Oct 30, 2006
I don't owe you Mr. Trump Dick Su cker or anyone else an apology!!

If you have been following this thread, it was/is sheriff joe/doctorsuccess/sbd who started the anti-semitic posts

in here long before I posted anything about the Chosen People!!

If you knew this, it is YOU and not me who owes the Forum/thread an apology!!

If you didn't know, then be more careful next time before you run your fuc king mouth!!

If you don't like what I have to say, you can continue to respond to what I say and each and every time run away and hide as you always

do rather than respond to your intellectual superior in every possible way or put me on ignore!!

The choice is yours, pal, and I will continue to respond in kind to defend myself and my people against those including

sheriff joe/doctor success, sbd and MAGApoop who would love to exterminate us!!
Run away & hide? ... Im not “debating" anybody here so kiss my ass....Been here since about 06 never have & never will debate you or anybody else in this forum its a waste of time for nerds in my opinion & that includes any party in my book...

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
More evidence of the DS losing control....their BS doesnt work without a propaganda machine to back them.



Nov 11, 2007
Run away & hide? ... Im not “debating" anybody here so kiss my ass....Been here since about 06 never have & never will debate you or anybody else in this forum its a waste of time for nerds in my opinion & that includes any party in my book...
Bl o w me roadreeler!!

Your weak rationalization simply beats around the bush because you have no response to how I responded to you last night

with your comments about the Chosen Ones and who started it!!

Trying to divert attention to something else with some generalized cliches and hackneyed expressions just highlights what

Aug 17, 2019
This is a great post!!!

However, Salvage lacks the class to apologize.

The OP literally saved Salvage's life by convincing him not to take the booster shots and Salvage never thanked him.

The OP also gave him advice to help recoup the $26,000 he lost in Bitcoin, and Salvage never thanked him for that either.

A person who lacks the manners, breeding, and common courtesy to thank someone for saving their life and helping them make money is not going to apologize for making a public ass of himself.

That's why he is universally despised by everyone on the forum and we all have him on Ignore.

He doesn't care. He's been publicly humiliated on here hundreds of times, yet KEEPS COMING BACK FOR MORE.

What does that tell you?

He openly supports Satanists and Pedos.

Openly wishes harm, even death, on others.

Has been wrong 100% of the time.

Posts nothing but gibberish, "great reads" and fake fact checkers, and thinks he is "hitting HRs".

And wins every debate that only exists in his delusional mind.

This is all anyone needs to know.

I think anyone who has come in contact with savage would agree that he needs to be institutionalized and highly medicated.

Nov 11, 2007
Based on the fact that sbd has been obviously unemployed for at least as far as this thread and the original have been open, meaning

three years and one month, I have a great venture for him.

It would be for him to write and market a dictionary that contains some of the most commonly used rationalizations cliches, expressions

and lies for people to use when they are battered against the wall(like I have done to him and the others in here).

If he doesn't have enough money to start up this business, he can always hit up Trump or Rudolph for a loan or even a contribution

to get things rolling!! lol

If he needs documentation regarding his skills to receive a loan or contribution, he need only refer investors to this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
Bl o w me roadreeler!!

Your weak rationalization simply beats around the bush because you have no response to how I responded to you last night

with your comments about the Chosen Ones and who started it!!

Trying to divert attention to something else with some generalized cliches and hackneyed expressions just highlights what

It looks like he roadRODENT has as usual fled from my challenge and returned to other threads where he virtually has the road

to himself with no opposition and just as importantly without strong and superior opposition in a position to destroy him

as is the case in this thread!!

In reality, all he has done over here is act as a sacrificial lamb to the likes of sheriff joe/doctorsuccess and sbd to advise them

that they had better continue to PRETEND to keep me on ignore unless they are masochists and/or want to take one

for the Gipper!!
Oct 30, 2006
Run away? ... Im not debating anybody here so kiss my ass....Been here since about 06 never have & never will debate you or anybody else in this forum its a waste of time for nerds in my opinion & that includes any party in my book...
Bl o w me roadreeler!!

Your weak rationalization simply beats around the bush because you have no response to how I responded to you last night

with your comments about the Chosen Ones and who started it!!

Trying to divert attention to something else with some generalized cliches and hackneyed expressions just highlights what

Like I said before you’re a nutcase..
Oct 30, 2006
He openly supports Satanists and Pedos.

