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Nov 11, 2007
1) He was just indicted . Explain the polls post indictment .

Again as I keep telling you the Republican Party does not elect the POTUS.

Also as usual you completely ignored what I said about what could change things around in the future.

If you want to wallow in your cesspool of stagnation about everything, go ahead but it won't work!!
2) Besides jail which would become a pipe dream , yet alone before November 2024 , what is in the Constitution that disqualifies a candidate from running ?
Who said it is a pipe dream-you!! lol

Is a conviction possible before November of 2024, and what effect could it have on both the people voting in the primaries especially

if there are other candidates who jump into the race!!

Disqualification can also occur by plea bargaining, but of course in your stagnant world of imagination, that can never happen

just as Fetterman could win or there would be a mass red tsunami that swept the country in the 2022 Elections!!
3) You know damn well you as well as the activists in the media would be salivating if DeSantis had the numbers Trump is pulling calling it the end of Trump .
I wouldn't be salivating at all because like lots of Democrats if Trump did get the nomination, I agree that Trump would be beaten

beyond recognition, no matter who runs against him whereas DeSantis would pose more of a problem as he is much younger

than Trump and a much more likable human being!!
Class dismissed !
Yes class dismissed, meaning in this team I am positively done this time for sure in responding to stagnant dolts like yourself

who refuse and/or don't have the ability to think outside of the box!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Again as I keep telling you the Republican Party does not elect the POTUS.

Also as usual you completely ignored what I said about what could change things around in the future.

If you want to wallow in your cesspool of stagnation about everything, go ahead but it won't work!!

Who said it is a pipe dream-you!! lol

Is a conviction possible before November of 2024, and what effect could it have on both the people voting in the primaries especially

if there are other candidates who jump into the race!!

Disqualification can also occur by plea bargaining, but of course in your stagnant world of imagination, that can never happen

just as Fetterman could win or there would be a mass red tsunami that swept the country in the 2022 Elections!!

I wouldn't be salivating at all because like lots of Democrats if Trump did get the nomination, I agree that Trump would be beaten

beyond recognition, no matter who runs against him whereas DeSantis would pose more of a problem as he is much younger

than Trump and a much more likable human being!!

Yes class dismissed, meaning in this team I am positively done this time for sure in responding to stagnant dolts like yourself

who refuse and/or don't have the ability to think outside of the box!!

1) We’re talking Republican nomination . I know you’re trying hard to move the goal posts toward the Presidential seeing these polls .

2) Jail . Lol ! Yes a pipe dream .
And like I mentioned especially with a time frame of under two years from now knowing any trial resulting in a conviction would take years of appeals .

3) Disqualification by plea bargain ?
So drop out of the race and we’ll keep you out of jail .
And you use the word fascist for Trump? :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010

The ultra low iqanons are too stupid to see how their god is the biggest loser ever, except Lenny.

He's got the biggest waist, ever.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig:


Sep 5, 2010

But the ultra low iqanons are living in the past and waiting for the return that will never happen.

Got Cheetos?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
1) We’re talking Republican nomination . I know you’re trying hard to move the goal posts toward the Presidential seeing these polls .
You have a bad habit of putting words in people's mouths and/or trying to twist what they say. I am not moving any goal posts!!

Let me clear-I do not believe that Trump will get the nomination. If I am wrong, and he does get the nomination, my second prediction

is that he will not be the the Republican candidate on the ballot for the 2024 Election for lots of possible reasons!!
2) Jail . Lol ! Yes a pipe dream .
And like I mentioned especially with a time frame of under two years from now knowing any trial resulting in a conviction would take years of appeals .
Again you have those one-way blinkers which block out so much that could happen. What impact do you think a conviction before

the Election would have on the perception of the American Public whether it is appealed or not??

For me the negative impact would be massive and if he is the nominee when it happens, his poll numbers would drop as sharply

and quickly as when a passing thunderstorm knocks down the temperature from say 90 degrees into the 60's!!

