Sep 12, 2022

Instead, they think Michael Obama is going to rise up and defeat Trump.

:an_laugh:Trump lost control over the GOP 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump won't be the R nominee 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump won't be on the ballot in November 🤡

:an_laugh:Just wait until you see what happens to Trump when Jack Smith is done with him 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump is going to prison 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump is facing 717 years, even death penalty 🤡

:an_laugh:Michael Obama is going to defeat Trump in November 🤡

The stupid, it burns!

To believe a single item on your list is a sign of a very low IQ.

To believe them all is a sign of an IQ so low, that person may as well be an ape or an oragantan.

Hard to believe someone could actually be that STUPID.

That's life in Tardville, I guess.

Nov 11, 2007
Yippee! Friday!

I don't know if I've encountered IQs so low as those we've seen from the Tards on the old thread.

Utter stupidity.

Wasted lives.

Miserable failures in desperate need of attention.

Bottom line: They are suffering from mental illness.
Some of us including myself, SHERIFF JOE, tower over you in such categories as intelligence, education, profession, ability to think,

debate and present a narrative that is not full of gaping holes and contradictions, and inconsistencies and most importantly

unlike you and Trump are happy and have values that one should be proud of rather than ones that consist of those at the bottom

of the totem pole and equate to human dreck!!

Nov 11, 2007
Whether it is Biden Trump or someone else who "fixes" the border, it is only going to be a transient/ band-aid/quick fix that isn't going to

last because imo this country and the world are in the process of evolution, some of which includes the character and overall makeup

of the total percentages of people who were born in this country and who were not, the latter that is in the process of

increasing dramatically.

As time goes on, the children of those who migrate here will raise children meaning that over time, perhaps beginning as soon as 10-20

year from now, culturally and in many aspects, the United States will be a far cry from what it is now!!

I am not going to pass judgment on whether this makes us a better country or a worse country, but rather as I stated above, an

evolutionary change using the words of sbd and sheriff joe, "no one/nothing can stop from happening!!"

Nov 11, 2007

It is too bad that Trump's toadstool weenie isn't detachable because if it was, perhaps he could pledge it as some kind of collateral

in case he doesn't make the required payments in a timely manner and to be returned to him if and when does!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Whether it is Biden Trump or someone else who "fixes" the border, it is only going to be a transient/ band-aid/quick fix that isn't going to

last because imo this country and the world are in the process of evolution, some of which includes the character and overall makeup

of the total percentages of people who were born in this country and who were not, the latter that is in the process of

increasing dramatically.

As time goes on, the children of those who migrate here will raise children meaning that over time, perhaps beginning as soon as 10-20

year from now, culturally and in many aspects, the United States will be a far cry from what it is now!!

I am not going to pass judgment on whether this makes us a better country or a worse country, but rather as I stated above, an

evolutionary change using the words of sbd and sheriff joe, "no one/nothing can stop from happening!!"

Just like Dems drew it up .


Entering a country ILLEGALLY doesn’t make you an immigrant any more than breaking into a house makes you part of the family .

Nov 11, 2007
Just like Dems drew it up .


Entering a country ILLEGALLY doesn’t make you an immigrant any more than breaking into a house makes you part of the family .
That has nothing to do with what I just posted about my evolution comments!!

Also, as I have stated before, my wife and I were and are proud to have admitted to our household my niece's

30-year-old nephew and his five-year-old son to our home from Colombia before Title 42 expired last May.

We probably wouldn't be able to do so today with the new legislation without a lengthy wait!!

Her nephew has been employed CONTINUOUSLY from two days after he arrived up until and including the present!!

He is also a very humble and grateful person!!

The little boy is an absolute delight and infinitely more mature and well-behaved than lots of kid his age who were born here!!

Yes there should be some laws on the books regulating how folks like this enter the country, but as I stated at the outset,

imo these along with border control are not going to be able to control the avalanche of people from other countries

immigrating to this country because imo it is an evolutionary process like it or not that hopefully will result in making the world

a better place in which to reside.

My wife and I have done our small part in trying to achieve this and we both very proud and good about ourselves in improving

the lot of two people who might otherwise be stuck in the rut they are at least for now rather than have to wait until

much later when this evolutionary process I perceive swings into gear!!

See you tomorrow!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
That has nothing to do with what I just posted about my evolution comments!!

Also, as I have stated before, my wife and I were and are proud to have admitted to our household my niece's

30-year-old nephew and his five-year-old son to our home from Colombia before Title 42 expired last May.

We probably wouldn't be able to do so today with the new legislation without a lengthy wait!!

Her nephew has been employed CONTINUOUSLY from two days after he arrived up until and including the present!!

He is also a very humble and grateful person!!

The little boy is an absolute delight and infinitely more mature and well-behaved than lots of kid his age who were born here!!

Yes there should be some laws on the books regulating how folks like this enter the country, but as I stated at the outset,

imo these along with border control are not going to be able to control the avalanche of people from other countries

immigrating to this country because imo it is an evolutionary process like it or not that hopefully will result in making the world

a better place in which to reside.

My wife and I have done our small part in trying to achieve this and we both very proud and good about ourselves in improving

the lot of two people who might otherwise be stuck in the rut they are at least for now rather than have to wait until

much later when this evolutionary process I perceive swings into gear!!