Openly wishes harm, even death, on others.

Has been wrong 100% of the time.

Posts nothing but gibberish, "great reads" and fake fact checkers, and thinks he is "hitting HRs".

And wins every debate that only exists in his delusional mind.

This is all anyone needs to know.

I think anyone who has come in contact with savage would agree that he needs to be institutionalized and highly medicated.
Maybe shock treatments too...Highest voltage allowed by law...
Sep 12, 2022
This is from - a reliable and trusted news source. Tards could really learn a lot from it.

What's especially interesting is halfway down when the author says:

"It’s difficult to imagine this situation in Gaza is not designed to make everyone in the world hate the Jews. It doesn’t really make any strategic sense, unless that is the goal."

Isn't that exactly what Mike King has been saying? That Commander Trump is dismantling the Shitty Little State?

Andrew Anglin who wrote this article has no faith in Q, the White Hats, etc., yet he cannot deny what his own eyes are telling him (he's a thousand times smarter than the Tards).

Tardville is crumbling before our eyes!

Netanyahu Says There’s a Date Set for the Start of the Rafah Slaughter​

Andrew Anglin April 9, 2024

Netanyahu escalates his pledge to invade Rafah and says a date has been set for the Israeli invasion of Rafah, Gaza’s last refuge for displaced Palestinians.
— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) April 8, 2024

Bibi did not miss a beat after the world flipped out over the soup kitchen massacre.

He’s pushing straight forward to the next big slaughter.

You have to have a certain level of respect for the way this man is willing to piss in the face of the entire world, and just keep on killing innocent people. At some point, there is going to be a backlash, and Jews are going to be hunted and punished for doing this, but he’s not worried about that at all.
New York Post:
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed Monday that he plans to forge ahead with a long-anticipated and controversial military operation in the Gaza Strip city of Rafah — as Hamas reportedly claimed there are fewer than 40 women, elderly and ailing hostages who it can account for.
In a video message posted to X, Netanyahu — who has come under increasing domestic criticism over his handling of the six-month-old war against the terror group — told Israelis that “complete victory” over the jihadists “requires entry into Rafah and the elimination of the terrorist battalions there.”
It will happen, there is a date,” the 74-year-old added without giving further specifics.

Meanwhile, truce talks involving Israeli and Hamas officials in Cairo were ongoing after CIA Director Bill Burns proposed over the weekend that Hamas submit a list of 40 Israeli hostages who are alive and can be released on humanitarian grounds — meaning women, female Israel Defense Forces soldiers, men over 50, and those with serious medical conditions — in exchange for a six-week cease-fire, according to Axios.
On Monday, however, Israel’s Channel 12 news reported that Hamas was trying to negotiate the release of fewer hostages on the grounds it had “no ability to release 40” abductees who fit the initial request by Israeli negotiators.

Rafah is home to an estimated 1.4 million refugees, many of whom traveled there to seek safety from the intense fighting up north.
There are theories that Jews create antisemitism on purpose. Well, we know they created it on purpose in terms of faking it. But maybe it’s even subconscious that they want to give people real reasons to hate them, as it brings them together, which is something they think is very important for their survival as a tribe.

It’s difficult to imagine this situation in Gaza is not designed to make everyone in the world hate the Jews. It doesn’t really make any strategic
sense, unless that is the goal.

If we take it at face value, the Jews are telling the world “we can do whatever we want, we can kill whoever we want, the United States will support us.”

At the same time, however, the Jews are working to totally undermine and disempower the United States, their own accursed golem.
Further, while the Jews have a lock on the US government, the overwhelming majority of the people in the country do not support this ongoing massacre. The reason it was easy to control the US government in the past is that the majority of the American people supported Israel, and now it’s the opposite.

And while the Jews do have total control over the US government, both Biden and Trump have now called for a ceasefire.
It’s worth considering (and maybe helpful for understanding) that throughout history, Jews have always pushed past the limits of what is acceptable, and this has resulted in them being run out of places, and often resulted in violence against them.

If you look at the situation now, you can see this clearly: they are just going way, way too far, and seemingly doing it on purpose. People who have studied the Jews think they do this on purpose as a way to bring all the Jews together – that they feed on being hated by other groups, as it forces all Jews to rally around each other.
It might be hard to believe, but the Jews have never been more assimilated than they are right now.

