Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

Let us express our gratitude to this man, a non-politician, who gave up his retirement and risked his life to defend and protect our freedom.

You do not have to like him but you should respect him.

He is fighting a battle that is biblical.

And all for YOU and YOUR FREEDOM!


May he have a day filled with peace, love and happiness.

And may he be protected from all evil forces who wish him harm.
Aug 17, 2019

James Wilson (commenting on article at The Epoch Times)
Jun 14, 2020 at 07:32

Your country is at war within itself.

All the trouble is in liberal Democratic run cities and states.

You are seeing your country destroyed.

You Moms, is this the USA you want for your kids?

Like him or not,Trump is right, no law & order no peace.

No cops, more death.

The democrats are about power and money.

Nancy Pelosi, worth $190,000,000.00, Diane Fienstien worth, $100,000,000.00, John McCain $300,000,000.00.

Joe Biden and John Kerry, while in office, made deals in China for their sons .

John Kerry was to make $1.00 per barrel on all oil exported from Iran through the Iran nuclear deal.

He and Joe have all kinds of deals going with the non-elected EU bloodsuckers that Kerry hob nobs with all the time.

How many of us drive around in $100,000 cars like many Europeans do?

How many of us live in Pacific Heights like Pelosi does, how many of us live in Greenwich CT like many in the media do, or the Hamptons like Chris Cuomo does?

Who financed Antifia?

The Getty’s, Soros, Rothchilds, Gates, and the Rockefeller’s.

Check out the Good Club and the Bildabergs.

This is about controlling how we think and what we do.

Hollywood is also complicit in all of this.

They are all the elites, we are now the mules.

The rich talk about philanthropy, this is a smoke screen, as they make money on all they give away on the other side.

The good club and the democrats are using the virus as an advantage and a way to gain more power.

They want the economy hurt so we have to rely on them.

As far as the blacks are concerned, they will blame the whites, and continue to vote for their slave owners the Democratic Party.

LBJ had to get the Republicans to help him pass the civil rights bill, which the democrats hijacked and then enslaved the blacks for the last 60 years.

It was the democrats who resisted Brown v Board of Ed a civil rights bill brought on by Eisenhower.

It was Eisenhower (a Republican) who sent federal troops to Little Rock to get black students into Little Rock High.

Then there was Lincoln.

Wake up America.
Aug 17, 2019

We are 3 years to late in dealing with Antifa.

This whole racism issue is a fraud.

The democrats are the most violent and racist organization in the world.

Black Lives Matter talk about Black Lives Matter. Yes, only when it’s a white person involved.

But the 77 year old white officer shot by a black criminal in MS two days ago is fine, 81 shootings in Chicago, Black on Black, is just fine.

This is a way to squeeze more free stuff from society, more money.

There is not social injustice, cops react to crimes and 99% of the time a crime is being committed when they arrive.

You don’t want social injustice, don’t commit crimes.

The death sentence should be imposed on Antifa for destroying lives.

They are terrorists.

Let’s take them down.. soon good citizens will take up arms and start shooting them.

Send combat troops to area’s they start trouble within one hour of trouble and you will see how fast it will stop!
Aug 17, 2019
DOJ Makes Over 80 Federal Arrests Amid Rioting in Wake of George Floyd Death

By Janita Kan
June 13, 2020

The Justice Department’s efforts to restore law and order amid riots and chaos that occurred in the wake of George Floyd’s death have led to the arrest of dozens of individuals over the last two weeks.

Federal authorities have charged at least 81 individuals as of 5:25 p.m. on June 12, according to a document, obtained by The Epoch Times, that outlines details of the arrests made since late May when the nationwide protests began.

Among those charges, about 40 were arrested for committing acts of violence including using Molotov cocktails, setting fires, damaging property, and looting.

Senior officials have attributed the violent activity observed amid protests over Floyd, a black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police, to extremist organizations such as Antifa. Attorney General William Barr said in a press conference on June 3 that Antifa and other similar groups and “actors of a variety of different political persuasions” have been behind the recent violent activities in order to carry out their own separate agendas.

81 people may not seem significant at the moment but the players they have arrested and charged are significant to the big picture.

Many more arrests coming.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go:

First of all re: sbd's response to me, I will let it those reading it decide for themselves what hey think about it, and especially quoting the the Psychic who

ha stalked me ever since I came over to this Forum within SECONDS after I posted something in my QAnon Thread or in the discontinued Trump Thread

with a both a barrage of Trump caricatures but more importantly with personal name calling and insults, all of which are lies which I have pointed

out and documented as I did yesterday but which DO apply to the Psychic.

Again I will leave it for those who have read both my posts and his over time to decide who the REAL stalker is, and who tries to instigate

trouble not just with me but with other posters.

