
Nov 11, 2007
And they think they are still "hitting HRs" with every fake news link they post.

I never thought this level of stupidity even existed.

But savage and his tard buddies have made believers out of me.

They are setting new lows daily.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Not only do I think I am hitting home runs/in fact grand slams with my links and commentary but I KNOW that I am.

The fact that you PRETEND to put me on ignore rather than trying to debate/ defend yourself against me with such stuff

as your FAILED Trump reinstatement/devolution attention-seeking delusion/bullshit/lies as well as the other stuff I have posted

in the last few days are clear evidence that not only are you a scared rabbit and rightfully should be but also an indication that

you live in your Walter Mitty that you are the people look to for guidance and advice.

The fact that other than your two alter egos/aliases you can't even get a thumbs-up let alone commentary agreeing

with our made-up delusional bullshit speaks volumes as to how you are regarded by this Republican-dominated


Just accept the fact, buddy, that I am the one who stirs the drink in here and your "daddy" so to speak and hopefully

that will lessen the pain and anguish you are suffering now, and that will only get worse once Jack Smith and company

are done with your hero and deity, Donald Trump!!

Nov 11, 2007
Worth repeating. We're never going to get any type of intelligent disagreement on this thread.
Worth repeating-you aka sbd and Sheriff hOE are unable to, never have and never will have the intellectual capability to openly

debate me about what I have documented about you and your cohorts as well as making points that leave you in the same state

as what Superman is when confronted with kryptonite!!

It is not a perfect analogy by any means is that Superman without any hindrances is powerful whereas you/sbd/sheriff HOE

are weaklings to begin with and my presence simply reduces you closer to overall nothingness!!

Nov 11, 2007
"Trump will be forced out of or drop out of 2024." ?

:an_laugh: Tards
The above are massive exaggerations/taken out of context and/or outright lies and/or simply based on your typical modus

operandi of begging the question and poisoning the well and/or unsupported opinions from one-way unreliable sources!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this post from yesterday as just one example of many of my abilities to think and express myself in an intelligent creative way,

a quality that sbd/sheriff joe/doctor success don't have even in the wildest dreams and imagination!!

God blessed me with certain gifts of the mind and, I use, have used, and always will use in accordance with his wishes,

which in this instance means putting down those who have strayed from HIS RIGHTEOUS WAYS!!

Here you go from yesterday:

"The best comparison I can make to the efficaciousness/credibility of the overwhelming number of posts of sbd

aka as sheriff HOE and doctor success and/or the alter egos of those cited would be for someone to take 100 pieces from

ten separate jigsaw puzzles, throw them into one pile and then try to make and expect that all of the pieces will

fit together to form one composite IDENTIFIABLE entity or unit!!" lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It’s official.

The DNC were running an armed covert election fraud operation in the swing States to take advantage of mail-in steal the election.

This is why the Dems pushed so hard for mail-in voting.

This is why the MSM/CDC/NIH over-exaggerated Covid deaths.

This is why Deep State actors created and released SARS-CoV-2.

All of it was one massive coordination to steal the 2020 election and usher in their "Great Reset"

They released the virus to make their “pandemic”

Then they exaggerated the effects of the virus to make everyone afraid to be close to each other, thus the public acceptance of social distancing, masks and...mass mail-in voting.

Then they used the excess ballots and fake registrations to commit voter fraud in all the swing States by stopping the counting simultaneously, then ballot dumping at 3:00 AM once they knew how many ballots they need to win.

Then they staged the fake "insurrection" on Jan 6th to interrupt the mass protests and seal the steal.

THE REAL "insurrection" was Nov 3rd.

On top of this, they used their Intelligence Clowns and fascistic control over Big Tech to censor anyone who talked about the Hunter Biden Laptop, Covid “disinformation”, or election “disinformation”.

Anything or anyone that got too close to their devious plan of using a bioweapon to steal the election, they banned it from the Internet.

This was the most sinister crime in history!

Genocide, treason, global psychological name it.

It’s time to put CIC Trump back in office and begin the reckoning.

The People have seen enough!


Aug 17, 2019
It’s official.

The DNC were running an armed covert election fraud operation in the swing States to take advantage of mail-in steal the election.

This is why the Dems pushed so hard for mail-in voting.

This is why the MSM/CDC/NIH over-exaggerated Covid deaths.

This is why Deep State actors created and released SARS-CoV-2.

All of it was one massive coordination to steal the 2020 election and usher in their "Great Reset"

They released the virus to make their “pandemic”

Then they exaggerated the effects of the virus to make everyone afraid to be close to each other, thus the public acceptance of social distancing, masks and...mass mail-in voting.

Then they used the excess ballots and fake registrations to commit voter fraud in all the swing States by stopping the counting simultaneously, then ballot dumping at 3:00 AM once they knew how many ballots they need to win.

Then they staged the fake "insurrection" on Jan 6th to interrupt the mass protests and complete the steal.

THE REAL "insurrection" was Nov 3rd.

On top of this, they used their Intelligence Clowns and fascistic control over Big Tech to censor anyone who talked about the Hunter Biden Laptop, Covid “disinformation”, or election “disinformation”.

Anything or anyone that got too close to their devious plan of using a bioweapon to steal the election, they banned it from the Internet.

This was the most sinister crime in history!

Genocide, treason, global psychological name it.

It’s time to put CIC Trump back in office and begin the reckoning.