There have never been more Jews shaving their faces, refusing to wear traditional Jewish garb, and living amongst the goyim and mixing in. Definitely, there are a lot of Jews who don’t like that other Jews are doing this, so we might look at this Gaza situation as a way for the Jews to stir up massive hatred against themselves, basically on purpose.

Again, that’s probably the easiest way to understand what they are doing. From any other angle, it just doesn’t make any sense that they would be willing to make the whole world hate them for so little benefit. Gaza was not a big problem for the Jews before October 7th, and we know that October 7th was allowed to happen (see insider trading).

Even if they didn’t allow it to happen on purpose, there were a lot of other ways they could have responded to it that didn’t involve the mass slaughter of children and innocents.

Israeli National Security Minister Ben Gvir threatened to topple Netanyahu’s government if he ended the Genocide in Gaza without launching an offensive on Rafah.
“If the Prime Minister decides to end the war without an extensive attack on Rafah in order to defeat Hamas, he will…
— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) April 9, 2024

Nov 11, 2007
This is from - a reliable and trusted news source. Tards could really learn a lot from it.

What's especially interesting is halfway down when the author says:

"It’s difficult to imagine this situation in Gaza is not designed to make everyone in the world hate the Jews. It doesn’t really make any strategic sense, unless that is the goal."

Isn't that exactly what Mike King has been saying? That Commander Trump is dismantling the Shitty Little State?

Andrew Anglin who wrote this article has no faith in Q, the White Hats, etc., yet he cannot deny what his own eyes are telling him (he's a thousand times smarter than the Tards).

Tardville is crumbling before our eyes!

Netanyahu Says There’s a Date Set for the Start of the Rafah Slaughter​

Andrew Anglin April 9, 2024

Bibi did not miss a beat after the world flipped out over the soup kitchen massacre.

He’s pushing straight forward to the next big slaughter.

You have to have a certain level of respect for the way this man is willing to piss in the face of the entire world, and just keep on killing innocent people. At some point, there is going to be a backlash, and Jews are going to be hunted and punished for doing this, but he’s not worried about that at all.
New York Post:

There are theories that Jews create antisemitism on purpose. Well, we know they created it on purpose in terms of faking it. But maybe it’s even subconscious that they want to give people real reasons to hate them, as it brings them together, which is something they think is very important for their survival as a tribe.

It’s difficult to imagine this situation in Gaza is not designed to make everyone in the world hate the Jews. It doesn’t really make any strategic
sense, unless that is the goal.

If we take it at face value, the Jews are telling the world “we can do whatever we want, we can kill whoever we want, the United States will support us.”

At the same time, however, the Jews are working to totally undermine and disempower the United States, their own accursed golem.
Further, while the Jews have a lock on the US government, the overwhelming majority of the people in the country do not support this ongoing massacre. The reason it was easy to control the US government in the past is that the majority of the American people supported Israel, and now it’s the opposite.

And while the Jews do have total control over the US government, both Biden and Trump have now called for a ceasefire.
It’s worth considering (and maybe helpful for understanding) that throughout history, Jews have always pushed past the limits of what is acceptable, and this has resulted in them being run out of places, and often resulted in violence against them.

If you look at the situation now, you can see this clearly: they are just going way, way too far, and seemingly doing it on purpose. People who have studied the Jews think they do this on purpose as a way to bring all the Jews together – that they feed on being hated by other groups, as it forces all Jews to rally around each other.
It might be hard to believe, but the Jews have never been more assimilated than they are right now.

There have never been more Jews shaving their faces, refusing to wear traditional Jewish garb, and living amongst the goyim and mixing in. Definitely, there are a lot of Jews who don’t like that other Jews are doing this, so we might look at this Gaza situation as a way for the Jews to stir up massive hatred against themselves, basically on purpose.

Again, that’s probably the easiest way to understand what they are doing. From any other angle, it just doesn’t make any sense that they would be willing to make the whole world hate them for so little benefit. Gaza was not a big problem for the Jews before October 7th, and we know that October 7th was allowed to happen (see insider trading).