In short please consider whether it is me or the Psychic who like a puppy dog follows me all over this

Forum to try to discredit me with his repetitive multiple foul mouthed name calling, attacks and personal insults

and with feeble attempts to block what i have to say me or him-you decide for yourselves.

Also if sbd wants to believe that I believe that I am threatening him, lets just say that it is the other way around-in short he wanted

a cakewalk to say whatever he wanted with his QAnon with no questions and criticisms from anyone, but to his chagrin he didn't get it with

me anyways-that isn't going to change any time soon.

The fact that he doesn't respond to my questions and criticisms

is because he doesn't have any responses which will fly with fair minded and objective people.

And since he is "flattered" that I am back, well lets just say that for all intents and purposes,

I consider my QAnon thread discontinued until further notice and I will remain here and as I stated yesterday,

which will be leveling the playing field for reasons state yesterday.

And oh yes as far as his sarcastic reference to my high class, loving and Evangelical Christian wife to whom

I have been married for 14 years goes, is concerned, lets just say that I hope he has done as well-lets leave it at that.

In the next post which will follow a little later, I am NOT going to comment on the other posts

of his today because there is essentially nothing new-the usual attacks on Democrats, Obama, etc. QAnon propaganda you hear every day.

Rather in line with my new approach, I am going to ask several relevant question for him to answer and/or for at least you folks to consider.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X's 10

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
He is on ignore, he is on ignore, he is on ignore

I am a 75 year old whore buying hypocrite scumbag. I am also a fuckin compulsive liar

My name is savage. I sit here all day while my bought whore and stimulus check live life without me!

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage is the biggest pussy on the planet. His hourly goal is to shove his hate and political agenda down our throats every day in a forum people do not go to for politics. This scumbag hypocrite is scared to death of the Politics forum where people may actually debate him. He does not want that debate because he knows he would have his teeth knocked out.

Nah, he would rather talk to himself in here where nobody cares, but i will continue to lead him on a leash and bury this prick on a daily basis.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I guess the whore and the son spend another day on the sidelines while the 75 year old hate filled lunatic pounds the keyboard again all day

At this point the whore is nothing more than a roommate and the son is a stimulus check

pretty sad
Aug 17, 2019
Here we go:

gibberish gibberish gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.gibberish gibberish.

You are wasting your time here.

I don't care about anything you have to say, nor do I waste my time reading it.

So save your breath and go spend time with your wife.

Nov 11, 2007
You are wasting your time here.

I don't care about anything you have to say, nor do I waste my time reading it.

So save your breath and go spend time with your wife.

YOU can CLAIM that you don't care nor waste your time reading it, but OTHERS do as evidenced by the lots of hits I got at the QAnon

threat even with eliminating/factoring in the Psychic's posts.

I expect the same here, and most importantly, as stated previously, I have evened things up because when the Psychic or anyone tosses some insults

at me with machine gun fashion in an attempt to insult and or block what I am saying, they are also pushing/blocking your posts or making

it more difficult to find-that's what called equality and fairness!

To let you and others know in advance, the questions I am going to ask each day beginning shortly are going to be of the reporter type,

the type you might find at a Trump Press Conference.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Ok-here we go with what will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum.

I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen

I assure you!

X's 11

Suck it you old fuckin shitbag. I was RIGHT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic LIAR, Epic HYPOCRITE!!!!!!

Compulsive LIAR and i told you all it would happen. Pathetic WHORE BUYING piece of shit

Told You, Told You, Told You!!!!

It goes to show just who the scumbag liar is here folks. He can't help himself. He is mentally ill and i am not kidding!

New member
Jan 11, 2008


This dumb fuck named savage was turning 60 years old and he had done nothing but FAIL in life to meet a woman/wife. Anyone shocked that no woman would want to be with this scumbag? Probably not. He has to go to a foreign Country to buy a woman willing to spread her legs for a green card. Finally, success!

Now he is 75 and a full time internet troll. He has a wife who most likely feels like nothing but a prisoner in her own home and she has an old ass husband who sits on the internet every day trolling people with non stop hypocrisy

On top of that he was banned at 2 other forums because everybody hated his guts and he didn't have a single friend at either forum. Not one

Now the scumbag is here pumping his totally biased agenda and already everybody fuckin hates the guy.

What a shitty fuckin life this asshole lives

And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


Hate, hate, hate, and more hatred from this Un-American piece of shit hypocrite. The only Christian in the world that spends his whole day spewing hatred i guess. You keep doing it and i will keep making positive posts in support of our President and the greatest Country in the World

Bring it you old shitbag. All day every day. You keep trying to get your hate speech out and I will continue to slam pictures and memes up your ass at a high rate of speed

I have your old disgusting whore buying ass back peddling every day all day. You spend more time trying to defend yourself than you do anything else. It is fun hammering the truth up your ass.

