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Nov 11, 2007
Restaurant review compared to Trump review.

Be forewarned that this heady post is intended for those only for those who have the ability and/or are willing to read and

consider something that is deeper than their skin, which probably eliminates the three major Trump supporters and newbie


In essence and in a nutshell, it summarizes why imo Trump chance has ZERO chance of ever being elected POTUS again.

Here goes:

If someone is considering trying a restaurant for the first time or for that matter has already gone to the restaurant,

there are several ways he or she can use to form an overall opinion.

If one wants to seek out an opinion for a restaurant before going, he can probably find a review of it somewhere on the

internet or media.

The person who writes the review can do it in several ways:

1) He can use certain criteria and assign its quantitative importance/ relative priority.

Some of the criteria used are quality of food, service, wait time, the attitude of server cleanliness, food choices, and

ambiance to name a few.

Upon completion of his meal, based on the above criterion and/or some other, he can form an opinion and either give the restaurant

a thumbs up or thumbs down.

2) He can simply write a brief review without all of the above broken down and categorized and simply say in essence OVERALL

why he gave a thumbs up or thumbs down to the restaurant.

It is pretty much the same situation for someone who didn't bother to read a review and who just takes his chances and tries the restaurant

on his own.

How does this relate to Trump?

Well as I see it, while it is theoretically possible to break down the review of Trump in the method mathematically speaking

explained in #1 above using obviously different specific criteria, I don't think the overwhelming number of people do that, and

instead use the criterion cited in #2.

As I see it, at this juncture, the overwhelming number of people have already formed a composite opinion/judgment based on such factors

as his personality, competence, the ongoing investigations, his racism, attitude toward women, lies, etc., and imo it is already

very negative and will only get worse over the upcoming days, weeks and months as more becomes known about his role in

these investigations and his guilt!!

My overriding premise for the above analysis is that while all of us have human brains and the ability to think and use logic to arrive at

a conclusion, we also have what is known as human emotions which can and will subjugate our thinking processes.

When it comes to Trump, imo as stated above, human emotion is what rules here and for reasons stated is FAR from being on

his side when it comes to his overall evaluation in the overwhelming opinion of the American voting public!!

ps Thanks to God for giving me this wonderful ability to express myself which among other things has allowed me to reach

the position in life I have attained!!

Nov 11, 2007

Hey Donny, and/or if one of your flunkies is out there, I am quite sure you can find LOTS of attorneys other than TacoPENIS

who will gladly take your money, kiss your ass and assure you that if you hire them, they will win each and every time they represent

you!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

And yet Trump's big three salami suckers in this thread look up to and adore this lying and screaming AHole and hold him

almost in as much high esteem as their "deity" Donald Trump!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

And yet Trump's big three salami suckers in this thread look up to and adore this lying and screaming AHole and hold him

almost in as much high esteem as their "deity" Donald Trump!!

His Reputation is in Tatters’: Tucker Carlson Career in Turmoil After FOX News Firing as No Major Networks Will Touch Him

Can you tell us where the dumbest man on TV is headed as you suck on this ?


Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, and now another conservative news outlet, Newsmax, wants him to be more than just the face of the network, and it's putting on a full-court press to land him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the news channel is doing everything it can to sweeten the deal for Tucker to come on board -- including floating the idea of letting him program the whole channel, not just his own show.

That would be a pretty enticing deal point ... in addition to having his own primetime show, Tucker would have a say over what shows lead into and out of his show, which can be key in achieving bigger TV ratings.

Mar 19, 2008

Hey Donny, and/or if one of your flunkies is out there, I am quite sure you can find LOTS of attorneys other than TacoPENIS

who will gladly take your money, kiss your ass and assure you that if you hire them, they will win each and every time they represent

you!! lol
Already responded to in post#51478. "Requests for mistrials are often long shots, including when they are based on the judge's own statements. Such requests also often form a basis for eventual appeals". Pretty simple logic for sane people

Sep 5, 2010
They are waking up!

The ultra low iqanons will never wake up.

They live in 2020, the year of the big lie, by the orange encrusted buffoon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

Nov 11, 2007
They are waking up!

The ultra low iqanons will never wake up.

They live in 2020, the year of the big lie, by the orange encrusted buffoon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
Just as stupid if not more stupid are the three morons in here who believe that Trump is going to win the 2024 Election!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Just as stupid if not more stupid are the three morons in here who believe that Trump is going to win the 2024 Election!!

Says the moron waiting for that dark horse to emerge for the R nomination .


Nov 11, 2007
Someone has a poopy diaper...

Who could look up to such a loser?

Ultra low iqanons, that's who.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You ain't heard nothing yet!!

Wait until he is indicted again and you hear the toxic, vindictive venom which spews forth from his mouth!!

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