Even if they didn’t allow it to happen on purpose, there were a lot of other ways they could have responded to it that didn’t involve the mass slaughter of children and innocents.
We Jews, God's CHOSEN PEOPLE, always have and always will prevail over evil goyim like yourself when the final verdict is in,

and ultimately all folks who defy the word of GOD will be left holding the shit end of the stick, which is being diplomatic and

and an understatement of the highest magnitude!!

Nov 11, 2007
We Jews, God's CHOSEN PEOPLE, always have and always will prevail over evil goyim like yourself when the final verdict is in,

and ultimately all folks who defy the word of GOD will be left holding the shit end of the stick, which is being diplomatic and

and an understatement of the highest magnitude!!
We Jews, God's CHOSEN PEOPLE, always have and always will prevail over evil goyim like yourself when the final verdict is in,

and ultimately all folks who defy the word of GOD will be left holding the shit end of the stick, which is being diplomatic and

and an understatement of the highest magnitude!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sad on the one hand. On the other hand . . .

It looks like once again you have decided to hide under your mother's apron strings and agree with others rather than look me in the

eye and respond directly to me aboutwhat I stated about anti-semitism remarks being hurled at me FIRST before I responded in kind with

my "God's Chosen" people in response!!

But then again that is what to expect from low-class vermin, gullible Trump supporters with no upbringing and/or who have no sense of

what is right and wrong and no purpose in life!!

Nov 11, 2007
It looks like once again you have decided to hide under your mother's apron strings and agree with others rather than look me in the

eye and respond directly to me aboutwhat I stated about anti-semitism remarks being hurled at me FIRST before I responded in kind with

my "God's Chosen" people in response!!

But then again that is what to expect from low-class vermin, gullible Trump supporters with no upbringing and/or who have no sense of

what is right and wrong and no purpose in life!!
It looks like he roadRODENT has as usual fled from my challenge and returned to other threads where he virtually has the road

to himself with no opposition and just as importantly without strong and superior opposition in a position to destroy him

as is the case in this thread!!

In reality, all he has done over here is act as a sacrificial lamb to the likes of sheriff joe/doctorsuccess and sbd to advise them

that they had better continue to PRETEND to keep me on ignore unless they are masochists and/or want to take one

for the Gipper!!

Nov 11, 2007
Maybe shock treatments too...Highest voltage allowed by law...
No shock treatments are needed by me nor any other objective person to realize that your entire fu king life life revolves around

Trump because your own life is so barren of successful things to hang your hat on that you need to try to emulate and worship someone

you deem to be successful in life in the hopes that by so doing, you will somehow magically assimilate their success into your own being.

Sadly this kind of illogical thinking not only fails on its own merits but also because you have chosen the wrong person to

try extricate yourself from the bottomless quagmire of quicksand you currently find yourself in Donald Trump and with

the point of no return approaching fast!!

Nov 11, 2007
& a “chosen one” better than everybody else...We get it...
Simply repeating what you have without addressing why I have said what I have about the Chosen People and without any commentary

about the rampant anti-semitism just corroborates once again that you are clueless when it comes to debating like all of the others

of your ilk in this thread!!

The technique of ramming down the gavel as you and others do is a weak attempt to bring finality to the issue,!

It may work with those of the same mentality as you in this thread but it won't with folks of my intelligence and objectivity

who recognize your modus operandi, which attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone and which fails to do so!!

You really need to learn to hit Class A Minor League pitching first before stepping up to the big league level of competition

I offer in this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
From earlier today:

SportsBookData said:
We avoided at least 3 potentially major/disastrous "false flag" incidents.

Friday's "earthquake" in NJ/NYC and 2 others.

All defused by "white hats".

We spread awareness to put all eyes on "them" which reduces the likelihood they will follow through.

Situational awareness also helps the public to avoid potential target areas.

Remain aware. Stay safe.

Did I call it 100% correct last night or what when I posted this!! lol

"I am sure I speak for untold millions across the globe that we are all waiting in eager anticipation at the end of tomorrow for a summary

by sbd of what happened today and who was responsible for preventing the boogeymen of the world from wreaking havoc

all over the planet and major cities he predicted for had they not stepped in and prevented this disaster!!

If you need some kind of documentation of his credibility and reliability, all one has to do is take a look at his "uncanny

accuracy" over the last 39 months on a daily basis that Trump's devolution was "IMMINENT!!" lol"




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