Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019



Now we understand her "rise to fame".

And now we understand why she is one of the biggest Pedos and traffickers on this planet too.
Aug 17, 2019


And certain Governors want to close schools because?

Stanford Doctor Scott Atlas Says The Science Shows Kids Should Go Back To School

Former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, Dr. Scott Atlas told Fox News there are “zero excuses” to keep children from returning to schools in the fall.

There is virtually zero risk for children getting something serious or dying from this disease. Anyone who thinks schools should be closed is not talking about the children. It has nothing to do with the children’s risk,” he said. “There’s no rational reason or science to say that children transmit the disease significantly.”

Dr. Atlas pointed out that many American teachers are not in high-risk age groups and therefore, should not be concerned. He also noted that those who are nervous or high-risk can take extra precautions.

Again, REAL science proves wearing masks don't protect you and social distancing is unnecessary.

As I have stated and maintained it's time to accept we have been lied to and get back to life as we know it.
Aug 17, 2019
New Intel: Communist China providing automatic weapons to Antifa, Black Lives Matter

We have bombshell new intel to share with you today that connects some recent dots on the emerging violence (and civil war attempt) from Black Lives Matter, the militant terrorism wing of the Democrat party.


  • Communist China is supplying full auto AR-15 “mods” to Black Lives Matter militants in America, and a shipment was recently interdicted by Customer and Border Protection (CBP).
  • California Gov. Newsom is involved in a trillion-dollar money laundering operation with communist China to keep him in power. He’s funneling taxpayer money to China, and they are laundering it and funneling money back to him. (See Los Angeles Times link below.)
  • Using the laundered money, Gov. Newsom is stockpiling automatic weapons, ammunition and gold in the underground storage complex at 1616 Capitol Ave. in Sacramento, the East End Complex building – block 174. (Sourced from a former employee who worked there.)
  • Gov. Newsom is plotting with China to have communist troops invade America (via California and other states) and to overrun and occupy the United States, turning it over to communist Chinese rule.
  • China’s EMP weapons, developed using technology stolen from the USA, are planned to be the first wave “Pearl Harbor” event that sets it all off. (Official report to the White House, see link below, or visit ).
  • Obama helped set up a civilian military force using Operation Fast and Furious gun smuggling to arm the narcos. (Full timeline link below.)
  • Those same narcos are now trained by communist Chinese military instructors and are prepared to invade America with the aid of heavy weapons. (DHS sources via Hodges, link below.)
  • The civil war America is facing won’t be lightly-armed “soy boys,” but rather heavily armed, full-auto wielding Black Lives Matter militants, Mexican narco gangs and communist Chinese troops operating under the protection of Gov. Newsom.
  • Hundreds of companies across corporate America are now directly funding or overtly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists as part of this civil war effort to destroy America. See the full list of 269 companies here.

10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Seized by CBP in Louisville

At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination.

“The importing of any type of munitions is regulated by the ATF,” said Thomas Mahn, Port Director, Louisville. “This smuggler was knowingly trying to avoid detection, however, our officers remain vigilant, ensuring our community is safe.”

The Dems and anti-Americans are on a mission to steal the election and regain power.

They will do anything they can to make it happen.

Their COVID biological weapon failed.

Their "racism" and fake BLM narratives failed.

Their last and final chance is to create a civil war.

To do this they are releasing thousands of dangerous and violent criminals from prisons inside these Dem states.

They are giving them weapons and instructions on the way out.

Soros, CCP and BLM is funding and supporting this effort.

They will fail again!

REPORT: California to Release 18,000 Prisoners to Protect ‘Health and Safety of Incarcerated Population’

Officials in California are poised to release upwards of 18,000 prisoners to slow the spread of CoVID-19 in jail; saying the drastic measure is necessary to help protect the “health and safety of the incarcerated population.”

“According to the CDCR, of the state’s approximate 115,000 inmates, roughly 2,400 prisoners have tested positive for the coronavirus, and at least 31 prisoners have died from COVID-19 related illnesses – accounting for roughly 2 percent and 0.026 percent, respectively, of the inmate population,” reports the Washington Examiner.

The current mortality rate of COVID is less than .40%, .20% if you remove the nursing home murders committed by certain governors.

At .26% mortality rate inside the prison how does releasing these prisoners "protect" them?

