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Aug 17, 2019
Wait until the tards find out Stormy and Cohen are Trump moles who led them straight into this trap.

Soros stooge Fat Alvin may be dumber than savage! And this idiot went to Harvard? We all know why he got in. Another thing that needs to be exposed.

Trump keeps giving the Deep State as much rope as they want to hang themselves!


Stormy and Cohen are operatives.

And Soros and DS puppets keep walking into every trap.

And fake news media and tards keep falling for it.

Harvard and their Satanic on-campus ritual center will all be exposed soon.

This is why they all go to Harvard, even though they have average to below-average IQs.


Nov 11, 2007
Stormy and Cohen are operatives.

And Soros and DS puppets keep walking into every trap.

And fake news media and tards keep falling for it.

Harvard and their Satanic on-campus ritual center will all be exposed soon.

This is why they all go to Harvard, even though they have average to below-average IQs.

Yes just like your statement that after Pence failed what Trump wanted him to do on Jan.6, Pence

was part of "the plan" and that someday he would emerge as a hero-how did that work out?? lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Fat Alvin already feeling the heat and he's not even out of the first inning!

Kash Patel said they will use this sham case and the other witch hunts to expose the rot within the DOJ, so the public demands real fundamental change!


Enjoy the show!


Nov 11, 2007
Sheriff Joe once again has those 24/7/365 blinkers on when it comes to Trump, but then again I am actually thankful for that as

I would much rather see him live out his fantasy than potentially go out on a domestic terrorist killing rampage with anyone

fair game because he is psychologically and emotionally unable to deal with any more Trump indictments!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
Sheriff Joe once again has those 24/7/365 blinkers on when it comes to Trump, but then again I am actually thankful for that as

I would much rather see him live out his fantasy than potentially go out on a domestic terrorist killing rampage with anyone

fair game because he is psychologically and emotionally unable to deal with any more Trump indictments!!
I see that no one has added any more comments on Sheriff Joe's FAILED Devolution Thread since March 24!!

Obviously, without saying it because after all as is the case with them, he is a big Trump supporter, the absence of any posts

over there since March 24 and the few before then other than from himself, simply means that these folks believe Sherry

has lost it and/or is a crackpot who should be ignored when it comes to insane/delusional and with ZERO merit predictions like

this one!!

Nov 11, 2007
Plenty of people with her color skin and her side of the aisle don’t disagree with her .

Take your race card and shove it up your ass.
lol-Lenny boy-you are once again showing your utter frustration and anger regarding the turn of events and shattering somewhere

in your psyche your belief that your "deity" is not as invincible as you think and that he is above the law in any case!!

And the beauty of it is that the New York Matter is just the appetizer for what is about to follow over the upcoming days, weeks and

months!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
lol-Lenny boy-you are once again showing your utter frustration and anger regarding the turn of events and shattering somewhere

in your psyche your belief that your "deity" is not as invincible as you think and that he is above the law in any case!!

And the beauty of it is that the New York Matter is just the appetizer for what is about to follow over the upcoming days, weeks and

months!! lol

Yes the turn of events happens to be a commanding lead in the R primary polls and 12 million dollars in fundraising for the dying candidate Donald J Trump .


This is how Dems campaign . Keep Trump in the headlines as they hide the senile puppet who everything he touches turns to shit .

Could you imagine the media frenzy if DeSantis had this big of a lead .

Oh , and wake me when that dark horse leaves the starting gate .

Aug 17, 2019

Fat Alvin already feeling the heat and he's not even out of the first inning!

Kash Patel said they will use this sham case and the other witch hunts to expose the rot within the DOJ, so the public demands real fundamental change!


Enjoy the show!


Easy to understand why tards love fat Alvin and the rest of the DS puppets.

Stupid people supporting stupid people.

Nov 11, 2007
Yes the turn of events happens to be a commanding lead in the R primary polls and 12 million dollars in fundraising for the dying candidate Donald J Trump .


This is how Dems campaign . Keep Trump in the headlines as they hide the senile puppet who everything he touches turns to shit .

Could you imagine the media frenzy if DeSantis had this big of a lead .

Oh , and wake me when that dark horse leaves the starting gate .

Once again your weak standard mantra response relies on Trump's polling data to make your case.

How about responding point by point SPECIFICALLY to my post earlier today as to how Trump is going to be elected POTUS

and at the same time you might just want to consider cutting your umbilical cord to Trump and getting over your fear and anxiety that you

may not be able to go on living if somehow Trump is not elected!!

Here you go:

"In none of the responses today, all I have seen are polling numbers regarding Trump's lead in getting the nomination.

Even if we make the questionable and laughable assumption that no one other than DeSantis has a chance as well as that the results,

findings and possible indictments of the other investigations will produce nothing, and he thus gets the

nomination, no one has commented yet on specifically what groups of voters who voted for Biden/against Trump

based on developments beginning in 2020 and up until now and then beyond are now going to switch and vote for Trump!!

Are we talking about women especially educated ones who based on his out-of-marriage sexual affairs with prostitutes like Stormy

Daniels and then trying to cover it up??

