
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Andrew Breitbart was murdered (heart attack gun) by the same people who killed Seth Rich.

Same thing happened with Anthony Scalia who also died of a "heart attack".

Ah yes, the golden Obama years. 🤮

Unfortunately, Andrew Breitbart didn't have protection and clearly ended up in over his head.

This is not a game. This isn't "politics". This is WAR.

And White Hats are playing for keeps.

RIP Andrew Breitbart.


Nov 11, 2007
Andrew Breitbart was murdered (heart attack gun) by the same people who killed Seth Rich.

Same thing happened with Anthony Scalia who also died of a "heart attack".

Ah yes, the golden Obama years. 🤮

Unfortunately, Andrew Breitbart didn't have protection and clearly ended up in over his head.

This is not a game. This isn't "politics". This is WAR.

And White Hats are playing for keeps.

RIP Andrew Breitbart.

And yet "acting CIC" Donald Trump sits back and does nothing!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Democrats already revealed their strategy for 2024.

There's no mystery here.

There's no suspense.

They already revealed their cards, about what they're going to do.

Its not going to be a Trump vs "Biden" rematch.

At the DNC in Chicago next August, they are giving the nomination to "JOE BIDEN".

Then, shortly after the DNC is over in Chicago, for HEALTH REASONS, "Biden" will RESIGN THE NOMINATION. Not the PRESIDENCY. The NOMINATION.

This will allow the DNC to, according to a NEW RULE THEY JUST ADOPTED RECENTLY, appoint a REPLACEMENT.

Got that?

When "Biden" resigns, the Democrat leaders are gonna HANDPICK his replacement.

They already know who its going to be.

No delegate vote. No new convention. The deal's already been done.

The entire Dem primary season next year year is beyond a useless joke.

]An exercise in futility.

A charade, if you will.

Dem voters will NOT be picking who is going to be on the Dem ballot for President in 2024.

That's already been decided behind the scenes.

Every fucking thing in the Democrat Party is totally CORRUPT and RIGGED.

All of it.

Anybody participating or believing this clown show as it unfolds is a fucking moron.

Aug 17, 2019
Democrats already revealed their strategy for 2024.

There's no mystery here.

There's no suspense.

They already revealed their cards, about what they're going to do.

Its not going to be a Trump vs "Biden" rematch.

At the DNC in Chicago next August, they are giving the nomination to "JOE BIDEN".

Then, shortly after the DNC is over in Chicago, for HEALTH REASONS, "Biden" will RESIGN THE NOMINATION. Not the PRESIDENCY. The NOMINATION.

This will allow the DNC to, according to a NEW RULE THEY JUST ADOPTED RECENTLY, appoint a REPLACEMENT.

Got that?

When "Biden" resigns, the Democrat leaders are gonna HANDPICK his replacement.

They already know who its going to be.

No delegate vote. No new convention. The deal's already been done.

The entire Dem primary season next year year is beyond a useless joke.

]An exercise in futility.

A charade, if you will.

Dem voters will NOT be picking who is going to be on the Dem ballot for President in 2024.

That's already been decided behind the scenes.

Every fucking thing in the Democrat Party is totally CORRUPT and RIGGED.

All of it.

Anybody participating or believing this clown show as it unfolds is a fucking moron.


Savage1, wilbur and schmirt believe everything fake news and fake fact-checkers tell them.

Are you suggesting they are "fucking morons"?

Sep 12, 2022
Democrats already revealed their strategy for 2024.

There's no mystery here.

There's no suspense.

They already revealed their cards, about what they're going to do.

Its not going to be a Trump vs "Biden" rematch.

At the DNC in Chicago next August, they are giving the nomination to "JOE BIDEN".

Then, shortly after the DNC is over in Chicago, for HEALTH REASONS, "Biden" will RESIGN THE NOMINATION. Not the PRESIDENCY. The NOMINATION.

This will allow the DNC to, according to a NEW RULE THEY JUST ADOPTED RECENTLY, appoint a REPLACEMENT.

Got that?

When "Biden" resigns, the Democrat leaders are gonna HANDPICK his replacement.

They already know who its going to be.

No delegate vote. No new convention. The deal's already been done.

The entire Dem primary season next year year is beyond a useless joke.

]An exercise in futility.

A charade, if you will.

Dem voters will NOT be picking who is going to be on the Dem ballot for President in 2024.

That's already been decided behind the scenes.

Every fucking thing in the Democrat Party is totally CORRUPT and RIGGED.

All of it.

Anybody participating or believing this clown show as it unfolds is a fucking moron.

This is most revealing. Stuff like this is why I come here. It's why I put up with the attention-seeking, boot-licking faggot Tards on the old thread.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
View attachment 79072

"but but he's losing his grip on the GOP..." 🤡

"but but he's going to drop out or be forced out of 2024..." 🤡

"but but Christie is the dark horse Trump and his team fear the most..."🤡

Imagine having an IQ this low and being this stupid!




But just wait ‘til Trump gets convicted

Chris Christie May Not Make the Cut for Next Debate

December 1, 2023 at 7:19 am EST By Taegan Goddard 6 Comments

“Chris Christie was always a longshot. Now he might not even make the next debate,” Politico reports.