Logical thinking.
Aug 17, 2019
Iranian spies accidentally leak videos of themselves showing how to hack and steal data from email accounts

  • Video of Iran-backed hackers training other hackers was uploaded by mistake
  • Footage showed hackers combing through email accounts and copying data
  • The footage was spotted by IBM's X-Force security team and shared with Wired
  • The rare insight into hacking was likened to a poker player showing their hand
A group of Iranian hackers has been caught red-handed demonstrating how to break into email accounts and steal data. Researchers at IBM's X-Force security team have obtained roughly five hours of video footage that appears to have been recorded directly from the screens of hackers.

The hackers are working for a group IBM calls ITG18, and which other security firms refer to as APT35 or Charming Kitten.

The group is one of the most active state-sponsored espionage teams linked to the government of Iran.

Bad actors.

Bad criminals.

Blame Russia.
Aug 17, 2019
Georgia governor bans cities, counties from mandating masks

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is banning cities and counties from mandating that masks be worn in public to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Kemp's executive order is a revised extension of guidelines put in place during the start of the pandemic, which encouraged, rather than required, residents to wear masks in public. The governor has called implementing such a measure “a bridge too far."

The executive order reads in part: “State, county, or municipal law, order, ordinance, rule, or regulation that requires persons to wear face coverings, masks, face shields, or any other Personal Protective Equipment while in places of public accommodation or on public property are suspended to the extent that they are more restrictive than this Executive Order."

His orders had banned local governments from taking more restrictive steps than the state, but the new set of rules specify that cities and counties can’t require the use face coverings, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"Previous executive orders - and now this order - state no local action can be more or less restrictive than ours," said Candice Broce, Communications Director, and Chief Deputy Executive Counsel for the governor. "We have explained that local mask mandates are unenforceable.

Not only are masks unlawful and a violation of our "free will" and Constitutional rights, they are unenforceable.

As I have stated and maintained throughout there is ZERO science (only fake science) that supports the use of masks.

However, there is a ton of REAL science that prove masks don't protect you and can kill you!

Look for other Governors to follow suit.

Georgia Governor Sues Atlanta Mayor Over Mask Order

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp filed a lawsuit on July 16 against the Atlanta city council and Democrat Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms in an effort to block her from enforcing a citywide mask mandate.

The lawsuit, filed in Fulton County Superior Court, argues that Kemp “leads the State of Georgia in its fight against the worldwide novel coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic” and has the power “to suspend municipal orders that are contradictory to any state law or to his executive orders.”

“As the Mayor of the City of Atlanta, Mayor Bottoms does not have the legal authority to modify, change or ignore Governor Kemp’s executive orders,” the document says.

The lawsuit comes just one day after Kemp issued an executive order banning cities and counties from making face masks mandatory in public, voiding such mandates that have been implemented in at least a dozen local governments.

In the new executive order, the Republican governor said that any laws, orders, rules, or regulations requiring people to wear face coverings in public “are suspended.”

Time for certain governors to step up and manage their Mayors, like NY and Seattle.

We all have a line of supervisors we are governed by, a chain of command, and each has certain authorities and all you have to do is respect the law and your own position.

Mayors do not have the authority to make up their own laws.
Aug 17, 2019
'People Are Going To Be Shocked': Bannon Claims Wuhan Lab Employees Have Defected, Are Working With FBI

The 66-year-old then said that defectors are cooperating with intelligence agencies in America, Europe and the UK, which have been assembling evidence to challenge the CCP claim that the pandemic originated in a wet market - not in a lab home to scientists who have come under fire for manipulating bat coronavirus to be more transmissible to humans.

Experts from the Chinese laboratory at the centre of global suspicion over the coronavirus pandemic have ‘defected’ and are in the hands of Western intelligence, the architect of Donald Trump’s presidential victory claimed last night.

Steve Bannon, who was Trump’s White House chief strategist and retains close links to the administration, told The Mail on Sunday that spies were building a case against Beijing on the basis that the global pandemic had been caused by a leak from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan and that the subsequent cover-up had amounted to ‘pre-meditated murder’.

This is not good news for Gates, Fauci, Soros, NIH, UN, WHO and others involved in the creation of this biological weapon.

As I started at the onset and maintained throughout this was an UNnatural virus, a biological weapon.

