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Nov 11, 2007
? Jack Smith MUST investigate the evidence that was presented to Trump, of fraud in the 2020 Election, if he wants to bring any charges

View attachment 64271

"To bring any potential criminal charges, prosecutors would have to overcome Trump’s public claim that he believed then and now that fraud really did cost him the election."

I can assure you that Jack Smith wants nothing to do with investigating this evidence.

Sorry tards, it's just ANOTHER BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER!

No Stormy.

No Jack Smith.

:an_laugh:But I'm 100% certain you got him in Mar-a-Lago.

How long before you tards accept that you are being misled by Satan?

Again, ignorance and hate make you loo really stupid.

Now might be a good time for you to just quit.

You have "assured" us/predicted hundreds if not thousands of things since you started this thread!!

The problem is that your assurances and predictions have failed to come true 99.8% of the time and 100% when it comes

to Trump's reinstatement/devolution which you have predicted too many times to count is imminent!!

I ASSURE you that virtually no sane and objective reader in this thread or forum believes anything you say at this juncture

based on the above percentage of accuracy/failures!!

Eventually you will have no choice but to agree with this assessment because it is so spot-on about your FALSE deity!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Both the truth and devastation on display!!!

Negative poetry in motion!!


Salon . What else would you expect ?
Right up there with DNCNN


Crime helped Trump to become a billionaire. Crime helped Trump to takeover the White House in 2016.
Aug 17, 2019

And savage1, wilbur, schmirt and habsburger STILL haven't figured out they are on the wrong side of every narrative.

STILL thinking "we got him this time".

STILL posting their fake news links, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

And STILL defending the anti-Americans, Pedos, Nazis and Satan.

Tards are a very special group.

A special kind of stupid.

? ? ? ? ?

A special kind of stupid, indeed.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Judge Juan Merchan’s Donations to Democrats Could Be Grounds for Ethics Investigation​

Poor tards.

Just like their sham Jan 6th unselect committee, this ain't going the way they had hoped.

Aug 17, 2019

And tards STILL aren't smart enough to understand they are being played again!

They have a death grip on the "we got him this time" narrative.

But ignorance and hate makes you look really stupid.

And stupid is at an all-time low for tards.

They are about to be served up the BIGGEST FAT NOTHING BURGER EVER.

And they are going to absolutely hate how this movie ends.

For the rest of us, the party is about to get started!

? ? ? ? ?

Stupid is at an all-time low.

And they keep setting new lows daily.

Their only hope is to find God.

But it takes strength and courage to break free from Satan's grip.

I don't think any of them have it in them.

But I keep praying for a miracle.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Judge Juan Merchan’s Donations to Democrats Could Be Grounds for Ethics Investigation​

Poor tards.

Just like their sham Jan 6th unselect committee, this ain't going the way they had hoped.


Fat Alvin’s wife posting negative tweets about Trump
Fat Alvin campaigning on getting Trump
Judge’s daughter worked on Biden’s campaign .

And the loons on the left attack Trump for bringing it out .

Nov 11, 2007
I strongly suggest you keep whacking it daily hoping Fanny and JackMeOff have better cases than Fat Alvin’s .
Read the in-depth article written by the psychiatrist and tell us SPECIFICALLY what you disagree with and why, Professor Lenny!!

Your hero is done, finished and will never, even in your wildest dreams even be POTUS again-that is the bottom line no matter

what comes out of the investigations, Senor Trump Condom Lenny!!

Nov 11, 2007
? ? ? ? ?

Stupid is at an all-time low.

And they keep setting new lows daily.

Their only hope is to find God.

But it takes strength and courage to break free from Satan's grip.

I don't think any of them have it in them.

But I keep praying for a miracle.

The real praying you should do is that the worst that happens to Trump is that he will never be POTUS again rather than the other

ugly possibility, SIGNIFICANT JAIL TIME!!
Aug 17, 2019
Fat Alvin’s wife posting negative tweets about Trump
Fat Alvin campaigning on getting Trump
Judge’s daughter worked on Biden’s campaign .

And the loons on the left attack Trump for bringing it out .

TDS is real and a serious mental illness.

Tards should be institutionalized and highly medicated.

Nov 11, 2007
One FAILED alleged nothing burger prediction in New York from the Big Three with three more to go-Miss Kilgallen please.

People who aren't familiar with the old tv game show "What's My Line" won't understand the reference to Miss Kilgallen!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Read the in-depth article written by the psychiatrist and tell us SPECIFICALLY what you disagree with and why, Professor Lenny!!

Your hero is done, finished and will never, even in your wildest dreams even be POTUS again-that is the bottom line no matter

what comes out of the investigations, Senor Trump Condom Lenny!!

