
Nov 11, 2007
It probably won't happen but suffice it to say that if ended up Trump against Michelle Obama, then sbd's failed prediction of the biggest

landslide in history would finally come true with Trump being on the shit end of the stick!!
Sep 12, 2022
From Wayne Allyn Root

“Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics? History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles… and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost – even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

Virtually everyone in power is against him – from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him – Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him – George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Let me finish with two real-life stories that back my belief that a “Trump Miracle” is happening in front of our eyes.

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctor’s office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again – “supernatural” and “miracle.”

And then real-life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again – “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”

Nov 11, 2007
From Wayne Allyn Root

“Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics? History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles… and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost – even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

Virtually everyone in power is against him – from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him – Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him – George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Let me finish with two real-life stories that back my belief that a “Trump Miracle” is happening in front of our eyes.

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctor’s office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again – “supernatural” and “miracle.”

And then real-life story #2. My childhood best friend is a strong believer in God. But he is non-political. Yesterday he reached out to me via text to say, “I’m going to say something very odd now. I don’t believe Trump can be stopped. He’s touched by God. He’s super-human. He’s got something supernatural supporting him. I don’t think anyone can stop him. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a human being on the earth surrounded by this supernatural force. Trump doesn’t even age like all the other presidents in history. He looks the same as 8 years ago – even after all he’s been through. He doesn’t ever get down, even though he’s taking deadly shots left and right. He’s superhuman, unstoppable, unflappable. We are witnessing a miracle.”

There are those words again – “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Do you believe in miracles? It’s time to start believing. What’s happening is supernatural. Everyone is starting to see it. Everyone is starting to believe. The signs are there. Trump is “the Chosen One.” Trump is sent by God and blessed by God.

What we are all witnessing is “The Trump Miracle.”
Sheriff Joe-quoting a world-renowned SCAMDICAPPER and LIAR for too many years to count and a person who ran

his own company stock symbol GWIN into the ground for financial gain "perhaps" is not the best person in whom to place your trust!!
Oct 30, 2006
Aug 17, 2019

Fake "Biden" just confirmed these "fires" are caused by DEWs..

Another "conspiracy" no more..

The op stated at the outset of the original RR thread that DEWs were responsible for most of the destructive fires including the Australian fires at the start of the plandemic and the most recent Maui fires.

Even showed you images taken by personal sources of the "laser" like weapons striking just before the fires started.

"but but it was all just conspiracy"

Until it wasn't.

When conspiracy becomes TRUTH!

Hey tards, WHO was RIGHT AGAIN?

And you gotta love how "white hats" are using fake Joe to red pill the world.

Only makes this movie better and better.
Aug 17, 2019

Just a reminder that tards are beyond delusional.


Like the op stated in the RR thread, they are going to cheer against God and defend Satan until they end.

And they are.

Many will be jumping soon.

Others will be institutionalized and highly medicated.

"less than 5 months"

It's going to be biblical!

👆 👆 👆 👆 👆
Aug 17, 2019

And a great to also remember that savage1 has been wrong 100% of the time!

All documented here and in the RR thread.

That's right - 100%!

Wrong about every single thing!

Imagine spending 3.5+ years in a thread, 24/7, posting non-stop fake news links, fake fact-checkers, fake polls, fake covid world-o-meter numbers and other gibberish non-sense thinking you are "hitting HRs".

Only to find out in the end you were wrong 100% of the time, defending Satan the entire time, and the main clown of the circus!

Aug 17, 2019

Instead, they think Michael Obama is going to rise up and defeat Trump.

:an_laugh:Trump lost control over the GOP 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump won't be the R nominee 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump won't be on the ballot in November 🤡

:an_laugh:Just wait until you see what happens to Trump when Jack Smith is done with him 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump is going to prison 🤡

:an_laugh:Trump is facing 717 years, even death penalty 🤡

:an_laugh:Michael Obama is going to defeat Trump in November 🤡

The stupid, it burns!


Sep 5, 2010
Must be a trump card coming soon, real soon.

The head ultra low iqanon is in a taunting, posting frenzy.

What happened on February 18th?

Did I miss the return?

Did I miss the red tsunami?

Get a life, loser.

And maybe post some more of your sports picks!

:lmao: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Nov 11, 2007

This should be a chilling article indeed to any objective and intelligent person who has noticed most of the same things on their own!!

Nov 11, 2007

This should be a chilling article indeed to any objective and intelligent person who has noticed most of the same things on their own!!
The obvious comparison here is Ronald Reagan. I am no fan of Reagan and do not understand the worship of that man. We now have confirmation that towards the end of his presidency that he was basically senile. The United States and the world were very lucky that Reagan was surrounded, mostly, by very serious people who were institutionalists. By comparison, Donald Trump is surrounded by fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrats, corporatists, and other malign actors who are going to take advantage of the situation to get what they want. That possibility — if not outright certainty — should terrify any reasonable thinking person.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Not much good news for Normy Eisen and Lawfare and their race against the clock to convict Trump before the election for dumb and dumber lately so let’s pivot to Trump‘s early stage dementia .


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