
Nov 11, 2007
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the panic, fear, anguish, irritation, frustration, disappointment, mental stress,

resignation, distress, etc. are increasing at an exponential rate in the flub-a-dub entry of sbd, sheriff HOE, doctor success entry

in this thread and rightfully so as Reckoning Day for their CRIMINAL "deity" Donald is so close and staring at them in their faces, that

a sense of reality is quickly setting in and that Jack Smith means business and will STEAMROLL anyone or anything who/that stands in his


Nov 11, 2007

If Trump thinks about and complains about the lack of air conditioning, just wait until he passes away and arrives at his final destination,

where the inherent heat is defined as the Eternal Fiery FLames of Damnation and where there is no air conditioning at all!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If you thought the desperate DS's Mar-a-Lago "classified documents" case was a total clown show, which is completely falling part, just wait until their sham election fraud case reaches discovery and is broadcasted live on TV in front of the entire country.

"Deranged Jack Smith" really screwed the pooch on this one, but that's what happens when you're the desperately flailing Deep State on your last legs.

And make no mistake, the Deep State IS almost history.

Oh, they are SCARED....because they know what's coming!

Don't believe me? ? ? ?

MSNBC Contributor Charlie Sykes: “When Donald Trump Says…’I Am Your Retribution,’ He Means It…Trump 2.0 Would Be Exponentially Worse Than Trump 1.0”

?Remember: Deranged Jack Smith pretends Trump doesn't believe his own election fraud claims. It's in b&w in his "indictment". I'm serious...Deranged Jack Smith is a fool's fool. ?

?Remember: On orders of the CIC, the military raided the main Dominion election servers merely days after the "stollen" election.


U.S Army Seized Servers in Germany Tied to Dominion Voting System​



That man, General Paul M. Nakasone (Four-Star General in the United States Army who serves as the commander of United States Cyber Command) was monitoring every single electronic vote on Nov 3rd.


In fact, he did such a great job that he was promoted from two-star general (at the time) right up four-star... skipping right over that third star. Hmmm...I wonder what he did that warranted such an incredible promotion?

Hmmm... maybe the TARD fake "fact checkers" can tell us. ?:ROFLMAO:

Trust me, if 'I' know about the RIGGED black box algorithms, General Nakasone ABSOLUTELY KNOWS!

He even tweeted about it before the elections warning the criminals THEY WERE WATCHING!

When the TRUTH comes out on election fraud, those black box "machines" (and all the other DS election fraud shenanigans) are HISTORY. Quote me on that, mofos!

Then we have General Eric M. Smith (Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps - Second highest-ranking officer in the Marines)



General Smith currently runs CIC Trump's domestic White Hat operations. Whenever the military makes an arrest and ships them off to Gitmo, this is the guy who signs off on it.

Every single one.

Once the Deep State scoundrels and pedos arrive at Gitmo, they are introduced to this man


Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Navy and Chief Justice at Gitmo


He's the Patriot who made Crooked Hillary squeal like the stuck pig she is. Oh God, how I pray her trial and execution are one day broadcasted live in front of the entire world in High Definition.

Hmmm...wait a minute...

Didn't "Biden" campaign to CLOSE Gitmo? Yes he did!

Why wasn't that happened? Maybe the fake "fact-checkers" can tell us??? ?

Do these men (Loyal Patriots of the Highest Honor) look "woke" to you, like "Biden's" fake rainbow TV generals?

When President Trump said, "Someday I'll tell you about our amazing military.." these are just some of the MEN he was talking about.

What's in CIC Trump's executive orders...TARDS? Have you even read them?

And why hasn't "Biden" reversed said EOs...TARDS?

And why hasn't "Biden" closed Gitmo....TARDS?

Who nationalized one million soldiers in the Guard...TARDS? And who is the ONLY person in the country authorized to do so...TARDS?

What's in those top-secret PEADS the DS tried to steal at Mar-a-Lago...TARDS?

And speaking of Mar-a-Lago, why is there an FAA no-fly zone over the REAL CIC's residence? Did "Biden" do that...TARDS?

Why can't the REAL CIC stop dancing, smiling and trolling....TARDS?

Where are those Trump Deep State "arrests" (handcuffs; orange jumpsuit; perp walks; fingerprinting; mugshots etc.) the clowns on television promised you...TARDS?

?"Stollen" election Nov 3rd about to bust wide open PUBLICLY
?Fake "insurrection" on Jan 6th about to bust wide open PUBLICLY
?Deep State "classified documents" case completely imploding
? Hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments which can't stay 'sealed' forever

I swear, "Deranged Jack Smith" is so bad at his job he's working for Trump! :ROFLMAO:

Because "Deranged Jack Smith" is the Deep State clown dragging the TRUTH right of the DEVOLUTION closet!