The truth always shows itself.


Chinese Virologist Reveals WHO Colluded With the CCP in COVID-19 Cover-Up

Chinese virologist Yan Limeng, who secretly fled to the United States from Hong Kong in April, revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) worked together to conceal evidence of the potential spread of the novel coronavirus among humans when the outbreak first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019.

Yan was a researcher in virology and immunology at the University of Hong Kong’s school of public health.

Fearing that her life may be in danger, Yan fled to the United States on April 28.

And Democrats continue to praise/make excuses for the WHO & CCP.

Americans will remember this on November 3rd.

And soon the public will need to accept many things about the COVID scamdemic, including the fact they have been lied to.
Aug 17, 2019
DELUSIONAL DE BLASIO: Mayor Says NYC ‘Safer and Better’ With ‘Fewer People in Our Jails’

Embattled Big Apple Mayor Bill de Blasio enraged millions of angry residents Thursday; saying New York City is “safer and better” with “fewer people in our jails.”

“We now have fewer people in our jails than any time since WW2 and we are safer for it and better for it!” yelled De Blasio.

At least one member here probably thinks DeBlasio is a "Rock Star" and will agree with DeBlasio's statements.

Delusional people love their own kind.
Aug 17, 2019
Coronavirus: Oxford vaccine could provide 'double protection' - report

The vaccine being developed at Oxford is one of the leading contenders in the global race to protect against coronavirus.

Researchers at the University of Oxford believe they have made a breakthrough in the development of a coronavirus vaccine.

Human trials are reported to have shown promising results after the team discovered the jab could provide "double protection" against the virus.

Blood samples taken from volunteers in phase one trials have shown the vaccine stimulated the body to produce antibodies and T-cells, according to a report in The Daily Telegraph.
T-cells play a central part in the body's immune response.

David Carpenter, chairman of the Berkshire Research Ethics Committee, which approved the Oxford trial, said the vaccine team was "absolutely on track".

This will ultimately be the approved and authorized vaccine.

Gates' and Fauci's deadly vaccines have ZERO chance of being approved!
Aug 17, 2019
NAPO has endorsed President Trump in his reelection campaign.


Our Policemen know "what's up"!


NRA Endorses Trump for Reelection, Thanks President for Protection of Second Amendment

The National Rifle Associaton (NRA) is endorsing President Donald Trump’s reelection, with its political action committee praising the president’s actions to defend the Second Amendment.

In the letter to Trump on Wednesday, the NRA’s Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) said that Trump has “done more than any president to protect the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

The NRA, which advocates for the rights of gun owners and has about 5 million members nationwide, had previously endorsed Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

“You promised to defend the Second Amendment and stand tall for the constitutional freedoms in which our members believe. You have delivered on your promise in extraordinary ways,” read the letter (pdf), signed by Wayne LaPierre, the group’s executive vice president and CEO, and Jason Ouimet, the executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) and the chairman of the NRA-PVF.

“On behalf of our millions of members, we thank you for your continued support of the Second Amendment and all of the constitutional freedoms in which we believe.
“We are proud to support you and the promise of your second term.”


Aug 17, 2019
REVEALED: ANTIFA has a pedophile problem

Across the globe, it’s been discovered that many organized antifa groups have trouble with pedophilia in their ranks.

A conservative student group in Ireland revealed they had completed a year-long project operating undercover as an antifa cell.Antifascist Students Ireland revealed themselves to be a project of Irish conservative student news outlet The Burkean on their Twitter page,

The Burkean’s actions directed significant attention towards Ireland’s official Antifa organization, Antifascist Ireland, a group that has come under fire in the past for the history of its alleged founding member and leading figurehead, Pat Corcoran—a convicted pedophile.

Corcoran is a former civil servant who worked with the Irish Department of Arts, Heritage, and Gaeltacht. In 2009, he was found to be in possession of over 7,000 images and 21 videos featuring child sexual abuse and torture. He was handed the lenient sentence of 3.5 years suspended—meaning he never served a day in prison. The decision caused outrage amongst Irish commentary writers, one of whom used Corcoran’s case as an example of Ireland being a “pedophile’s paradise.”

Corcoran was fired from his government position, but around the same time of his sentencing, Corcoran joined left-wing grassroots publisher Indymedia where he worked undetected until 2013. Once the publisher discovered his disgusting history, he was immediately resigned. Indymedia issued a statement condemning Corcoran, and insisting they had no knowledge of his abusive past.