See you tomorrow!!


Imo these along with border control are not going to be able to control the avalanche of people from other countries.

Really ? Compare the numbers starting in 2021 to the prior 4 years .

You don’t just let an avalanche of criminals enter the county and just say eh , nothing we can do .

I know it’s tough to admit Trump‘s policies worked . But you know ,

Nov 11, 2007
Just when we think they can't get any dumber, they surprise us!
One of the few advantages of getting older and especially so if one is already perceptive, is that allows one to see both past and present

events as part of an ongoing continuum and to be considered in the context of one's own existence and more importantly to that of

one's own country moving forward as well as the world as it is, has been, is and what it could portend for the future!!

Sep 21, 2004
Thank you Lord for saving my soul, Thank you Lord for making me whole, Thank you Lord for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free.

Rapture/Tribulation and as you know the final 7 year period starts… the time God finishes judging Isreal and brings them back to Himself!

Nov 11, 2007
Thank you Lord for saving my soul, Thank you Lord for making me whole, Thank you Lord for giving to me, Thy great salvation so rich and free.

Rapture/Tribulation and as you know the final 7 year period starts… the time God finishes judging Isreal and brings them back to Himself!
Perhaps you should also consider praying to almighty God to do whatever HE can do to ensure that Kentucky wins the NCAA Basketball

Tournament this year as well as the Reds winning the WS with ease!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Problem is, the 2020 case just hasn’t worked out that way. The big obstacle, for Smith, Biden, and the Democratic Party, is that Smith’s case involves “novel applications of criminal laws to unprecedented circumstances,” in the words of a New York Times analysis. That means things will not proceed smoothly. The defendant has a right to question the legality of the unprecedented charges against him. The courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court, will have to consider and rule on some critical legal questions before the case goes forward. That takes time.

But Smith is in an enormous hurry. He has tried everything he can think of to cut corners and bypass procedures to get to trial quickly. The Supreme Court, even though it agreed to expedite the case, has not given him the quick go-ahead he wanted. Now, no one knows when the 2020 trial will start, but many believe it cannot be concluded, or perhaps even begun, before the election.

Here is Smith’s most fundamental difficulty: He can’t admitwhy he is moving so fast. It’s obvious to everyone that he is racing to try Trump before the election. But Justice Department guidelines very clearly say federal prosecutors “may never select the timing of any action, including investigative steps, criminal charges, or statements, for the purpose of affecting any election.” That is what Smith is doing. He can’t admit his true motivation without admitting that he is violating long-held Justice Department rules against interference in an election.

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Fati Fani is finito!

LOVER BOY NATHAN WADE GOT GEO-TRACKED! Fani Willis and Lover Nathan Wade in Danger of Disqualification in Trump Case After Fresh Discovery of Cellphone Data Suggests They Lied Under Oath​


Absolutely EVERYTHING falling apart for our delusional PSYOPed TARDS!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
The Wade/Willis matter and their guilt/innocence have ZERO to do with the guilt/innocence/FACTS of Trump and what he did in Georgia,

and only weak-minded and extremely biased Trump lovers would use that as a reason/excuse to drop the charges against him!!

It is akin to blaming a chef in a restaurant for the horrible taste of a steak that was spoiled and rotten that the chef was unaware of before

he even started to prepare it!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Elon talking directly to the tards....fake news is literally alternate reality

You guys have NO IDEA what was in that bill.....You just fall for BS headlines and stories like this one

You guys have NO IDEA about there are already laws in place, your Commie heroes in charge just wont enforce them


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Elon talking directly to the tards....fake news is literally alternate reality

You guys have NO IDEA what was in that bill.....You just fall for BS headlines and stories like this one

You guys have NO IDEA about there are already laws in place, your Commie heroes in charge just wont enforce them

Tard were not even admitting there IS a border crisis


It became the "fault" of Republicans

Talk about easily manipulated......

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The Wade/Willis matter and their guilt/innocence have ZERO to do with the guilt/innocence/FACTS of Trump and what he did in Georgia,

and only weak-minded and extremely biased Trump lovers would use that as a reason/excuse to drop the charges against him!!

It is akin to blaming a chef in a restaurant for the horrible taste of a steak that was spoiled and rotten that the chef was unaware of before

he even started to prepare it!!

We will see . If ghetto trash and her lover are disqualified her whole team goes with her and another prosecutor and team will have to decide if her bogus RICO case is worth pursuing outside of Fulton County no less .

Ouch !

Besides , this and case has ZERO chance of happening before Election Day .

Nov 11, 2007
Imo there are some great points made here by at least starting the trials close to the Election.

For me this is the same with a sports handicapper and how he is regarded.

If he has been doing well of late and won some big bets, most people are going to be interested in what his picks are.

Conversely, if he did well several weeks ago but has been losing of late, his picks won't be sought as much.

Quoting one of the famous pioneers of sports services, Danny Sheridan, when asked how people regard sports services, his

comments that remain and are appropriate and true to this day were "You're only as good as your best pick!"

Imo this type of thinking also applies to the 2024 Election as well as of course such matters as the border, inflation, interest rates, the state

of the economy, the stock market, etc. when people cast their votes.

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