
Nov 11, 2007
ps Hey Hoe-you might want to wait a little bit later at night to try to sneak in something and assume that I am asleep.

Even though I have destroyed sbd over the last 41 months, I will give him credit for getting some temporary attention by posting

early in the morning when he knows I am still asleep!!

I usually announced when I am done for the day, and am honest about it.

Why not take that opportunity to post whatever you want to and hope that there are some people in the audience who might

read it between then and my return in the morning, at which time I will do to you in this thread as usual what Raid does to insects, roaches,

flies, ants, etc when they are hit with the spray!!

Sep 21, 2004
Although it was strictly unintentional on your part, thanks for the question and great set up!!

In answer to your question, DEW is an alternate spelling of DOO as in DOO-DOO, the current state that Trump and his supporters including

those in this thread currently find themselves with all possible exits closed out due to the efforts of Jack Smith!!
Doo-Doo is what Nancy F. Will be doing on the Senate Floor soon… Never thought anyone would have the balls to doo-doo this…?‍♂️
Oh my…. Wonder who will be casting her next vote….?‍♀️

Nov 11, 2007


If the Deep State were in control, we wouldn't be seeing damning Biden Crime Family pictures like these making their way into the normie zeitgeist.

I can feel the dementia (aka "plausible deniability") kicking into hyperdrive from here! Incoming 25th Amendment!

Patriots in FULL CONTROL!

Let me correct your post before I call it a day.

Hey sheriff joe and your other aliases:

If the "patriots" were in control and Trump was the CIC, you wouldn't be bitching and moaning 24/7/3645 because you would

have nothing to complain about because Trump would have fixed things so that there was nothing to complain about!!

YOUR dementia as well as your living in a world que existe solo in tu mente by definition can no longer kick in because

it kicked in many years ago and/or at the least since the time Biden was inaugurated as POTUS!!

The only thing true about your Patriots comment is that they weren't in control tonight as they lost to Houston in a preseason


Now if you will pardon me until later on this morning so that I can get some rest, I assure you that when I return I will

once again as usual be in FULL CONTROL of YOU and those of your ilk as t_hawk learned painfully tonight

when he was vanquished and battered senseless by yours truly and quickly fled to safer ground!!

Sep 12, 2022
What is the "Trump Card"?

View attachment 74025
Most of the country already knows what happened on that horrifying night in Nov 2020, but there are still those annoying stubborn holdouts who flat out refuse to listen to reason and facts, mostly because their FAKE NEWS and their fake "fact checkers" have created this impenetrable wall shielding them from reality.

We all know who they are. Indeed, most are on Ignore.

The "Trump Card" will change all that and then some.

What is the "Trump Card"?

The "Trump Card" is prima facia evidence of election fraud - untainted military data sufficient to be established as irrefutable entered into the record.

History will record it as the "official story" of Election 2020, and the moment the Deep State was "obliterated"

Now, take a step back from what most of you already know about these RIGGED elections and focus on optics, nothing else.

If it were perceived President Trump was playing the "Trump Card" on HIS terms by calling a press conference, posting something on social media or sharing in an interview, it just wouldn't have that same forceful impact. Sure the vast majority would still believe.. but still not quite enough. Certainly not enough of the public to buy into something drastic like, oh...I dunno... "military is the only way"?

And we know the corrupt media would somehow fact-check bullshit their way out of it.

Right? Right.

Furthermore, almost assuredly, the Deep State would stage a false flag to clog the news cycle, once again distracting the still sleeping sheep from THE TRUTH.

You see - and this is really CRITICAL to understand - the "Trump Card" can only be played IF the enemy perceives it to be on THEIR terms.


In other words... a TRAP!


View attachment 74026

You see how this game works?

President Trump is already billing this "THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!" which, safe to say, would draw the largest TV audience for any trial or public hearing in history. Perhaps even one of the largest global audiences for any event EVER, depending how explosive the trials.

Everyone will be watching! EVERYONE!

Adam Schiff recently tweeted the trials should be televised, so either White Hats took over his account, or he cut a deal and is now playing his assigned "role" luring the most stubborn holdouts to the Trump Show.

Pay absolutely no attention to these laughable Deep State fake "paper indictments", which frankly aren't worth the paper they're written on. Their only purpose is to GET YOUR ATTENTION TO TUNE IN!

President Trump told us this would would happen...long before he became president.

He KNEW the Deep State would come after him with everything they had, and gladly took all the slings and arrows for the country and people he so loves. Don't worry, the CIC fully insulated and protected.

As the REAL POTUS (in exile) recently Truthed, "It's my great honor to be arrested for you" and, "I just need one more indictment to be elected!"

Isn't this fun? I mean, if you're going to "obliterate" your enemies, you may as well have a blast doing it, right?

You KNOW he wanted to be back before the 2022 midterms..