In February of 2020, seven Russian antifa members were sentenced to 6-18 years in prison for planning bombings intended to disrupt the 2018 Russian presidential elections.
Of the seven, one of the principal figures, Arman Sagynbaev, was revealed to have a disturbing history with women and girls.

In Portland, the epicentre of antifa activism, a leading activist has faced multiple arrests for the sexual abuse of minors.

Micah Isaiah Rhodes of Portland’s Resistance was arrested in 2014 and in 2015 for sexually abusing a minor girl and minor boy. During his trials, the county Sheriff revealed that Rhodes had an inappropriate history with minors dating to his youth. At 14, Rhodes was caught sexually abusing a 9 year old boy, and at 15, Rhodes was caught with three much younger boys.

Despite his history, Rhodes was spared all prison time as the judge claimed Rhodes was “trying to change.”

The only thing worse than an anti-American is an anti-American Pedo.

BLM Organizer Charged on Six Counts of Child Sex Abuse, Possession of Images of Underage Girls

DeVries, a resident of Jackson, New Hampshire, served on the Municipal Budget Committee for the town of Conway in the Granite State.

In addition to child abuse charges, he was also charged for falsifying physical evidence after he threw his cellphone from his porch when law enforcement arrived.

The child abuse images allegedly show underage girls either in “lewd exhibition” of private parts, or engaging in sexual activity. He was also charged for possession of psilocybin mushrooms, a Class B felony, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

Jackson Police Chief Chris Perley stated after the arrest: “generally speaking, people should be very cautious about listening to voices suggesting defunding of the police because their motives are not always in the best interest of society.”

One comment from a local news site running the story said: “Gee, why does he want the police defunded? Particularly the cybercrimes forces. When the police go away, no one will find the pedophiles until its too late.”

Another noted: “Of course the pedophile wants to defund the police department….. Also, why are white people from a small mountain community speaking on behalf of “the local black lives matter chapter”.
Each count of possession of child sexual abuse images, which is a Class A felony, is punishable by up to 15 years in state prison and a $4,000 fine. DeVries faces an up to 90-year stint in state prison if found guilty on those charges alone.

The Pedos have been caught and they are everywhere in high places.
Aug 17, 2019
Chrissy Teigen hits breaking point on Twitter over wild conspiracy theorists linking her to Jeffrey Epstein... as she deletes 60,000 tweets

  • Chrissy Teigen said Tuesday that she's 'worried for her family' after being bombarded with bizarre attacks on Twitter linking her to Jeffrey Epstein
  • The wild claims first surfaced last October when the mother-of-two shot down rumors she and husband John Legend were on convicted pedophile Epstein's flight logs
  • Epstein allegedly had 'island logs' of everyone that flew on his so-called 'Lolita express' to his private island, Little St. James, known as 'pedophile island'
  • However, Chrissy, 34, has consistently debunked claims that she was ever associated with Epstein, responding to a slew of trolls on Twitter this past week
  • The renewed trolling comes following the arrest of Epstein's former girlfriend and alleged accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell
Chrissy Teigen has admitted that she's 'worried for her family' after receiving vile attacks on Twitter from conspiracy theorists who have been bizarrely linking the model to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein since last October.

For the past week, the 34-year-old mother-of-two has been publicly fighting off renewed Twitter trolling, including wild accusations that she once traveled on Epstein's private plane and that she had been part of his 'pedo ring.'

However, on Tuesday, Chrissy appeared to hit breaking point as she responded to a claim by podcast host Chrissie Mayr that she recently deleted her own incriminating tweets, revealing that she was now fearing for her family as a result of the attacks.

Dear Chrissy,

This is not "conspiracy theory".

And those aren't "conspiracy theorists" you are being attacked by.

Those are real people who are disgusted by you, many are part of one of the most powerful intelligence networks on the planet.

And you are just one of many on a very long list going down.

You know you are busted.

"Game Over" sweetie.

Have fun in GITMO!