“The former New Jersey governor has not met the Republican National Committee’s polling thresholds for qualifying for next week’s debate, with only a few days left before Monday’s deadline.”

“If he fails to make the stage in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, it would exclude the GOP presidential field’s biggest critic of former President Donald Trump.”


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

"But that cozy narrative—in which Trump wanted to benevolently wield his power to stop the riot—flies in the face of testimonies provided by more than a thousand witnesses during House January 6 committee hearings, including that of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson.

According to Hutchinson, an “irate” Trump wanted to join the protesters at the Capitol Building so badly that he lunged at the clavicle of one of his Secret Service agents, Bobby Engel, before attempting to take the wheel of the presidential limo, nicknamed The Beast.

Hutchinson also testified that she overheard Trump saying he did not care if his supporters wielded weapons as they descended on Congress since he didn’t believe he would be a target of the violence."

Could Trump possibly be living on borrowed time!! lol


She put on a good show to fool you gullible fools .



Nov 11, 2007
Some of us always knew that Biden and Hillary were eliminated a long time ago, along with countless others.

And we've spent the last 3.5+ years trying tell everyone they're watching a movie.

"Sometimes you have to show The People."

Only then can real change happen!

It had to be this way!
Hmm-At the very least you cretins should try to make you attention-seeking stories consistent.

You say that Biden and Hillary et al were eliminated a long time ago but yet sheriff joey hoey just posted this:

Its not going to be a Trump vs "Biden" rematch.

At the DNC in Chicago next August, they are giving the nomination to "JOE BIDEN".

Then, shortly after the DNC is over in Chicago, for HEALTH REASONS, "Biden" will RESIGN THE NOMINATION. Not the PRESIDENCY. The NOMINATION.

This will allow the DNC to, according to a NEW RULE THEY JUST ADOPTED RECENTLY, appoint a REPLACEMENT.

Got that?

When "Biden" resigns, the Democrat leaders are gonna HANDPICK his replacement.

In short, you claim Biden is dead whereas your fellow psychotic buddy sheriff joe claims he is still alive and is going to be replaced.

What gives here??

I have never seen more incompetent people in my life than you two when it comes to consistency, logic, and in general putting together

a narrative that flies!!

In addition, it doesn't take very much skill on my part in any event that your repetitive phrases today such as "biggest landslide in history," etc.

indicate that you are in taunt mode today because you have nothing factual or positive to report on the part of Trump

and have decided to take the expedient way out which flies with no one other than sheriff joey and your puppet doctor success.

Based on my many thousands of hours of experience of hours both on a professional and personal level in dealing with people,

I have concluded that how you force your statements and narrative are a glaring indication that in reality, you don't believe a lot of

the stuff you spew forth in any event!!

Nov 11, 2007
Who told you that Daily Beast or Yahoo News?
Hey lady-who told you for the last 35 months that Trump is going to be reinstated/devolutioned, sheriff joe and/or sbd and do you believe

it is still going to happen-a yes or no with an explanation would help or are you as usual going to hide and retreat and go back to

your usual modus operandi of sniffing Trump's ass all day long and starting new threads about your deity/majesty!!

And at the same time, my dear, how about putting your John Hancock on sheriff joe's and sbd's claim that in the 2020 Election,


Will you be a mensch and answer the question and/or run away and hide and not answer the questions when pressed like Lenny

Lenbo who does it and/or tries to change the subject every single time I have pinned him against the wall!!

Do you have any balls figuratively speaking or no!!

We will soon find out!!

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 79072

"but but he's losing his grip on the GOP..." 🤡

"but but he's going to drop out or be forced out of 2024..." 🤡

"but but Christie is the dark horse Trump and his team fear the most..."🤡

Imagine having an IQ this low and being this stupid!

The only sure thing is that Jack Smith has not lost his GRIP on Trump and he with his fellow patriots are already

on their way to STRANGLING him and bringing justice to him that is long overdue for his crimes against

Aug 17, 2019


But just wait ‘til Trump gets convicted

Chris Christie May Not Make the Cut for Next Debate

December 1, 2023 at 7:19 am EST By Taegan Goddard 6 Comments

“Chris Christie was always a longshot. Now he might not even make the next debate,” Politico reports.

“The former New Jersey governor has not met the Republican National Committee’s polling thresholds for qualifying for next week’s debate, with only a few days left before Monday’s deadline.”

“If he fails to make the stage in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, it would exclude the GOP presidential field’s biggest critic of former President Donald Trump.”


"717 years... even death penalty.." 🤡

:an_laugh: Jack Smith


Nov 11, 2007
"717 years... even death penalty.." 🤡

:an_laugh: Jack Smith

The fact that you and the others keep sarcastically invoking the name of Jack Smith tells any intelligent and educated person

that you are in reality petrified of the danger he poses to Trump's future, and rightfully you should be!!

Sep 5, 2010
Is today the day????

Is it the day we've been waiting for for over three years?

Is there anything on Newsmax or twitter about the return?

If there is I haven't seen it.

I get all my facts from Newsmax and twitter.

Sometimes they even have polls, everyone loves polls.

Does any of the ultra low iqanons have any inside info for us today?

Any trials or executions that only they know about?

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

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