I am talking about the polling numbers as a whole in the country and not those like you who worship the ground

he stands on no matter what!!
3) Disqualification by plea bargain ?
So drop out of the race and we’ll keep you out of jail .
Again as usual you have placed a roadblock in your mind here for such an occurrence for the simple reason that in your mind

there is nothing even remotely possible that the prosecution so damning that he literally has no choice but to accept it rather

than a lengthy jail sentence!!
And you use the word fascist for Trump? :lmao:
Fascism has nothing to do with common sense if one's personal life is at stake moving forward !!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013



Nov 11, 2007
The boomerang is going to be MASSIVE!

And tards are going to hate every minute of it!
There are going to be LOTS of explosive and loaded boomerangs in the upcoming days, weeks and months all of which

that are directed at and are going to land one at a time at Donald Trump's doorstep and leave the man

almost unrecognizable after the last one hits!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Invites to the WH from the controlled pandering senile puppet in the WH disguised as the moderate uniter .

The Tennessee three …yay

Georgia football team …nay
Aug 17, 2019
? Jack Smith MUST investigate the evidence that was presented to Trump, of fraud in the 2020 Election, if he wants to bring any charges

View attachment 64271

"To bring any potential criminal charges, prosecutors would have to overcome Trump’s public claim that he believed then and now that fraud really did cost him the election."

I can assure you that Jack Smith wants nothing to do with investigating this evidence.

Sorry tards, it's just ANOTHER BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER!

No Stormy.

No Jack Smith.

:an_laugh:But I'm 100% certain you got him in Mar-a-Lago.

How long before you tards accept that you are being misled by Satan?

Again, ignorance and hate make you loo really stupid.

Now might be a good time for you to just quit.


Tards were banking on "Stormy" to put Trump in jail.

After eating another big fat nothing burger they are now they are banking on Jack Smith.

Jack Smith, the guy that's going to have to investigate the election fraud evidence if he wants any chance to get Trump.

Good luck with this one tards.



Nov 11, 2007
Tards were banking on "Stormy" to put Trump in jail.

After eating another big fat nothing burger they are now they are banking on Jack Smith.

Jack Smith, the guy that's going to have to investigate the election fraud evidence if he wants any chance to get Trump.

Good luck with this one tards.


You stated before Trump was indicted in New York after what appeared to be a delay that it was over because they had nothing,

only to be shown how clueless you are as usual when on the very next door he was indicted!!

And now you use platitudes and sweeping generalizations that Jack Smith has nothing at all in the way to indict

Trum!! lol

Dream on, my friend-even Trump is scared shitless/terrified and rightfully so judging by all of the name-calling and insults he has

hurled Smith's way over the last few months!!

But forget that-the few people who read this thread other than the three of us and the three of you should pay attention only

to what YOU think because after all a 99.8% FAILED prediction and a 100% FAILED prediction when it comes to Trump's

reinstatement/devolution is nothing to scoff at and everyone should consider anything you say or predict about anything

as the gospel truth!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007

I distinctly remember prior to the 2020 Election when sbd responded to me instead of PRETENDING not to read them as an excuse

not respond to them, the subject of Trump's infidelity came up alone with his various sexual trysts and his bragging about them!!

I also asked him about the appropriateness of Trump's use of language about "grabbing them by the pussy."

Regarding both issues above, sbd just brushed them away like a fly on one's shoulder with the remark that "We have all

done that at one time or another!!"

I will leave it for you to decide if you agree with that and/or what is says about sbd's sense of "morality!!"

My only remark is that it is no wonder that not once has he ever talked about HIS OWN wife or significant other, namely

because he doesn't have one, probably never has nor ever will other than of course cheap, immoral and slutty women

like Stormy Daniels because his deity and mentor Donald Trump approves of women like this!!

Mar 19, 2008
For those who haven't noticed already, and/of haven't been around this thread for a long time,

notice how sbd especially uses the same robotic overworked cliches, hackneyed expressions, mantras and words over and over again,

which are in effect generalized statements but never with anything specific to back up what he says.
Hypocrite #1 was "blocking" me even though Savvy didn't like being blocked by SBD!!
Hypocrite #2 is this statement!! If there was anyone that ever mirrored his own statement here, this is it. Isn't that your "modus operandi"?? Re-read your own posts Savvy and you will see how true this is!! Want to debate it??

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