mar 19, 2008
A swing and a miss.

"Requests for mistrials are often long shots, including when they are based on the judge's own statements. Such requests also often form a basis for eventual appeals". Wonder why they did that? Do you even read the articles you post?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anyone using “Biden” in present tense has some learnin’ to do.

"Biden" is a COG via a World War II History replication of the Commonwealth Act 671.

There's a reason President Trump used MULTIPLE WWII references throughout 2017-2021, but especially in March 2020.

Two: There’s two powers in the United States:

1. Military (Generals)
2. Federal Government

When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government that leaves the Military in a Military Occupancy found in the Law of War Manual (which was renewed and issued June 12, 2015, 4 days before CIC Trump came down the famous escalator to announce his 2016 Campaign = all planned).

One must know what a COG is before being able to apply ALL of this information. It's all public information posted on the Federal Register dot Gov, other key dot Gov sites, and official Military sites found via dot Mil.

What is a COG? The Continuity of Government (COG) program represents the President's intent that the United States have in place a comprehensive and effective program to ensure survival of our constitutional form of government and continuity of essential federal functions under all circumstances.

A Federal Continuity Directive is a document developed and promulgated by DHS/FEMA, in coordination with the Continuity Advisory Group and in consultation with the Continuity Policy Coordination Committee, which directs Executive Branch organizations to carry out identified continuity planning requirements and assessment criteria.

That means all 3 Branches of Government aka President/VP, Congress, and all Courts know EXACTLY what’s going on as it’s outlined in all FCDs from January 2017, June 2017, February 2018, May 2020, January 2021, July 2021, and April 2023.

The Federal Continuity Directive 1 and 2 are the outline FCDs and they're the ones you start with as FCD1 states inside it replaces those before it. The FCD1 is the short outline and FCD2 is the Implementation of 1.

January 17, 2017, Federal Continuity Directive 1:

January 2017 FCD Toolkit (348 pages):

June 13, 2017, Federal Continuity Directive 2:

February 2018, Continuity Guidance Circular:

May 2020, Reconstitution Plan:

May 2020, National Continuity Programs Guide:

January 2021, Executive Branch Reconstitution:

July 2021, Guide to COG for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments:

April 2023, Reconstitution Manager's Guide:

Federal Continuity Directive Brochure:

These are the umbrella that keep the Essential Functions of the Government going while the Military performs all of the operations they’re conducting via the Military Occupancy.

When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, the Military is in control via the title Military Occupancy found in the Law of War Manual that was reissued on June 12, 2015, four days before Donald John Trump rode down the famous escalator to announce his Presidency for 2016.

The Military Justice Act of 2016 is also a vital key piece in this Operation.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Act is a clarification from the United States Supreme Court clarifying Military Laws, Courts, and Personnel are separate from Civil Laws, Courts and Personnel.

It also supports and backs our Military Foundation via our Founders who established the Army, Navy, Marines, Grand Union Flag, and War Articles (Military Law) long before the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Military Justice Act of 2016:

This was written in 2016… passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, but as you can see on paper it clearly says August 28, 2020…

The first key note, this was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts went into a Continuity of Government…

That keynote alone should be icing on the cake (given people have read the timeline and apply the FCDs plus other Laws and Orders along with visuals that accompany those).

The second key note, the August 2020 date comes after the Federalization of 1 million Reserve Components which is a Direct Military Order along with a Federal Order placed in Executive Order 13912 via CIC Donald Trump in March 2020 along with the Executive Order 13919 that gave the Secretary of Defense authorization to Federalize the Reserve Components as well.

Every single Executive Order with a National Emergency declared by CIC Donald Trump along with the Executive Orders 13912 and 13919 have all been extended to late 2023 and early 2024.

Apply all of the above with all of CIC Trump’s speeches and the rest of the Blueprint that forms a chronological timeline via Laws and Orders that are all current and active.

It’s really that simple.


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