
Nov 11, 2007

Rick Scott is in the same position as Lenny Lenbo, namely blaming Biden for rising gas prices but is speechless when the price

of gas plummets as it has done for the last 60 days!!

For those who don't know already, on several occasions of late, I have questioned Lenny whether Biden should receive at least

some credit for the falling prices since he(Lenny) blamed Biden 100% for the price of gas when it soared!!

In his typical Lenny Lenbo matter, when confronted with facts he is unable to respond to DIRECTLY, he begged the question,

poisoned the well, tried to change the focus of attention to something but DID NOT BECAUSE HE COULD NOT RESPOND


None of this is really all that surprising as Lenny has shown time again that once Biden makes his mind about something,

there is nothing that can change it!!

This includes bashing Biden for anything negative that has happened in the country and the world while at the same time viewing

Trump as some kind oif Godlike figure with nothing criminal in intent on his aprt, no faults, 100% honesty and in essence a view of Trump

that is so far out of touch with reality that I am not sure at this point that the best professional help could help!!

Nov 11, 2007

Rick Scott is in the same position as Lenny Lenbo, namely blaming Biden for rising gas prices but is speechless when the price

of gas plummets as it has done for the last 60 days!!

For those who don't know already, on several occasions of late, I have questioned Lenny whether Biden should receive at least

some credit for the falling prices since he(Lenny) blamed Biden 100% for the price of gas when it soared!!

In his typical Lenny Lenbo matter, when confronted with facts he is unable to respond to DIRECTLY, he begged the question,

poisoned the well, tried to change the focus of attention to something but DID NOT BECAUSE HE COULD NOT RESPOND


None of this is really all that surprising as Lenny has shown time again that once Biden makes his mind about something,

there is nothing that can change it!!

This includes bashing Biden for anything negative that has happened in the country and the world while at the same time viewing

Trump as some kind oif Godlike figure with nothing criminal in intent on his aprt, no faults, 100% honesty and in essence a view of Trump

that is so far out of touch with reality that I am not sure at this point that the best professional help could help!!
ps Lenny wants things to go downhill from here because he doesn't give a rat's ass how many people are affected negatively including

fellow Trump supporters and HIMSELF as long as it makes Biden look bad!!

How sad it is that there are self-serving, miserable, UNPATRIOTIC people in this country who think like this!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ps Lenny wants things to go downhill from here because he doesn't give a rat's ass how many people are affected negatively including

fellow Trump supporters and HIMSELF as long as it makes Biden look bad!!

How sad it is that there are self-serving, miserable, UNPATRIOTIC people in this country who think like this!!

As opposed to the Dem party making Trump run the country with one hand tied behind his back for four years and still be able to run the country much better than the current useful idiot in office .

ICYMI dipshit .

The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

By Matea Gold
January 20, 2017 at 12:19 p.m. EST

Nov 11, 2007
As opposed to the Dem party making Trump run the country with one hand tied behind his back for four years and still be able to run the country much better than the current useful idiot in office .

ICYMI dipshit .

The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun

By Matea Gold
January 20, 2017 at 12:19 p.m. EST
As my only maximum self-allotted allowed post to you for today, all I am going to say is that as usual, your logic is specious

and doesn't address at allwhat I said about YOU and your modus operandi!!

Offering an opinion about the Washington Post and trying to compare it to YOU is irrelevant!!

Even if what you say is true about them(I don't agree), it has no relevance to what I posted about YOU and trying to

get yourself off the hook in this manner!!

Last I heard two wrongs don't make a right in any event!!

There is nothing else to say other than the fact that what I said in the previous post is 100% true about you, and in addition

as you always do as a very unschooled debater, you don't answer the questions asked of you by me directly , but instead either

run for the hills and avoid them, or as you just did try to switch the focus of attention to something different!!

That's it-enjoy the rest of your Biden bashing and Trump fellating day!!

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read.

And a lot of :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Trump Hits Back at WSJ for Ridiculing His Failure to Understand the Success of Obamacare: ‘The Globalist “Paper” Sucks’​

Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH. America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!

8 years of whining and the same lame bullshit.

I can't believe he only lost by 8 million votes.


Nov 11, 2007
Another great read.

And a lot of :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Trump Hits Back at WSJ for Ridiculing His Failure to Understand the Success of Obamacare: ‘The Globalist “Paper” Sucks’​

Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH. America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!

8 years of whining and the same lame bullshit.

I can't believe he only lost by 8 million votes.

In addition the fact that almost all of the major media want no part of Trump is just another reason he will get crucified

if he still somehow is the nominee when the 2024 Election takes place!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Fox News is giving Gavin Newsom Gruesome and RINO Ron DeSanctimonious (the Uniparty's nauseating dream matchup) a national platform.

Fox News fired Tucker Carlson immediately after his PizzaGate comms.