Did you really think I was bluffing when I said President Trump handed "Biden" the "valet key"?

And that we are under a COG/Devolution?

And our amazing Patriotic military has been monitoring EVERYTHING?

Soon our TARDS, their FAKE NEWS, their fake "fact checkers" and the entire country will learn the meaning of.. .






Nov 11, 2007
I am reposting this post from yesterday as just one example of many of my abilities to think and express myself

in an intelligent creative way, a quality that sbd/sheriff joe/doctor success don't have even in the wildest dreams and imagination!!

God blessed me with certain gifts of the mind and, I use, have used, and always will use in accordance with his wishes,

which in this instance means putting down those who have strayed from HIS RIGHTEOUS WAYS!!

Here you go from yesterday:

"The best comparison I can make to the efficaciousness/credibility of the overwhelming number of posts of sbd

aka as sheriff HOE and doctor success and/or the alter egos of those cited would be for someone to take 100 pieces from

ten separate jigsaw puzzles, throw them into one pile and then try to make and expect that all of the pieces will

fit together to form one composite IDENTIFIABLE entity or unit!!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Worth repeating-you aka sbd and Sheriff hOE are unable to, never have and never will have the intellectual capability to openly

debate me about what I have documented about you and your cohorts as well as making points that leave you in the same state

as what Superman is when confronted with kryptonite!!

It is not a perfect analogy by any means is that Superman without any hindrances is powerful whereas you/sbd/sheriff HOE

are weaklings to begin with and my presence simply reduces you closer to overall nothingness!!

Nov 11, 2007
Once again as has happened many times before, when discussing politics, appropriate songs come to mind with the above

being the latest example the above.

The only thing incorrect figurative speaking of course is that I shot(actually destroyed) BOTH the sheriff and the deputy/sbd!

To be politically correct though in actuality sbd is the sheriff and sheriff HOE the deputy and/or they are both one and the same

entity being controlled and puppeteered by one of those NOT "benevolent beings" that sbd says is looking over us!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oh look!

Another non-woke General endorses Trump!

Wait a sec...

Why would all these great Generals endorse a "criminal"....huh TARDS?

Maybe it's because they know the TRUTH....

:an_laugh: While YOU and your fake "fact-checkers" continue pissing in the wind day after day! ?:ROFLMAO:



Sep 12, 2022
If you thought the desperate DS's Mar-a-Lago "classified documents" case was a total clown show, which is completely falling part, just wait until their sham election fraud case reaches discovery and is broadcasted live on TV in front of the entire country.

"Deranged Jack Smith" really screwed the pooch on this one, but that's what happens when you're the desperately flailing Deep State on your last legs.

And make no mistake, the Deep State IS almost history.

Oh, they are SCARED....because they know what's coming!

Don't believe me? ? ? ?

MSNBC Contributor Charlie Sykes: “When Donald Trump Says…’I Am Your Retribution,’ He Means It…Trump 2.0 Would Be Exponentially Worse Than Trump 1.0”

?Remember: Deranged Jack Smith pretends Trump doesn't believe his own election fraud claims. It's in b&w in his "indictment". I'm serious...Deranged Jack Smith is a fool's fool. ?

?Remember: On orders of the CIC, the military raided the main Dominion election servers merely days after the "stollen" election.


U.S Army Seized Servers in Germany Tied to Dominion Voting System​

View attachment 73972


That man, General Paul M. Nakasone (Four-Star General in the United States Army who serves as the commander of United States Cyber Command) was monitoring every single electronic vote on Nov 3rd.


In fact, he did such a great job that he was promoted from two-star general (at the time) right up four-star... skipping right over that third star. Hmmm...I wonder what he did that warranted such an incredible promotion?

Hmmm... maybe the TARD fake "fact checkers" can tell us. ?:ROFLMAO:

Trust me, if 'I' know about the RIGGED black box algorithms, General Nakasone ABSOLUTELY KNOWS!

He even tweeted about it before the elections warning the criminals THEY WERE WATCHING!

When the TRUTH comes out on election fraud, those black box "machines" (and all the other DS election fraud shenanigans) are HISTORY. Quote me on that, mofos!

Then we have General Eric M. Smith (Assistant Commandant of the United States Marine Corps - Second highest-ranking officer in the Marines)


View attachment 73969

General Smith currently runs CIC Trump's domestic White Hat operations. Whenever the military makes an arrest and ships them off to Gitmo, this is the guy who signs off on it.