You KNOW he can't wait to put on a show on a global stage with every television and online streaming service tuned in.

You KNOW the Lion is ready to roar and ravage and devour his enemies in front of the entire world!

The hero ("Batman") who saved America from EVIL.. and the world. It's who Donald John Trump is and always aspired to be.

And to think election fraud is just the appetizer..

Get ready for the "TRUMP CARD"

Game on!

This is good. Once again, not even the most brain-dead Tard can dispute this. I'm wondering if you and SBD are starting to turn some of these Tards around.
Sep 12, 2022


If the Deep State were in control, we wouldn't be seeing damning Biden Crime Family pictures like these making their way into the normie zeitgeist.

I can feel the dementia (aka "plausible deniability") kicking into hyperdrive from here! Incoming 25th Amendment!

Patriots in FULL CONTROL!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

In order for the other arrests to happen, Trump had to be the FIRST.

The FIRST indictment.

The FIRST arrest.

Btw, also the FIRST to be forced by the courts to surrender all his taxes. Did they find anything in those Trump taxes the DS fought so hard for? No! Another trap!



5D chess.

All preplanned, coordinated and controlled.

? ? ?


Aug 17, 2019

Fake news wants you to believe it's "climate change" - IT'S NOT!

View attachment 74017

A very good friend of mine took this photo on Kauai, moments before the fires started in the exact location of impact.

If you followed the RR thread, you know I called out DEWs many times, including the massive fires in Australia during the plandemic.

The op also pointed you to the fires of Paradise, CA, also started by DEW.

The fires fake news wanted you to think were started by a "campfire".



Hawaii is one of the most sacred places on earth.

It is the site of ancient Lemuria, or Mu.

And is the 12th stargate of the planet.

Lemuria was a matriarchal culture that was very balanced with God and nature.

Lemurians had advanced genetics and were angelic humans of 5D consciousness.

They were the true representation of Sophia, the Divine Female principle.

50,000 years ago the Lemurian genocide took place.

The same evil and negative groups responsible for the 2020 plandemic are the same groups responsible for the Lemurian genocide.

These evil and negative groups are anti-Christ forces who absolutely despise the female principle.

What we are witnessing today in Hawaii, specifically Kauai and Maui, is not a natural event.

It is a direct attack on the sacred lands of Lemuria and our true Mother Sophia.

It is the precipice of the the spiritual war, which coincides with the precipice of the war with the DS cabal that is playing out.



Nov 11, 2007

In order for the other arrests to happen, Trump had to be the FIRST.

The FIRST indictment.

The FIRST arrest.

Btw, also the FIRST to be forced by the courts to surrender all his taxes. Did they find anything in those Trump taxes the DS fought so hard for? No! Another trap!



5D chess.

All preplanned, coordinated and controlled.

? ? ?

View attachment 74029

Let me correct your post before I call it a day.

Hey sheriff joe and your other aliases:

If the "patriots" were in control and Trump was the CIC, you wouldn't be bitching and moaning 24/7/3645 because you would

have nothing to complain about because Trump would have fixed things so that there was nothing to complain about!!

YOUR dementia as well as your living in a world que existe solo in tu mente by definition can no longer kick in because

it kicked in many years ago and/or at the least since the time Biden was inaugurated as POTUS!!

The only thing true about your Patriots comment is that they weren't in control tonight as they lost to Houston in a preseason


Now if you will pardon me until later on this morning so that I can get some rest, I assure you that when I return I will

once again as usual be in FULL CONTROL of YOU and those of your ilk as t_hawk learned painfully tonight

when he was vanquished and battered senseless by yours truly and quickly fled to safer ground!!

Nov 11, 2007

In order for the other arrests to happen, Trump had to be the FIRST.

The FIRST indictment.

The FIRST arrest.

Btw, also the FIRST to be forced by the courts to surrender all his taxes. Did they find anything in those Trump taxes the DS fought so hard for? No! Another trap!



5D chess.

All preplanned, coordinated and controlled.

? ? ?

View attachment 74029

Translation-this is the latest "creative" attempt on the part of sheriff HOE to move the goalposts out for the zillionth time

as yet another excuse/rationalization for what is befalling his "deity" and hero Donald Trump!!

The bottom line is that Hoe/sbd have made hundreds if not thousands of FAILED predictions since Inauguration Day in January

of 2021 that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was/is IMMINENT, and it has not occurred and NEVER WILL for too many reasons

to count no matter how hard they try to say it will.

The fact that besides themselves and their other alter ego/alias doctor success, they can't even one thumbs up from anyone

else let alone any positive commentary agreeing with this attention-seeking LIE/DELUSION OR JUST PLAIN BULLSHIT

speaks volumes!!

In fact, as we have already seen in this continuation of this thread as well as in the RR, other than praise for Trump and bashing

Biden, virtually no one has come forth to agree with any of the other whacko stuff they post either!!