Are we talking about independents who love the fact that he continues to lie, and complain about the results of the 2020 Election.

Or better, people who approve of issuing threats of those who he perceives are out to get him and implied calls

for violence if he doesn't get his way??

Are we talking about independents/people who based on his words and activities since 2020 now view him as a dignified and

the kind of respectable human being that they feel proud to lead the country??

I could go on but the message is clear and most importantly it makes the huge assumption that nothing based on what is going to occur

between now and next year is going to impact his ability to even be a candidate!!

If the folks in this thread want to sweep all of that under the rug, go right ahead but be prepared for a dose of reality to set it

once things really start to get going!!"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Easy to understand why tards love fat Alvin and the rest of the DS puppets.

Stupid people supporting stupid people.
Stupid puppets that can be blackmailed and controlled by their masters.

We know Fat Alvin didn't get into Harvard on merit. Just like the Kenyan - another DS puppet on a string who was groomed very early on.

The DOJ isn't the only corrupt cesspool that needs to be exposed and fumigated.

Deep State infiltration in American society runs deep.

Nov 11, 2007
Stupid puppets that can be blackmailed and controlled.

We know Fat Alvin didn't get into Harvard on merit. Just like the Kenyan - another DS puppet on a string who was groomed very early on.

The DOJ isn't the only corrupt cesspool that needs to be exposed.

Deep State infiltration in American society runs deep.
Racist Sheriff Joe speaks and shows his true colors again!!

I listened to Bragg speak after the indictment, and the only sure thing is that he is worlds beyond you in intelligence and ability

to express himself, and his education at Harvard leaves your "sheriff's school education" badly trailing in the dust!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Once again your weak standard mantra response relies on Trump's polling data to make your case.

How about responding point by point SPECIFICALLY to my post earlier today as to how Trump is going to be elected POTUS

and at the same time you might just want to consider cutting your umbilical cord to Trump and getting over your fear and anxiety that you

may not be able to go on living if somehow Trump is not elected!!

Here you go:

"In none of the responses today, all I have seen are polling numbers regarding Trump's lead in getting the nomination.

Even if we make the questionable and laughable assumption that no one other than DeSantis has a chance as well as that the results,

findings and possible indictments of the other investigations will produce nothing, and he thus gets the

nomination, no one has commented yet on specifically what groups of voters who voted for Biden/against Trump

based on developments beginning in 2020 and up until now and then beyond are now going to switch and vote for Trump!!

Are we talking about women especially educated ones who based on his out-of-marriage sexual affairs with prostitutes like Stormy

Daniels and then trying to cover it up??

Are we talking about independents who love the fact that he continues to lie, and complain about the results of the 2020 Election.

Or better, people who approve of issuing threats of those who he perceives are out to get him and implied calls

for violence if he doesn't get his way??

Are we talking about independents/people who based on his words and activities since 2020 now view him as a dignified and

the kind of respectable human being that they feel proud to lead the country??

I could go on but the message is clear and most importantly it makes the huge assumption that nothing based on what is going to occur

between now and next year is going to impact his ability to even be a candidate!!

If the folks in this thread want to sweep all of that under the rug, go right ahead but be prepared for a dose of reality to set it

once things really start to get going!!"

He wins back the WH by winning back the rust belt after what will be 4 years of economic destruction and he increases his African American and Hispanic vote from 2020 . A percentage not seen in decades . Pretty good for a racist , ain’t it ? You want to know why ? There is no bigger tax to the middle class and poor than inflation .

I won’t even get into the late night ballots dumps in the wee hours of the morning that were enough to swing three states red to blue .

But why are you jumping ahead to the Presidential election when you’re so sure he won’t even win the R nomination ? Ain’t gonna happen this time . If it does , Republicans get what they deserve .

I see those numbers are starting to hit a nerve . One step at a time lightweight . Then we can talk Presidential race when Dems most likely bring a would be 82 year old part vegetable to the starting gate that I’ll run on a say little as possible and I’m not Trump campaign that you won’t even endorse but would be happy as a pig in shit if he did 4 more years of damage to the country as long as Trump wasn’t in office .

Now on to the comedy part of your so called dramatic turn of events .

When even a crooked Trump hating cop can’t agree with Fat Alvin on the Trump obsessed , dog shit ratings DNCNN.


Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2023-04-06 at 3.08.52 PM.png

Trump and Pence together?

Isn't this interesting tards?


Nov 11, 2007
He wins back the WH by winning back the rust belt after what will be 4 years of economic destruction and he increases his African American and Hispanic vote from 2020 . A percentage not seen in decades . Pretty good for a racist , ain’t it ? You want to know why ? There is no bigger tax to the middle class and poor than inflation .

I won’t even get into the late night ballots dumps in the wee hours of the morning that were enough to swing three states red to blue .

But why are you jumping ahead to the Presidential election when you’re so sure he won’t even win the R nomination ? Ain’t gonna happen this time . If it does , Republicans get what they deserve .

