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Sep 21, 2004

But according to Lenny, stuff like this doesn't matter to the American Public as far as determining whether they will vote for

Trump or not!!

The only thing that matters to the overwhelming people are his policies before Covid struck and nothing else from then up until

today, most importantly Trump's words, actions and deeds matter one iota!!

Ok Lenny, if you say so!! lol

Welcome to Lenny Lenbo's private and exclusive world of "reality!!!"

Out until late evening!!!
Pussies like you would vote for four more years of disaster because of a couple of mean tweets .

The 80 year old vegetable is the best you got going into ‘24 .

Nov 11, 2007
Before I sign off until later on tonight, a few more comments about Lenny that are the 100% truth for anyone who doesn't know already:

Lenny Lenbo lives in his life in some kind of a time warp, which in essence means that what exists at a given moment in time is stagnant

and never subject to change no matter what the situation and circumstances!!

He also refuses to accept the notion that his opinions and values do not represent those of the American Publican as a whole.

A perfect example of this is that Lenny sees Trump as the same person who existed when he took office in 2017 like nothing has changed

since that time and that for Lenny he is still the magnificent deity he was back then.

The problem is that Lenny tries to project this thinking onto the American Public as a whole with the implication

that the Public doesn't have eyes or ears and doesn't know what has gone on with him and especially after the 2020 Election,

and even they did, all documented criminal activity and everything he has said and done since that time is either

regarded as a positive, a lie or no biggie!!

The New York Issue and that indictment shocked Lenny but also unfortunately pushed him back even further back into his

shell with the net result being that it simply added to his psychosis and made him even more defensive and delusional than


Hopefully, when the next more damaging tornadoes strike, Lenny will wake up and hopefully at the very

least realize (but with no guarantee) that his world is NOT the REAL world of reality!!

Nov 11, 2007
Fox News Host Doocy Calls Out Trump Attacks On Judge’s Family: ‘A Very Bad Look’

But according to Lenny, stuff like this doesn't matter to the American Public as far as determining whether they will vote for

Trump or not!!

The only thing that matters to the overwhelming people are his policies before Covid struck and nothing else from then up until

today, most importantly Trump's words, actions and deeds matter one iota!!

Ok Lenny, if you say so!! lol

Welcome to Lenny Lenbo's private and exclusive world of "reality!!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Again even if the case in New York is dismissed, the damage has been done in the eyes of untold millions of voters,

especially independents, who want no part of a person like Trump who carries so much baggage!!

Folks like sbd and Lenny can try to deny, bury their fear and anxiety and taunt all they want to by proclaiming that there is

nothing to get Trump in Georgia, Mar-a-Lago and January 6th itself!!

The FACT is that Jack Smith and the other investigators have MASSIVE documentation, evidence and proof of criminal

activity on the part of Trump and he will be indicted and/or as I stated be discredited even more such as is the case

in New York!!

I repeat-personally I don't give a rat's ass if he is indicted per se and/or convicted.

What matters and imo should matter only is that he never sets food into the WH other than a visitor only.

This goal is already well on its way to becoming an accomplished mission no matter how much sbd, Lenny

and company try to convince anyone otherwise!!

Nov 11, 2007
Pussies like you would vote for four more years of disaster because of a couple of mean tweets .

The 80 year old vegetable is the best you got going into ‘24 .
Mean and threatening tweets and inciting violence against the prosecutor and the judge are nothing at all!!

And of course making a "friendly" phone call to Georgia "politely ask" the Secretary of State to find him a few votes so that

Trump is not a biggie.

And taking a "few souvenirs" to his home in Mar-a-Lago is nothing to get up in arms about even though it is expressively

prohibited and then lying about it is yet another nothing burger!!

And finally planning and inciting violence both before January 6th and on the day itself and then sitting back on his couch

on that day, eating popcorn and relishing the proceedings in spite of pleas from his own staff and daughter to do something about it

for hours is yet another feather in Trump's hat!!

let's all give it up for FORMER AND ALWAYS TO BE EX-POTUS DONALD TRUMP for acting in such an exemplary

and dignified manner and being such a warm and compassionate human being and pray that our children and posterity

model their own behavior after his!!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
? The UN Security Council rejected a proposal for an international independent investigation of the Nord Stream pipeline attack.

The resolution received support from Russia, China, and Brazil, while the US, UK, France, and other nations chose to abstain.

Of course the U.S. abstained.

Any independent investigation will end with the Biden Crime family.

Aug 17, 2019
? Joe Biden's proxy war is turning our allies into adversaries.

Screen Shot 2023-04-07 at 7.32.31 AM.png

fake Biden is a threat to National Security.

And so is his fake administration.

Aug 17, 2019
Today is the day!

BTC has officially confirmed the bull run!

This run will last 2 years.

You will see new highs.

Perhaps levels you never thought possible.

Enjoy the ride!

BTC ? ? ? ? ?

Waiting patiently for BTC to retest the low 27,000s to confirm the new higher low.

That will be the springboard for the run.

Would love to see it happen today or this weekend.

BTC ? ? ? ?

Sep 5, 2010
First, Trump never grew up. He is a child, emotionally. Trump's emotional maturity level is perhaps that of a teenager, a 13-year-old who has just hit puberty and wants to fight people and destroy things. In fact, Trump's emotional maturity may actually be closer to a ten-year-old. The deep problem with Trump is that he is a bully. Trump is also a coward. The combination of those traits is very dangerous. Trump is also a "pervert," meaning in the original sense of the word, that he has turned away from truth. Moreover, Trump is actually the ultimate pervert in that sense: he hates the truth, i.e. the media is lying about him, "fake news," the Big Lie about the election, etc.


Nov 11, 2007
? Joe Biden's proxy war is turning our allies into adversaries.

View attachment 64258

fake Biden is a threat to National Security.

And so is his fake administration.

If this is true, wouldn't this be a perfect time for Trump led by his "private military" and his "buddy" General Milley to devolution


As usual you have no answers for this after predicting it is imminent for the last 27 months!!!

Nov 11, 2007
First, Trump never grew up. He is a child, emotionally. Trump's emotional maturity level is perhaps that of a teenager, a 13-year-old who has just hit puberty and wants to fight people and destroy things. In fact, Trump's emotional maturity may actually be closer to a ten-year-old. The deep problem with Trump is that he is a bully. Trump is also a coward. The combination of those traits is very dangerous. Trump is also a "pervert," meaning in the original sense of the word, that he has turned away from truth. Moreover, Trump is actually the ultimate pervert in that sense: he hates the truth, i.e. the media is lying about him, "fake news," the Big Lie about the election, etc.

Well stated!!

Fortunately, the overwhelming number of OBJECTIVE AND RATIONAL voting public recognizes this, and if somehow he

emerges from all of the investigations clean enough to get the nomination, he will take an unmerciful beating in the 2024 Election

whether it is against Biden or anyone else!!

Nov 11, 2007

And 100% spot on.

What a superb and spot-on article!!

It goes without saying that our three "resident psychiatrists" in this thread don't agree and believe Donny has the perfect temperament,

maturity and all of the other exemplary personality characteristics to pick up right where he left off if elected POTUS agains!! lol

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