
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hip hip hurray! Another ugly treasonous Deep State Jew scumbag has been sentenced to hang!

I'm posting this because I KNOW it drives Satan's "Chosen" Troll completely insane, like a shrieking demon during an exorcism!

I mean, he can't even "fact check" these JAG trials! How SWEET is that!

Enjoy Patriots!


JAG Finds Victoria Nuland Guilty ‘By Default’ and Sentences Her to Hang

April 9, 2024

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday found Victoria Nuland guilty by default because she had obstinately refused to plead guilty or not guilty at an arraignment following her arrest on March 4, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Marines stormed the couple’s 5,500 square-foot estate and fired a tranquilizer dart into her husband’s neck as he abandoned his wife and tried to flee the residence, while Nuland threw up her hands in despair and said that Obama would avenge her, a threat that never materialized. The dishonorable duo was taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and separated so they couldn’t collaborate.

As of this writing, RRN has no other info on Robert Kagen, Nuland’s spouse.

Nuland has refused to cooperate. When JAG asked her if intended to hire outside counsel, she wagged her head from side to side and said she didn’t need to because she had committed no crimes. When JAG asked whether she wanted one of their lawyers to defend her, she laughed and demanded a recitation of JAG’s “fallacious” evidence. She was told only that she was being charged with “treason” and that Admiral Crandall would expound eloquently on the details at her impending military tribunal.

“GITMO? I’m not going there,” Nuland told the arraigning judge, and recited verbatim the 6th Amendment, which grants every person the right to hear the charges against them.

“You are being held as an enemy combatant and have thus given up those rights. You have no constitutional rights, and the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to you. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?” the judge asked.

“I won’t plead either,” Nuland said. “And I want to see my husband. Where is that worm?”

“Very well. It’s off to GITMO for you anyway. Admiral Crandall will decide your destiny. I have no knowledge of your husband; he’s somewhere else,” said the judge.

Upon arriving at GITMO Nuland was again given an opportunity to enter a plea, and again she held her tongue.

“Mrs. Nuland, a ‘mute’ plea works differently here than in the outside world,” a JAG advocate told her.

Outside of GITMO and other JAG-controlled installations, a mute plea is when a defendant pleads neither guilty nor not guilty. The defendant’s lawyer informs the court of the mute plea, and then the judge enters the plea as not guilty.

“Ma’am, I know you refused counsel, but please listen. If you don’t plea, a guilty plea will be entered on your behalf, and by default, you’ll be found guilty of all charges and sentenced to the maximum punishment. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” the advocate asked.

Silence followed.

During Nuland’s stay at Camp Delta, she passed up six more opportunities to submit a plea and instead reproved JAG for “idolizing” Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, calling the world’s most influential leaders the “greatest threat to democracy the world has ever known.” Moreover, she said her “people” would “atomize” all challengers to the Biden/Harris administration.

On Friday, April 5, Admiral Crandall entered a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff, JAG, and sentenced Nuland to hang by the neck until dead at the tribunal’s convenience, tentatively on April 16.

Our source said he would provide an evidentiary extract as soon as possible.

Oct 30, 2006
Simply repeating what you have without addressing why I have said what I have about the Chosen People and without any commentary

about the rampant anti-semitism just corroborates once again that you are clueless when it comes to debating like all of the others

of your ilk in this thread!!

The technique of ramming down the gavel as you and others do is a weak attempt to bring finality to the issue,!

It may work with those of the same mentality as you in this thread but it won't with folks of my intelligence and objectivity

who recognize your modus operandi, which attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone and which fails to do so!!

You really need to learn to hit Class A Minor League pitching first before stepping up to the big league level of competition

I offer in this thread!!
You do give me a lot of laughs though so thanks for that…
Aug 17, 2019
& a “chosen one” better than everybody else...We get it...

The first thing Rothschild told the Jews after he purchased Israel was that he was a Jew and they were the "chosen ones".

Both lies of course.

Rothschild is a German and not a Jew.