The People have seen enough!

View attachment 73934



Nov 11, 2007
For a change, you are correct in the sense that you and your alter egos/aliases have it all and a monopoly on attention-seeking,

delusions, lies, begging the question and poisoning the well in your posts, as well as illogic, contradictions, inconsistencies,

unresolved paradoxes and presenting unsubstantiated opinions as fact and most importantly you "have it all on a monopoly on

failed predictions!!

In addition, you "have it all" in your refusal to admit that you are out of your league when taking on yours truly in any kind of

debate, as evidenced by your pretending to put me on, ignore as an excuse/actually lie so as not to openly take me on!!

Couple that with your obvious failed existence whether it be in your personal and/or professional life or something else,

and yes you "have it all" there also!!

And finally you "have it all" as opposed to anyone else in your unconditional devotion, dedication and love for one of the

biggest indicted criminals of our time, DONALD TRUMP!!

I am sure I can think of some more of "we have it all" that applies to your folks but it is close to dinner time and I want to relax

until later on!!

ps Hmm-perhaps you folks should write to your deith and suggest that he ought to market a WHIA rally cap, which stands for

We have it all!!

Have fun in my absence!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Where did the virus come from?

Answer: Anthony Fauci's gain of function lab in Wuhan.

Which senator (and doctor) recently sent the DOJ a "criminal referral" on Anthony Fauci?

Answer: Senator Rand Paul

And which senator's office was SCORCHED just hours after said criminal referral?


Still think we're not at WAR?

Still think "military is the only way" is a silly... "qanon conspiracy"???

You are going to absolutely HATE the ending of this movie.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Vivek Ramaswamy emailed General Eric M. Smith requesting to meet with CIC Trump's White Hat council, and then this happens.

? ? ?


Nov 11, 2007
Having just come back from a wonderful dinner with my wife along with a little shopping, my only question having read the posts of parrot

1/sheriff HOE and parrot 2/sbd and noting the striking similarities between sbd or sheriff HOE in both the wording and structure

of the posts, is which one of them has the reins and is actually writing the posts and/or copying them from the

other and/or has one of them been assimilated somehow by the other, meaning they are in essence are using Star Trek language part

of the Borg!!

When you also consider that parrot 3/ doctor success also uses the same language, form and structure in his posts

as HOE and sbd, it raises even more possibilities!!

That said, no matter which one of the entities is in control/ speaking and/or they are all one and the same, to cut to the chase they're in effect

all walking and dying zombies who have been absorbed into the Trump right-wing culture and are

all in the desperation and panic stage because of the efforts of Jack Smith et al who has literally closed off even the

tiniest possible avenues and roads of escape!!

Nov 11, 2007

And just think that we are honored to have at least three members of these supporters in this thread with sbd, sheriff HOE and doctor

success whether they are the same entity or not!!

Lenny Lenbo is borderline for the simple reason as I have pointed out many times he doesn't subscribe to any of the

attention-seeking whacko bullshits spewed forth by the three aforementioned!!

Nov 11, 2007

There is no one better to listen to than this guy because of his firsthand experience in Watergate as well as his overall knowledge

obtained by being an attorney for many, many years!!
Sep 12, 2022
It’s official.

The DNC were running an armed covert election fraud operation in the swing States to take advantage of mail-in steal the election.

This is why the Dems pushed so hard for mail-in voting.

This is why the MSM/CDC/NIH over-exaggerated Covid deaths.

This is why Deep State actors created and released SARS-CoV-2.

All of it was one massive coordination to steal the 2020 election and usher in their "Great Reset"

They released the virus to make their “pandemic”

Then they exaggerated the effects of the virus to make everyone afraid to be close to each other, thus the public acceptance of social distancing, masks and...mass mail-in voting.

Then they used the excess ballots and fake registrations to commit voter fraud in all the swing States by stopping the counting simultaneously, then ballot dumping at 3:00 AM once they knew how many ballots they need to win.

Then they staged the fake "insurrection" on Jan 6th to interrupt the mass protests and seal the steal.

THE REAL "insurrection" was Nov 3rd.

On top of this, they used their Intelligence Clowns and fascistic control over Big Tech to censor anyone who talked about the Hunter Biden Laptop, Covid “disinformation”, or election “disinformation”.

Anything or anyone that got too close to their devious plan of using a bioweapon to steal the election, they banned it from the Internet.

This was the most sinister crime in history!

Genocide, treason, global psychological name it.

It’s time to put CIC Trump back in office and begin the reckoning.

The People have seen enough!

View attachment 73934

This is excellent. It's well-written, to the point, and it explains everything in a way that even the most clueless Tard can understand. Speaking of which, I see no posts questioning or disagreeing with the assessment laid out here. It's simply too good and too factual to question.
Sep 12, 2022
:an_laugh:"Andrew Cuomo's handling of Covid will make him president!"?
:an_laugh:"Don Lemon has impeccable character!" ?
:an_laugh:Matt Gaetz will be indicted!" ?
:an_laugh:"J6 Commitee will make Liz Cheney a rising star in the GOP!" ?
:an_laugh: Trump's legal problems will sink him with voters!" ?
:an_laugh:"Back later doing God's work after I take a dump" ?

THE SEQUEL in the poly forum looks even better than the original RR thread.

:an_laugh: 81 million votes! ?

Tards gonna tard..


My gosh, did the Tards actually make all of those failed predictions?

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