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Aug 17, 2019
UPDATE: Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Suspect, Seize $6 Million Cash Allegedly Used To Force End To Investigations Into Burisma And Hunter Biden

by CD Media Staff<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2020-06-12T19:07:18+00:00"> June 12, 2020

</time>This evening Ukrainian investigators seized $6 million in cash and arrests were made in an alleged bribe to Ukrainian prosecutors to halt investigations into the Burisma group of companies and involvement with Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, CDMedia has learned.

The bribes were allegedly to the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Office of the Special Prosecutor (SAP).

NABU Director Artem Sytnyk last year was caught bragging on tape how he had helped the Clinton campaign against Trump in 2016 by released the faked ‘black ledger’ against Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

“(They gave money) for the fact that the special anti-corruption prosecutor Nazar Kholodnitsky will close the case of the infamous Burisma company, which was owned by oligarch Nikolai Zlochevsky, and whose supervisory board was the son of Joe Biden, a former US vice president and, in the near future, a probable candidate for US president from the Democratic Party, “the journalist wrote.

Press reports describe how an official of the previous Poroshenko government, which was tied to the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016, tried to give the bribe. Reports are the person behind the act is Nikolai Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma. The man arrested allegedly was his right hand in the Ukrainian government – a former high-level official in the Department of Financial Services of Kyiv.


Nothing to report here, just the dirty evil group trying to cover up their tracks and crimes with a big bribe in U.S. dollars.

Maybe now we can understand why nobody has seen or heard from Hunter in a while. <time class="entry-date published" datetime="2020-06-12T19:07:18+00:00">

Would love to see where the markings on those bills lead us.
Aug 17, 2019
A QAnon supporter just won a Republican primary for US Senate

Jo Rae Perkins will be one of at least six GOP candidates for federal office on the ballot November 3.

By Katelyn Burns

on <time class="updated" datetime="2020-05-20T15:20:00-04:00" style="box-sizing: border-box;">May 20, 2020 3:20 pm</time>In winning the Oregon GOP primary for the US Senate Tuesday, Jo Rae Perkins became the seventh Republican congressional candidate who openly supports QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that maintains the president is secretly fighting “deep state” operatives and Democratic pedophiles.

This is the worst news ever and a really bad day for at least one member here!

I’ve got news for this member, and everyone, this ain’t no “conspiracy theory”!

Georgia Republican and Q-ANON Supporter Wins Primary and is Favored to Win the U.S. House Seat

A follower of QAnon on Thursday advanced in the Republican primary race to represent a deep-red Georgia county in Congress.

Greene has not made her belief in the unsubstantiated conspiracy theory a secret.

She said that "Q," the mysterious figure who posts anonymous messages online that serve as the foundation for the theory, is a "patriot," in a YouTube video from 2017.

"He is someone that very much loves his country and he’s on the same page as us and he is very pro-Trump,” she said.

“I’m very excited about that now there’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan worshipping pedophiles out and I think we have the president to do it,” she continued.

Greene is not the first candidate to win the Republican party's nomination this cycle while espousing a belief in QAnon.

Jo Rae Perkins won the party's Oregon Senate primary.

MSM and others who attempt to discredit "Q" have been challenged many times to ask POTUS who "Q" is?

NONE have accept the challenge.

It's because they FEAR the response.

"Q" is not "conspiracy" like the MSM cowards and others want you to believe.

It's bigger and more real than you can imagine!
Aug 17, 2019

The White House

Jack Brewer:

"We are not as divided as politics suggest."

"I teach in prisons across our nation ...when I walk into my class and I say 'Guys, raise your hand if you've gotten your sentence reduced from the First Step Act.'
And every single one of them raise their hand. That's because of you, Mr. President."


6:20 PM · Jun 11, 2020


Amen Brother!

"Racism" is an illusion.

It has become the narrative used by Dems during election year as an attempt to divide us to win minority vote.

Bottom line, Dems only care about blacks during election year.

Lucky for all of us Blacks, and ALL minorities are waking up!

They will show up in droves on November 3rd.

Aug 17, 2019

Frank Luntz

Tonight, @ChrisCuomo criticized Trump’s economy while using data that stops in 2016.

This is complete incompetence.

Journalistically and editorially.


10:09 PM · Jun 11, 2020


Of course the data stops in 2016.

Anything after 2016 would show the huge positive progress Pres. Trump has made for blacks and other minorities.