And the only things the Jews were "chosen" for was to be part of his MK ultra mind-control program.
Aug 17, 2019
Hip hip hurray! Another ugly treasonous Deep State Jew scumbag has been sentenced to hang!

I'm posting this because I KNOW it drives Satan's "Chosen" Troll completely insane, like a shrieking demon during an exorcism!

I mean, he can't even "fact check" these JAG trials! How SWEET is that!

Enjoy Patriots!


JAG Finds Victoria Nuland Guilty ‘By Default’ and Sentences Her to Hang

April 9, 2024

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday found Victoria Nuland guilty by default because she had obstinately refused to plead guilty or not guilty at an arraignment following her arrest on March 4, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Marines stormed the couple’s 5,500 square-foot estate and fired a tranquilizer dart into her husband’s neck as he abandoned his wife and tried to flee the residence, while Nuland threw up her hands in despair and said that Obama would avenge her, a threat that never materialized. The dishonorable duo was taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and separated so they couldn’t collaborate.

As of this writing, RRN has no other info on Robert Kagen, Nuland’s spouse.

Nuland has refused to cooperate. When JAG asked her if intended to hire outside counsel, she wagged her head from side to side and said she didn’t need to because she had committed no crimes. When JAG asked whether she wanted one of their lawyers to defend her, she laughed and demanded a recitation of JAG’s “fallacious” evidence. She was told only that she was being charged with “treason” and that Admiral Crandall would expound eloquently on the details at her impending military tribunal.

“GITMO? I’m not going there,” Nuland told the arraigning judge, and recited verbatim the 6th Amendment, which grants every person the right to hear the charges against them.

“You are being held as an enemy combatant and have thus given up those rights. You have no constitutional rights, and the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to you. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?” the judge asked.

“I won’t plead either,” Nuland said. “And I want to see my husband. Where is that worm?”

“Very well. It’s off to GITMO for you anyway. Admiral Crandall will decide your destiny. I have no knowledge of your husband; he’s somewhere else,” said the judge.

Upon arriving at GITMO Nuland was again given an opportunity to enter a plea, and again she held her tongue.

“Mrs. Nuland, a ‘mute’ plea works differently here than in the outside world,” a JAG advocate told her.

Outside of GITMO and other JAG-controlled installations, a mute plea is when a defendant pleads neither guilty nor not guilty. The defendant’s lawyer informs the court of the mute plea, and then the judge enters the plea as not guilty.

“Ma’am, I know you refused counsel, but please listen. If you don’t plea, a guilty plea will be entered on your behalf, and by default, you’ll be found guilty of all charges and sentenced to the maximum punishment. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” the advocate asked.

Silence followed.

During Nuland’s stay at Camp Delta, she passed up six more opportunities to submit a plea and instead reproved JAG for “idolizing” Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, calling the world’s most influential leaders the “greatest threat to democracy the world has ever known.” Moreover, she said her “people” would “atomize” all challengers to the Biden/Harris administration.

On Friday, April 5, Admiral Crandall entered a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff, JAG, and sentenced Nuland to hang by the neck until dead at the tribunal’s convenience, tentatively on April 16.

Our source said he would provide an evidentiary extract as soon as possible.


Look savage!

Another "chosen one".

Nov 11, 2007
You do give me a lot of laughs though so thanks for that…
Translated-you have no response to what I said about using the term "Chosen People" to define my people against the anti-semitism

expressed by sheriff joe/doctor successes, sbd and MAGApoop and instead use a cliche that gives people laughs!!

My response to that is I enjoy putting you folks down because what I say is 100% true as well as the fact that as the personal satisfaction

that comes with it!!

The chances of your defeating me in an open debate about anything g are the same as a helpless zebra that has just been attacked by a pride

of lions!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hip hip hurray! Another ugly treasonous Deep State Jew scumbag has been sentenced to hang!

I'm posting this because I KNOW it drives Satan's "Chosen" Troll completely insane, like a shrieking demon during an exorcism!