Hypocrite scumbag. Your whore deserves so much better

New member
Jan 11, 2008
savage is the biggest pussy on the planet. His hourly goal is to shove his hate and political agenda down our throats every day in a forum people do not go to for politics. This scumbag hypocrite is scared to death of the Politics forum where people may actually debate him. He does not want that debate because he knows he would have his teeth knocked out.

Nah, he would rather talk to himself in here where nobody cares, but i will continue to lead him on a leash and bury this prick on a daily basis.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I guess the whore and the son spend another day on the sidelines while the 75 year old hate filled lunatic pounds the keyboard again all day

At this point the whore is nothing more than a roommate and the son is a stimulus check

pretty sad
Aug 17, 2019
YOU can CLAIM that you don't care nor waste your time reading it, but OTHERS do as evidenced by the lots of hits I got at the QAnon

threat even with eliminating/factoring in the Psychic's posts.

gibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberishgibberish gibberish

Nobody in this thread cares what you have to say.

You said you were leaving this thread permanently.

You claimed to be a man of his word.

But now you are back.

Coming back proves you are not a man of his word, you lied and are a fool.

That's it, nothing more or less.

I honestly feel sorry for you brother.

Something just isn't right with you.

But it's between you and God.

Good luck with that!
Aug 17, 2019
Michael Moore: He Predicted Trump in 2016 and now is ‘Begging’ Dems — Don’t Underestimate White Male Trump Supporter’s ‘Rage,’ ‘Emotion’

Friday on MSNBC, liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore begged Democrats not to underestimate that President Donald Trump’s voters are white men in “rage.”

Moore said, “Never take Trump for granted. If anybody is sitting at home thinking ‘Oh, man, we’ve got this one in the bag. Whoa, did you hear him today? He said he’s done more for black people than Abraham Lincoln. Whoa! We’re going to win,’ No. No. I’m telling you. I’m warning you, and I’m begging you, please, do not sell this man short. He has pulled off so many things, so many times.”

On Trump voters, Moore said, “It’s white men, a lot of white men, two-thirds of white men voted for Trump, feel that their grip on power is quickly fading. It’s being taken from them. They’ve been watching what’s going on the last couple of weeks. They are just as angry at that cop in Minneapolis because he’s really messed it up for the white male holding onto that power. I think white men and their fear of this —notice how Trump’s base really never changes. That percentage that’s going to vote for him. It’s 40, 41. On a good day, it’s 43 or 44. It always stays within the margin of error. That’s because it doesn’t matter what Trump does. They are going to show up. They’re counting on their rage, and their emotion is so much stronger. They have the courage of their convictions. They believe, and they’re counting on us not showing up in that same way.”

The Dems have pissed off the white voters, black voters and all other minority groups.

They will all remember and show up in droves on November 3rd.


Nov 11, 2007
Nobody in this thread cares what you have to say.

You said you were leaving this thread permanently.

You claimed to be a man of his word.

But now you are back.

Coming back proves you are not a man of his word, you lied and are a fool.

That's it, nothing more or less.

I honestly feel sorry for you brother.

Something just isn't right with you.

But it's between you and God.

Good luck with that!

I explained my reasons for coming back, and it has to do with right of free speech without attempts of psychotic/demented folks

like the Psychic to take away that right by what he does.

If "no one cares what I have to say," then I ask you and others to consider why did I get lots of hits over at the other thread, and why is the Psychic

attempting to not only discredit me but also block me over here???

As an Attorney, you should know that "poisoning the well" is not an effective means of presenting a case.

Also can I assume that you have changed your mind about "asking me to leave your thread" as you did several months ago does not

apply any more because you no longer care?


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Nobody in this thread cares what you have to say.

You said you were leaving this thread permanently.

You claimed to be a man of his word.

But now you are back.

Coming back proves you are not a man of his word, you lied and are a fool.

That's it, nothing more or less.

I honestly feel sorry for you brother.

Something just isn't right with you.

But it's between you and God.

Good luck with that!

He wonders why i and others all fuckin hate him. He wonders why people are comparing him to vitterd, the most vile member here that has long been banned and not a guy anyone wants to be compared to. He wonders why normal conversations are far and few between when he is involved.

I'll tell you why, because he is nothing but an arrogant asshole. That's why

A real man says what he means and means what his says. This pussy is anything but a man. His word never means anything as it changes with the wind. The most recent example ...

"will be THE ABSOLUTE FINAL POST for me in this forum"

"I suggest that The Psychic/WAYNE not hold his breath waiting for me to renege on this because it ain't going to happen"

"I assure you!"

Those are all from just 1 post that i keep quoting to show how much of a hypocrite & LIAR he is. On a forum when your word means nothing, you mean nothing. He is so caught up in hatred and the need to be right that he seriously cannot help himself. He could walk away and say it's not that big of a deal in the big picture and i did give my word but no, not this asshole. If he wants things here to change, it starts with HIM!

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