I'm with you brother - 100%!
Anything I can do, please ask.
Back in 2012, I was part of a clandestine group trying to expose the Kenyan and his phony BC hitting wall after wall of resistance at every possible level. And I mean EVERY level - govt/judicial/law enforcement/media...everywhere. Birthers and 9/11 "Truthers" were the first censored/blacklisted/"cancelled" groups in the world...even before Alex Jones.
Guess who was the ONLY person making waves on Obama's phony BC back then? None other than Donald Trump. Trump knows.
Obama was so patently evil he opened my eyes to Bush and the Deep State's scam "war on terror"
Obama was so evil, the military was plotting to overthrow him, civil war risks be damned.
Obama was MY "Great Awakening" to how infiltrated, CORRUPT AND RIGGED the entire rotten satanic system had become.
Also, apparently got myself on an FBI watchlist during the scamdemic...just for shits and giggles. LOL
We are the tip of the spear in this silent information war. The Paul Reveres of the second American revolution waking people up, one TRUTH at a time.
Notice once again how your thread is EXPLODING in views buried in the basement!