I mean, he can't even "fact check" these JAG trials! How SWEET is that!

Enjoy Patriots!


JAG Finds Victoria Nuland Guilty ‘By Default’ and Sentences Her to Hang

April 9, 2024

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Friday found Victoria Nuland guilty by default because she had obstinately refused to plead guilty or not guilty at an arraignment following her arrest on March 4, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, Marines stormed the couple’s 5,500 square-foot estate and fired a tranquilizer dart into her husband’s neck as he abandoned his wife and tried to flee the residence, while Nuland threw up her hands in despair and said that Obama would avenge her, a threat that never materialized. The dishonorable duo was taken to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and separated so they couldn’t collaborate.

As of this writing, RRN has no other info on Robert Kagen, Nuland’s spouse.

Nuland has refused to cooperate. When JAG asked her if intended to hire outside counsel, she wagged her head from side to side and said she didn’t need to because she had committed no crimes. When JAG asked whether she wanted one of their lawyers to defend her, she laughed and demanded a recitation of JAG’s “fallacious” evidence. She was told only that she was being charged with “treason” and that Admiral Crandall would expound eloquently on the details at her impending military tribunal.

“GITMO? I’m not going there,” Nuland told the arraigning judge, and recited verbatim the 6th Amendment, which grants every person the right to hear the charges against them.

“You are being held as an enemy combatant and have thus given up those rights. You have no constitutional rights, and the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to you. Do you plead guilty or not guilty?” the judge asked.

“I won’t plead either,” Nuland said. “And I want to see my husband. Where is that worm?”

“Very well. It’s off to GITMO for you anyway. Admiral Crandall will decide your destiny. I have no knowledge of your husband; he’s somewhere else,” said the judge.

Upon arriving at GITMO Nuland was again given an opportunity to enter a plea, and again she held her tongue.

“Mrs. Nuland, a ‘mute’ plea works differently here than in the outside world,” a JAG advocate told her.

Outside of GITMO and other JAG-controlled installations, a mute plea is when a defendant pleads neither guilty nor not guilty. The defendant’s lawyer informs the court of the mute plea, and then the judge enters the plea as not guilty.

“Ma’am, I know you refused counsel, but please listen. If you don’t plea, a guilty plea will be entered on your behalf, and by default, you’ll be found guilty of all charges and sentenced to the maximum punishment. Do you understand what I’m telling you?” the advocate asked.

Silence followed.

During Nuland’s stay at Camp Delta, she passed up six more opportunities to submit a plea and instead reproved JAG for “idolizing” Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, calling the world’s most influential leaders the “greatest threat to democracy the world has ever known.” Moreover, she said her “people” would “atomize” all challengers to the Biden/Harris administration.

On Friday, April 5, Admiral Crandall entered a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff, JAG, and sentenced Nuland to hang by the neck until dead at the tribunal’s convenience, tentatively on April 16.

Our source said he would provide an evidentiary extract as soon as possible.

As long as you continue to post lies from an admitted satire set in Real Raw News, I will continue to post this to let people know

what it is all about as well as to show newcomers to the thread your credibility as well as that of your other identity doctorsuccess

and sbd who unlike you posts it for attention-seeking purposes and does not believe it:

Real Raw News, an admitted SATIRE site rears its head again and only incredibly stupid people like sheriff joe aka doctorsuccess abd

And Redahole would be either dumb enough to post it as fact, believe it and/or give it a thumbs up!!


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”

The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.

On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.

Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.

It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)


Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check


Nov 11, 2007
Look savage!

Another "chosen one".
As long as you continue to post lies from an admitted satire set in Real Raw News, I will continue to post this to let people know

what it is all about as well as to show newcomers to the thread your credibility as well as that of your other identity doctorsuccess

and sbd who unlike you posts it for attention-seeking purposes and does not believe it:

Real Raw News, an admitted SATIRE site rears its head again and only incredibly stupid people like sheriff joe aka doctorsuccess abd

And Redahole would be either dumb enough to post it as fact, believe it and/or give it a thumbs up!!