The Cuomo Bros. Circus continues!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 2062:

While Jo Rae Perkins may be the QAnon Republican Senate nominee in Oregon, she has almost ZERO chance of defeating incumbent Jeff Merkley,

who has held the position since 2009 and trounced his last opponent by 276,000 votes or 57.5% to 38.9 % back in 204.

What I find interesting about Marjorie Greene isn't about her chances of winning in Georgia but rather because the FBI considers the QAnons as potential

domestic terrorist group:

Perhaps sbd can comment on this.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

Nov 11, 2007
ps One thing to consider here:

If sbd prefers that I go back to my own thread(if he doesn't care one way or the other, that fine), I will go back there if and only if the Psychic posts

only material/links and commentary relative to the thread and what I post with no personal attacks, name calling and insults, not because they bother

me but rather because they are an attempt to block my right of free speech, even though as stated, most people are going to read what I have to say if they

want to no matter how many consecutive zillion posts he makes.

Without that, I intend to stay here in the name of what I appear to be fairness.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X's 2

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

Jan 13, 2019
ps One thing to consider here:

If sbd prefers that I go back to my own thread(if he doesn't care one way or the other, that fine), I will go back there if and only if the Psychic posts

only material/links and commentary relative to the thread and what I post with no personal attacks, name calling and insults, not because they bother

me but rather because they are an attempt to block my right of free speech, even though as stated, most people are going to read what I have to say if they

want to no matter how many consecutive zillion posts he makes.

Without that, I intend to stay here in the name of what I appear to be fairness.

Go back to your thread, Idiot. No one in this thread is interested in your moronic opinions! You liberals are reaping what you sow. Look at Seattle. This could be coming to your city soon.

Nov 11, 2007
Go back to your thread, Idiot. No one in this thread is interested in your moronic opinions! You liberals are reaping what you sow. Look at Seattle. This could be coming to your city soon.

I am not going anywhere with my WELL THOUGHT AND EXPRESSED OPINIONS until if/when I believe that there will be some fairness in mine without

vile name calling and personal insults.


Jan 13, 2019
I am not going anywhere with my WELL THOUGHT AND EXPRESSED OPINIONS until if/when I believe that there will be some fairness in mine without

vile name calling and personal insults.


WELL THOUGHT AND EXPRESSED OPINIONS. LOL. Thats funny. Thanks for the laugh. You are dumber than a box of shit! Your liberal utopia is crashing and liberalism will be a thing of the past in the very near future. The people are getting an education on what the democratic party is really about. The vast majority will not have it. Get ready for four more years of the Donald, he is setting things right whether idiots such as yourself likee it or not!cockingasnook()

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X’s 3

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

Nov 11, 2007
WELL THOUGHT AND EXPRESSED OPINIONS. LOL. Thats funny. Thanks for the laugh. You are dumber than a box of shit! Your liberal utopia is crashing and liberalism will be a thing of the past in the very near future. The people are getting an education on what the democratic party is really about. The vast majority will not have it. Get ready for four more years of the Donald, he is setting things right whether idiots such as yourself likee it or not!cockingasnook()

I love it!-I hope you realize that by doing what you are doing here, it gives me justification to respond,

which in effect helps to bury what sbd says, the same as the Psychic tries to do to me in my thread, which I have now left.

ps If the Election was held tomorrow, Trump would get slaughtered by 8-10 million votes/possibly more and would also lose convincingly with the EC Votes easily


Keep going-perhaps the Psychic can throw in 10-20 posts of his own to try to bury me also, which I am sure sbd would appreciate. lol

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He is on ignore, he is on ignore, he is on ignore

I am a 75 year old whore buying hypocrite scumbag. I am also a fuckin compulsive liar

My name is savage. I sit here all day while my bought whore and stimulus check live life without me!

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage is the biggest pussy on the planet. His hourly goal is to shove his hate and political agenda down our throats every day in a forum people do not go to for politics. This scumbag hypocrite is scared to death of the Politics forum where people may actually debate him. He does not want that debate because he knows he would have his teeth knocked out.

Nah, he would rather talk to himself in here where nobody cares, but i will continue to lead him on a leash and bury this prick on a daily basis.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I guess the whore and the son spend another day on the sidelines while the 75 year old hate filled lunatic pounds the keyboard again all day

At this point the whore is nothing more than a roommate and the son is a stimulus check

pretty sad

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X’s 4

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

Nov 11, 2007
This is working like a charm.

My bad for not thinking of doing this a lot sooner. lol

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