The Awakened Ones

Chrissy Teigen Threatens to Leave Twitter If Company Doesn’t Deal With QAnon

Teigen, 34, says she has blocked more than 1 million people and deleted more than 60,000 tweets after becoming the subject of a bizarre conspiracy theory about the late convicted pedophile and financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Teigen has faced a barrage of “scary harassment,” she says, since, following the arrest of his longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell, some social media users alleged that Teigen once flew on Epstein’s private jet. The cookbook author says she was also accused of being a “pedophile.”

Teigen vehemently denied the allegations. “I have never even met the man,” she tweeted on July 10, referring to Epstein. “Or been to the island. Or on the plane.”

“I have block chained over one million people, ONE MILLION people today and I am still flooded with sick psychopaths. So please, spare me the ‘just ignore them, they’re just trolls,'” Teigen, 34, tweeted Tuesday.

“Anyhow I’ll do my best to stop entertaining them. They have definitely been living for this and have zeroed in on ONLY me.

“Thank u to EVERYONE for helping me, in and out of the dm’s. People I’ve never met have been so, so kind and huge thank you to [journalist Yashar Ali] especially.”
Left-wing media group ‘Blast’ backed Teigen up saying that ‘This level of targeted harassment has got to be disheartening, and it’s getting to the point that Teigen is even considering leaving Twitter completely.’

However Teigen is being blasted for the numerous tweets where she seems to support pedophilia.

There's that damn Q/Q-Anon group showing up again!

They seem to be the ONLY "conspiracy theorists" the elites care about or fear.

Wonder why?

Why is she frantically deleting all of her Pedo tweets?

Logical thinking.

Teigen has a ticket punched to GITMO!
Aug 17, 2019



As I have stated and maintained the TRUTH will shock the world!

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

Coming soon to a theater near you!
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Judiciary Committee Releases Declassified Documents that Substantially Undercut Steele Dossier, Page FISA Warrants

WASHINGTON – Today, as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s ongoing investigation into the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and related FISA abuses, Chairman Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina) released two recently declassified documents that significantly undercut the reliability of the Steele dossier and the accuracy and reliability of many of the factual assertions in the Carter Page FISA applications.

“I’m very pleased the investigation in the Senate Judiciary Committee has been able to secure the declassification of these important documents,” said Chairman Graham. “I want to thank Attorney General Barr for releasing these documents and allowing the American People to judge for themselves.

“What have we learned from the release of these two documents by the Department of Justice? Number one, it is clear to me that the memo regarding the FBI interview of the primary sub-source in January 2017 should have required the system to stop and reevaluate the case against Mr. Page.

“Most importantly after this interview of the sub-source and the subsequent memo detailing the contents of the interview, it was a miscarriage of justice for the FBI and the Department of Justice to continue to seek a FISA warrant against Carter Page in April and June of 2017.

“The dossier was a critical document to justify a FISA warrant against Mr. Page and this DOJ memo clearly indicates that the reliability of the dossier was completely destroyed after the interview with the primary sub-source in January 2017. Those who knew or should have known of this development and continued to pursue a FISA warrant against Mr. Page anyway are in deep legal jeopardy in my view.

“Secondly, the comments of Peter Strzok regarding the February 14 New York Times article are devastating in that they are an admission that there was no reliable evidence that anyone from the Trump Campaign was working with Russian Intelligence Agencies in any form.

“The statements by Mr. Strzok question the entire premise of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Campaign and make it even more outrageous that the Mueller team continued this investigation for almost two and a half years. Moreover, the statements by Strzok raise troubling questions as to whether the FBI was impermissibly unmasking and analyzing intelligence gathered on U.S. persons.

“These documents, which I have long sought, tell a damning story for anyone who’s interested in trying to find the truth behind the corrupt nature of the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 and beyond.”

As I stated and maintained FISAgate, RUSSIAgate and OBAMAgate are real.

Justice is coming!

Many tickets are punched to GITMO.

Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit watched Trump the day he took oath of office

FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit were focused on the White House during President Trump’s inauguration celebration, so much so that the “angry” agent complained he was kept out of the loop on a bureau counter-intelligence briefing there.

Mr. Strzok, who would later be fired for his anti-Trump messages to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, erupted the day after Mr. Trump became president, according to newly released emails obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog in Washington.

Mr. Strzok said in an email to his boss, counter-intelligence chief Bill Priestap, he could have folded the FBI briefing into his strategy for investigating Trump associates.

GITMO is being prepared for their arrivals.


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