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”

The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.

On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.

Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.

It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)


Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check



Nov 11, 2007
The first thing Rothschild told the Jews after he purchased Israel was that he was a Jew and they were the "chosen ones".

Both lies of course.

Rothschild is a German and not a Jew.

And the only things the Jews were "chosen" for was to be part of his MK ultra mind-control program.
We Jews, God's CHOSEN PEOPLE, always have and always will prevail over evil goyim like yourself when the final verdict is in,

and ultimately all folks who defy the word of GOD will be left holding the shit end of the stick, which is being diplomatic and

and an understatement of the highest magnitude!!

Nov 11, 2007
Look savage!

Another "chosen one".
SportsBookData said:
We avoided at least 3 potentially major/disastrous "false flag" incidents.

Friday's "earthquake" in NJ/NYC and 2 others.

All defused by "white hats".

We spread awareness to put all eyes on "them" which reduces the likelihood they will follow through.

Situational awareness also helps the public to avoid potential target areas.

Remain aware. Stay safe.

Click to expand...
Did I call it 100% correct last night or what when I posted this!! lol

"I am sure I speak for untold millions across the globe that we are all waiting in eager anticipation at the end of tomorrow for a summary

by SBD of what happened today and who was responsible for preventing the boogeymen of the world from wreaking havoc

all over the planet and major cities he predicted for had they not stepped in and prevented this disaster!!

If you need some kind of documentation of his credibility and reliability, all one has to do is take a look at his "uncanny

accuracy" over the last 39 months on a daily basis that Trump's devolution was "IMMINENT!!" lol"




Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed it.

Trump attorneys trolled after they subpoena wrong Jeremy Rosenberg for hush money trial: ‘I’m keeping the $15’​

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Did I call it 100% correct last night or what when I posted this!! lol

"I am sure I speak for untold millions across the globe that we are all waiting in eager anticipation at the end of tomorrow for a summary

by SBD of what happened today and who was responsible for preventing the boogeymen of the world from wreaking havoc

all over the planet and major cities he predicted for had they not stepped in and prevented this disaster!!

If you need some kind of documentation of his credibility and reliability, all one has to do is take a look at his "uncanny

accuracy" over the last 39 months on a daily basis that Trump's devolution was "IMMINENT!!" lol"



Every post he makes, he's making a fool out of himself.

He's the ultimate ultra low iqanon.


Nov 11, 2007
One of the things God has bestowed upon me is a photographic mind when it comes to certain matters most noticeably in this

thread regarding what sbd has posted in the way of failed predictions, delusions, and lies all of which are attention-seeking in nature.

This allows me to go back in time and find failed predictions, statements, lies, inconsistencies, contradictions, etc, and in general

any anything he has posted from the past that exposes him as the evil, sinister entity he is spawned by diabolical forces that are

in 100% opposition of the RIGHTEOUS WAYS OF GOD!!

This includes his rampant anti-Semitic statements(as well as those of sheriff joe/doctorsuccess) that people need to be reminded of over

and over again!!

The fact that sbd and the others are also strong supporters of the equally demonic Donald Trump gives me even more inspiration to continue

my mission!!

Nov 11, 2007
Every post he makes, he's making a fool out of himself.

He's the ultimate ultra low iqanon.

Of course you are correct!!

Sadly though, sbd has decided that ANY kind of attention he derives from his post, which in his is almost always negative

is better than none at all!!

This is typical of lots of failed and basket cases beside him!!

Nov 11, 2007
👆 👆 👆 👆 👆


> very documented high IQ
> spot-on with commentary
> carrying out God's Mission
> Destroying folks in this thread who do not act in accordance with God's Ways
> Dedicated and devoted to exposing sbd, sheriff/joe/doctorsuccess until everyone knows about their evil objectives
> supports the REAL God and pleased to be doing his duty as a proud member of God's Chosen people

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