Every single one.

Once the Deep State scoundrels and pedos arrive at Gitmo, they are introduced to this man


Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall, Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Navy and Chief Justice at Gitmo

View attachment 73971

He's the Patriot who made Crooked Hillary squeal like the stuck pig she is. Oh God, how I pray her trial and execution are one day broadcasted live in front of the entire world in High Definition.

Hmmm...wait a minute...

Didn't "Biden" campaign to CLOSE Gitmo? Yes he did!

Why wasn't that happened? Maybe the fake "fact-checkers" can tell us??? ?

Do these men (Loyal Patriots of the Highest Honor) look "woke" to you, like "Biden's" fake rainbow TV generals?

When President Trump said, "Someday I'll tell you about our amazing military.." these are just some of the MEN he was talking about.

What's in CIC Trump's executive orders...TARDS? Have you even read them?

And why hasn't "Biden" reversed said EOs...TARDS?

And why hasn't "Biden" closed Gitmo....TARDS?

Who nationalized one million soldiers in the Guard...TARDS? And who is the ONLY person in the country authorized to do so...TARDS?

What's in those top-secret PEADS the DS tried to steal at Mar-a-Lago...TARDS?

And speaking of Mar-a-Lago, why is there an FAA no-fly zone over the REAL CIC's residence? Did "Biden" do that...TARDS?

Why can't the REAL CIC stop dancing, smiling and trolling....TARDS?

Where are those Trump Deep State "arrests" (handcuffs; orange jumpsuit; perp walks; fingerprinting; mugshots etc.) the clowns on television promised you...TARDS?

?"Stollen" election Nov 3rd about to bust wide open PUBLICLY
?Fake "insurrection" on Jan 6th about to bust wide open PUBLICLY
?Deep State "classified documents" case completely imploding
? Hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments which can't stay 'sealed' forever

I swear, "Deranged Jack Smith" is so bad at his job he's working for Trump! :ROFLMAO:

Because "Deranged Jack Smith" is the Deep State clown dragging the TRUTH right of the DEVOLUTION closet!

Did you really think I was bluffing when I said President Trump handed "Biden" the "valet key"?

And that we are under a COG/Devolution?

And our amazing Patriotic military has been monitoring EVERYTHING?

Soon our TARDS, their FAKE NEWS, their fake "fact checkers" and the entire country will learn the meaning of.. .





Another well articulated post that no one can or will dispute. That General Smith looks like a mean SOB. I pity the Tards who cross his path.

Nov 11, 2007
Oh look!

Another non-woke General endorses Trump!

Wait a sec...

Why would all these great Generals endorse a "criminal"....huh TARDS?

Maybe it's because they know the TRUTH....

:an_laugh: While YOU and your fake "fact-checkers" continue pissing in the wind day after day! ?:ROFLMAO:

View attachment 73974

View attachment 73973
How about telling us if General Milley also converted and is now a strong supporter of Trump!! :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :blah: :moon: :applaudit

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
"Black Raggedy Ann"

Nice typical RACIST way on your part of referring to someone!!

Let me give you a little help to assist you with your obvious racism and bigotry and one with some alliteration.

How about next time you refer to Jamie Raskin, why not refer to him as Jamie "The Jew" Raskin!!

Well there is a striking resemblance in the haircuts . It’s even obvious to the black man . But please continue pull out your liberal go to . The race card .


Nov 11, 2007
The glaring truth about not only the major Trump supporters not only in this thread but the others which I read(but have not participated

in since January 6, 2021) is that these folks have not once hinted that nothing in these various Trump investigations could

even possibly be true let alone be true because of their 100% cult loyalty and unconditional devotion to their mentor and

deity, Donald Trump!!

I confidently say that in many cases including the major Trump supporters in this thread, they live their lives in a similar manner,

and as a reflection of their own lives, one in which their failures, of which there a countless numbers, as well

as their disappointments and not living up to their hopes and expectations in life, have led them to blame someone else

rather than to take an introspective look at themselves to hopefully discover the shortcomings which have resulted to their

being who and what they are at this stage of their existence.

In addition, no matter how brave a front they put up in this thread and other ones, these folks for the most part have a terrible self-

image and are totally lacking in self-confidence!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Corrupt Deranged Jack Smith wanted access to President Trump's Twitter account. :ROFLMAO:

Total Panic!



Deranged Jack Smith went to Twitter back in January to get access to Trump's account but Elon refused to give it to him, ignoring the subpoena so the DOJ fined Twitter $350,000.


They have NOTHING.

Just remember the world is watching this insanity!

Who still BELIEVES these CRIMINALS???


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