Fox News called Arizona for "Biden" even though everyone knows Trump won AZ BIGGLY!

Fox News "settled" with Dominion to avoid discovery of their CRIMINALLY CORRUPT RIGGED machines.

Fox News is not "conservative" broadcasting the TRUTH.

Fox News is not a Network of the People, Fox News is "controlled opposition news" blinding the sheep - the way the Swamp likes it.

Fox News is infiltrated Mockingbird Media 👉 ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.


Nov 11, 2007
Guess WHO was one of the first to ever be banned from FB?

And for warning people about the fake plandemic and election steal coming in 2020 and how it all would come back to money laundering and child/human trafficking.

👉 THE YEAR WAS 2012 👈

Imagine having 8 years to prepare for what happened in 2020.

How come "acting CIC Trump" has let this intolerable situation get to this point and/or why he hasn't he been devolutioned

yet that you have been predicting every day is "IMMINENT" for almost three years!!

It is no wonder you PRETEND to put me on ignore as an excuse not to have to respond!!

Don't feel too bad as you have a number of fellow minor leagues in this thread who are in the same boat!!

Nov 11, 2007

Fox News is giving Gavin Newsom Gruesome and RINO Ron DeSanctimonious (the Uniparty's nauseating dream matchup) a national platform.

Fox News fired Tucker Carlson immediately after his PizzaGate comms.

Fox News called Arizona for "Biden" even though everyone knows Trump won AZ BIGGLY!

Fox News "settled" with Dominion to avoid discovery of their CRIMINALLY CORRUPT RIGGED machines.

Fox News is not "conservative" broadcasting the TRUTH.

Fox News is not a Network of the People, Fox News is "controlled opposition news" blinding the sheep - the way the Swamp likes it.

Fox News is infiltrated Mockingbird Media 👉 ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.

Again why hasn't "CIC TRUMP" acted on this outrage-I mean how much more do the people need to be shown joey hoey!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Guess WHO was one of the first to ever be banned from FB?

And for warning people about the fake plandemic and election steal coming in 2020 and how it all would come back to money laundering and child/human trafficking.

👉 THE YEAR WAS 2012 👈

Imagine having 8 years to prepare for what happened in 2020.

I'm with you brother - 100%!

Anything I can do, please ask.

Back in 2012, I was part of a clandestine group trying to expose the Kenyan and his phony BC hitting wall after wall of resistance at every possible level. And I mean EVERY level - govt/judicial/law enforcement/media...everywhere. Birthers and 9/11 "Truthers" were the first censored/blacklisted/"cancelled" groups in the world...even before Alex Jones.

Guess who was the ONLY person making waves on Obama's phony BC back then? None other than Donald Trump. Trump knows.

Obama was so patently evil he opened my eyes to Bush and the Deep State's scam "war on terror"

Obama was so evil, the military was plotting to overthrow him, civil war risks be damned.

Obama was MY "Great Awakening" to how infiltrated, CORRUPT AND RIGGED the entire rotten satanic system had become.

Also, apparently got myself on an FBI watchlist during the scamdemic...just for shits and giggles. LOL

We are the tip of the spear in this silent information war. The Paul Reveres of the second American revolution waking people up, one TRUTH at a time.

Notice once again how your thread is EXPLODING in views buried in the basement!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Another great read.

And a lot of :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Trump Hits Back at WSJ for Ridiculing His Failure to Understand the Success of Obamacare: ‘The Globalist “Paper” Sucks’​

Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH. America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!

8 years of whining and the same lame bullshit.

I can't believe he only lost by 8 million votes.


When not even Politifact can CYA


A statement by President Barack Obama has been given the dubious honor of “Lie of the Year” with a rating of “Pants on Fire” by the Tampa Bay Times’ Politifact.

“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” the president said, over and over again, while trying to sell Americans on the Affordable Care Act before it was enacted. It was a comforting promise to those concerned that the government would force unwanted changes on their health insurance plans.

“But the promise was impossible to keep,” Politifact said in its announcement.

Nov 11, 2007

Justice prevails!!

In a perfect world, the appropriate punishment for Trump if he does it again would be to have a Mike Lindell pillow stuffed in

his face covering all of it including his nose and mouth until it was no longer necessary to do so if you can read between the lines!!

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

'Game over': Expert says Trump attorney just landed a 'bullseye for prosecutors'​

ABC News reported that Trump attorney Jennifer Little told a grand jury that she "very clearly" warned the ex-president that he must comply with a federal subpoena for the classified documents he took home from the White House, and she's "absolutely" certain that he understood that failure to do so would be a "crime" — testimony that stunned CNN legal analyst Elie Honig Thursday.

All part of the plan.

trump card coming soon, real soon.





Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
For your pleasure.

Dem flips tables on Jim Jordan for ignoring Trump's plans to weaponize government​

Republicans= party of cowards.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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