
Nov 11, 2007
ps Ukraine, Hamas and Israel should also be added to the last two sentences of my previous post.

Sep 21, 2004
Perhaps you should also consider praying to almighty God to do whatever HE can do to ensure that Kentucky wins the NCAA Basketball

Tournament this year as well as the Reds winning the WS with ease!! lol
Hope your on the right side!!!!~!!! I think whoever plays UK should say a pray! AFA Da-Reds...... Vegas put their wins at 82.5.... Even money.. 82-80 last year... Cubs and Cardinals with 84. each means Reds are not going to playoffs.... Think I'll $10 at 5500 to win WS is worth a look.... Typical UK 93/83-77 tomorrow afternoon.. Your call......

Nov 11, 2007
Hope your on the right side!!!!~!!! I think whoever plays UK should say a pray! AFA Da-Reds...... Vegas put their wins at 82.5.... Even money.. 82-80 last year... Cubs and Cardinals with 84. each means Reds are not going to playoffs.... Think I'll $10 at 5500 to win WS is worth a look.... Typical UK 93/83-77 tomorrow afternoon.. Your call......
Imo the only way my CHEAP Red Sox will escape the basement in AL East will be because one of the teams ahead of them doesn't

live up to expectations!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yippee! Friday!

I don't know if I've encountered IQs so low as those we've seen from the Tards on the old thread.

Utter stupidity.

Wasted lives.

Miserable failures in desperate need of attention.

Bottom line: They are suffering from mental illness.
Sep 12, 2022

Another day, another black chess piece removed from the board. Last week, the sinister CEO sister-in-law of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell allegedly drowned by driving into a pond -- and now, Deep State Mitch himself is stepping down from his leadership position, though he will remain in the Senate (assuming it's actually him and not "Mitch McConnell").

For 17 long years, this creepy Kentuckian has held, at varying times, the position of "Senate Majority Leader" or "Senate Minority Leader" -- depending upon which party held the majority. During that time, he kept a tight leash on the ever-diminishing number of true conservative Republicans, while making deals (selling out) with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Bathhouse Barry Obongo.

The rats are just about all gone now, due to the "resignations" which Q so clearly foretold in 2017. And now, the reign of the already defanged McConnell himself -- referred to by Trump as "the old crow" -- is officially over as well.

The McConnell-Chao clan was in the news twice this past week.

NBC News: "As Trump's dominance grows."

McConnell's sleazy political act always involved the obligatory mouthing of conservative rhetoric for the boobs back home in "red state" Kentucky --(which elected the 82-year-old son-of-a-bitch to seven six-year terms!) -- while "making deals" with his Marxist "adversaries" at every turn. He did surprise some people when, in Obongo's final year (2016), he, under heavy pressure from Republicans, thwarted the nomination of Merrick Garland (cough cough) to the Supreme Court.

Though publicly playing nice-nice with Commander Trump when he was officially president (he still is), McConnell stood down whilst overtly anti-Trump Republican Senators (McCain, Corker, Flake, Sasse, Toomay et al) attempted to attack and undermine Trump at every turn. Where the "old crow" really showed his true colors was in joining the coverup of the fraudulent Election of 2020 -- stating: "There is "very little election fraud" though it "happens occasionally."

What most intrigues us about this creep is his marriage to Elaine Chao (another frequent target of Trump). The billionaire Chao family owns the Taiwanese-Chinese shipping company called Foremost Group, which operates a global fleet of bulk carrier ships. One can't help but wonder if the Chao-McConnell enterprise involved child sex traffic -- or, at the very least, political favors which translated into huge profits for this very odd second-marriage couple.

What we do know for certain is this: Commander Trump's agenda, upon his inevitable return, will be unstoppable by anyone in either party. The demise of McConnell and his sister-in-law just adds more evidence to what the "Editorial Board" has been saying since the White-Hat-engineered post-election "loss" of 2020. Trust the plan.

Whether performing on the Senate floor or on the campaign trail in his native Kentucky, Mitch always spewed conservative rhetoric. But as the GOP Senate Minority / Majority leader, he was always "making deals" with his counterpart, the despicable Demonrat Chuck Schumer of New York (cough cough).

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The op stated at the outset of the original RR thread that DEWs were responsible for most of the destructive fires including the Australian fires at the start of the plandemic and the most recent Maui fires.

Even showed you images taken by personal sources of the "laser" like weapons striking just before the fires started.