Today's revelation on their part has just given us a Spoiler Alert in that they tipped off that when Trump is convicted,

arrested and tossed into the slammer, the sbd/sheriff Hoe entry will give us something along the lines of this:

"In order for the other INCARCERATIONS members of the "evil ds," to follow and happen, Trump had to be the FIRST!!"

I just wish that some of the tough cases I had to crack involving welfare fraud during my 34 years were as easy to

expose as these two simpletons(three counting doctor success-there are kids in middle school who could

put together s more convincing, consistent and credible narrative than these two laughable charlatans!!
Aug 17, 2019

savage1 is a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

He openly wishes harm on others, even death.

He openly supports the Pedos.

He purchased his wife from an International trafficking site.

He recently purchased a child who now works for him [slave labor].

He inherited daddy's money but acts like he made it on his own.

He relies solely on MSN and CNN for his daily brainwashing.

He thinks Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon are the "industry's finest".

He believes that buying a subscription to The Daily Beast is a game changer.

He believes fact-checkers are real.

He thinks Fauci is "Man of the Year".

He thinks Andrew Cuomo should be President.

He "Trusts the Science".

He thinks George Floyd is a hero.

He "stands with Ukraine"

He thinks Jan 6 was a real insurrection.

He buys every bullshit fake narrative his fake news masters feed him.

His favorite fake news "food" is the "we got him this time".

He eats it 24/7.

He thinks Jack Smith will finally deliver on this "we got him this time" fantasy.

He believes Trump will be disqualified or will drop out 2024.

He thinks election fraud is just "conspiracy".

He turned down a free, all expense paid first-class trip to Mike Lindell's symposium, offered by the op, to prove Lindell wrong, and win $6 million [5mil from Mike and 1 mil from the op].

He's been wrong about everything.


When he's been busted or made to look stupid, which is daily, he calls you a racist and anti-Semitic.

He spent 40 months in the original RR thread proving he is has no ability to think independently or critically.

And that he is brainwashed, mind-controlled and beyond delusional.

Happy Friday!

? ? ? ? ?

Nov 11, 2007

Although personally I don't think that this will be the reason that Trump's political career ends as well very possibly for all intents

and purposes his personal life as he has known it up until now, it certainly is a distinct possibility!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this gem one more time for those who did not see it yesterday, as a PERFECT analogy for how to regard the posts and

thoughts of our thread entry of sbd/sheriff joe and now doctor success:

Ok-here goes:

"Yesterday I compared the posts of the sbd/sheriff HIE and doctor success entry to a jigsaw policy with the overall conclusion that

none of what they post amounts to anything but a scrambled, confused contradictory and inconsistent mess that can't even get out

of the starting gate!!

Today's analogy compares the overall credibility of their posts to a tag sale.

Consider this:

On a nice warm summer day, you decide to take a walk.

Well after you have walked about 100 yards or so, you notice that one of your neighbors is having a tag sale!!

You stop to take a look at some of the items that are being sold and have to pinch yourself to make sure you are awake when

you see what your neighbor is trying to sell at exorbitant prices!!

Here are some of the items on display they are trying to peddle:

Badly old rusted filthy pots and pans and silverware with prices starting at $80.

Tattered, unwashed and smelly old and used men's and women's items of clothing starting at $99.99.

A cat litter box filled with cat piss and poop and which appears not to have been cleaned or changed in weeks for

the discounted amount of $49.99(it was originally $59.99).

A set of bedsheets full of blood stains, holes caused by smoking and the uncleaned and obvious stains caused by lovemaking!!

Then you notice several pair of used diapers going for $19.99 for one and a "mere" $29.99 for the set!! lol

You continue your stroll and then notice that there is a package of Halloween Candy on display except that it no longer looks like

Holloween Candy because of the maggots and vermin that have gotten inside it and are eating it!!

This gem goes for just $9.99!!!

Then right alongside of the candy, you see a badly scratched and shattered wall size mirror with a big ad atop of it that says in

caps ONE OWNER ONLY!! lol

As you continue your stroll you see a badly bloodied butcher knife with no explanation as to how it got so badly bloodied!!

You become even more unnerved when you say the asking price is a mere $.99 or the best offer!!

This sends you into a frenzy and you decide to leave immediately.

As you are just about to leave, you see one curious item for sale, actually not an item but as an incentive which states

that "the first ten people who buy anything today at this tag sale will receive free of charge a link to the Important

Virus Sequel Thread, where you find additional items to purchase from an entity that calls itself SportsBookDate that we

simply did not have room to display here!!

I hope some folks have as much fun reading this as I did writing it!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Although personally I don't think that this will be the reason that Trump's political career ends as well very possibly for all intents

and purposes his personal life as he has known it up until now, it certainly is a distinct possibility!!