I see those numbers are starting to hit a nerve . One step at a time lightweight . Then we can talk Presidential race when Dems most likely bring a would be 82 year old part vegetable to the starting gate that I’ll run on a say little as possible and I’m not Trump campaign that you won’t even endorse but would be happy as a pig in shit if he did 4 more years of damage to the country as long as Trump wasn’t in office .

Now on to the comedy part of your so called dramatic turn of events .

When even a crooked Trump hating cop can’t agree with Fat Alvin on the Trump obsessed , dog shit ratings DNCNN.


In essence, you did NOT respond to the points I made about the folks who would switch from Biden or whoever is the nominee

to Trump and why and instead made the laughable assumption that the country as a whole cares only about trump's

policies and not Trmp's crimes and what Trump is as a human being.

These are projections on your part only and do not reflect reality!!

You have demonstrated from day one your shallow and one-way thinking of Trump and your resultant deification of himself

and the implications that he is invincible and above the law no matter what!!

And to be clear I don't believe that he will be the nominee for reasons stated before!!

If I am wrong, that is still a lot better than your convoluted thinking that if he does get the nomination, it is the Republican

Party and those who nominated Trump are the only folks who decide if he gets elected POTUS which is the prize here.

In short, there is a massive gap to fill between getting the nomination and actually being elected POTUS, all of which

you have conveniently swept under the rug like none of it matters!!

But your "logic," "reasoning processes" and projections of your own views are really nothing new in this matter because

they represent the real you just about each and every time you post something, and why it is so easy for me to point out your


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In essence, you did NOT respond to the points I made about the folks who would switch from Biden or whoever is the nominee

to Trump and why and instead made the laughable assumption that the country as a whole cares only about trump's

policies and not Trmp's crimes and what Trump is as a human being.

These are projections on your part only and do not reflect reality!!

You have demonstrated from day one your shallow and one-way thinking of Trump and your resultant deification of himself

and the implications that he is invincible and above the law no matter what!!

And to be clear I don't believe that he will be the nominee for reasons stated before!!

If I am wrong, that is still a lot better than your convoluted thinking that if he does get the nomination, it is the Republican

Party and those who nominated Trump are the only folks who decide if he gets elected POTUS which is the prize here.

In short, there is a massive gap to fill between getting the nomination and actually being elected POTUS, all of which

you have conveniently swept under the rug like none of it matters!!

But your "logic," "reasoning processes" and projections of your own views are really nothing new in this matter because

they represent the real you just about each and every time you post something, and why it is so easy for me to point out your



And why and instead made the laughable assumption that the country as a whole cares only about trump's policies and not Trmp's crimes and what Trump is as a human being.


There’s a little saying that goes it’s the economy stupid .

And it’s much more than the economy that Trump ran circles around the senile puppet on .

They got you didn’t they . We ain’t got shit to campaign on .

Let’s make it ALL about Trump and the investigations . Bullshit that started with the Russia hoax .

Thanks for proving my point .

And until the nominees are determined , I won’t give you the satisfaction of trying to pivot from the R nomination , which you say is near impossible for Trump but seem to be worried more about by the day , to the Presidential election .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
View attachment 64188

Trump and Pence together?

Isn't this interesting tards?

Tards fall for all the kayfabe LOL

Same with Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions... many others.

Tards need to understand that Trump is a million times smarter than they ever will be. Ditto for the low wage "fact checking" clowns they listen to.

Mike Pence will be Trump's VP again.

The stupid savage! It burns!


Nov 11, 2007

And why and instead made the laughable assumption that the country as a whole cares only about trump's policies and not Trmp's crimes and what Trump is as a human being.


There’s a little saying that goes it’s the economy stupid .

And it’s much more than the economy that Trump ran circles around the senile puppet on .

They got you didn’t they . We ain’t got shit to campaign on .

Let’s make it ALL about Trump and the investigations . Bullshit that started with the Russia hoax .

Thanks for proving my point .

And until the nominees are determined , I won’t give you the satisfaction of trying to pivot from the R nomination , which you say is near impossible for Trump but seem to be worried more about by the day , to the Presidential election .
All you did as usual was to project YOUR opinions about what counts to the American Public regarding Trump, ie policy

and completely block out of your mind what the population as a whole considers before voting for Trump or anyone else, which

is a lot more about his policy before Covid(which he handled very poorly) and that all of the antics, lies, whining and complaining

for 29 months about the results of the 2020 Election, trying to incite violence, bad-mouthing/bashing any and all anyone who

has documented his criminal activity, any new indictments and on and on and on!!

In your mind, none of that matters and/or should it matter to the majority of the American Public who cares only about his policy!!

Jack Smith and company are going to demolish your provincial thinking and hopefully but with no guarantees since you are so

close-minded, that you will learn that your thinking is not the way intelligent, rational and objective people with REAL FEELINGS think

in our society about evaluating not only Trump but any human being in general!!

Keep living in your make-believe world if you like-by so doing, it will just make it all that much more difficult to accept

once when/not if Trump crashes and gets what he deserves, which is long overdue but thankfully has started-better late than never!!

PS Don't forget that a documented 60% of the people don't want Trump to run!!

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