"but but it was all just conspiracy"

Until it wasn't.

When conspiracy becomes TRUTH!

Hey tards, WHO was RIGHT AGAIN?

And you gotta love how "white hats" are using fake Joe to red pill the world.

Only makes this movie better and better.
All true, however, the cabal is still able to use them causing enormous damage.

Most recently Maui, Chili, Moscow, Mexico and now Texas.

Nov 11, 2007
Whether it is Biden Trump or someone else who "fixes" the border, it is only going to be a transient/ band-aid/quick fix that isn't going to

last because imo this country and the world are in the process of evolution, some of which includes the character and overall makeup

of the total percentages of people who were born in this country and who were not, the latter that is in the process of

increasing dramatically.

As time goes on, the children of those who migrate here will raise children meaning that over time, perhaps beginning as soon as 10-20

year from now, culturally and in many aspects, the United States will be a far cry from what it is now!!

I am not going to pass judgment on whether this makes us a better country or a worse country, but rather as I stated above, an

evolutionary change using the words of sbd and sheriff joe, "no one/nothing can stop from happening!!"

Nov 11, 2007
All true, however, the cabal is still able to use them causing enormous damage.

Most recently Maui, Chili, Moscow, Mexico and now Texas.
And again for the zillionth time, you make a total AHole out of yourself by admitting that there are still lots of problems but at the same

time proclaiming that Trumo is and has been the acting CIC bir for seasons unknown is a POWERLESS "acting CIC" in that he has

not nor has been able to do anything about these alleged problems you cite!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
A BIG favorite TARD "source" is circling the drain...

Anderson Cooper and Other High Profile CNN Hosts Are Facing the ‘Chopping Block’ Under Current Management​

Soon they will be bankrupt! 😂😂😂

Gotta love it!

:party0010: :party0010: :party0010:

Nov 11, 2007
A BIG favorite TARD "source" is circling the drain...

Anderson Cooper and Other High Profile CNN Hosts Are Facing the ‘Chopping Block’ Under Current Management​

Soon they will be bankrupt! 😂😂😂

Gotta love it!

:party0010: :party0010: :party0010:

Congratulations, CRACKPOT Joe, for finding a source of "information" that can and will feed your psychosis and keep you submerged

in your world of fantasy, imagination and totally detached from the world of reality, the world that you are unable to deal with!!
Sep 12, 2022

Government of the Tards, by the Tards, and for the Tards.

The United States government has just vetoed another resolution at the United Nations expressing concern about Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza. They couldn’t even vote for a statement expressing “deep concern” over Israel murdering hungry Palestinians seeking food aid.

Here are some posts about it.

US Vetoes UN Resolution Condemning Israel for Flour Massacre
Nearly 1,000 Palestinians were killed and wounded after Israeli forces opened fire on people surrounding an aid convoy
by Kyle Anzalone@KyleAnzalone_ #Gaza #Israel #UNSC #FlourMassacre #famine
— (@Antiwarcom) March 1, 2024
The US has blocked a statement, put forward by Algeria and backed by all UNSC’s 15 members except the US, to the UN Security Council that would have condemned Israel for the killing of more than 100 Palestinians awaiting food aid in northern Gaza.
The US claimed it is trying to…
— Quds News Network (@QudsNen) March 1, 2024
Rogue state: The US blocked a UN Security Council statement that expressed "deep concern" over Israel's massacre of hundreds of Palestinian civilians seeking food aid in besieged Gaza.
The US has voted against 4 UNSC resolutions calling for peace in Gaza
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) March 2, 2024
Another veto by the USA at the UN Security Council to protect Israel. 🙄
14 out of 15 members wanted to condemn the IDF for wounding and killing 1000+ Palestinians who were trying to get humanitarian aid (water, food).
US excuse: “We don’t have all the facts.” This is the same…
— S.L. Kanthan (@Kanthan2030) March 1, 2024
The US always has an excuse to defend Israel inside the UN. They’ve been doing it for decades.

A list of United States vetos at the UN Security Council in support of Apartheid Israel
— Khalissee (@Kahlissee) February 29, 2024
The fact that these people are defending Israel after they murdered hundreds of Palestinians seeking food, is insane but not unexpected. These people are evil in their hearts and souls. They have condemned themselves to hell for supporting what the Jews are doing in Gaza.
Sep 12, 2022
Aug 17, 2019

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