Aaah ….the 14th Amendment again . The shiny little object the left was salivating over ( especially the Jan 6 SHAM committee ) to disqualify Trump from running .

The amendment which doesn’t specifically mention the President , yet does mention other holders of office ( another gray area , see the Electoral Count Act ) and the crime (insurrection ) Trump isn’t charged with .

Nov 11, 2007
Aaah ….the 14th Amendment again . The shiny little object the left was salivating over ( especially the Jan 6 SHAM committee ) to disqualify Trump from running .

The amendment which doesn’t specifically mention the President , yet does mention other holders of office ( another gray area , see the Electoral Count Act ) and the crime (insurrection ) Trump isn’t charged with .
Well, what do you know-the reincarnated Trump human condom or to be a bit nicer, the Trump human shield has arrived once again

ha emerged from "Trump Denial City" to assure us once again that all is fine and well with Trump, that there is nothing out there including

this that can possibly topple him from his perch and when all is said and done to prevent Trump from not only getting the nomination

and ultimately lead to another "smashing victory" one even greater than the one in 2020 when according to sbd, Trump won all fifty

states and received over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

If you want to know Lenny Lenbo's other "credentials" to decide whether you should believe anything and everything he says,

here are a few:

This week alone I confronted him with several relevant questions which you as usual dodged and ran away and hid.

In essence, what I asked and pointed out is whether something such as the economy could possibly change between

now and the Election of 2024 to alter people's perception as to how they are going to vote.

That resulted in a big fat zero response on your part, which is not surprising in your 100% STATIC approach to everything

in life and in this case when you deem to use present conditions which favor Trump!!

But wait when current things don't look so hot for Trump as they do with Jack Smith, you do an about-face and DO look

to the future and predict that Jack Smith will lose!!

Nice balance and consistent thinking, Lenny Boy, don't you think!!

This is not really all that surprising though in view of the multitude of times/in fact 100% of the time, you have to

the hills when I have asked to comment on whether you agree with sbd on some of his whacko and delusional comments.

Rather than to step up to the plate and have some balls and say you do not, once again being the scared rabbit you are

you have run away and hid and come back when you decided it "was safe to get back into the water!!"

Now if you will excuse me for now, I have more relevant things to do such as watching the news of the day with my state-of-the-art

70-inch television while you watch whatever you do on your prime tv in your house, a 1950s gem 14-inch black and white

tv, symbolic of someone who in his static approach to life refuses to accept that better tv's have come along since that time

in the same way that in politics the notion that what is today for sure means that it will be exactly the same in this case today

as it will be in 15 months when the 2024 Election takes place!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Well, what do you know-the reincarnated Trump human condom or to be a bit nicer, the Trump human shield has arrived once again

ha emerged from "Trump Denial City" to assure us once again that all is fine and well with Trump, that there is nothing out there including

this that can possibly topple him from his perch and when all is said and done to prevent Trump from not only getting the nomination

and ultimately lead to another "smashing victory" one even greater than the one in 2020 when according to sbd, Trump won all fifty

states and received over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

If you want to know Lenny Lenbo's other "credentials" to decide whether you should believe anything and everything he says,

here are a few:

This week alone I confronted him with several relevant questions which you as usual dodged and ran away and hid.

In essence, what I asked and pointed out is whether something such as the economy could possibly change between

now and the Election of 2024 to alter people's perception as to how they are going to vote.

That resulted in a big fat zero response on your part, which is not surprising in your 100% STATIC approach to everything

in life and in this case when you deem to use present conditions which favor Trump!!

But wait when current things don't look so hot for Trump as they do with Jack Smith, you do an about-face and DO look

to the future and predict that Jack Smith will lose!!

Nice balance and consistent thinking, Lenny Boy, don't you think!!

This is not really all that surprising though in view of the multitude of times/in fact 100% of the time, you have to

the hills when I have asked to comment on whether you agree with sbd on some of his whacko and delusional comments.

Rather than to step up to the plate and have some balls and say you do not, once again being the scared rabbit you are

you have run away and hid and come back when you decided it "was safe to get back into the water!!"

Now if you will excuse me for now, I have more relevant things to do such as watching the news of the day with my state-of-the-art

70-inch television while you watch whatever you do on your prime tv in your house, a 1950s gem 14-inch black and white

tv, symbolic of someone who in his static approach to life refuses to accept that better tv's have come along since that time

in the same way that in politics the notion that what is today for sure means that it will be exactly the same in this case today

as it will be in 15 months when the 2024 Election takes place!!

Maybe a superseding indictment by JackMeOff for inciting an insurrection will give that disqualification argument on life support a little stronger heartbeat for Libtard Nation and the SHAM committee

Continue to be beclown yourself by stating things can change before the election while continuing to claim Trump will NEVER be President .

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