See 50,223 . I stopped after what I read and posted . My stomach started hurting from laughing at the left wing trash you posted .

Nov 11, 2007
People like the Big Three in here who suck on Trump's ejaculating toadstool dick 24/7/365 need to find something else to divert

attention from their own massive failures and shortcomings in life or better yet TO FACE THEM SQUARE UP AND DEAL WITH THEM!!

Nov 11, 2007
See 50,223 . I stopped after what I read and posted . My stomach started hurting from laughing at the left wing trash you posted .
Of course, you stopped reading it and bashed it as you suffer from the REAL TDS which is Trump Denial Syndrome.

The person who made it is a trained and highly skilled psychiatrist whereas at best you barely graduated high school!!

It goes without saying that if you tried to refute it point by point, I would engage you in a debate and make mincemeat

out of you, and it would be so easy because you simply can't rebut any of it; it is true in addition to the fact that

what he stated is very profound and based on knowledge and professional experience and way beyond your

See Spot Run skin-deep level of understanding and ability to respond!!
Aug 17, 2019
See 50,223 . I stopped after what I read and posted . My stomach started hurting from laughing at the left wing trash you posted .

He has spent 3+ years writing gibberish and copying/pasting links to fake news, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

All while thinking he's "hitting HRs".

I remember the day he warned the thread that he had just subscribed to The Daily Beast, saying we better watch out.

Like it was a huge game changer.

It's be straight downhill since.

A total and complete embarrassment to himself and humanity.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
He has spent 3+ years writing gibberish and copying/pasting links to fake news, fake fact-checkers and fake polls.

All while thinking he's "hitting HRs".

I remember the day he warned the thread that he had just subscribed to The Daily Beast, saying we better watch out.

Like it was a huge game changer.

It's be straight downhill since.

A total and complete embarrassment to himself and humanity.

He added the Daily Beast to his already potent arsenal of DNCNN and Salon ?

I better not engage .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Of course, you stopped reading it and bashed it as you suffer from the REAL TDS which is Trump Denial Syndrome.

The person who made it is a trained and highly skilled psychiatrist whereas at best you barely graduated high school!!

It goes without saying that if you tried to refute it point by point, I would engage you in a debate and make mincemeat

out of you, and it would be so easy because you simply can't rebut any of it; it is true in addition to the fact that

what he stated is very profound and based on knowledge and professional experience and way beyond your

See Spot Run skin-deep level of understanding and ability to respond!!

Another far left loon just like yourself . Here’s some more garbage to laugh at from this trash article .


When I looked at Donald Trump being arraigned in New York, in particular, that one moment when he glared at the news reporters and cameras, I saw his true self. That was the real Trump: he looked violent, enraged, and like a killer from a horror movie. As you know I use the correct moral language when discussing fascism and the likes of Trump and his movement. Trump was revealing, even more, his true evil self. As a therapist and a human being what did you see?

I agree with you. That moment did in fact reveal the true Donald Trump.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd has spent 3+ years writing/posting FAILED Predictions, delusions and lies and desperately trying to seek attention because

he is so starved for affection that is so badly missing in his life!!

All while hoping that he can avoid yet another consecutive strikeout.

I remember the hundreds if not thousands of daily predictions over the last 27 months telling us that Trump'sreinstatement/devolution

which would end the "evil ds forever" and that would send THOUSANDS more people to GITMO for trial and execution to join

the others who had already been executed here including many noted dignitaries like Hillary and Bill Clinto, Bill Gates and his wife

and George Soros!! lol

And now he has already started what will be more failures on his part such as Trump's indictment in New York which sbd

would never happen and with Georgia, Mar-a-Lago and January 6th which will simply add to his 99.8% DOCUMENTED


A total and complete embarrassment to his already FAILED self as a human being as well as in the eyes of any objective

reader of this thread who has been around for just a week let alone three years and a month since he started his thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
Another far left loon just like yourself . Here’s some more garbage to laugh at from this trash article .


When I looked at Donald Trump being arraigned in New York, in particular, that one moment when he glared at the news reporters and cameras, I saw his true self. That was the real Trump: he looked violent, enraged, and like a killer from a horror movie. As you know I use the correct moral language when discussing fascism and the likes of Trump and his movement. Trump was revealing, even more, his true evil self. As a therapist and a human being what did you see?

I agree with you. That moment did in fact reveal the true Donald Trump.
A typical Lenny response which consists of begging the question. poisoning the well and with sweeping generalizations

but with no specifics, because you don't have anything to rebut what his psychiatrist stated nor the brain power

and education to do so and along the same lines, your inability to grasp what the psychiatrist stated in the first place!!

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